Full Post List
Mar 24, 2025: Looking around on Found out SportsNet LA has partnered with MLB for a Dodger no blackout package for the LA market. After a couple of calls, …
Mar 24, 2025: Watching one of the few Dodger games I’ll get to watch this year. Spectrum has dodger baseball tied up. We don’t use spectrum so we can’t get ‘em. …
Mar 24, 2025: Random camera roll photo. In 2022 I spent a month training on Oahu. Stayed at the Ala Moana hotel. This was from my room looking Ewa
Mar 24, 2025: Late lunch. Spicy Ahi poke and poi. FTW
Mar 24, 2025: Some great recent finds. Rounding out my Makaha sons of Ni’ihau collection. Have all 5 Sunday Manoa, 13 Peter Moon and 9 of the 10 (waiting for …
Mar 24, 2025: They loath Europe. Which of these clowns families didn’t originate in Europe? Top 4 takeaways from Trump Cabinet’s explosive leak of Yemen war plans
Mar 24, 2025: If you know, you know: “They get lifetime job, they stay down the beach and count sand” This was the last show I’ve been to at the Waikiki Shell - May …
Mar 24, 2025: Got protest sign making supplies.
Mar 23, 2025: Some album should only be listened to in full album mode. Single tracks don’t tell the story.
Mar 23, 2025: I’ve been recording many of my albums as a full album and didn’t separate tracks. I love it for extended listening. It’s like putting a stack of …
Mar 23, 2025: From 1969. I remember going on school field trips to Ulu Mau. It was located on the Diamond Head end of Ala Moana Park.
Mar 23, 2025: Trump and Musk on a pile of shit
Mar 23, 2025: Just saw this quote buried in an article. It’s a norm now. Facts are stubborn things, but, in our era, they can be tossed aside with little political …
Mar 22, 2025: Hands off Event on April 5th
Mar 22, 2025: Cause Good Trouble Every Dem in Congress needs to read this. It was shared during the townhall today.
Mar 22, 2025: UCLA came out of the chute running, but Tennessee was just too much…
Mar 22, 2025: The Surfers were a good group. Saw them play in Waikiki a few time. Got to know Alan Naluai before I moved to Hawaii island… …
Mar 22, 2025: Trump is following this playbook Hundreds arrested in Turkey in protests against the detention of Istanbul’s mayor
Mar 22, 2025: I still have these 2 Transcend SD card drives that would fit in the Mac SD card slot to expand memory.
Mar 22, 2025: Recording these albums in full album mode the listen like we used to. Pops and clicks and all
Mar 21, 2025: Saw this shirt in Hawaiian Force on Hilo Bayfront today. The owner is my classmate, Craig. I lve this. Spent my youth at Sandy Beach
Mar 21, 2025: Back in Kona. Food Truck Friday. Butter Mochi
Mar 21, 2025: A stop at Mauna Kea park on the way back to the West-side
Mar 21, 2025: Love this view of Hilo from Coconut island. Close to the view paddling back into Hilo Bay after a training run.
Mar 21, 2025: Downtown Hilo. Connected with some old friends and business owners
Mar 21, 2025: Downtown Hilo. My old haunt
Mar 21, 2025: No travel mug
Mar 21, 2025: They have a concepts of a plan for the entire government.…
Mar 21, 2025: Since many NCAA men’s basketball teams chose to NOT take my suggestions on which teams should win, my bracket is now in the trash.
Mar 20, 2025: Lunchtime and Dinnertime - there goes another episode
Mar 20, 2025: I’ll have to find, I saw a video with some guys trying to find out how much a Tesla truck could tow. The rear end came off. They saw that it wa glued …
Mar 20, 2025: Have always love this song by Kawika Crowley from Home Grown 1…
Mar 20, 2025: Here we go Hawaii Island. We’ll be out there.
Mar 20, 2025: Polynesians will be in trouble. But they can’t send Hawaiians anywhere else. This is home ‘Deported because of his tattoos’: has the US targeted …
Mar 20, 2025: We are Legion…
Mar 20, 2025: So we don’t have to remember our family making silly faces and using silly squeaky voices. Why don’t we remember being babies? Brain scans reveal new …
Mar 20, 2025: This just started happening today.
Mar 20, 2025: So according to the Trump administration being pro Palestine is being anti-semitic. There’s no grey area. I’m pro Dodgers, doesn’t make me anti the …
Mar 20, 2025: That AI voice that’s on so many reels is nails on a chaulkboard to me. Arrghh
Mar 20, 2025: I’m getting nervous about traving off island. If they look at the stuff I post, I’m definitely anti Trump and MAGA.
Mar 20, 2025: I re-recorded these 2 Cazimero Bothers albums from 1975 and 1977. They released a combo with both on one album. Digital releases only have the combo. …
Mar 20, 2025: Volcano trip postponed til tommorow. Grandsons not up for it today. Rough life.
Mar 20, 2025: Now seeing Notion mail. Always something. I’ve use offshore in Germany for my back end for quite few years and Apple mail for front end. …
Mar 20, 2025: Just opened an AMEX checking account. Been with AMEX since 1982. Proud that I’ve maintained an account that long. They’ve supported me through …
Mar 20, 2025: Saw a young girl driving an old VW beetle yesterday. That car was new when her grandparents were young. Impressed that it’s still on the road. Not …
Mar 20, 2025: Well , looks like were going over to Volcano National park today. Haven’t gone over during this eruption. A few years ago we were staying at Volcano …
Mar 20, 2025: Such hate against the Native Americans and Grenpeace in North Dakota after the verdict. My wife who is from ND, said “it was never going Greenpeace’s …
Mar 20, 2025: King
Mar 19, 2025: I don’t recognize the country that I grew up in. It’s being trashed. The norms we had have been tossed in an incinerator.
Mar 19, 2025: Andy Cummings was so talented and influential in Hawaiian music. Look at the very young Gabby Pahinui on this album cover…
Mar 19, 2025: President McKinley betrayed Hawaii. It’s time to change the name of McKinley High School.
Mar 19, 2025: An oldie, but still true
Mar 19, 2025: In Hawaii, all beaches and shorelines below the “upper reaches of the wash of the waves” are considered public property and open to the public, …
Mar 19, 2025: there she goes, Episode .…
Mar 19, 2025: Had an amazing Vanilla shake from the Hawaiian Vanilla Company. Also at the Fsrmers Market.
Mar 19, 2025: Italian sub from the Kona Sandwich Club at the Farmers market at the Outrigger Kona
Mar 19, 2025: Play ball
Mar 19, 2025: in 2004 I was still mostly in the Windows world, I worked for a radio station and the software was all Window. In 2005 I got a Dell Pocket DJ and …
Mar 19, 2025: Everyone knows what Trump et al are doing, but no one seems to know how to stop it…without being inconvenienced.
Mar 19, 2025: IMHO. What most AI is mostly offering is not what people want, many people still don’t trust it. I think Apple has the right idea. Put it under the …
Mar 18, 2025: Wendell Lewis Willkie (February 18, 1892 – October 8, 1944) was an American lawyer, corporate executive and the 1940 Republican nominee for president. …
Mar 18, 2025: Music from Mac backed up to external. Tomorrow clone the back up.
Mar 18, 2025: He honua ʻole ʻo Trump
Mar 18, 2025: Watching Dune because…why not
Mar 18, 2025: The song Heha Waipio has an interesting background. Written by Sam Li`a Kalainaina, Jr. in Waipio in 1904 for a friend who neighbors were making fun …
Mar 18, 2025: It is nice and cool, but damn it’s humid. Light and variable winds brings this from down near the equator.
Mar 18, 2025: They totally recreated the Alfred Alohikea sound from his 1930s compositions…
Mar 18, 2025: Wasn’t going to walk today, but it’s hard to pass up a rare cool and overcast day in Kona
Mar 18, 2025: 3 water rats out on a totally flat day.
Mar 17, 2025: After my knee replacement my Dr Told me no running or jumping. I’ve complied and have taken over 24 million steps on it, so far
Mar 17, 2025: Trump is aching to start a war to distract everyone
Mar 17, 2025: Made corned beef hash and enjoying a Guinness.
Mar 17, 2025: Light VOG today. $Million+ homes in the foreground. Not for locals. Catching glimpses of how lives there, No one from here.
Mar 17, 2025: Lava rock wall out of all Pāhoehoe lave rock. Had to cost a lot. Only certain flow are this type.
Mar 17, 2025: Great Article about Alfred Alohikea, Musician “fun” Politician
Mar 17, 2025: Way to go Andy. Hula instruction inside.
Mar 17, 2025: The Apple Music algorithm has gotten much better when it does “continuing play” after an album. It’s pretty much keeping the same style and era as the …
Mar 17, 2025: We don’t have county rubbish pick up in Hawaii County. The primary private `opala company in west Hawaii is PFI. The pick up day is Monday on Alii …
Mar 17, 2025: We never really had public shootings in Hawaii. Since SCOTUS gutted gun laws it’s almost daily. Always had drug and criminal shootings
Mar 17, 2025: ola ʻIlelani
Mar 16, 2025: Trump and Musk stole the election. Jail time
Mar 16, 2025: Just found the original recording of Hanohano Hanalei by Alfred Alohikea (the songwriter) from 1928. It’s the only recording of the prolific …
Mar 16, 2025: Just came across this interview with Ainsley Halemanu. Blast from the past. He played for us at the Princess Garden bar in the Royal Hawaiian Shopping …
Mar 16, 2025: Immediately thought of this song when we rounded the top of Hawaii Island approaching Hawi and the Kohala Inuwai Ka makani was blowing strong. Ana …
Mar 16, 2025: After the Pu`ukohola Heiau and Spencer Beach Park, we decide to go up the road 20 more miles to Hawi for lunch, coffee and some shopping. Lunch at …
Mar 16, 2025: After the Heiau we went next door to Samuel M Spencer beach park. Named after a Judge and county supervisor from the early 1900s. Haven’t been here …
Mar 16, 2025: How quaint. But neither of them work. I’d have to dig under my car seat for a quarter.
Mar 16, 2025: Today’s adventure was going to the Pu`ukohola Heiau S of Kawaihae. Many Hawaiians consider it the capital of Hawaii Island. There are other Heiau on …
Mar 16, 2025: Local coffee. With music in a Sunday I’m Kohala
Mar 16, 2025: The GOP will be up for a rude awakening when they realize that even they aren’t in Black MAGA’s plans
Mar 16, 2025: The VOG is especially thick today. My sinuses are in overdrive. 2 Mucinex seems to have helped
Mar 16, 2025: Endless ride
Mar 16, 2025: Did Trump just actually say that these immigrant killers make our killers look good? WTF. There’s no shock value to what he says.
Mar 16, 2025: The final missing piece to complete my Peter Moon band collection. I have it going back to early Sunday Manoa
Mar 15, 2025: The latest season of Temptation Island was filmed at the hotel I work at and all over Hawai’i Island. Never seen it. My wife came across it on one of …
Mar 15, 2025: The US media is complicit. I have a hard time getting bothered that they are geting kcicked out the White House tall tale sessions. Change my mind by …
Mar 15, 2025: My Dad was lobbyist in Hawaii representing small local businesses. He would get copies of bills in the legislature during session. He would give my …
Mar 15, 2025: Arguing with MAGA My wife and her oldest son (very MAGA) had a Donnybrook. They avoid talking politics for this reason. Listening to his postulations was difficult. …
Mar 15, 2025: Sol K Bright - One of Hawaii’s lost legends Hawaian Cowboy and a showman…
Mar 15, 2025: Interesting tidbit. Both iKona and The Blahlas of Keaukaha have albums with the same name; Ka Lua O Ka Manawa which means The Second Time. Bernard …
Mar 15, 2025: I save my recordings as a complete album with no breaks (side 1 / side 2). Then I do a 2nd version where I break out the tracks.
Mar 15, 2025: In the slow cooker
Mar 15, 2025: Guess I’m kind of lucky. I don’t have an addictive personality. No gaming. I can have one drink bcause I like the taste of good Irish whisky, …
Mar 15, 2025: I guess as the deprecate NWS we need to go outside and look might need to go back to buying the local paper too.
Mar 15, 2025: Food analogy. That CR that was passed is like being offered a steak dinner before heading out on a trek in a barren land. The catch is the steak is …
Mar 15, 2025: On the docket for recording from vinyl to digital. 3 from my collection and 1 acquired. Some of the songs on these albums are on compilations, but the …
Mar 15, 2025: Very cool seeing university of Hawaii baseball sold out. When I lived in Kapahulu in the late 70s, we used to go watch Derek Tatsuno pitch at “The …
Mar 14, 2025: Alfred Apaka had a golden voice. Saw him play at the Hilton Hawaiian Village when I was young…
Mar 14, 2025: Just felt that joltc 4.2 off of Ocean View.
Mar 14, 2025: Just finished the Twilight Zone season 1 ep 34. After Hours mentioned in Severance today. Gonna go back and watch Severance again to find the …
Mar 14, 2025: Afore mentioned cheese chili fries. Ready for bed after this
Mar 14, 2025: Coffee by the sea. Magic sands beach Kona
Mar 14, 2025: With the cloture passing, the federal government will be privatized and given to the oligarchs, much like Russia. We will no longer have any say to …
Mar 14, 2025: Homemade chili will usually lead to a chili dog for lunch
Mar 14, 2025: Growing up in the 70s in Hawaii, 3 music groups were our soundtrack. Not Hawaiian, but Island music. Their songs were about love, breakup, heartache …
Mar 14, 2025: Selling Hawaii. Queen Liliʻuokalani’s prized music cabinet THE HONOLULU CABINET vtg hawaiian guitar piano music cabinet queen liliuokalani | eBay
Mar 14, 2025: My daughter got this for me for my Birthday a few years ago
Mar 13, 2025: Are United States Bonds still safe, or have they broken that too?
Mar 13, 2025: Texas chili. No beans. Spicy
Mar 13, 2025: My wife just went on a major rant. She’s a little panicky about 401k and social security. I’m more analytical. I have a spreadsheet with different …
Mar 13, 2025: Hawaiian Wedding song. Chicken skin.…
Mar 13, 2025: Just because.
Mar 13, 2025: The Story of Ka Manu. This is a sad song about 2 young lovers who’s parents opposed their relationship. This is Alice Namakelua’s version, She …
Mar 13, 2025: AI aside, I still think Apple is a good company. Better than most. Rotten
Mar 13, 2025: Tis the season
Mar 13, 2025: When I was managing IT at private K-12 school, spring break and summer was when I got actual work done. Swapping out and upgrading equipment and …
Mar 13, 2025: The bare truth March 12, 2025 - by Heather Cox Richardson.
Mar 13, 2025: The MLB blackout policy for Hawaii is still stupid. Having the Las Vegas team on the list is even dumber.
Mar 12, 2025: We need Vision to show up and end all of this Trump shenanigans
Mar 12, 2025: Very windy. Except Kona
Mar 12, 2025: I know I don’t have to worry about my Senator. Brian Schatz is leading the charge calling them out.
Mar 12, 2025: E Naughty Naughty Mai nei. Love these older Hawaiian songs…
Mar 12, 2025: I may break a lot of things, but I am absolutely anal about keeping my iPhone pristine. I baby it.
Mar 12, 2025: I’d buy a 1970 Toyota Corolla before I’d even consider a Tesla.
Mar 12, 2025: Watched Venom, Morbius, Daredevil E3 and rewatching Punisher. Needed a massive diversion. If this continues there’s still Iron Fist and X-Men. Watched …
Mar 12, 2025: ICE is pulling kids out of schools in Kona. It hits home. No Aloha here Immigration enforcement hits Kona with parents and young children recently …
Mar 12, 2025: Added to Old Hawaiian music. John K. Almeida, Aunty Alice Namakelua, who didn’t record here first album until she was 82 ijm 1974, a promotional …
Mar 12, 2025: The owners of this skinny empty lot on Alii Drive are proposing at 4 story 34 unit condo development. Adding up to 68 more cars to an already backed …
Mar 12, 2025: Cutting my walk short, high VOG levels. But at least there’s this. Looking N at Lyman’s. Tide pool and 2 paddlers taking a break before coming in to …
Mar 12, 2025: Our retirement is down $17k in 10 days. Thats a projected 5 months of expenses for us. We don’t have that many years to recover.
Mar 11, 2025: Just found this album from 1966. I had this album when I was younger.
Mar 11, 2025: The Waltz have been a part of Hawaiiam music since the late 1800s when Hawaiians educated in Europe came back with an affinity for the Waltz. This one …
Mar 11, 2025: What I really love about Hawaiian Music is that I can listen to a song written by Queen Liliʻuokalani in the the late 1800s and recored in the 1930s …
Mar 11, 2025: Southwest Airlines is slowly eliminating the reason we have flown them. The free bags was a big one. Hawaiian Air just went back to being our primary …
Mar 11, 2025: Just heard someone mention an Addressograph machine. We had one of these in our house when my Dad was starting the business associations that he set …
Mar 11, 2025: This movie seems so quaint now. Is someone making a dystopian horror movie “deportation”
Mar 11, 2025: Episode # (x)
Mar 10, 2025: I was fortunate enought see Emma Veary and Nina Keali`iwahamana live in my life. 2 Amazing Hawaiian singers. Both clasically trained and brought that …
Mar 10, 2025: Like any other 3rd world despot ruled country, it’s about time for a military coup.
Mar 10, 2025: I was generally a conservative until about 10 years ago. Became more of a centrist. Continued to move left. Now with the Democratic Party moving …
Mar 10, 2025: Erin go bragh
Mar 10, 2025: Fun to watch. Almost 100 years ago…
Mar 10, 2025: Growing up in Kailua this radio station was on all the time in our house. We’d get home from school at it was on, we’d come in from playing and it was …
Mar 10, 2025: The old Hawaiian Music playlist that I made has Nina Keali`iwahamana, Lena Machado, Vicki i’i Rodregues, Early Gabby Pahinui, Ed Kenney, Kui Lee, Don …
Mar 10, 2025: I had fun making of playlist of old Hawaiian music. The post war period of mid 40s - mid 60s was a Golden era. When I was a small kid in the 60s in …
Mar 9, 2025: I’m not interested in on all the time AI. If I have a specific thing, I’ll ask ChatGPT. I’m a minimal SIRI user. Set a timer, etc.
Mar 9, 2025: If Trump (not the rest of us) invades Canada does NATO step in?
Mar 9, 2025: The Dems in Congress have no creativity. The GOP had all sort of games when they were the minority. The Dems look like deers in the headlights.
Mar 9, 2025: I went down this rabbit hole after my wife and I were talking aobut Hawaiian standard songs. Akaka Falls came to mind. In the modern era, it’s …
Mar 9, 2025: Recalled something when I saw this. Andy Cummings was a friend of my ex Father-in-Law (RIP) who worked at Hawaiian Air for years. Andy Cummings also …
Mar 9, 2025: My rabbit hole has drifted over to Lena Machado - Hawaiian Song Bird. I’ve always loved her voice, I’m digging deeper into her catalog from the 40s …
Mar 9, 2025: Hawaii Electric Light Company has been slowing replacing wooden poles with concrete since the Lahaina fire. I’ve heard Lahaina will be all concrete …
Mar 9, 2025: Sorry to say. Me thinks Arsenal are playing out the string in the PL. All of their eggs are in the UCL basket.
Mar 8, 2025: Came across this gem from 1960 from the Hilo Hawaiians. I met Bunny Brown in Hilo. I worked with his sons who played (The Browns) at a restaurant that …
Mar 8, 2025: Came acrross this album researching Hawaii Island based musicians from the 60s. Never heard of the Kona Inn Kanes. They were previously the Kauai …
Mar 8, 2025: Just finished To Catch A Killer on Netflix. It deserves another.
Mar 8, 2025: Celebrating James McBroom who came to American from Co Antrim in 1790 on a merchant ship. My Mom was McBroom
Mar 8, 2025: Our 10 mo old granddaughter took first steps last night. By the we see them in Sonoma in late April she’ll be running.
Mar 8, 2025: This was the textbook that we learned Hawaiian History from in Elementary school in Hawaii. It left so much history out. Lies through ommision.
Mar 8, 2025: My wife announced that we’re going to a sit-in protest in Waimea next Saturday. This is her Native American blood. Gonna have to have this made into a …
Mar 8, 2025: Trump is a puppet, there have been numerous video of someone explaining the EO before he signs. He as no idea, someone eles is pulling the strings. …
Mar 8, 2025: Fascinating history of Kohala. I have lots of friends in Kohala who work at the hotels their parents first worked at.…
Mar 8, 2025: Putin feels emboldened Russia launches devastating attack on Ukraine after Trump’s defence of Putin
Mar 7, 2025: He’s a commie. Trump says Putin launching massive Ukraine strike is ‘what anybody would do’
Mar 7, 2025: Maybe we can arrange a Mars trip for Trump, Vance and Musk with no space suits.
Mar 7, 2025: I have had a drink since…right now 😊
Mar 7, 2025: Truth
Mar 7, 2025: Higher than a bearded vulture. Thats a new one.
Mar 7, 2025: The final scene of Prime Target. He hit “run”.
Mar 7, 2025: Everything about this admistration is corrupt and meant to hurt people with the sole purpose of maintining power and control and enriching …
Mar 7, 2025: Use to love this event. I even did the IT for it few years back when they switched to a wireless ticketing system. But $100. There is no way I could …
Mar 6, 2025: Lies lies lies Elon Musk tells Republicans he isn’t to blame for mass firings of federal workers
Mar 6, 2025: Getting a COVID shot tomorrow. Staying ahead of the game.
Mar 6, 2025: Chicken Parmesan with Arrabbiata sauce
Mar 6, 2025: Nice and quiet
Mar 6, 2025: Kind of reminded of the nation right now.
Mar 6, 2025: Came across this guy on my walk. He didn’t move when I walk by. Look up, then went about his business.
Mar 6, 2025: I rather certain that many that voted for Trump are on Social Security, Medicare and/or Medicaid. You fool around, you pay.
Mar 6, 2025: I guess Elevation is gonna need a sequel. Not classic, but entertaining
Mar 6, 2025: Ry Cooder is in this original album center spread along with the rest of the boys. This album was recorded in a lava rock house on the slopes of Mt …
Mar 6, 2025: I remember seeing Palani Vaughn and the King’s Own at Del Webb’s Kuilima resort (now Turtle Bay) in 1979. It was chicken skin. …
Mar 6, 2025: Breakfast hack. Cut frozen French fries to make breakfast potatoes
Mar 6, 2025: Most people think of the Sunday Manoa as Peter Moon and the Bros. Cazimero (3 albums). There were actually 2 previous albums. “Meet Palani Vaughan & …
Mar 6, 2025: Time for Governor Harris Gavin Newsom’s MAGA Drift Is Here
Mar 6, 2025: Changing weather gifted us a cool(er) overcast morning. Great for a morning walk
Mar 6, 2025: Saw a posting for Store Manager for Popeye’s Chicken Waikoloa. It’s coming, finally.
Mar 5, 2025: This morning I discovered that our internet was down last night after we went to bed. Saw notifications from apps. It was off for about 4 hours. Just …
Mar 5, 2025: Other Kailua Memories. Jeanlu Toys, Craig’s Bakery, Cornets, Kress, Kailua Drugs, K-Lei Radio, Kailua Drive-in, Andy’s Drive-in, original Kalapawai …
Mar 5, 2025: Small kid time, we lived on Kainalu Dr in Kailua. Went to Kainalu Elem. Played Little Lg. at Aikahi Pk. Cub Scout leader was up Kalama St. Went to C&C …
Mar 5, 2025: Thinking we get a bunch of non students to protest on campus
Mar 5, 2025: …and just like, episode 12 is pau.…
Mar 5, 2025: Then went next door to the locally owned West Side wines and picked up this beauty. Keeping it local.
Mar 5, 2025: Saw an interview with Sam the other night. Haven’t read this. Bought from a local book store. No Amazon for me
Mar 5, 2025: Ordered an album on eBay and this was also in the box, guessing for packing and stiffness. Did not know the Brady bunch had an album. Though I did see …
Mar 5, 2025: Created a spreadsheet, as nerds do, looking at every iteration of our retirement. With no SS, we would be hard pressed to stay in Hawaii and would …
Mar 5, 2025: Feeling the movie Civil War is more and more plausible.
Mar 5, 2025: It’s cute when I see people just discover pour over coffee after getting there the long way around We’ve been using that method for years. Makes …
Mar 5, 2025: I guess the MAGA train of thought is if you find a little wood rot on the corner of your house, burn the whole thing down and live in a tent.
Mar 5, 2025: On the news this morning, a Korean Chef, cooking Italian food, in Ferarri dealership on an island in the middle of the Pacific, perfect
Mar 5, 2025: I expect Trump to start issuing Royal Proclamations any time now.
Mar 4, 2025: I guess winter weather is over. Humidity has been up and fans are back on at night. The volcano going off again.
Mar 4, 2025: Got my Clipper card today. Ready for SF/Sonoma transit
Mar 4, 2025: I think the employers who paid the social security matching funds should be just as pisses off. I had a business for 10 years and paid matching find …
Mar 4, 2025: Just finished Prime Target. Enjoyed it. Mathematics is Truth
Mar 4, 2025: I’m so disappointed in the Democrats so far. Our senator Brian Schatz is one exception. He’s been very vocal.
Mar 4, 2025: Watching The Sum of all Fears.
Mar 4, 2025: I’m old enough to have been a waiter when tips were not taxed. I was a waiter a Nick’s Fishmarket. Was making $300 a night easy.
Mar 4, 2025: The `olelo Hawaii at the begining of this song by the Peter Moon Band is spot on (pono). Spoken by Larry Kimura of the UH Hilo. He doesn’t over …
Mar 4, 2025: Magic Sands beach. No sand.
Mar 4, 2025: Adding 1 to the line up at Banyans while one get on with his day at Lyman’s
Mar 4, 2025: Our investment advisers have gone crickets. Luckily a lot of our stuff in healthcare real estate. The 401ks are now about 201k and dropping
Mar 4, 2025: Cause and effect
Mar 3, 2025: Kai Kahale is in Washington trying to persuade the Trump administration to not cut funds to Hawaiian programs. He said a lot of Hawaiians voted for …
Mar 3, 2025: Just saw an interview with Nainoa Thompson (Hokule`a) on PBS. He said Hawaii’s culture is not based on race but is more based on values. Many …
Mar 3, 2025: I have all but one Peter Moon Band albums (12). This one is the most bizarre album title and cover (1994) of the lot. The one I’m missing is Oasis and …
Mar 3, 2025: I have driven up & down Queen Ka`ahumanu Highway in West Hawaii 1000s of times in the last 30+ years. Seen everything from stupid driving, unattentive …
Mar 3, 2025: Putin paused US aid to Ukraine
Mar 3, 2025: So Executive Orders and Musk pronouncements are the law of the land. The legislative branch and the judicial branch are not going to do a thing about …
Mar 3, 2025: The American press is despicable
Mar 3, 2025: Musk and his kids. The Boys from Brazil recreated.…
Mar 3, 2025: When I was playing sports as a kid, for fundraisers we sold huli huli chicken, lau lau, chocolate, christmas trees, kulolo and more. Now I see youth …
Mar 2, 2025: Nice see space travel success (not Musk).…
Mar 2, 2025: Nice see space travel success (not Musk).…
Mar 2, 2025: Share among themselves plenty Aloha.…
Mar 2, 2025: Can’t take the Oscars too serious after the Dune 2 snubs.
Mar 2, 2025: Growing up in Hawaii in the 70s there were 3 local super groups Cecelio and Kapono who were mostly feel good, up beat. Kalapana Mostly love and …
Mar 2, 2025: Looking south from Waikoloa, the VOG still pretty thick in Kona
Mar 2, 2025: Sound of the surf at Waikoloa
Mar 2, 2025: Damn the VOG. Went out to a shoreline access trail just S of the Hilton Waikoloa. It starts with ANCHIALINE PONDS, then the shoreline, lots of surfers …
Mar 2, 2025: Acquired the Homegrown albums for my music collection. These were made in the late 70s by KKUA radio as fundraiser for Habilitat. Local Hawaii artist …
Mar 2, 2025: Watching SNL from last night. They’re saying what we all thought during the Oval Office debacle
Mar 2, 2025: The Paradise show has glimmers of the Silo story lines
Mar 2, 2025: There are way more shootings in Hawaii that before the SCOTUS ruling. Drive by shorting and road rage never happened.
Mar 1, 2025: I still miss Dolores O’Riordan…
Mar 1, 2025: My wife’s Mac
Mar 1, 2025: Was able to export the recording into Music app, so it’s not lost.
Mar 1, 2025: Recored into Garage Band, went to save it a nd Finder is frozen, won’t open, won’t force close. Guessing restarting is the only option, but then I …
Mar 1, 2025: My wife came back from working out at the Gym and announced we’re moving out of the country. I’ll see how this plays.
Mar 1, 2025: Will be recording this today. The Makaha Sons of Ni’iuhau before Skippy passed and with Mel Amina before the John and Jerome Koko joined. I saw them …
Mar 1, 2025: Haven’t heard any fall out from the economic blackout. Unless the retailers just won’t admit it was a thing
Mar 1, 2025: Trip back to Sonoma (Petaluma) booked, end of April. Granddaughter’s first birthday and scouting trip. This is when a move is ruled in or ruled out. …
Mar 1, 2025: Spectrum doesn’t give up. Cancelled over a year ago when Hawaiian Tel Fiber became available. Still get weekly mailers from them with “deals”.
Feb 28, 2025: Ukariane should cut a deal with the EU for their minerals.
Feb 28, 2025: Mission accomplished, no shopping or spending today. Did lose some emotional capital with the FOTUS shenanigans.
Feb 28, 2025: Never met a nap that I didn’t fall for.
Feb 28, 2025: I usually respect the Guardian’s position, but this is decidedly a pro Trump and pro Russian take.…
Feb 28, 2025: At least we have baseball…
Feb 28, 2025: The United States is a young country. The rest of the world could do with out us and figure it out.
Feb 28, 2025: The Native Americans got screwed by being forced to sign over mineral rights. The US has a history.…
Feb 28, 2025: We don’t have an Alexa. We had one a few years ago. My wife thought it was creepy. She’d talk about something in the other room and it would show up …
Feb 28, 2025: Spring.
Feb 27, 2025: Excellent dinner at Umeke’s in Kona for Ann’s birthday. Her son and his boys joined us.
Feb 27, 2025: Need a break from DOGE, MAGA & FOTUS. Turning it all off
Feb 27, 2025: I got my wife a sin box for her birthday full of chocolates and liquor.
Feb 26, 2025: I’m hungry now. Da Blahlas - He ʻono…
Feb 26, 2025: They are not running the federal government like a business. A real business puts most of it energy on revenue. You don’t grow revenue by cutting …
Feb 26, 2025: Giving it a listen before I record. The Blalahs of Keaukaha. 1976. Out of print, original vinyl. I got to know Clayton and Kuulei from this group in …
Feb 26, 2025: Lots of fishing boats on the horizon. I count at least 20. Good fishing after a big surf event. There’s a buoy off of Keauhou called the VV buoy, a …
Feb 26, 2025: Ho`onua. 25 years ago. “You like it in the dark, but I like a Blue Light”…
Feb 26, 2025: Was able to acquire the album Chucky Boy Chock and O`ahi brand. It’s been ripped and added my Apple Music.
Feb 25, 2025: She’s showing off now…
Feb 25, 2025: I’m going to start ripping my vinyl album to my Mac to add to Apple Music. I’m going rip as one long track to listen to these old Hawaiian and island …
Feb 25, 2025: In a big fan of Buffalo Trace. Smooth
Feb 25, 2025: Passed on a new phone this round, but got a new edge bumper so it feels new. I’ve been using a bumper instead of a case for years. Love it
Feb 25, 2025: The health of American is of no concern to them House narrowly adopts budget plan to advance Trump’s agenda in a win for Speaker Johnson
Feb 25, 2025: Mathematics is truth. The GOP doesn’t get that. They think we can’t do the math.
Feb 25, 2025: The health of American is of no concern to them House narrowly adopts budget plan to advance Trump’s agenda in a win for Speaker Johnson
Feb 25, 2025: We got a TENS machine for home. We both have issues. It’s really good. That’s the knee I had a replacement on. It’s helping
Feb 25, 2025: Since we had some eggs, made a sausage and white cheddar quiche. Yum
Feb 25, 2025: The Mana`o company was one a handful of island music groups that became our soundtrack at the beach or at Canoe Races in the 90s. Have seen Danny …
Feb 25, 2025: As one more to the line up. Lyman’s Kona
Feb 25, 2025: I miss those peaceful, simpler days
Feb 25, 2025: Wash rinse repeat. Low in the high 60s, high in the mid 70s.
Feb 25, 2025: Found this in the bottom of a box. My Great Grandparents, with my Grandpa Al, My Uncle Don and my Dad. About 1942 in Boston.
Feb 24, 2025: I don’t really watch medical shows since St. Elsewhere. So far The Pitt is real thing.
Feb 24, 2025: Tooth extractions aren’t fun
Feb 24, 2025: The timing of this. We need a revolution…
Feb 24, 2025: The Festiva app that put christmas light on our Mac desktop added an option for wine bottles and wine glasses. Love it.
Feb 24, 2025: The drain pump on the washer died. Replacement ordered. At the laundromat. The bar next door is open at 8:30 am. There are guys at the bar. I’ll pass. …
Feb 24, 2025: Kaimuki Hula has always been my favorite Ho`okena song. I grew up in Kaimuki.…
Feb 23, 2025: Washer wouldn’t drain. FAQ said to check drain filter. To get to the filter the back panel has to come off and it’s under the drum. These coins were …
Feb 23, 2025: This guy wins. If you know, you know.
Feb 23, 2025: A couple of the people I ran into at the home show that I haven’t seen for a few years commented that I look very good. I’m doing good a hiding the …
Feb 23, 2025: In the world view the US is still a young country. Other countries have been through shit with dictators before. They know to give no quarter. The US …
Feb 23, 2025: Went to the Kona-Kohala Chamber of Commerce home show. I was a board member a few years back. Ran into a lot of people I know. Great to see Kona …
Feb 23, 2025: Our two grandson are at the point we knew they would get to “someday”. They’re teenagers and grandmas house isn’t fun anymore. My wife is having …
Feb 23, 2025: Liverpool are winning the matches that they need to win. Arsenal are losing matches that they should win.
Feb 22, 2025: Island music trivia Steve Maii did the Catching a Wave album with Theresa Bright in 1995 He also was on this live album from Gold Coin restaurant with …
Feb 22, 2025: Reading Ed Yong’s interview made me think that I hope the JFK jr. et al don’t take vacinne’s off of the market. I feel we have a right to have a …
Feb 22, 2025: back story, the last time I had a regualr camera was 15 years ago. Took a lot canoe race pix. Been using a smart phone since then. Ready to go back to …
Feb 22, 2025: Looks like I’m going back to Canon. Gonna get an SL3 for my birthday in a couple of months.
Feb 22, 2025: Had lunch at a relatively new burrito place in Kona Coast shopping center. It was good. Large portions.
Feb 22, 2025: Lots of solar panels on Home Depot
Feb 22, 2025: Celebrity chefs are fun to watch but over rated. After awhile, you’re doing nothing to make the food any better. I had an instructor chef in culinary …
Feb 22, 2025: Good win for #Inter. Want Patrick Vierra to keep is job at Genoa, just not against Inter
Feb 22, 2025: If I ignore a court order. A marshal shows up at my door. When the White House ignores the court order nothing happens. Federal Judge to Trump: No, …
Feb 22, 2025: I’ve been using as my email server for 10 years now. When I moved away from Gmail 20 years ago, I used, but wanted something …
Feb 21, 2025: Here it is Trump’s revolution will end badly — for himself, and for America - The Hill
Feb 21, 2025: Zero Day was good entertainment. No where near a classic, but entertaining.
Feb 21, 2025: I rarely use recipes at home. I’ve been cooking for over 50 years. I just look at what food I have and make something we want to eat.
Feb 21, 2025: Think I’ve fallen out of love with Marvel MCU. It’s become stale. Will likely still watch a few of their properties Don’t feel that way about Star …
Feb 21, 2025: The tipping point for me was $700 for deprecated iPhone 16e.
Feb 21, 2025: Not sure if we should start looking into flights to DC for the insurrection or gather provisions and look for a cave in the mountain to climb into.
Feb 21, 2025: Rhythm of the ocean…
Feb 20, 2025: Turns out my 13Pro stands up well I don’t expect to use Apple intelligence iPhone 13 Pro vs iPhone 16e - Apple
Feb 20, 2025: Ran a spreadsheet on our retirement without social security. Much tighter, but we can swing it the cushion becomes the main thing. Still a lot of …
Feb 20, 2025: Today’s cold adult beverage
Feb 20, 2025: We had 2 trips planned this year. 1 to Sonoma for Granddaughter’s 1st and scout for our move. The 2nd to N Dakota to see my Wife’s family. Looks like …
Feb 20, 2025: My gut sense is congress will step back from the ledge on SS and Medicare. They will get absolutly skewered when they go back home. They may do a 10 …
Feb 20, 2025: Always loved the arrangement of this song by Sons of Hawaii. It’s about a waterfall and slippery slide in the Kawaihau district of Kauai fed by the …
Feb 20, 2025: I’m guess my days at the Outrigger Kona are done. Really liked working there. HR decided they won’t let back to work with ANY restrictions on my …
Feb 20, 2025: Getting an under the table, off the books job looks better and better. Keep all of my $)
Feb 20, 2025: Another season of the crappy, archaic Major League Baseball black outs. Apparently they still think we can drive to a game from Hawaii.
Feb 20, 2025: Waimanalo (Nanakuli) Blues The popular Country comfort version Original version by songwriter Liko Martin (Nanakuli Blues) Bonus content The Pahinui …
Feb 20, 2025: Looking north and looking south along the Kona Coast. Slightly overcast and a little drizzly. Temperature down, humidity up
Feb 20, 2025: I took a good look at the 16e and the 16 Price point, features, trade in of 13pro Finance vs cash. Really need a 256. Also took into account the …
Feb 20, 2025: Three versions of Pua Hone (Honey Flower) This was written by Dennis Kamakahi in 1977 as a wedding proposal to his finance. Dennis Kamakahi Sons of …
Feb 20, 2025: She seems to be on a regular cycle
Feb 19, 2025: Engineers that send one ship up every few weeks to build systems to manage thousands of flights an hour What can go wrong. These Are the SpaceX …
Feb 19, 2025: Micro Social has logged me out twice now. This is getting annoying fast
Feb 19, 2025: Much needed rain in Kona
Feb 19, 2025: In Purgatory, like Tottenham… #Arsenal
Feb 19, 2025: Just checked the trade in in my pristine 13 Pro should be about $300. Done deal. Ordering on Friday
Feb 19, 2025: With the release of Leonard Peltier my wife has gone all native. She’s steaming the celebration, cert loud. Her family is also from the same Turtle …
Feb 19, 2025: Hawaii county putting the breaks on cooperative with Homeland security. 👍 Council members put the brakes on HPD resolution - Hawaii Tribune-Herald
Feb 19, 2025: Maybe it’s just a coincidence, but the 3 packages that were supposed to be here yesterday or today from the USPS are all late with no delivery date.
Feb 19, 2025: The 16e price of $599 is higher that I expected. I’ll see what the trade-in is on 13pro, but may kick the can down the road for a bit longer.
Feb 19, 2025: Pele is waking up.
Feb 18, 2025: This does not look like a sleeping volcano. Too much glowing.
Feb 18, 2025: The courts are in on the scam. DOGE can keep accessing government data for now, judge rules
Feb 18, 2025: For my whole life I could say I was proud to be an American. I had ancestors who fought in the revolutionary war. Had ancestors from Italy and Ireland …
Feb 18, 2025: I remember as a kid thinking the year 2000 was so far off. That went by in a flash.
Feb 18, 2025: Yep.
Feb 18, 2025: This many cars at Lyman’s means lots of guys on the water. It’s been an epic winter in Kona. Lots of west swells. Most years it’s mostly N swells …
Feb 18, 2025: Some guys sitting on the wall at Banyans, pondering the waves and smoking a J. Not likely to go out and catch a few, more likely to stay on the wall …
Feb 18, 2025: Coffee by the ocean will be an absolutely regular thing until we move. Then many coffee by a forest may be more common
Feb 18, 2025: Blast from the past. Kaleloa 2004… This album still gets a lot of radio airplays Especially Lucky One
Feb 18, 2025: Just noticed only one western team in the NCAAM basketball top 25 - Arizona. Thinking the break up of the PAC 10 and other conference realignments is …
Feb 17, 2025: Just saw an inpromtu interview with Kamala “we need to fight FOR something, not against something”
Feb 17, 2025: Getting Anuhea a Mac Cute story involving Anuhea. When I was managing a Mac retailer in Kona, Kona Mac Net. She came in the store in a panic. Her bag with her Mac in it …
Feb 17, 2025: Made wild rice with sausage. My wife being Native American made sure I knew the story of wild rice and bought the real wild rice from Minnesota
Feb 17, 2025: Going Tahitian today. Bobby Holcomb. Born in Honolulu to Tahitian Mom and Papolo (Black) American Viet Nam soldier Dad on R&R …
Feb 17, 2025: Is notes in the iOS app? Can’t find it.
Feb 17, 2025: If I lived in a big city, I would most assuredly be an introvert. I am fine with small crowds, but need my space
Feb 17, 2025: Love gluten free labels on things that never had gluten to begin with.
Feb 17, 2025: The big reason my wife and are in what can only be described as moderate panic mode. We had both planned on retiring in what is now the window of …
Feb 17, 2025: With seemingly nothing else stopping Musk, Trump and project 2025, we’ll see if mass protests have an effect. Otherwise, we’re only spending on …
Feb 17, 2025: The new world order is exactly what it looks like. Are we too frozen with fear to name it?
Feb 17, 2025: My wife works in Healthcare. She said she’s working like normal, but is wondering what and who has been cancelled by DOGE and FOTUS today. The 2 big …
Feb 16, 2025: I’m in
Feb 16, 2025: My era a SNL. Father Guido Sarducci…
Feb 16, 2025: Have use the Apple Journal for a year. Haven’t missed a day. Even the day I had shoulder surgery.
Feb 16, 2025: My wife and I never ever watched the evening news until the very recent National MAGA shit show.
Feb 16, 2025: Nice morning walk on Alii Drive for coffee
Feb 16, 2025: The democrats love going on news shows saying he shouldn’t do that. A lot of good that’s doing.…
Feb 16, 2025: From The Emerson’s album cover. 1979. Electric reproduction vs mechanical reproduction
Feb 16, 2025: Love this song by The Emerson - Honolulu stomp. From the liner notes: The Honolulu Serenaders recorded this song in 1928. They gave it some …
Feb 16, 2025: Henrikh Mkhitaryan has sure found a home with #inter
Feb 16, 2025: Hunl’s Beach. Fisherman on the left, surfers on the outside. A little rolling bumps on the right
Feb 16, 2025: This bougainvillea has it figured out. Little hazy, but not as voggy as the last few days
Feb 16, 2025: Kona Haven coffee. By the ocean. Been going here for 20 years
Feb 16, 2025: Unplugging. Right now we don’t know if Musk and Trump will blink. If anyone in congress has a backbone. Or we just going to drive off the cliff. The …
Feb 15, 2025: I forgot how good this album was. That’s why I saved it.…
Feb 15, 2025: A classic
Feb 15, 2025: The music of George Helm $5.50 at Jelly’s record store.
Feb 15, 2025: Still have this one too
Feb 15, 2025: Finally got this CD back from my daughter. Just waiting on cable to connect my record player to my M1 Mac to record the last 2 albums to complete my …
Feb 15, 2025: Need this every once and while: Louis CK Everything Is Amazing And Nobody Is Happy…
Feb 15, 2025: Just saw this in a book. Yep. That’s it
Feb 15, 2025: Trump’s idea on Ukraine is like me damaging your house and the insurance and bank talking to be aobut how much of it we should fix it, oh and I want …
Feb 15, 2025: I saw that I had 425 books in Kindle. Didn’t sound right. Then I recalled over 100 Black Panther comics
Feb 15, 2025: Why can’t we remember our infant memories? Because then we’d have memories of all of the adults acting goofy in front of us. Goo goo gah gah. Oh such …
Feb 15, 2025: Wife & I had a long strategic talk on what we can do in certain scenarios. SS & Medicare shrinking/going away, etc. All points to selling our high …
Feb 15, 2025: Used ChatGPT and said Mahalo for Thank You at least it’s context and language aware. You’re very welcome! 🌺 Let me know if you need anything else. …
Feb 15, 2025: My wife works for HMSA, Hawaii’s Blue Cross/Blue Shield and largest insurer. I’m a fly on the wall, she works at home and I hear it all. If medicaid …
Feb 14, 2025: We enjoyed it.
Feb 14, 2025: We went to the mountain and returned with riches.
Feb 14, 2025: Maybe a broadway theater could take up the mantle of the Arts…
Feb 14, 2025: This could be a sideways way to keep Russia out. Not sure they would attack US contractors…
Feb 14, 2025: I posted this the other day of a Francolin bird behind our place. I was playing for my wife today and 2 others Francolins outside started going off. …
Feb 14, 2025: 😳
Feb 14, 2025: Instant VOG headache and sore throat
Feb 14, 2025: The Target in Kona is fully diversified. It wouldn’t be open otherwise. Very few white people work there (some older white people do)
Feb 13, 2025: Well I got a back to work note limited to 3 days a week with some restrictions for my right (surgical) shoulder. Limited lifting, pushing and pulling …
Feb 13, 2025: If the US is going to give up supporing allies and acquiesce to Russia, lets cut military expenses.
Feb 13, 2025: So people keep point out that it would be illegal for California to secede from the US. Much of what Trump is doing it illegal, so that ship has …
Feb 13, 2025: I’m a resident of Hawaii first (US 2nd or worse), which was stolen by the US under false pretenses. FOTUS might try to steal Greenland the same way. …
Feb 13, 2025: Tail end of a west swell.
Feb 13, 2025: In times like this I go back to something I learned in the 7-Habits of highly effective people. I first read it in 1990. I was in a rough spot and a …
Feb 13, 2025: With VOG and without. I don’t remember it being this bad in Kona since 2018. When Kīlauea pauses, it’s still emitting gas.
Feb 13, 2025: Vegetarian with a sense of humor. `aina = land
Feb 13, 2025: I was raised as the oldest son, playing sports starting in the late 60s to never show weakness and never let them know you’re hurt. I always had the …
Feb 13, 2025: I’ve alway had a space grey or black iPhone. This next one may be the first time that I get a color. My late life expanded nonconformity. Have to wait …
Feb 13, 2025: In the 90s I was fresh out of a divorce and moved to a different island with a new job and was not remotely anywhere near place where I could’ve …
Feb 13, 2025: I curse at inanimate objects and talk back to the TV when they say something stupid. Seem to be doing more of that lately.
Feb 12, 2025: Trump: I haven’t committed a crime. What I did was fail to comply with the law.
Feb 12, 2025: This is the area we’re planning to move to.…
Feb 12, 2025: I went all Orange Julius and made a taco hot dog
Feb 12, 2025: Thoroughly enjoyed. Again
Feb 12, 2025: Sneakers must be the pre pre prequel to the Jack Ryan movies with James Earl Jones director of the NSA
Feb 12, 2025: It’s been said that Trump ran for reelection to avoid Criminal prosecution. Seems as though Musk got anointed to DOGE to avoid regulators …
Feb 12, 2025: Somewhere in that bush is a Frankolin letting everyone know that they are there.
Feb 12, 2025: Kilauea. 4 hours ago. 2 hours ago and now. Just like that, she off again.
Feb 12, 2025: Escape movie of the day, 1992s Sneakers, with a stellar cast including Robert Redford.
Feb 12, 2025: Just finished “Downfall” on Amazon Prime. Can only hope at this point
Feb 12, 2025: I guess I’ve adequately muted the notifications that I need to. I didn’t know about the Gabbard confirmation until my wife told me.
Feb 12, 2025: Fascinating read on the real issues at USAID…
Feb 12, 2025: I guess Apple wasn’t going to releases the new iPhone SE this week after all
Feb 11, 2025: Changed my region to Canada and got back the Gulf of Mexico
Feb 11, 2025: Seeing we can add the eggs we just bought to our homeowners policy.
Feb 11, 2025: Just saw this interesting bit in the Ke Kumu Aupuni book. Ka’ōpulupulu was an Kahuna Nui (chanter priest) and prophet around 1773. Boy was he spot on …
Feb 11, 2025: Perfect old guy commercial. The HOA breathing down my neck.
Feb 11, 2025: VPN fixed it
Feb 11, 2025: She is going off the rails.
Feb 11, 2025: 2nd law of Thermodynamics - Everything Dies, even presidents and rich guys. Deny science, it will get you in the end.
Feb 11, 2025: Their grey an misty outlines appear way out to sea, but clouds are never what they seem. Far Too Wide for Me - Peter Moon Band…
Feb 11, 2025: Just the Pacific Ocean in the Kona Coast. That’s all
Feb 11, 2025: Spring training tickets are $70. Whoa Los Angeles Dodgers vs. Chicago Cubs Tickets Feb 20, 2025 Glendale, AZ | Ticketmaster
Feb 11, 2025: Google is dying a slow death. Google Calendar removes Black History Month, Pride and other cultural events
Feb 11, 2025: Current status. 3 miles in the can. noho mālie for a spell
Feb 11, 2025: Moved all of my saved places from Google Maps to Apple Maps. Here we go again, giving it another try.
Feb 10, 2025: It’s true. Racism against whites in Hawaii.…
Feb 10, 2025: No egg salad sandwiches for a while
Feb 10, 2025: Congrats Eagles from a Dodger Fan
Feb 10, 2025: Nothing says love like cloud storage This Valentine’s day, save 50%+ on pCloud’s Lifetime Cloud Storage plans
Feb 10, 2025: When we move to California a trip to Camelback Ranch for Spring Training will definitely be in the cards…
Feb 10, 2025: Looking for something to watch or even finding a show I started with multiple streaming services is a major pain point. Often I just put on music and …
Feb 10, 2025: Nice to float in pool to take load off of back after a walk
Feb 10, 2025: So that’s how this bench is still here after big surf. I think the concrete was under the sand
Feb 10, 2025: Beetle spotted at Banyans. He’s deciding whether to go out or not.
Feb 10, 2025: Low tide at Magic Sands beach. The sand magically disappeared during the last west swell
Feb 10, 2025: Had forgotten about Moe Keale. His voice was always a slice of heaven. He was born on Ni’ihau Here with the sons of Hawaii…
Feb 10, 2025: We’re very happy to share the VOG with the rest of the state. Light and variable winds.
Feb 10, 2025: My credit score is the highest it’s ever been. Still have high credit limits, but We’re keeping our powder dry and balances in check. Our move to …
Feb 9, 2025: Trump won’t care. New Zealand raises ‘concern’ as Cook Islands prepares to sign China deal
Feb 9, 2025: A lot of Canadians are Kona Snow birds. They own condos that they come to every year. Many in Keauhou. They don’t spend a lot while here, but are …
Feb 9, 2025: I’m diving headlong into thermodynamics. I’ve always love physics, but it’s so broad, I was all over the place. I’m fascinated by entropy and …
Feb 9, 2025: Parent Company of Quicksilver, Billabong, Honolua and Volcom filed bankruptcy. 60% off sale on each website. Sizes are starting to disappear. It will …
Feb 9, 2025: Parent Company of Quicksilver, Billabong, Honolua and Volcom filed bankruptcy. 60% off sale on each website. Sizes are starting to disappear. It will …
Feb 9, 2025: I’m spending championship game Sunday backing up all of our computer and backing up the back ups and going through our important papers to make sure …
Feb 9, 2025: If something happens to Trump, the Republican party and MAGA will devolve into a maelstrom. No one is afraid of Vance. Everyone will be out for …
Feb 9, 2025: Remember when looking for a job meant going door to door and filling out appications? Then staying home waiting for the phone to ring.
Feb 9, 2025: These F’N republicans can’t answer a single question with out saying “Biden Debacle” and taking the long way around but never answer the question.
Feb 8, 2025: Trump will make the water crisis worse.
Feb 8, 2025: This song aways hits hard. Hawaiian Soul by Jon and Randy, it’s been done by many. It’s about George Helm who was lost at sea. He was an Activist and …
Feb 8, 2025: Marshmallows are for team players. Good to know
Feb 8, 2025: Polical Science lesson My teen Gandson is rather ignorant on politics, so on the drive home from Kawaihae today we did a 40 min PoliSci class for him. One point we covered …
Feb 8, 2025: Costco Kona was crushed today. The parking lot looked like a bumper car derby. No sense of order in any way.
Feb 8, 2025: Cloudy rainy Kona. Wait, that’s not right. But I guess we’ll take it
Feb 8, 2025: Coming to the Queens Marketplace Waikoloa. This space has been empty since the center was opened
Feb 8, 2025: It was also great connecting with Gavin from the Friends of Hokule’a. Long walaau , many mutual friends.
Feb 8, 2025: We had a great time at the Makali’i 30th year celebration. Lots of people. Great seeing Chad Paison and Pomai Bertleman. Lots of others too. Na Kala’i …
Feb 8, 2025: Heard a lot of Hawaiians before the election say that Trump would be their best chance to gain sovereignty. I think they were sold a bill of goods. He …
Feb 8, 2025: Hawaii state high school canoe paddling championships today. Go Wildcats. Canoe Paddling - 2025 Hawaiian Airlines Canoe Paddling State Championships - …
Feb 8, 2025: Just heard on the news that 1/3 of drownings in Hawaii in 2024 were of Hawaiian ancestry. I’ve known so many adults in Hawaii who can’t swim. I really …
Feb 7, 2025: I would have loved this job if I was younger. Regional Program Specialist - Worldwide Deployment - SAF/IS
Feb 7, 2025: My 5th G Grandfather. Andrew Kimbley, Buried in Paradise, Muhlenberg County, Kentucky. Revolutionary war veteran and one of the founding fathers of …
Feb 7, 2025: We’re going to the Makali`i 30th Anniversary Celebration tomorrow at Kawaihae. Will be a blast. Our grandsons can go swimming and we can chill.
Feb 7, 2025: Hokule’a by Roland Cazimero Had forgotten about this album from 1977. I had the CD and played in my truck for a long time. I still know all the songs. …
Feb 7, 2025: A proper homemade chili dog with Irish white cheddar.
Feb 7, 2025: Well there we go. Gonna replace my 13 Pro. It will have good trade in value and get a zippier device. New iPhone SE coming next week, here are five …
Feb 7, 2025: Not a good day for those of us who actually breathe the air. VOG
Feb 7, 2025: AI has uses, but I am trying to think, keep my brain active and healthy, learn new things. I’m trying to take the long way around rather than go …
Feb 7, 2025: Tax the part time residents in those multi million dollar homes on Hawaii’s prime real estate all over the islands. [No Income Tax For Working Class? …
Feb 7, 2025: I used to be so anal about so many small details in things that I really don’t care about anymore. I just want things to just work at a most basic …
Feb 7, 2025: This mynah bird when kapu the high ground with a blanket of VOG in the background.
Feb 6, 2025: I’m afraid of going to certain places with so many guns and with local boys going after non-locals More Guns, More Gun Violence in Hawai‘i
Feb 6, 2025: After on hit and miss going back to work post surgery, should be able to try again in about a week. We’ll see
Feb 6, 2025: Erwin Schrödinger’s “What is life” is a pretty amazing little book. It is still astounding that we even exist at all.
Feb 6, 2025: I can’t watch most of the NETFLIX shows with overdubbing. The converstions are flat, monotone and expressionless and often are off from the …
Feb 6, 2025: I may be the odd one, all of my Apple stuff works as intended. I’ve only had one issue in 20 years and Apple replaced the MBP and the Cinema display …
Feb 6, 2025: The VOG is really bad today. Reminds me of 2020
Feb 6, 2025: Cruise ship in today. The tenders look tiny. They shuttle passengers to and fro. Traffic in Kona is a mess with ship passengers walking around town …
Feb 6, 2025: It’s sad that a company has to send out an email about continuing diversity. My wife’s company just did this.
Feb 6, 2025: Getting a series of errors, this is a partial list @help
Feb 6, 2025: This would a blast if I was younger Shipboard Head Chef
Feb 5, 2025: Re-watching"Don’t Look up" " They’re gonna let it hit the planet to make a bunch of rich people more disgustingly rich"
Feb 5, 2025: Texas style chili. No beans. This is the way
Feb 5, 2025: MAGA’s denial of science will hasten the demise of a whole slice of life on earth. All living things and the actual environment itself are …
Feb 5, 2025: Can we put Elon in the box with Schrödinger’s cat? At least we have a 50/50 chance.
Feb 5, 2025: Conversation with a MAGA believer We’re going to N Dakota where my wife is from for a family reunion this summer. She asked me what I would say if/when politics come up. (They are …
Feb 5, 2025: This is over #Arsenal
Feb 5, 2025: Thinking the Hawaii Legislature should pass some laws that just piss Trump off. We’re headed that way with new environmental initiatives.
Feb 5, 2025: VOG is bad today. Just got this IAQ. It was a long overdue Kicksterter project. It works.
Feb 5, 2025: We have eggs. Things are looking up.
Feb 4, 2025: There will be a war the way Trump is headed.
Feb 4, 2025: A model of what not to do English refereeing standards ‘a model’ for the world, says Premier League chief
Feb 4, 2025: Sunrise / Sunset Kona
Feb 4, 2025: Impending Kona sunset
Feb 4, 2025: My just 14 yo grandson has created his crib. He’s a gamer and a serious drone flyer. Tinkers with everything and installed a new graphics card in his …
Feb 4, 2025: Just saw this on threads. Anonymous…
Feb 4, 2025: Enjoying the clear morning before VOG returns.…
Feb 3, 2025: Watching McConnell interview on 60 min. He’s proud of what he did for the Supreme Court. He’s still evil.
Feb 3, 2025: Never did like them Since when does everyone hate the Chiefs?
Feb 3, 2025: Watching Vietnam: The war that changed America on AppleTV. Growing up in Hawaii, we were on the front doorstep of the war. I worked with and knew a …
Feb 3, 2025: To my mind, Arsenal not signing a proper striker will come back to bite in one of those sticky matches where we dominate possession but can’t find a …
Feb 3, 2025: I’ve never really been a fisherman. But on a fluke, I was Capt of a team in the 2006 Hawaiian International Billfish Tournament. Even more of a fluke, …
Feb 3, 2025: Amazon prime is mostly bait and switch. They show me a preview of a show, even give me a free episode then I can either subscribe to a new service $$$ …
Feb 2, 2025: If social security already has my 2024 income on my statement, why do I even need to do tax forms. They should have everything already
Feb 2, 2025: Trump and MAGA just may have driven the wedge that brings an end to the US. What if California seceded from the US?
Feb 2, 2025: Time for California to secede and set up their own trade partners. California has enough resources to keep a trade balance. Hawaii can do it too, but …
Feb 2, 2025: This song is so relaxing Shells… Lyrics….
Feb 2, 2025: The media calls is balanced journalism when they give the GOP air time. I guess if you look at one side telling lies and the other telling the truth …
Feb 2, 2025: Can we call a snap election? He does not represent the will of the people. Trump’s Trade War Is Here and Promises to Get Ugly
Feb 2, 2025: Friday morning am Sunday morning.
Feb 1, 2025: South Korea impeached and arrested their former leader after he did stupid stuff. Our congress doesn’t have the huevos.
Feb 1, 2025: Moon and Venus setting in Kona
Feb 1, 2025: Sunset over a pu`u on Mauna Kea with snow - Subaru Telescope
Feb 1, 2025: Time lapse from the cat-walk at the Subaru telescope. Snow on the ground, Maui in the background. Cloud cover over Waimea, where we were today …
Feb 1, 2025: Waimea Starbucks was slamming, the Cherry Blossoms not in full bloom, but starting. There was a Bansai exhibition and Taiko drummers at the Hongwanji. …
Feb 1, 2025: Before the Cherry Blossom Festival we went to the Parker Ranch Historic Homes. Lots of amazing history, a Japanese tea ceremony. This original Mana …
Feb 1, 2025: America Alone The Price America Will Pay for Trump’s Tariffs
Jan 31, 2025: What ever became of the Anonymous hacker group? They would be very useful right now.
Jan 31, 2025: Tops Hoagies was on corner of Pico and Lincoln in Santa Monica, and is a Starbucks now. It was Tops Pastrami and Burgers in the 70s and morphed to …
Jan 31, 2025: I was jonesing for a cheesesteak sandwich like I used to get and Tops Hoagies is Santa Monica. I cooked a large top sirloin steak in a slow cooker for …
Jan 31, 2025: Regularly watch Hill Street Blues Hill Street Blues Theme - Composer: Mike Post
Jan 31, 2025: There may a few straggling showers, but confident it’s mostly moved on. The Waimea Cherry Blossom Festival is on for tomorrow
Jan 31, 2025: I don’t think I can believe or trust anything the US govt puts out or publishes. I can’t trust the people behind the info. The CDC Is Altering Data …
Jan 31, 2025: Watching the 1959 World Series. Dodgers v White Sox. Vin Scully narrates. The Dodgers first series in LA played in the Coliseum and the first World …
Jan 31, 2025: Hoping the storm passes. The Waimea Cherry Blossom festival is scheduled for tomorrow. The last time we went in 2023 it was stormy. Not pleasant
Jan 31, 2025: We’ve slipped into this period of light drizzles, punctuated by momentary heavier downpours as the storm recedes to the north on its way to N …
Jan 31, 2025: I lived in Hilo for 15 years. Kona feels like that today.
Jan 31, 2025: I stopped backing Kicksterter projects a few years ago after a string of debacles. I did back Tapestry (known dev) and IAQ Air quality monitor. Both …
Jan 31, 2025: Snow on Mauna Kea
Jan 31, 2025: The wind is pretty much gone. Still sopped in
Jan 31, 2025: We haven’t had this much sustained rain in Kona since the hurricane near miss in 2016
Jan 31, 2025: In Kona it started raining about 1am. Hard rain and some lightning about 3 am. Not much lightning. Still coming down pretty hard at 6 am.
Jan 30, 2025: If California puts succession on the ballot, I’ll expedite my move there so I can vote for it.
Jan 30, 2025: please see attcahed @help
Jan 30, 2025: Finally got my fiber modem, router and switch all on an APC battery back-up. The only hope is when (not if) the power goes out that the Hawaiian Tel …
Jan 30, 2025: Not only do I have no interest in the NFL championship, I’m finding I am not even curious about the commercials
Jan 30, 2025: Hawaii is playing hide and seek. 3 images are water vapor, bottom right is satelite.
Jan 30, 2025: Watching Twin Peaks. Just because.
Jan 30, 2025: It’s raining in Volcano, Hawaii Island, so Halemaumau crater is filled with steam, making the cameras useless
Jan 29, 2025: Yep
Jan 29, 2025: The recording of Peter Moon Harbor Lights on my phone was ripped from vinyl. Can hear the scratching of the needle in the grooves between songs. Love …
Jan 29, 2025: Going back to reread this gem.
Jan 29, 2025: This was on display towards the front of Costco Kona. Right after the sign that said “sorry we are out of eggs”. That’s just cruel.
Jan 29, 2025: Cruise ship in Kailua bay. It will have to head back west into the incoming storm.
Jan 29, 2025: Need to read some theoretical physics to get politics out of my head.
Jan 29, 2025: I’ll voicemail your voicemail then maybe you can call me back and please leave a voicemail if don’t answer. If I don’t answer it’s because I can’t.
Jan 29, 2025: If I was a federal employee I would be very skeptical. Remember what happened to Twitter employees.
Jan 28, 2025: Anything that they don’t like is politicization Why members of two of EPA’s influential science advisory committees were let go
Jan 28, 2025: A big winter storm coming straight for us. Kauai and O`ahu tomorrow night, Maui and Hawaii Island Thursday. Back up batteries and camp lights all …
Jan 28, 2025: I followed a couple of RSS feeds that posted mostly about upcoming films and music. They let far right politics slips once in a while. Since the …
Jan 28, 2025: Seeing a lots of specials on Saturday night live’s. 50th. I was a fan of SNL for a specific period of time in the 80s. Worked Saturday nights most of …
Jan 28, 2025: Guess I’m not returning to work now. The job the chef was going to create for me was shot down by HR. Oh well. I’m fine. Would rather be working, but …
Jan 28, 2025: Was just reading about a Kilauea eruption of 1790. Was an especially explosive and deadly event. Hundreds of Hawaiians were following their Ali’i …
Jan 28, 2025: I guess this experience will be different…
Jan 28, 2025: Went back to watch the last 3 episodes of Foundation. Hoping season 3 comes this year.
Jan 28, 2025: Love this packaging.
Jan 28, 2025: This was amazing. The amount of detail is astounding. Loved the sound effects and the fact that everything was powered up. Apple just published a …
Jan 28, 2025: The White House is daring congress to act and they are just cowering in a corner.
Jan 27, 2025: Myrtle K Hilo Hula…
Jan 27, 2025: Just finished Night Agent season 2. Will be watching this season again when they announce S3. It was good
Jan 27, 2025: Volcano slowly waking up again.
Jan 27, 2025: This is encouraging. My Dad was a prominent lobbyist in Hawaii for a few decades. He always said politics has a great leveling effect. If you don’t …
Jan 27, 2025: Yep. Is there a conspiracy against Arsenal? Probably not - but the feeling is real - The Athletic
Jan 27, 2025: Had this bowl since college. Can’t even remember where I got it. Recall we’ve tried to get rid of it a few times, but it’s still around and still …
Jan 27, 2025: Stopped crosposting to Threads. Gonna gradually pull out of that site. Seeing lots anti-Haole (white person) in Hawaii posts. I was born in …
Jan 27, 2025: It’s here. Rain is welcome. Cleans up Kona
Jan 27, 2025: Something is coming ashore in Kona
Jan 26, 2025: I just lost all interest in the championship game. I’m so over the Kansas City circus. BTW, how’s that salary cap working out for the NFL? Lots of …
Jan 26, 2025: See a lot of posts about Sandy Beach. I grew up there. Sometimes dawn patrol, others after school. Weekends and all summer.
Jan 26, 2025: I read “Ruling Chiefs of Hawaii” and “The People of old Hawaii” in the early 90s. Difficult reading, dense in material and writing in old English …
Jan 26, 2025: I recall reading about how the Hawaii Islanders played in that park. The San Francisco stadium that fog killed
Jan 26, 2025: The Kohala Mountains are unassuming from the leeward side, but on the Windward side has Waipio Valley, Waimanu Valley, Palolu Valley, the Kohala …
Jan 26, 2025: That wasn’t very much fun Commanders vs. Eagles (Jan 26, 2025) Live Score - ESPN
Jan 26, 2025: Took this 1 year ago of the Kohala Coast from the mauka road to North Kohala.
Jan 26, 2025: Can’t help it, I still call them the Redskins. (my wife is Native and American and just smiles)
Jan 26, 2025: The Kohala Mountains have always been my favorite on Hawaii Island.
Jan 26, 2025: Where MAGA lives on Hawaii Island
Jan 26, 2025: Please don’t fire him Levy. It’s so much fun watching be Spurs sink. Leicester stun Tottenham to increase pressure on Ange Postecoglou
Jan 26, 2025: Case in point…
Jan 26, 2025: Vance interview on CBS doesn’t answer a single question. Just talking fast around the questions.
Jan 25, 2025: I wish everyone would put their devices down and talk.
Jan 25, 2025: on pause - again…
Jan 25, 2025: My body, looking forward to the new season
Jan 25, 2025: People rush through Costco like there a coming plague.
Jan 25, 2025: I saved this fern from the verge of death 6 years ago. Repotted 4 times. It finally outgrew the most recent pot. Any bigger pot and I wouldn’t be able …
Jan 25, 2025: I’m not a big egg eater, but I would enjoy a couple of fried eggs with sausage or bacon and usually fried potatoes a couple times a week. Hopefully …
Jan 25, 2025: Our WiFi was acting wonky. Slow, drop outs. Speed was fine at the modem. So I unplugged the router and the extender for 10 min. Everything came back …
Jan 25, 2025: The Volcano is on again this morning. She’s just showing off…
Jan 25, 2025: This issue is, if they go back to the keypad lock, then there’s the issue of getting coffee, sitting down to drink, then needing to use the restroom …
Jan 24, 2025: Well if the Democrats in congress aren’t going to speak up for anything. I guess we’re really on our own.
Jan 24, 2025: Distinctive players and voices. Martin Pahinui, George Kuo, Dennis Kamahahi and David Kamakahi on Na Mele on PBS Hawaii. Old recording.
Jan 24, 2025: They are just evil US orders halt to virtually all foreign aid except for Israel and Egypt
Jan 24, 2025: Remember when Starbucks was on Palani. That was THE place to hang out. No wifi, just coffee and people
Jan 24, 2025: A very old recipe, a gill is basically 1/2 c. Love the last line - noted.
Jan 24, 2025: Damn, I’m excited
Jan 24, 2025: Kalapana Black sand beach - from my Dad’s collection
Jan 24, 2025: I was the Manager at Sunset Grill at Restaurant Row in Honolulu in the late ’80s. We won this Chili Cook off, people’s choice award. Fun times.
Jan 24, 2025: Coconut tree trimming day
Jan 24, 2025: Watching the movie “A Most Wanted Man”. Saw it a while back. Great cast, a good spy story.
Jan 24, 2025: An old one. For everyone who voted for you know who.
Jan 24, 2025: Nature’s gradients
Jan 23, 2025: Amazingly clear night in Kona. Can not only see the stars, but the star field behind the starts.
Jan 23, 2025: Life’s two most important questions are “Why?” and “Why not?” The trick is knowing which one to ask.”
Jan 23, 2025: We had a management saying back in the day. “You can’t make people smart, they have to come that way”. Trump and his team didn’t come equipped with …
Jan 23, 2025: I wonder where my little hula girl has gone……
Jan 23, 2025: Keyser Söze…
Jan 23, 2025: Can Trump change Hawaii back to Kindom of Hawaii. circa 1893
Jan 23, 2025: Can Trump change Hawaii back to Kindom of Hawaii. circa 1893
Jan 23, 2025: Watching The Usual Suspects because it’s good diversion and it’s a good movie
Jan 22, 2025: Pele strikes again - phase 4
Jan 22, 2025: The World Health Organzation RSS feed
Jan 22, 2025: Ferrari has had good drivers with equipment failures. Need to get that under control ‘Best feelings of my life’: Lewis Hamilton makes test debut for …
Jan 22, 2025: One of the inherent problems with social media is words do not have tone, context or facial expressions to match. Perception is purely in the eye of …
Jan 22, 2025: When my wife and I went to London. We happened upon Trafalgar Square. For a couple from Hawaii,it was a punch in the nose. It was exhilarating, …
Jan 22, 2025: Daily ritual
Jan 21, 2025: And Biden was wrong for pardoning his son? Trump pardons Ross Ulbricht, founder of Silk Road drug marketplace
Jan 21, 2025: With all of those EOs, good luck with the economy.
Jan 21, 2025: That was a short test.
Jan 21, 2025: Binge watching Obi-Wan Kenobi for sanity.
Jan 21, 2025: I currently use Teux Deux for daily short term notes. Also use Bear and Apple Notes for legacy notes. Trying Strata to see if it can fit somewhere. …
Jan 21, 2025: I do get this feeling.…
Jan 21, 2025: Good news, the Chef is working with HR (they just want to limit liability) and the F&B director to create hybrid position for me that works within the …
Jan 21, 2025: Swam in the Natatorium when I was young. We swam there after a school field trip to the Waikiki aquarium. The restrooms were convenient …
Jan 20, 2025: This keeps looking better all the time. Should get a good trade in for pristine 13 pro. iPhone SE 4 launch in March 2025: Affordable iPhone to feature …
Jan 20, 2025: The NCAA football bowl season is exciting to a point. The final game it too far after the rest of the games. Kind of anti-climactic. Lost interest. …
Jan 20, 2025: I’m older, been through quite a bit. My wife and I can go on the defense and live small. We have a small footprint. Just worry about our kids The next …
Jan 20, 2025: F&%k them. Not criminals. Just targets. Biden’s last-minute pardons draw ire from both sides of political divide
Jan 20, 2025: I still believe in Apple procucts, but have lost a measure of respect for Apple Inc and Tim Cook. I believe he did what he did to protect the …
Jan 20, 2025: Found 2 more Peter Moon CDs mixed in with old DVDs. Harbor lights and Music Makers. Winner winner chicken dinner
Jan 20, 2025: This song, Far too wide for me", came out just before we moved to California in 1981. I remember the first time we heard it when soneone sent us the …
Jan 20, 2025: Not sure it’s the same Kolea, but I see one there almost daily, and they are territorial. Mynah birds don’t bother them like they do all of the other …
Jan 20, 2025: I have 12 of The Peter Moon Band’s albums (1 solo album) safely in the Music app. Some real obscure stuff buried in these albums. Think I’m only …
Jan 20, 2025: Had some Cafe Du Monde Beignet mix in the back of the fridge for a while. They’re not pretty, but are very tasty.
Jan 19, 2025: Cleaned up my Apple Music palylists. Merged some, deleted others. It was bloated. Ripped 4 more Peter Moon CDs that I found in a cabinet and added to …
Jan 19, 2025: Scored a copy of Aunty Alice Namakelua’s 1974 album Nalo Meli. Long out of print and not on any streaming service nor on CDs.
Jan 19, 2025: The Rams were that close. Come on Bills. Don’t have a horse in the race, just know who I don’t like.
Jan 19, 2025: The Baltimore Colts are up next
Jan 19, 2025: Lucky we live Hawaii
Jan 19, 2025: Dodgers 1958-2015. 17 first places in 55 years. Not dominant in any way. I’ll take a few years of being really good. I’m old.
Jan 19, 2025: My wife implied that maybe we were spending too much on coffee. I got very quiet.
Jan 19, 2025: During the first Trump “term” I think we just had morbid curiosity and watched the news often. This time around I have no fucks to give. Will avoid it …
Jan 19, 2025: I guess the bright spots on todays matches is the Spurs and Reds both lost. ManCity seems to be back in the fold. Only winning will keep them at bay …
Jan 19, 2025: The last eggs I had were on Monday. Over medium with roasted potatoes and jimmy dean sausage. I’ll have to hold onto that memory.
Jan 19, 2025: Was recalling the shitshow of 4 years ago #COVID…
Jan 19, 2025: TikTok and their users had a lot of notice. They calculated wrong.
Jan 19, 2025: All of my unsubscribing is working. When I finallly got around to looking at my inbox, only had 1 email.
Jan 18, 2025: For political reasons, I’ll be drinking on Monday. Will have a toast to MLK just because.
Jan 18, 2025: Thank you Tilley and thank you Canada. I have multiple Tilley hats. They do their job.
Jan 18, 2025: Didn’t get the PBX job. Was told they wanted someone with specific PBX experience. I think I am just way over qualified. In reality, I have more …
Jan 18, 2025: Mauna Kea looking as majestic as ever. She was here before anyone was here and will still be here when we’re all gone.
Jan 18, 2025: At A-bay the surf is way out there on the reef
Jan 18, 2025: Ok ‘nough of that shenanigans. Came to Aneho’omalu bay for some simple swimming. Stress level down trying to keep grandson’s safe. There were rescues …
Jan 18, 2025: Tide dropping. Some big sets in the outside break on the south side of Hapuna. Unsurfable
Jan 18, 2025: Couple of big sets sent people scrambling. Now they know why we set up camp more mauka. Local knowledge.
Jan 18, 2025: It’s really pumping down at the south side of the beach. The lifeguards should get hazard pay today. When you’ve seen someone drown in big surf, it …
Jan 18, 2025: We got to Hapuna. Not monster surf, but mother ocean is definitely in motion. Big time currents and rip tide. I don’t really have fear, but a ton of …
Jan 18, 2025: That wasn’t optimal #Arsenal
Jan 18, 2025: Gonna take our Grandsons up to Hapuna beach and take a chance with the high surf warning. If it’s too big, we’ll go down to Anaeho`omalu bay or Mauna …
Jan 17, 2025: Last post today. I grew up in Hawaii. Since small kid time, I ate the same foods, sat in the same classes, played on the same sports teams & hung out …
Jan 17, 2025: Waikiki was an amazing place for island music in the 70s. Bonus. You could walk Waikiki beach at night see the artists playing at thr beachside bars …
Jan 17, 2025: Had the struts and linkages replaced on the Elantra under warranty. Drivrs like a new car now.
Jan 17, 2025: Pele is annoyed about something…
Jan 17, 2025: When I was in high school on non sports pratice nights, my freinds and I would seek out live island music on O`ahu. There was always someting besides …
Jan 17, 2025: We weren’t sure about buying the extended warranty on my wife’s Hyundai Elantra in 2016, but it paid off today. $2000 repair for $100 deductible. We …
Jan 17, 2025: Always loved his style and edge. An Extensive Guide to the Surreal Commercials of David Lynch - New York Magazine
Jan 17, 2025: I remember when a 286 processor was fast
Jan 17, 2025: My wife left a single doctor practice making real good money 12 years ago to work for a big insurance company. She did this for security. If the …
Jan 17, 2025: This Kahuano Lake Trio album released in 1964 still sounds amazing. 60 years ago…
Jan 17, 2025: I’ve been at the volcano when it’s doing this. Sounds like to jet engine.…
Jan 17, 2025: My resume is still out in ether, so I keep getting emails & calls from recruiters and headhunter looking for F&B managers. Corporate level and local. …
Jan 17, 2025: The final of Silo means we really need a season 3.
Jan 17, 2025: There’s enough things one can do to live life on a certain edge and and not put your live on the line. I’ve paddled 21 crossings of the Ka’iwi …
Jan 16, 2025: It’s been a great winter for surfers Hawaii County Surf Forecast for January 17, 2025
Jan 16, 2025: Lools like a lot of people miss baseball, me too
Jan 16, 2025: The steel guitar player was awesome
Jan 16, 2025: For the 6 weeks that I worked on the luau I made all of the food fresh twice a week. No small job
Jan 16, 2025: Naupaka. I can tell stories.
Jan 16, 2025: Eco waste
Jan 16, 2025: Maybe we can give them a ‘better lunch” to not go. ‘Homeless people given free lunch’ to attend Donald Trump Jr event in Greenland
Jan 16, 2025: My last day on the front lines of the hospitality industry. Nearly 50 years of running into the fire. 🔥 I’ve done everything. Next week I’ll start …
Jan 16, 2025: Great story about Bob Ueker
Jan 16, 2025: One of may all time favorite comercials RIP Bob Ueker
Jan 16, 2025: Mokulele Grounded. My wife and I were burned by Molulele in 2006. We were scheduled to fly our wedding party from Kona to Molokai on Molulele. They …
Jan 15, 2025: Couldn’t resist. Had left over baked beans from Waimea Butcher shop. Had to add red Redondo’s hot dogs like we had it as kids.
Jan 15, 2025: She woke up this morning #Pele kilauea volcano webcam - Google Search
Jan 15, 2025: We used to live in a big house. The amount of stuff we had grew to fill the space. Over a 3 year period from 2017-2020 we downsized. The last step was …
Jan 14, 2025: The older I get the more I take the path of least resistance
Jan 14, 2025: If have reason to go to Waimea or are driving through. Have lunch or dinner at the Waimea Butcher shop. Just on the wet side of Waimea, makai of …
Jan 14, 2025: Hualalai. About the inter-island steamer of the 1930s Kahauanu Lake Trio version… Mahalo Sons version …
Jan 14, 2025: Listening to the Kahauanu Lake Trio this evening. The harmonies are smooth and tight and the Hawaiian pronunciations are perfect. They were among the …
Jan 14, 2025: Got this beauty from my friend Alvin at Kamuela liquors. I’ve had the pleasure of Alvin for over 30 years. He knew my Dad too. The French know wine.
Jan 14, 2025: Love this view of the Kohala Coast
Jan 14, 2025: Road to heaven
Jan 14, 2025: I first saw this quote when I was young. Every time I hit a wall, it helps me move on. There’s always a next. Do not let what you cannot do interfere …
Jan 14, 2025: This is such an amazing matching of songs by the Makaha Sons . Mehameha is an introspective, why am I here song. White Sandy Beach is an uplifting …
Jan 14, 2025: When a white person commits a mass killing, I never hear calls to deport all white people.
Jan 14, 2025: The article is behind a paywall, but I managed at TGI Friday in the 80s. It was a leading player in Hospitality. I went to one in Corona CA in 2022. …
Jan 14, 2025: My wife caught these of the moon and breaking dawn on her morning walk
Jan 13, 2025: We’re going to a criminal President and it seems to be fine by half the country. I’m sick
Jan 13, 2025: Another boring Hawaiian Sunset. Ho hum.
Jan 13, 2025: Me and my dogs at our house in Waimea 2005. Pre Mortgage crash
Jan 13, 2025: Halema’uma’u in 2019.
Jan 13, 2025: Came across this classic. I remember seeing Palani Vaughn in concert at the Kulilima Resort on the North Shore. Late 70s. We spent the weekend. Also …
Jan 13, 2025: The last of the pancetta that I found in Sonoma last October. Crisping it up to use in a recipe.
Jan 13, 2025: I made life choices early on they insured that I won’t be rich. There were also circumstances that contributed. My Dad had an illness plus a little …
Jan 13, 2025: Don’t use TikTok, never did. I see TikTok videos linked and embedded on other platforms, but don’t really care if it stays or goes away. I realize …
Jan 12, 2025: Old car thinks it’s an iPod.
Jan 11, 2025: Kind of thinking Mike Tomlin’s days are now numbered. Playoff wins matter.
Jan 11, 2025: Could help but think about this documentary. Special kind of people.
Jan 11, 2025: Was taking to my shoulder surgeon yesterday. Told him, I’m not alone, but I come from an era that until your arm is dangling from you shoulder, you …
Jan 11, 2025: SS Calvin Coolidge En Route Manila, Monday, December 16, 1940
Jan 11, 2025: The Chargers haven’t had an answer to this defense all day.
Jan 11, 2025: I was there, Diamond Head Crater. Chuck Jackson and I were to young teengers and had our eyes opened up to the world. Saw a lot we’d never seen …
Jan 11, 2025: Found this in a drive pulled out of an old MacBook
Jan 11, 2025: That works
Jan 11, 2025: Cahrger’s Defense - so far
Jan 11, 2025: I feel for people losing memories in the fire. I lost a lot of stuff from an earlier part of my life in the Hilo flood Nov 1, 2000. Personal record …
Jan 11, 2025: Funny
Jan 11, 2025: I still have one that works. Today in Apple history: iPod shuffle randomizes our music
Jan 11, 2025: My threads feed is still pretty clean, I keep an Instagram account for occasional connection with some local small businesses. On a side note there’s …
Jan 10, 2025: Yep
Jan 10, 2025: Looking at you MAGA
Jan 10, 2025: Kona only gets an advantage from winds out of the North. We had good north winds all morning. As the regular NE trade winds filled in Kona lost its …
Jan 10, 2025: This scene.…
Jan 10, 2025: Watching The Untouchables, because it’s a great movie. Love Sean Connery in it. What the hell, you gotta die of somethin’
Jan 10, 2025: Costco Kona is out of paper towels. Is that from Bird flu too
Jan 10, 2025: get away
Jan 10, 2025: Just came across a folder with all of the collateral from most of the dozens of websites that I built during one of my breaks from F&B in the mid …
Jan 10, 2025: Mine will be spent resting.
Jan 10, 2025: $1 Gallon Gasoline - we’re doomed
Jan 10, 2025: I’m lucky that I had some Peter Moon CDs that I ripped 20 years ago.
Jan 10, 2025: I would have gladly paid Evernote a nominal fee just to access my existing data.
Jan 10, 2025: Four goals in 20 min. Wow.
Jan 10, 2025: I’ve always loved the Peter Moon Band. They aren’t on any streaming services save for a few random songs on Spotify. I love their progressive …
Jan 10, 2025: My favorite socks
Jan 10, 2025: I was there, June 19, 1994…
Jan 10, 2025: Saw a couple of posts about Cecilio and Kapono. I’ve been a fan since the 70’s poster form their first Waikiki Shell show in 1975.
Jan 10, 2025: Don’t want to upset any Evernote devotees, one of which I used to be, but Bending Spoons has completely killed it.
Jan 10, 2025: Don’t really want to sound like a fanboy, but when we switched to Hawaiian Tel Fiber there was a marked improvement to our internet. We have a faster …
Jan 10, 2025: So instead of Trump getting a 4 year sentence, we all did.
Jan 10, 2025: Lots of weather out there. Be safe Maui. Looks like it will mostly miss Hawaii Island
Jan 10, 2025: We rarely get thunder and lightning in Kona
Jan 10, 2025: It’s getting closer
Jan 10, 2025: Predawn lightning show north of Kona
Jan 9, 2025: In a week I’ll be out of the kitchen. I’ve work in restaurants or hotels for 50 years. Took a break after I sold my cafe & between jobs a few years …
Jan 9, 2025: Post sunset
Jan 9, 2025: Sunless sunset and big surf
Jan 9, 2025: From 1981-85 I lived in North Redondo and worked at TGI Fridays restaurants all over the LA basin. We also went to friends houses and out for evening …
Jan 9, 2025: Love birds. They always travel in pairs
Jan 9, 2025: There’s so much link bait in soccer news that I don’t ready any of it anymore.
Jan 9, 2025: I like my 13pro, but this upcoming SE looks good. I’ll have a good trade in. Apple may soon overcharge for iPhones that are worse than the cheaper …
Jan 8, 2025: Whose life time. I’ve outlived so many services I can’t count. Why rent cloud storage? Own 2TB for life for just $70.
Jan 8, 2025: Then there’s these beauties. Not all on Disney+… yet
Jan 8, 2025: Time to dig out the DVD player.
Jan 8, 2025: Wallpaper. Stuck with this one for a while.
Jan 8, 2025: How timely. Is that true? How to spot health misinformation online
Jan 8, 2025: Bless her sweet little heart. Every week my wife finds a new study about wine and alcohol are good for you, then a new study on how they kill you. …
Jan 8, 2025: So are there a whole bunch of cheap groceries and eggs on Greenland and in Canada?
Jan 8, 2025: Wonder if Mexico can take back Texas while Trump is distracted with Greenland.
Jan 8, 2025: “That looks like suspicious to us” Well. The message sounds suspicious to me
Jan 7, 2025: Good on the IMDb app for putting a search bar right on the middle when opening the app. I don’t go to the app the browse, I go there to find …
Jan 7, 2025: As streaming services continue to raise prices, for us it’s not about Streaming vs Cable, it’s about our personal budget. Choices will have to be …
Jan 6, 2025: With streaming prices for sports continuing to increase, may just have to accept going back a few decades and just reading box scores.
Jan 6, 2025: Just found out the coffee machine at work can do a shot in the dark. An espresso shot in a cup of coffee.
Jan 6, 2025: Someone with oodles of $$$ needs to pull a Wrexham on the Cleveland Browns to pull them out of the depths
Jan 6, 2025: The quote of Chernobyl. “Why worry about something that will never happen” (Head in the sand)
Jan 6, 2025: Stellan Skarsgård is such a good actor.
Jan 6, 2025: My favorite characters of Chernobyl were the coal miners. They didn’t have any more fucks to give.
Jan 6, 2025: Sports was already messy. The challenge is everyone doesn’t watch every sport. I watch mostly MLB, NCAAFB, EPL and Serie A. My wife watches the …
Jan 6, 2025: Last night and this morning
Jan 5, 2025: Looks like I’ve torn my bicep through overuse in my 4 week progressive back to work. Looking my kitchen days are ending. Likely transferring to guest …
Jan 5, 2025: High surf warning. Choke cars parked on Alii drive. Lots of gawkers. Beach parks are closed. Gaggle of surfers out at Banyans and Lyman’s.
Jan 5, 2025: We live adjacent to one of the two pools in our community. Convenient for us. Sometimes loud. The hot tub is just beyond that croton hedge. There is a …
Jan 5, 2025: A long time ago in a far away place
Jan 5, 2025: Says 65 in Kona, but the weather gauges are in Holualoa at about 1400 feet. It’s 73 down here at sea level.
Jan 4, 2025: It not clear and 5 mph is NOT a gust
Jan 4, 2025: This little mo’o was enjoying the last night of our Christmas lights and the bugs it was bringing him.
Jan 4, 2025: As if there’s not enough depressing news, I’m rewatching Chernobyl on HBO. Russia seemed like a very depressing place
Jan 4, 2025: Going south from Waikoloa on Queen Ka’ahumanu Highway. Top is a clear day, bottom is today with VOG.
Jan 4, 2025: The live feed of the volcanos is thankfully boring. Just hot lava on the ground. Need some trade winds now.…
Jan 4, 2025: Driving south from Waikoloa. The VOG has totally obscured the mountains
Jan 4, 2025: My favorite Honolulu places from the 80s. Ryan’s Parkplace at Ward Center for lunch, the Black Orchid for upscale cocktails, Studebakers for party …
Jan 4, 2025: Amazing interview with Panic founders.
Jan 4, 2025: Still hoping for a Playdate Stereo Dock…someday
Jan 4, 2025: Rewatching Chernobyl on HBO. 2 great actors.
Jan 4, 2025: I have these 2 awesome Japanese Blue steel knives. I used them when I managed a Japanese restaurant. Due to staff shortages I was working the kitchen …
Jan 4, 2025: A quirk in the AppleTv Paramount+ app. Closed captions won’t turn off until the app is exited after turning them off on the menu. It’s been this was …
Jan 4, 2025: She’s apparently taking a nap…
Jan 4, 2025: I’d like to find a secluded AirBnB somewhere for a week. I’d take everything I need and just hibernate.
Jan 4, 2025: IMHO many kickstarter projects go awry when they decide to add feature requests after funding that drive up their costs and long delay delivery. Have …
Jan 4, 2025: This Arsenal match has felt very muddy. There’s been a bit of Stoke in Brighton’s play that ref has let slide by.
Jan 3, 2025: It’s still pumping lava. Something going on under there…
Jan 3, 2025: Every Friday (my day off), I go to KTA Kona and get a fresh glazed donut and a butter roll.
Jan 3, 2025: My mental state is solid, my emotional state is too. But my attitude is deteriorating fast
Jan 3, 2025: My social media handle and website was Kaipaniolo when I was a paddler. Ocean cowboy. I then swerved to Hawaiiboy.
Jan 3, 2025: We use Amazon because things just aren’t available here on island. I’ve driven around many times looking for something. Often improvise to use …
Jan 3, 2025: Traffic light out at this intersection. Mayhem. 18 lanes between thrus and turns. Anarchy reigns on a Friday afternoon. No one know how to do a 4 way …
Jan 3, 2025: How about this throwback from 1978. The Blahlahs of Keaukaha. I got to know Kuulei Ahuna in later years. He passed in the mid 2000s. His brother JJ …
Jan 3, 2025: The Hawaiian lyrics and the players on the album sleeve of The Gabby Pahinui Hawaiian Band album. I bought this in 1975. Still have it 50 years later
Jan 3, 2025: Got some Peet’s coffee concentrate. Good stuff.
Jan 3, 2025: Well. That brings up a lot of questions Axios: Tim Cook Donates $1 Million to Trump Inauguration
Jan 3, 2025: ESPN+ won’t let me watch SportCenter because I don’t have cable. I’m just watching CBS Sports HQ
Jan 3, 2025: This culture… @pratik
Jan 3, 2025: Never did find a note card as pleasing as Capture Cards.
Jan 3, 2025: Let’s play
Jan 3, 2025: It was a good one.
Jan 3, 2025: Mauna Loa snow peaking over Hualalai 1 year ago
Jan 3, 2025: Pu’uohonua o Honaunau National Monument. 2015. Love just hanging out there.
Jan 3, 2025: 2013 was a good year for desktops.
Jan 3, 2025: I stopped buying fireworks when I decided I didn’t have money to burn. I just buy some mochi and call it even.
Jan 3, 2025: Been seeing lots of posts about Took a Quick Look. For me, don’t really need another network. Looks nice though
Jan 3, 2025: College football going til Jan 20. Used or end the first week of the year.
Jan 3, 2025: Happy New Year
Jan 2, 2025: This next week will be interesting. I love working in a kitchen. It’s fun. My recently shoulder replacement does not. It’s gotten progressively worse. …
Jan 2, 2025: 1-4 are gone. 5-8 are in.
Jan 2, 2025: VOG enhanced sunset
Jan 2, 2025: This photo was given to me by the wife (Mary Jane) of Louis Kahanamoku who lived on Hawaii island. She gave me a few pix from his collection in 1995 …
Jan 2, 2025: I was at this show with my soon to be wife (former), her sister and boy friend. I have photo somewhere.
Jan 2, 2025: This is the last dinner special that I made the day after I injured my shoulder, May 1, 2024. I tried to work through the injury. Sautéed snapper with …
Jan 2, 2025: Took this photo on Jan 1, 2024.
Jan 1, 2025: A few more days
Jan 1, 2025: So apparently they found illegal homemade fireworks at that home in Salt Lake in Honolulu. I’m not a fireworks proponent, but if you’re going to use …
Jan 1, 2025: Never noticed this. The left is the album they I bought when it came out in ‘75 and the image on Apple Music. The album didn’t have the title or the …
Jan 1, 2025: Arsenal look out of sorts. No ball control.
Jan 1, 2025: If MAGA boycotts Costco, at least that will be a safe haven from their idiocy.
Jan 1, 2025: This firework accident on O`ahu is sad, but I’m not surpised. I’m just surprised is hasn’t happend before. Thinking about the 80’s and 90’s. …
Jan 1, 2025: Lowe’s thinks Kahului is a nearby store to Kona. Nevermind the ʻAlenuihāhā Channel
Jan 1, 2025: I haven’t had a drink his year. The year is young though.
Dec 31, 2024: None of the TV channels will wait for Hawaii. They never do. We will still be here.
Dec 31, 2024: Watching Auld land syne.
Dec 31, 2024: Happy New Year from Hawaii island.
Dec 31, 2024: Great parking
Dec 31, 2024: A big block of Ahi calls for the big knife
Dec 31, 2024: Yoshihiro Inox Stain-resistant Aus-10 Steel Ice Hardened Santoku
Dec 31, 2024: I posted about my tools because I see photographers and others posting about their tools. I am just as geeky about knives as other are about their …
Dec 31, 2024: Most of my knives are Yoshihiro Japanese blades. The blade is made in Japan, the knives are assembled in California. I like AUS-10 steel for its …
Dec 31, 2024: They’re increasing DUi check points. How about check point for aggressive locals in jack up Tacoma trucks. New report shows Hawaii Island traffic …
Dec 31, 2024: I’m very comfortable with a knife in my hand cutting. I have 5 daily use knives. A long knife for large fish fillets, a vegetable knife, a boning …
Dec 31, 2024: The free AppleTV weekend reminds me of the old free HBO and Showtime weekend in cables earlier years. Used to take an extra day off and binge on …
Dec 31, 2024: Roast pig before and after.
Dec 30, 2024: Got this today
Dec 30, 2024: The band at the luau is playing the old Hawaiian standard. I think I know every single song by heart.
Dec 30, 2024: Sometimes I miss driving during the pandemic. Empty roads, sun goes down alone. Lyric courtesy of Don Henley. Boys of Summer. …
Dec 30, 2024: I did more steps in 2024 than 2023 and I was off work for 7 months this year. Hmm.
Dec 30, 2024: Going in very early today. Need to take a couple of hours off in the middle of the day to take my wife to a “driver needed” Doctor appointment. Then …
Dec 29, 2024: I’m so happy we have a coffee machine in our employee cafeteria. Punch in the drink I want and presto. ☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️
Dec 29, 2024: That’s us. We’re comfortable financially, but retirement is on the horizon amid an abundance of uncertainty. We’re pulling in the reins. …
Dec 29, 2024: Someone said it early on, Pele was jealous of Kamaloa getting all of the attention with the big surf and all.
Dec 28, 2024: It’s still pumping out lava.…
Dec 28, 2024: This Arizona v LA NFL game is pathetic. These are professionals?
Dec 28, 2024: Didn’t know we needed a special First Amendment area. Good to know in case I need to scream about DJT
Dec 28, 2024: What’s even cooler about the 2 sculptures is that they can be put in motion.
Dec 28, 2024: I’m glad we got the one that wild eggnogs were used in.
Dec 28, 2024: We bought these 2 metal sculptures at a long gone furniture store in Waimea about 20 years ago. I put a light in front of them on top of of our …
Dec 28, 2024: Breezy day with the dropping swell at Honokohau
Dec 28, 2024: Breezy day with a dropping swell at Honokōhau
Dec 28, 2024: Today we went on a field trip to the Kaloko-Honokōhau national park. I’ve driven by this park right off the highway hundreds of times in the past few …
Dec 28, 2024: Ok Mr New Starbucks CEO. I just waited 10 min in a 2 person line while the staff focused on mobile orders.
Dec 28, 2024: Caught one in the wild
Dec 28, 2024: Trade winds are a good thing. Best it’s been since eruption started.
Dec 28, 2024: Inter go top. You can’t win the championship in December, but you sure can lose it.
Dec 27, 2024: Closing out the night with some C&K.…
Dec 27, 2024: Famous, at least to us, Kalani High Grad. A shooting star that crashed and burned. We all knew where his house was. Mackey Feary - Wikipedia
Dec 27, 2024: I’m sure it’s obvious I’m all about music. I can just sit at home and listen to a full album or a chosen playlist. Tonight is 70s island music. I’m a …
Dec 27, 2024: The Kalani High School 1976 Junior prom song.…
Dec 27, 2024: The thing we can be thankful for living by the ocean is VOG, much like clouds, follows warmth. It goes mostly offshore at night and mostly mauka in …
Dec 27, 2024: Thankfully no one that I know 19 motorists arrested for DUI on Big Island roads the week before Christmas
Dec 27, 2024: Worked over the Christmas Holiday, tonight is Eggnog with Bourbon
Dec 27, 2024: WTF is his standing in the case? Donald Trump asks the Supreme Court to delay the TikTok ban
Dec 27, 2024: Was thinking that all summer
Dec 27, 2024: The original and regular Sunday night sports wrap up show. George Michael Sports Machine.…
Dec 27, 2024: 359 Shopping days until Christmas (assuming stores are closed on New Years, Easter and Thanksgiving)
Dec 27, 2024: Liko Martin doing his original Nanakuli Blues, which becameWaimanalo blues by Country Comfort. If you the know history, this was a protest of the new …
Dec 27, 2024: No disrespect to the 3 stooges, but kind made me think of Trump, Vance and Musk.
Dec 27, 2024: Did a quick trip around town; butter rolls, coffee, Lowe’s, gas and car wash. Now pretty much sleep eat, sports and recharge for the remainder my 2 …
Dec 27, 2024: A Hawaiian protest song from the 70s…
Dec 27, 2024: The VOG is stifling today.
Dec 27, 2024: There are some songs that I sing very loud in the car. This is one of them…
Dec 27, 2024: Managing the luau buffet is kind of my retirement job. I figure that I have 2-3 good years in this body (65 1/2). Though not to make an indictment on …
Dec 27, 2024: In my former position as lead dinner chef, I was averaging 12k steps / day. In my new position as luau lead (actually it’s just me most days) I’m up …
Dec 27, 2024: I’ll pass. Don’t care to relive it 2024, in 4 minutes
Dec 26, 2024: Between Panama, Greenland and Canada, Trump is just a bag of gas ‘Nothing to talk about’: Panama president dismisses Trump’s threats over canal
Dec 26, 2024: Light and variable winds is the worst. Even though the volcano has paused, the VOG will be with us another couple of days
Dec 26, 2024: A kolea taking a dip in the pool
Dec 26, 2024: Got access to the Surf app. Will play around and figure out what it is. It’s in Beta so… Sure it will cost something on the back end.
Dec 26, 2024: My niece is a manager at a Starbucks in North Dakota. She had to go through pro-noun training after a gay employee said she was devastated by the …
Dec 26, 2024: Watching the decline of Howard Dicus on Hawaii News Now reminds me of the decline of Roger Cook on This Old House.
Dec 25, 2024: Impossible is nothing
Dec 25, 2024: After watching the Apple 1971 music show and recalling the social upheavals of that era, gives me some semblance of hope that we can pull back from …
Dec 25, 2024: When we have these VOG (volcanic haze) events, everything takes on this pinkish tint. No real clarity. Reminds me of LA in the early 80s.
Dec 25, 2024: Less than optimal. Came to the NFL game in progress and Netflix wouldn’t let me go to the live game, kept sending me to the start. Finally had to just …
Dec 24, 2024: My 13 yo grandson got a new gaming computer from his Dad. When we were younger in the 80s, we upgraded components, not whole computers. The box was …
Dec 24, 2024: Christmas is finished for us I work tomorrow. My wife is wiped out and will rest tomorrow Merry Christmas to all
Dec 24, 2024: For anyone who hasn’t seen this. Enjoy. Mele Kalikimaka biden chrismss video 2024 - Google Search
Dec 24, 2024: So you’re against gay marriage because of the Bible
Dec 24, 2024: Nuclear winter sunset. (Volcano)
Dec 24, 2024: Watching it is amazing. I saw this live at the Hollywood Bowl in 1982. We were in tears. It just grabs you
Dec 24, 2024: Plugged my AirFly adapter into my iPod shuffle and was able to use my AirPods with it.
Dec 24, 2024: Job done. It will be up another week or so
Dec 24, 2024: Watched the feature on the Golazo network about Berlin Union and their reborn stadium. Amazing
Dec 24, 2024: I remember as a kid, we would have to put on the clothes Grandma sent us for Christmas so my Dad could take a Polaroid to send to her with our Mahalo …
Dec 24, 2024: Enjoying this playlist. Upbeat enough to get through the cooking…
Dec 24, 2024: Quick work of something I don’t like doing.
Dec 24, 2024: I must have been a good boy this year.
Dec 24, 2024: Peeling shrimp. One of the joys of life - NOT! It’s more painful watching someone else do it. I’ve peeled hundreds of pounds through the years.
Dec 24, 2024: When I was younger West Bend was THE brand for kitchen small appliances. My Mom had twest bend brand, I had then too. Now Breville is the state the …
Dec 24, 2024: Got my Elevation Labs time capsule for AirTag. It was very intuitive to set up. It chimed instantly. Put rechargeable batteries in it. Need to get …
Dec 24, 2024: There will come a day in the not to distant future where I be done adulting. I will regress and become irresponsible and be very happy in my ignorant …
Dec 24, 2024: Opening gifts today with our Grandsons. I work tomorrow.
Dec 24, 2024: Yep. VOG. Still kind of Mauka (up the mountain). Top pic from last week
Dec 24, 2024: Not optimimal. All American Airline flights grounded on Christmas Eve due to a ‘technical issue’
Dec 23, 2024: Sunset. The volcanic haze (VOG) is drifting in
Dec 23, 2024: My wife was telling me how I should bake a potato. I have baked literally 1000s of baked potatoes in my career. A couple of cs of 80ct bakers and …
Dec 23, 2024: Pele is back.…
Dec 22, 2024: It’s that time of the year Nutcracker suite.…
Dec 22, 2024: 👍
Dec 22, 2024: I can only imagine living in a full weather location with what some would call a proper winter. Would like to keep it that way. Just keep it in my …
Dec 21, 2024: Bummer. The Thai restaurant that was here opened at the Queens Marketplace in 1990 is now closed.
Dec 21, 2024: It did snow at the King’s Shops Waikoloa
Dec 21, 2024: We’re at the Christmas at King’s Shops Waikoloa. It’s supposed to snow at 6pm
Dec 21, 2024: I remember when this location was the 1st Starbucks in West Hawaii at the King’s shops. One opened on Palani shortly thereafter followed by Waimea. …
Dec 21, 2024: Remind me why I have ESPN+. I can’t watch any games that are on cable.
Dec 21, 2024: Love this…
Dec 21, 2024: Really like Arch Manning. He’s only a Freshman
Dec 21, 2024: Looks like Texas showed up today, hopefully they stay punched in for all 4 quarters
Dec 21, 2024: We bought one of these with the intention of giving it to my Step-Son, but are getting him a membership to a local golf club instead. We’re keeping …
Dec 21, 2024: Speed kills. Hook ‘Em Horns
Dec 21, 2024: We weren’t getting a pumpkin pie for Christmas Eve dinner, but at Costco it seemed like everyone had at least one in their cart. We picked one up for …
Dec 21, 2024: I’ve always liked Zinfandels, but California did a poor job for many years. They were caught up the white Zinfandel craze. The wineries that nurtured …
Dec 21, 2024: We tasted 8 wines at St Francis winery. This was the one I liked the most. Costco.
Dec 21, 2024: They never call it when a player steps over the line on a throw in. Happens a lot
Dec 21, 2024: In the late 80s I worked for the Miller Beer distributor in Hawaii. Back then Miller Lite was king. When there was a big surf event like tomorrow’s …
Dec 21, 2024: The iPhone 7 pro I have isn’t important enough to spend any more time on. I found it in a box of old devices that included various models of iPods. …
Dec 21, 2024: I really dislike football pre-game shows. Droning on and on.
Dec 20, 2024: I still love this soundtrack. It’s heavy.…
Dec 20, 2024: Continuing annoyance. Handing my phone means fingerprints on the camera bump. I often get blurry photos of I don’t remember to wipe it.
Dec 20, 2024: Have my doubts. But we’ll see. Netflix scores the broadcasting rights to the FIFA Women’s World Cup
Dec 20, 2024: Good game. Buzzer beater.
Dec 20, 2024: I’d subscribe in a minute. ★ Journalism Requires Owners Committed to the Cause
Dec 20, 2024: Pukalani Superette. Regular stop for many years. almost 100 years in business
Dec 20, 2024: 100%
Dec 20, 2024: iPhone 7 Max. 3 different cables and My Mac won’t see it. At least it’s nice to look at.
Dec 20, 2024: Just got a call from a headhunter that still had my management resume. Said there are 4 GM positions available right here in west Hawaii. All paying …
Dec 20, 2024: Think I dodged a bullet at work. Talking to Chef yesterday, lots of cooks gonna be moved around to positions they may not want to be in. Running the …
Dec 20, 2024: Up to date on Silo and Dune Prophecy. finished Before - had a few bizarre moments, but entertaining. Will catch up on The Agency later. Watching …
Dec 20, 2024: Mauna Loa and Mauna Kea in Dec 2022
Dec 20, 2024: I remember going to the Queen Theater in Kaimuki in High school to watch surf films and Japanese Samurai flicks. Zatuichi the Blind Swordsman
Dec 20, 2024: My body is starting to adapt to being back at a physical job after 7 months. Takes longer at “this” age. The first few days everything (except my …
Dec 20, 2024: Ordered one. $20 is a deal. Keep an AirTag in my knife box and use one for travel. In the past I’ve found the battery was dead after trip started. …
Dec 19, 2024: Noticed that. I have a pristine iPhone 7 that is useless now. Thanks Apple iCloud Backups No Longer Available for iPhones and iPads Running iOS 8 or …
Dec 19, 2024: The calm before the storm. Luau day
Dec 19, 2024: An old one
Dec 19, 2024: Being primarily an Irish Whisky drinker, despite their dissing it, I like Buffalo trace. Which Bourbon Is Best? A Taste Test of Knob Creek, …
Dec 19, 2024: Who the F&ck elected him. This is a messed up situation. Musk leads GOP rebellion against government-spending bill - The Wall Street Journal
Dec 19, 2024: In other news. Someone just a getting a new transmission.
Dec 19, 2024: Auto dealers keep reminding us why we don’t like them. They needed to take a photo of my leaking front struts for the warranty company. The mechanic …
Dec 18, 2024: Science is amazing. The incision didn’t seem big enough to fit all of this hardware into my shoulder.
Dec 18, 2024: These aren’t new descriptions. The central coast, central valley and the sierras maintain a healthy buffer between north and south. …
Dec 18, 2024: Still getting emails that say time for holiday shipping is running out. That ship has sailed to Hawaii a long time ago
Dec 17, 2024: On a musical tangent. Listening George Helm just puts me in a mood.
Dec 17, 2024: Have always loved this song from the 70s.…
Dec 17, 2024: Democrats still living in the past.…
Dec 17, 2024: 1971 really was an epic year for music.…
Dec 17, 2024: Graduated from physical therapy for my shoulder 165 day post surgery. It’s not at full strength, but it’s kind of the best therapy can do. After 3 …
Dec 17, 2024: I drove Nissan Frontiers for quite a few year. They were good enough. The Nissan dealer service was excellent. My wife and I have bought 3 cars since …
Dec 17, 2024: She and her family should pay for creating a hysteria. Pay back LAPD. He father committed suicide. What a mess Hannah Kobayashi speaks out after …
Dec 17, 2024: Current status
Dec 17, 2024: Moonset in the west
Dec 17, 2024: Was thinking about the Waiki’i Music festival. This is from 1994. It was so chill and so much fun. Amazing food from the Hawaii island canoe clubs. We …
Dec 16, 2024: We’ve been on quite the run of crapology.
Dec 16, 2024: Ain’t nobody gonna give a good cahoot.…
Dec 16, 2024: There’s been a requirement on Hawaii island that homes built close to the shore must be on stilts. A few older homes have been jacked up. If you do it …
Dec 16, 2024: My 13yo grandson has a drone. He’s pretty competent at flying it. Just needs more practice. He wants to fly it for fun. See the world from a bird’s …
Dec 15, 2024: Watching 1971 The Year that music changed everything on AppleTV I know all of this music. I love it.
Dec 15, 2024: Ua lohe au i kēia moʻolelo i koʻu ola a pau. Noho au ma Keaukaha no kekahi mau makahiki. Ua ʻōlelo mau au na ka poʻe Hawaiʻi kēia moʻolelo e kākau …
Dec 15, 2024: If I had an iMac, Id use this as wallpaper
Dec 15, 2024: Cyber Bullying
Dec 15, 2024: Got some fresh poi in Waimea yesterday. Usually eat poi with something either salty or spicy. Lacking those options, just eating poi.
Dec 15, 2024: Was so nice spending a couple of days just hanging out with my Daughter and her GF. Her partner works at the Bishop Museum library and archive. …
Dec 15, 2024: I have so many photos that were scans of old prints, so no meta data. I have to manually look through them and look for something in the same era. I …
Dec 15, 2024: Good luck local traffic
Dec 15, 2024: Great deal
Dec 14, 2024: Ok. We did get a little snow flurry in Kona.
Dec 14, 2024: It doesn’t snow in Hawaii. We have bubbles.
Dec 14, 2024: The County band is all makule so they can’t march. Perfect solution
Dec 14, 2024: Hawaii County emergency services representing
Dec 14, 2024: Massive pre COVID type crowd for the Kona Christmas parade
Dec 14, 2024: Alii Drive is packed for the parade
Dec 14, 2024: It’s crazy that 3 teams from the Dakotas are in the FCS Semi Finals. S. Dakota, SDSU, and NDSU. Something in the water up there
Dec 14, 2024: Spent the day with my daughter. Her GF had to work in the hotel room, an emergency came up. We went to market at Pukalani Stables in Waimea. Got some …
Dec 14, 2024: Manaola pop up store at Queens Marketplace. Just opened. Had a line waiting. It’s packed
Dec 14, 2024: When my wife and I have plans for the day, we are up and out by 9ish am. My daughter and her GF, not so. Almost 10 and they are working on coffee. Go …
Dec 14, 2024: Sorry. An $800 suitcase is multiple time more valuable than what I would put in it. I Fly 30+ Times a Year, so I Upgraded My Luggage to This Suitcase …
Dec 14, 2024: Forest sure pulled one out over Villa. Quite an end to that match.
Dec 14, 2024: CVS is relentless with text messages about prescription refills. I can’t take them any faster. I need a refill when I need a refill.
Dec 14, 2024: 2 Email newsletters I do like are Alex Brogan’s Faster than Normal . and Starts with a Bang from Big Think
Dec 13, 2024: My daughter just got in from O’ahu. Flight was late. We’ll catch a late dinner and talk for a while. She brought her Friend. She’ll be 40 in 2025 and …
Dec 13, 2024: The Director’s cut is even better of All My Love. Chris Martin and 99 yo Dick Van Dyke.
Dec 13, 2024: Ua alakaʻi hewa ka poʻe Hawaiʻi i ka huhū i ka poʻe haole ʻaʻole pili i ko lākou pilikia. kaumaha.
Dec 13, 2024: My wife got on an earlier flight ✈️ from O’ahu. Now delayed. Flat tire and pilot called out. Friday the 13th.
Dec 13, 2024: Happens to me all the time. “…was confused by a featureless stretch of rippled sandy terrain, resulting in incorrect velocity estimates that led to a …
Dec 13, 2024: I’m canceling any regular email newsletters that focus on negativity and what’s wrong rather than what’s possible in the current climate.
Dec 13, 2024: I’ll be running the Outrigger Kona Luau. There’s been a turnover of staff and it needs some stability and organization. This will be fun.
Dec 13, 2024: Don’t give this wahine the air time. She’s being stupid. Comment on Hawaiian being ‘dead language’ at council hearing draws widespread rebuke …
Dec 13, 2024: I haven’t been up and out this year in years. Lowes is busy. Dropped my wife at the airport.
Dec 12, 2024: Keep in mind, I’m from an era where subscriptions to magazines was regular. I have never subscribed to Time. I did for Rolling Stone, Sports …
Dec 12, 2024: I bought my first Apple Watch for health reasons. I was dealing with a heart issue (since then it’s been repaired) to check heart rate, etc. I still …
Dec 11, 2024: Blueberry short cake from scratch
Dec 11, 2024: I gladly give The #Guardian money every year to help them remain independent
Dec 11, 2024: We have an AppleTV HD. I waited through 2024 to see if there was a “big” update. Just going to pull the trigger already. I’ll upgrade the living room …
Dec 11, 2024: 4 devices updating, 4 different Operating Systems. IOS iPadOS, TVos and MACos
Dec 11, 2024: Just watch PBS Nova Hunt for the oldest DNA. Fascinating. They’re starting map our path into a warmer future with DNA from before the last ice age …
Dec 10, 2024: I would only use raw milk for cooking. Some recipes are better with it. Clotted cream needs un-ultra-pasteurized cream.
Dec 10, 2024: How did Alaskans become Astros fans?
Dec 10, 2024: Tried ordering some good quality canned Salmon on Amazon for my wife’s Christmas stocking, wouldn’t get here until Dec 28th. Went to company’s …
Dec 10, 2024: Get up and move…
Dec 10, 2024: More discussions to be had, but the Sous chef floated the idea of me taking over managing the luau (kitchen portion) rather than going back to being …
Dec 10, 2024: So there IS a medical angle. I also have spondylolisthesis. It requires daily attention. I discovered aqua therapy which was a game changer in …
Dec 10, 2024: Boom. First day back, 11k + steps.
Dec 10, 2024: I’ve been getting mail from United Healthcare since I’ve been Medicare eligible. Never gave it much thought, straight to the trash. I won’t go all in …
Dec 9, 2024: Keauhou Kona Hawaii
Dec 9, 2024: First day back. My injury was 214 days ago. Surgery 157 day ago. I’m back 4 weeks early, I worked hard
Dec 9, 2024: Didn’t know this. United Health is not only an insurer, they own claims clearing houses, labs, pharma, pharmacies, and even employee providers. If …
Dec 8, 2024: NBC’s Meet the Dictator let him drone on about nonsense
Dec 8, 2024: I remember my Grandmother taking me to see the Chargers in the San Diego Stadium in the 70s (wasn’t renamed the Murph til later). Air Coryell with …
Dec 8, 2024: When I want to just put on Music, I put on Paradise Radio. I like the mellow station. It’s free, I make a donation monthly. They’re based in Paradise …
Dec 8, 2024: Watching the new The Day of the Jackal series on Peacock. After 1 episode, I like it.
Dec 8, 2024: David Foster Wallace. This is good to watch every couple of years. Especially this year. We’ve seem the GOP doesn’t care about other people, just …
Dec 8, 2024: Remembering when I was young, Liberty House would have free holiday wrapping. It was great and they did a good job. Drop them off and stop shortly …
Dec 8, 2024: This wind mill on the Kona Royal hotel property is a thrown back. Look like it used to pump water somewhere at some time.
Dec 8, 2024: This is from the newish Kahului bridge on Alii Drive in Kona. The bridge was completed in 2021. To the County and Isemoto Construction’s credit, it …
Dec 8, 2024: The south looking coast of Kona from the ocean access beach (no sand, just grass and rocks), just south of the Royal Kona Hotel. Sunday morning.
Dec 8, 2024: Persistents OR path of least resistance At least the landscapers can’t cut you if you’re inside the post.
Dec 8, 2024: Manton has coffee shop pix. Here’s mine today @manton
Dec 8, 2024: I must be in the front row. On Alii drive
Dec 8, 2024: Lawyer up Trump aims to end birthright citizenship, says American citizens with family here illegally may be deported
Dec 7, 2024: Oregon is good at Football
Dec 7, 2024: Texas is done
Dec 7, 2024: My favorite mountain on Hawaii Island is the Kohala Mountains. When we lived in Waimea our dining room looked straight at them.
Dec 7, 2024: The Waimea Butcher Shop is our always stop
Dec 7, 2024: ESPN is really pushing the UFC fight. Another broken algorithm, I’ve never bought a closed circuit anything or a UFC fight
Dec 7, 2024: My wife has all of her ducks in a row before we head out the door (or her OCD). Pick up grandsons and head to Waimea for Christmas craft fairs and …
Dec 7, 2024: This shopping center, the Makalapua center, was built in the early 90s. It had a K-Mart, a cinema complex and Macy’s. Kmart and the theaters closed in …
Dec 7, 2024: Here’s my Dad with the Heathkit CPU named Charlie on his back desk @cheesemaker he used it to store and sort member data. Me managed a number of …
Dec 6, 2024: This is from shortly after they opened in 1965. Famously, Steve Jobs stayed there.
Dec 6, 2024: Throw back
Dec 6, 2024: Not that they would want to play towards their constituents. Owner of Los Angeles Times says paper will employ AI-powered ‘bias meter’
Dec 6, 2024: Ornaments
Dec 5, 2024: I got that Festivitas dock and menu bar Christmas lights utility. Fun, it’s benign, doesn’t interfere with anything. Harrogate Forest UK wallpaper …
Dec 5, 2024: I got that Festivitas dock and menu bar Christmas lights utility. Fun, it’s benign, doesn’t interfere with anything. Harrogate Forest UK wallpaper …
Dec 5, 2024: My wife made this for our front kitchen window that we’ve never decorated. She had an idea and found the garland, LED light and holly clip ons. Came …
Dec 5, 2024: Took me a while to get around to watching “The Gentleman” series after I added to my queue. Really enjoyed it. Kept the spirit of the movie in its …
Dec 5, 2024: Got it. Much like it ‘Festivitas’ brings holiday cheer to your Mac’s dock and menu bar
Dec 5, 2024: Just made. Texas style chili. Hot, dark and thick. No beans.
Dec 5, 2024: This shooter had a plan.The only unknown is if they find video of him prior to the shooting. Kind of feel he’s not hunkered down in a mid town flat, …
Dec 5, 2024: PayPal increased charges for transactions. The cost of doing business goes up again
Dec 4, 2024: Vance has gone crickets.
Dec 4, 2024: It’s so cool how Booker T and MGs, a mostly studio band for Stax records in Memphis had that ended up as surf songs.…
Dec 4, 2024: After watching Yacht Rock, I was inspired to watch the Stax Records documentary I had a Stax records multi CD set back in the day. Always loved it.
Dec 4, 2024: Power back. Everything rebooted. All good
Dec 4, 2024: Pretty sizable area. No updates
Dec 4, 2024: Massive power outage in Kailua Kona.
Dec 4, 2024: 4 turkeys (literally) crossing the road back up Kuakini highway in both direction. They were in no rush. Thanksgiving is over. They’re free
Dec 4, 2024: Finally got around to listening to the new Cure album. They really did pick up where left off. I like it.…
Dec 4, 2024: Removed Threads cross posting. Won’t share my thoughts as to not upset any demographic. I found some long lost people from Twitter there, but many of …
Dec 4, 2024: The gradients in nature 🙂
Dec 3, 2024: After a recent check up my Dr. said even with my shoulder issues, I’m healthier at my age than many of his patients much younger than me. My bloodwork …
Dec 3, 2024: This is the guy who was playing at Umeke’s tonight.…
Dec 3, 2024: Live music at Umeke’s is good. Mike Antosh. Local musician
Dec 3, 2024: Umeke’s in Kona for Anniversary dinner
Dec 3, 2024: Target has a wide selection of product categories, but few choices within those categories. Their private label in invariably one of the choices.
Dec 3, 2024: In Yacht Rock I loved that Christopher Cross had a successful weed business when he was “discovered”
Dec 3, 2024: I love Birdwell Britches surf shorts. Been using them for 30 years. They were the perfect padding shorts. They’re bullet proof but you can still move. …
Dec 3, 2024: Websites posts a sale of up to 50% off. Go to the site, 1 item in XS and a bizarre color 50% off. Everything else not on sale or 20% off
Dec 3, 2024: Before subscriptions
Dec 3, 2024: Be safe
Dec 3, 2024: True. I’ve been listened to Gabby Pahinui for almost 60 years. Top 1000. Who knew.
Dec 3, 2024: This is interesting. I have been off work since April for shoulder injury and repair / replacement. Normally I play music at work that is mostly what …
Dec 3, 2024: Considering what previous presidents did and the fact they usually did a massive list of pardons on their last day on their way out the door means it …
Dec 2, 2024: I know this has been said before. But Elon Musk really is like an off the rails James Bond villain
Dec 2, 2024: This is going to be a barn burner.
Dec 2, 2024: All day Music is a classic. War’s Lonnie Jordan: ‘We don’t shoot bullets; we shoot rhythms’
Dec 2, 2024: I’m a chef, but when someone says: I have a simple recipe for _____, and it has 20 ingredients (most of which you don’t have in your kitchen) and 2 …
Dec 2, 2024: Watched the final Loki episode waiting for Skelton Crew to drop
Dec 2, 2024: Every website that I’ve ever bought from has a Black Friday, small business and cyber Monday sale and sent me an email for each one. Tomorrow will be …
Dec 2, 2024: The Netflix algorithm keeps showing me games. I’ve never bought a game on Netflix or even searched for one.
Dec 2, 2024: Watching Polar Express. Just because. Also, can’t watch MNF because we don’t have cable
Dec 2, 2024: A rather odd low humidity, cloudless day in Kona
Dec 2, 2024: Monochrome Monday
Dec 2, 2024: Trump was going to pardon them anyway and the GOP would have still been harping on Hunter’s laptop. Joe Biden criticized by some supporters for …
Dec 2, 2024: It would be cool if MB shared the Album cover of a song shared from Apple Music. I know it works in other platforms. Not nerdy enough to know how it …
Dec 2, 2024: Taking a break from Threads.
Dec 2, 2024: The algorithm they use for credit score is strange. We cancelled a long unused credit card and scores went down. Added car loan (paid half down) and …
Dec 1, 2024: Watching Yacht Rock on HBO. Love it. I know every single song on it. I don’t have many of albums, but the radio covered all of it in Hawaii.
Dec 1, 2024: I agree. They made him an issue because of name. Joe Biden issues ‘full and unconditional’ pardon to son Hunter
Dec 1, 2024: Here we are now.
Dec 1, 2024: In Europe Football they cancel the match when this happens. I believe the NFL would never cancels a game unsless maybe the stadium fell. Too much …
Dec 1, 2024: My wife a driving glacier slow on Alii drive. There was a bike cyclist riding on the line. She said he “could” swerve into the lane. (To my eye, he …
Dec 1, 2024: I’ve had the handle Hawaiiboy since forever. I’ve alway been proud to be from Hawaii. I may not be Hawaiian, but Hawaii is what I know. I also own the …
Dec 1, 2024: It’s so clear, can see Maui peaking out over the edge of Hualalai. Rare sight from Keauhou.
Dec 1, 2024: Postcard view up the coast.
Dec 1, 2024: Late checkout. 3pm. Benefits.
Dec 1, 2024: When I was young I remember thinking I’ll be 41 in the year 2000. That’s a long time away. FN blew by that in a blink. 2025 coming up.
Dec 1, 2024: ok - MB error logs
Dec 1, 2024: Congrats Kapa’a, I believe it’s their first D1 championship. Must’ve been a battle. No score for 3 quarters. 3. points short Konawaena. Great run. …
Nov 30, 2024: Impending sunset
Nov 30, 2024: Typical Kona. These dark clouds stacked up on Hualalai, then just sat there and did nothing.
Nov 30, 2024: Staycation at work. Not everyone can say that. #OutriggerKona
Nov 30, 2024: The once glimmering light of air travel is being snuffed out. They will soon be no different than the others, taking away more reasons to fly …
Nov 30, 2024: This is great news. I canceled my account months ago. Not sure why they sent this now. Someone else must have tried to use it.
Nov 30, 2024: I alway heat leftovers either on the stove or in the toaster oven. Very rarely microwave
Nov 29, 2024: Mac Mini M4 ordered. Merry Christmas me. 256gb
Nov 29, 2024: Amazon out of the 256 M4 Mac mini too. The Costco deal expires 12/3. Maybe the Amazon deal goes longer
Nov 29, 2024: And so it begins…
Nov 29, 2024: Was going to pull the trigger on a $500 M4 Mac mini at Costco. Out of stock.
Nov 29, 2024: My Dad played a lot of classical music and my uncle played mostly Jazz, he even game me a a couple of albums. I was mostly into Hawaiian and Rock (and …
Nov 29, 2024: Looking makai (toward the ocean) at Pāhoehoe beach park in Kona
Nov 29, 2024: Dave Brubeck was the epitome of cool.…
Nov 29, 2024: Had a chance to taste yesterday’s food in a more relaxed state. The turkey is really moist, even the breast. I brined it breast side down. The Italian …
Nov 29, 2024: My wife went shopping, I didn’t. I think we’re both in a better place.
Nov 29, 2024: With 8 days left till I am eligible to return to work I’ve stepped up my pace on my walk. Have knocked 5 min a mile off my pace 3 weeks ago. There’s …
Nov 29, 2024: I love it try Turkish coffee. I’m never going to Turkey. So will have of stumble upon someplace that makes it at some point. Turkish coffee - …
Nov 29, 2024: Funny seeing people lining up at stores on the news this morning. Haven’t done that since the internet. I remember getting a killer deal on a …
Nov 28, 2024: Butcher’s style slice
Nov 28, 2024: Haven’t listened to Brady on Fox. He hasn’t been on our regional games this year. He’s on today. He really sucks.
Nov 28, 2024: Resting before the butcher style slicing.
Nov 28, 2024: My daughter is in Colorado. Wintery
Nov 28, 2024: Wow. Detroit had it in hand, but the Bears made interesting but lost a chance on poor clock management.
Nov 28, 2024: Fascinating article in Xerox PARC in the 80s. A much studied corporation What we can learn about resilience from the Pantheon
Nov 28, 2024: The brined turkey safely out of the brine, rinsed, air dried, seasoned and in the oven. See ya in 165°, save for a couple of bastings.
Nov 28, 2024: Would love to see Detroit win the Super Bowl. It would be amazing for the city.
Nov 28, 2024: My wife’s family in North Dakota are “drunk on oil money “MAGA. They don’t really care about politics other than the top MAGA talking points to sound …
Nov 28, 2024: Dawn is breaking
Nov 27, 2024: My Dad lived in Waikoloa village on Francolin place. We were preparing Thanksgiving one year at his place and looked out back on the golf course and …
Nov 27, 2024: We’re dining at my Step-son’s house tomorrow. He thinks Trump is the man and believes all of the conspiracy theories. The micro-chips n the vaccine, …
Nov 27, 2024: Listening to Hans Zimmer’s movie sound tracks is trippy. Takes me back to the movies…
Nov 27, 2024: I’ve read this book twice and refer back to it often. It’s grounding to grasp the science of how life was created, how rare it is, and why everything …
Nov 27, 2024: As of yesterday, I was just making stuffing. As of today, I’m doing the turkey and garlic mashed potatoes. My wife went up to her son’s house and he …
Nov 27, 2024: Saw an interview with Anne Wojcicki, CEO of 23&me. Told a great story for shareholders. Too little too late.
Nov 27, 2024: Scored some fresh herbs.
Nov 27, 2024: This is sad, but his fault. Sunday, 2 days after this, we were driving south down the coast and 2 motorcycles blew by us passing a line of cars. They …
Nov 27, 2024: Run silent…
Nov 27, 2024: My walking playlist this morning. The year I was born.…
Nov 27, 2024: Came across this about 20 years ago. I’ve sliced my turkey like this since. The Butcher Carves a Turkey - The New York Times
Nov 26, 2024: I’ll enjoy Thanksgiving. Guarantee I’ll be working Christmas and New Year’s.
Nov 26, 2024: I’ve had this blue LED light in my bathroom for well over 20 years. It’s has a photo cell so it’s off when the light is on, which is a few minutes a …
Nov 26, 2024: I felt safer driving in south central LA in the early 80 than I do in Holiday season store parking lots .
Nov 26, 2024: I’ve come to the conclusion the search engines other than Google just aren’t very good at Hawaii Specific searches. I keep going back to Google
Nov 26, 2024: Hilo Battery and Glass on Kinoole st. Approx 1968. The owner Akira Sato was a close family friend.
Nov 26, 2024: When we bought my wife’s Subaru Crosstrek earlier this year, we took an EV under serious consideration. It just didn’t make sense for us on many …
Nov 26, 2024: Drop down to Keauhou shopping center for last minute ingredients. The winds have freshened up quite a bit since my walk this morning. White caps on …
Nov 26, 2024: A layer of clouds on the horizon, but not a single cloud on Hualalai. That will change shortly as the dynamics of thermals kicks in.
Nov 26, 2024: This definitely does justice to the original by the Platters.…
Nov 26, 2024: Then around point on my walk. Magics and a cup of joe
Nov 26, 2024: We are at least in a good enough financial position to weather a “tariff storm” and will shelter our family. I am healthy enough to work a few more …
Nov 26, 2024: My wife’s work is migrating from Webex to MS Teams. It’s not going well. It’s somehow messing up their Outlook email among other issues.
Nov 26, 2024: This is where Kamala stayed on Hawaii Ialand at the Mauna Kea resort.…
Nov 25, 2024: Watching Fargo season 1 with Billy Bob Thornton, for no specific reason other than it’s great TV
Nov 25, 2024: Streaming services don’t offer deals to reward loyalty. Their deals always focus on bringing viewers back. This disincentives loyalty
Nov 25, 2024: My Great Grandparents. Otto and Fannie Kimbley. They lived in the same house in the Paducah Ward, McCracken, Kentucky since they got married on …
Nov 25, 2024: That went well
Nov 25, 2024: I think ManCity is the radical right of football. They think the rules don’t apply to them. When they are charged they say it’s all lies and they are …
Nov 25, 2024: Hawaiian Ranch style home I’ve spoken about to Hawaiian Ranch. A tried and true style for this tropical climate. Too many people bring an architectural style that doesn’t fit …
Nov 25, 2024: Going back to the Apple Classical music app more and more. The playlists are amazing, and no thought process needed. The music by mood is my ❤️
Nov 25, 2024: Car safely ensconced at the dealer. Coffee secured at the (almost) on the ocean coffee shop with a cinnamon twist accompaniment. Chill for a spell, …
Nov 25, 2024: Enjoying this album. The titles of the track match point in the show. “The police are here”…
Nov 25, 2024: Monochrome Monday. Didn’t know it was a think until I started following some photographers
Nov 25, 2024: Back to work in 14 days after a loooong 7 months off. 2 months post injury / pre surgery, 5 months recovery. Walking every day until then to build up …
Nov 25, 2024: When i got up this morning, i was informed all of the Christmas decorations and the tree need to come out of their various storage place. I knew it …
Nov 25, 2024: Today I’m glad we bought the extended warranty when we bought our Hyundai Elantra in 2016. The suspension is shot. Nothing we’ve done. No off road, it …
Nov 24, 2024: May 7, 2006. The day prior to the Molokai to Oahu OC-1 /OC-2 race. Taken on west end of Molokai
Nov 24, 2024: Craig Alaska 2005
Nov 24, 2024: Took this in 2004 with a Canon camera. Hilo Bay
Nov 24, 2024: Sunday night music.…
Nov 24, 2024: This house looks like it landed rather than built. It’s at the North side of Puako and look vastly out of place among 50 years old Hawaiian ranch …
Nov 24, 2024: Finally
Nov 24, 2024: Surfers sitting and waiting outside of Puako with Maui in the background. Haven’t seen them catch a wave yet. Pretty flat
Nov 24, 2024: My wife parks her new car so far from the store I need to catch an Uber
Nov 24, 2024: Pitchers duel
Nov 24, 2024: My Grandfather was a baker (literally - lived above his bakery). When he was over for the holidays, we has some amazing breads.
Nov 24, 2024: I’m the chef in the family, but on thanksgiving everyone becomes a chef. I’m just responsible for stuffing. It will be an amazing stuffing. When my …
Nov 24, 2024: The Cowboys are the keystone cops.…
Nov 23, 2024: A cloudy sunset. Still nice
Nov 23, 2024: Doesn’t matter
Nov 23, 2024: I’m not a bud drinker, but Love this commercial…
Nov 23, 2024: My wife went ot visit stores around Kona and try to job some holiday ideas loose in her mind. I stayed home and dug through some cainets to clear out …
Nov 23, 2024: What a finish for Illinois. 4 and long with time running out, 43 yard touch down.
Nov 23, 2024: Never really was a Big 10 fan. Always Pac-10, WAC, Mountain West, some SEC (mostly basketball). But here’s where we are, the Big 18, the Big 16 and …
Nov 23, 2024: All of the clubs that I follow won. 4 with clean sheets. Konawaena won last night. I’m both a Texas and Kentucky fan so I’ll win and lose in the game. …
Nov 23, 2024: iOS app doesn’t repond to sharing from a screenshot. Tap and nothing. Like a dead button. Others work.
Nov 23, 2024: College football announcers are so enthusiastic. They make any game sound exciting
Nov 22, 2024: Really enjoyed Gladiator II. Pretty much a must see on big screen movie, much like Dune. When we went into the theater it was empty. 3:40 show. About …
Nov 22, 2024: Trying out the Vivaldi browser tiled tab feature for the 4 social media sites I use daily. So far, so good.
Nov 22, 2024: As I creep ever closer to retirement and I’ve been canceling more small subscriptions and services that I don’t need for work or basic nerdiness.
Nov 22, 2024: Need something like Tweetdeck for all of the different social networks
Nov 22, 2024: My wife wants to see Gladiator in the theater. Secured tickets. I’ve only seen 1 movie in the theater since maybe 2019 - that was Dune part 2.
Nov 22, 2024: My 2014 Mac mini can only update to Monterey, so can’t use iCloud. Some ancient apps on it that won’t open. I love that it has so many ports. New M4 …
Nov 22, 2024: We have this monster entertainment center. We got a deal on it from a couple that to make a quick move in 2008. We’ve moved it 5 times. It’s …
Nov 22, 2024: Was back in the kitchen yesterday to talk to chef about my progressive return to work beginning Dec 7. 2 days-then 3, 4 and finally 5 in successive …
Nov 22, 2024: Since I started making Apple Hide my email part of my workflow, really liking it. Easy to cancel.
Nov 22, 2024: We’re in a good stretch of weather in the past 2 weeks. No storm systems, no low or high pressure systems and we’ve had shift to winter with the jet …
Nov 21, 2024: A widely held belief about driving, if you drive really close to the car in front of you, they will drive faster.
Nov 21, 2024: The complex where we live in Kona had to turn off the water to entire site. We got notice at 2:22 for a 2:20 3-4 hour shutoff. Not even time to fill a …
Nov 21, 2024: Children of Men takes place in 3 years. In the current climate (political and environmental) it’s not impossible
Nov 21, 2024: My wife is always coming across Reels of things in our house or food that we have that will kill us. There’s also always something that must be soaked …
Nov 20, 2024: Really liking the PBS Nova shorts on Coastline management. Mostly features Native Tribes
Nov 20, 2024: Ok. Apple Maps is pissing me off. I’m looking for the distance between 2 places in California. Tried for 15 min and it kept trying to use my home …
Nov 20, 2024: Kalapana before the 1984 lava flow
Nov 20, 2024: Changed my Guardian app to the UK edition.
Nov 20, 2024: The AMEX algorithm isn’t paying attention. I’ve never been to Las Vegas and never been to New York. They keep sending me dining and entertainment …
Nov 20, 2024: I have subscribed to a number of current events newsletters for a few year now from sources that I trust. I’m pausing them all. I don’t want to …
Nov 20, 2024: Younger people, if you don’t get to the Doctor often or have good relationships with you Doctor, here’s something I started in my 30s and still do. …
Nov 19, 2024: Ok Marvel. I get it. The multiverse means no one really dies. Let’s get on with it
Nov 18, 2024: Watched HighwayMen on Netflix. I enjoyed it. Nice flow. Good to see Costner and Harrelson work together.
Nov 18, 2024: Double standard. When we went on our recent trip to N Cal., my wife’s boss insisted she be available and had to take her work phone. Her boss is now …
Nov 18, 2024: Some of these updates feel like a graphics rich webpage loading on dialup.
Nov 18, 2024: might end up being our safe haven in Trump’s FCC
Nov 18, 2024: My wife said to just watch. When Musk starts getting more attention than Trump. Trump will snap, he has to be top fiddle
Nov 17, 2024: Dublin
Nov 17, 2024: And so it begins anew.
Nov 17, 2024: Watching Once Upon a Time in Northern Ireland on PBS. Very powerful.
Nov 17, 2024: Looks like the 72 Dolphins might carry this to their graves.
Nov 17, 2024: Officially created a Sonoma/Petaluma bookmarks folder. My wife has been going through neighborhoods on Google maps. It’s likey still 2+ years away. …
Nov 17, 2024: I remember when politics was more of a fringe subject. Everyone pretty much played fair and politicians more or less behaved. Those that didn’t were …
Nov 16, 2024: I’ve always loved this album. Na Kai ‘Ewalu - the ocean that separates us also ties us together. I had the cassette when it came out and wore it out …
Nov 16, 2024: Trees
Nov 15, 2024: I had read that the critics slammed this album said Charlie Parker had sold out. The Public loved it. Brought a whole new audience into jazz. …
Nov 15, 2024: Just missed it. In Costco on a Friday again
Nov 15, 2024: Finished the last piece of that Costco apple pie
Nov 15, 2024: Great news from the WC insurance adjuster. They’re fine with me going back to work 2 non-successive days for the first week, then see how my shoulder …
Nov 15, 2024: Windy everywhere else on Hawaii Island. But a little too much SES in the direction it’s coming from to clear Hualalai. It did blow out all of the …
Nov 15, 2024: Dreamy…
Nov 15, 2024: Zillow’s algorithm is non existent. It keeps showing me $1.2+ million dollar homes. I have never tapped on a home that high and my search is under …
Nov 14, 2024: I’ve been using Netflix for so many years, I would think the algorithm would be better. Guess not
Nov 14, 2024: I think we’ve all seen managers that were promoted to a level of incompetence. Starting to feel the level in incompetency in the Trump government will …
Nov 14, 2024: Was just recalling, when I was a kid, we found a reel to reel tape player and a box of tapes. Among them was Duke Ellington and Louis Armstormg. Lots …
Nov 14, 2024: This morning’s walk brought to you by Thelonious Monk et al…
Nov 14, 2024: My wife sent me her cache of pix from our trip. This Italian Restaurant in Santa Rosa was awesome. The house was the James Mason house built in 1876. …
Nov 13, 2024: I think the dems need a fundraising campaign like the one during the campaign to line up the lawyers for the upcoming war.
Nov 13, 2024: This song by Louis Armstrong came out just before the Great Depression. Kind of the mood these days…
Nov 13, 2024: Never been a NY guy. I’m west coast and the islands. But NY in the 40s with the jazz and bebop scene must have been exhilarating and amazing and life …
Nov 13, 2024: 20th Century Fox is officially dead.…
Nov 13, 2024: Made a pot of chili. Texas style. Coarse ground beef and pork. Thick, no beans.
Nov 13, 2024: Watching Ken Burns Jazz. It speaks of hope, dreams, creativity and possibilities. Things the voting majority of our country just voted away.
Nov 13, 2024: Listening to jazz to stay relaxed.
Nov 13, 2024: Trump’s pre-school
Nov 11, 2024: Need some Astrophysics to figure out how to get Washington DC and Ma-ra-lago closer to a Black hole event horizon.
Nov 11, 2024: Watching “Before” on AppleTV+ with Billy Crystal, 3 episodes in and it keeps getting weirder. I’ll stick with it.
Nov 10, 2024: I guess the Costco holiday connection is the new Wish Book
Nov 10, 2024: My wife and I finished Disclaimer on AppleTV+ last night. Very trippy show, but good at the end.
Nov 9, 2024: This one came back up. It how I feel about the country. It’s not going to be the country that my ancestors fought for in the Virginia Militia.
Nov 9, 2024: I bought this album in my first year of college. Still Love it. 1978…
Nov 9, 2024: Our monthly volunteer effort at the Palamanui Dry Forest reforestation project. My grandson gets school credits, I’m helping restore a dry forest for …
Nov 9, 2024: Kind of annoyed. Our HP printer doesn’t support WPA3 protocol. Luckily our guest network is WPA2/WPA3 so the little printing we actually do is ok. We …
Nov 8, 2024: ★ It Doesn’t End
Nov 8, 2024: My future Daughter in-law floated the idea of starting an Island food plate food truck in Sonoma / Petaluma, if/when we move there. Sounds intriguing. …
Nov 8, 2024: It’s alway humorous when people don’t realize their car isn’t soundproof when they are having an argument over the phone on the car speakers. So glad …
Nov 8, 2024: Wondering if there are any imminent asteroids headed our way. Asking for a friend.
Nov 8, 2024: I guess we’ll find out soon enough if these counties with high immigrant populations who voted red were right These California counties flipped from …
Nov 7, 2024: Oh well. Fasten the seatbelts and wait it out. > How Trump Plans to Upend Immigration
Nov 7, 2024: Been a crappy news week, but we had a lot great pix from our trip, then there’s this. MAGA can’t take these away.
Nov 7, 2024: Watching Civil War again
Nov 7, 2024: Before we went on our trip I was told a number of times that I’ll get to have some real Mexican food. We went to a couple of places that people said …
Nov 7, 2024: We did our bi-annual review of our car and condo insurance policies. Changing both this year. The insurance market is volatile, but we have a good …
Nov 7, 2024: I didn’t do any shopping while in California (my wife did a lot). But I did get this cool shirt at the Charles Shultz museum.
Nov 7, 2024: We basically have 2 months to consolidate and get our affairs in order. Then we just sit and wait to see what they actually plan to due (or cancel), …
Nov 7, 2024: Slept on it. We consolidated our finances during the pandemic. We are more or less 5 years from at least partial retirement. If Social Security is …
Nov 6, 2024: My 2 Step sons voted for Trump. My Wife told them both, we’ll talk about this in 4 years and see if they made your life better and what you got out of …
Nov 6, 2024: Interesting. Hawaii island results. 36% voted Trump. In 1996 27% voted for Bob Dole. Also looking down the ticket, 30% was pretty average for all …
Nov 6, 2024: I’m a white male, with subtext. My family is Italian and Irish immigrants. We were the garbage of the pervious century. I grew up in Hawaii, where I …
Nov 6, 2024: Finally got around to clearing out the old coaxial cables behind our entertainment center
Nov 6, 2024: If you’re a recent immigrant, you have about 2 months to insure your paperwork is in order. Since their actions are totally unpredictable, I’m glad we …
Nov 6, 2024: As this sinks in, I’m less worried about Trump (losing his mind, literally) than I am about Vance and JFKjr. They are just idiots who have no concept …
Nov 6, 2024: Wish we had a Peet’s coffee in Kona
Nov 6, 2024: Seems more plausible.
Nov 6, 2024: Keep hearing people nationwide upset about housing, blaming Biden. I think they have misdirected anger. The Feds messed up the housing market with …
Nov 6, 2024: Our new Mayor, Kimo Almeida, came out of social Services. Sounds a lot like former mayor (and the late) Billy Kenoi. Very similar talking points. The …
Nov 6, 2024: Looking through current numbers, this one surprised me, white Women. Down 1% from Biden. If you look at white Women no college degree it’s worse.
Nov 6, 2024: I guess the core of those big states aren’t ready for a women in charge. It’s happened twice now. I’m a nerd and was a PoliSci minor in Uni. The voter …
Nov 5, 2024: Russian will be so happy.
Nov 5, 2024: Not feeling good. Future looking like Lots of people getting deported. Lots of small businesses closing. Lots of people in government getting fired. …
Nov 5, 2024: I can’t
Nov 5, 2024: My warm set up in California.
Nov 5, 2024: Warm. Very warm
Nov 5, 2024: I remember back when we had 3 or 4 TV stations and every one of them was election coverage. The only way to get away was to go to bed and wait for the …
Nov 5, 2024: Anybody get the new Mac mini? how is it?
Nov 5, 2024: Boy did we dodge it. It was over 100 degrees the week before we were in Sonoma. This week there will be high winds, red flags and possibly power shut …
Nov 5, 2024: Well The Diplomat ended like that. WTF. Now we need to wait a year, if season 3 comes at all
Nov 5, 2024: I voted as soon as we got our ballots a couple of weeks ago. The handful of people I know who are planning on voting for Trump will not likely be …
Nov 5, 2024: Schools are closed on Election Day because polling places were alway at schools. With Hawaii being a vote by mail state, not a single school is being …
Nov 5, 2024: I pretty much got it right with what I packed for the weather on our trip. I haven’t gone to a cooler climate in over 15 years, so there were some …
Nov 5, 2024: Washing our cool weather clothes from the trip. Sweaters, jeans, etc, It is so humid (extra humid from a storm) everything feels damp
Nov 5, 2024: May your Election day not have any hanging chads
Nov 4, 2024: Came home to a flood warning. It cooled it off
Nov 4, 2024: Something can’t find in Kona, but I found Pancetta at a Butcher and cheese shop in Sonoma. I’m tired of substituting the wrong thing in recipes
Nov 4, 2024: I noticed in California on the highways, put on your turn signal to change lanes and 90% of the time people give you a space, even at 75 mph. In …
Nov 4, 2024: We got home it was 87 degrees. It was 46 when we left Santa Rosa this morning
Nov 4, 2024: Almost home
Nov 4, 2024: Almost on our way. It was a busy, but amazing trip
Nov 4, 2024: We drove 585 mile in our 4 days on the ground with pretty much no issues, other than google maps misdirections. The California highways decided to …
Nov 4, 2024: Even tech blogs are talking politics
Nov 4, 2024: Came across a few MAGA people on this trip. The overriding issue seems to be throw out the baby with bath water over immigration. This same issue has …
Nov 3, 2024: My favorite photo of the trip.
Nov 3, 2024: Great last day in Sonoma. Went down to Petaluma for some cruising around and shopping. Lunch on the River. Got to spend much time with granddaughter …
Nov 3, 2024: Coming out of Dick’s Sporting goods today was an older guy in a MAGA hat asking people if they’re voting for Trump. If they said yes he game them …
Nov 3, 2024: We had lunch down by the river, but couldn’t pass up a Five Guys shake.
Nov 3, 2024: Peet’s coffee. Been ordering this via mail order since before the internet
Nov 3, 2024: Final day in N California. Petaluma down by the river
Nov 3, 2024: Had to. No Dunkin where I live.
Nov 2, 2024: The tower from the Flamingo Resort in Sonoma stands above the trees
Nov 2, 2024: At a stop sign heading down a ba k road in Fall
Nov 2, 2024: TGI Fridays files for bankruptcy Sad. my career started with Fridays in Honolulu in 1980. I went to one in 2023 in Corona CA and it was way different. Smaller menu, crowded layout, …
Nov 2, 2024: The 100 year old Redwood preserved in the court yard of the Charles Shultz museum adjacent to the great pumpkin patch.
Nov 2, 2024: Old Sonoma town. The fort from the mid 1800s. State park
Nov 2, 2024: When in California…
Nov 2, 2024: Tho wall is made up on individual comics. So cool
Nov 2, 2024: Charles Shultz museum was way cool. At least for a boomer
Nov 2, 2024: Laundry in a Hispanic neighborhood. Good feeling in this place. Just regular people. The washers at the hotel were just dirty.
Nov 1, 2024: A weather system moved through, but not till AFTER we saw the Coppola Winery
Nov 1, 2024: One big difference driving at night in Sonoma vs driving at night on Hawaii Island. The lane reflectors in Sonoma are only in the middle of the road, …
Nov 1, 2024: The winery suggested Ca’Bianca in Santa Rosa for lunch. Italian. It was amazing. Top notch service. Fresh food. Homemade pasta. A very good Barolo.
Nov 1, 2024: Our tasting flight today
Nov 1, 2024: St Francis Winery. A little nippy, but beautiful. The grapes left after harvest are so sweet. Syrah grapes
Nov 1, 2024: Happened upon Sonoma Bagel and Deli. Fresh everything. The owner is an older Chinese guy. A steady flow of regulars. The owner knows everyone. A …
Nov 1, 2024: Our room view includes the 101 freeway, but also the Sonoma mountains.
Nov 1, 2024: This is rough. Kona is mostly in the 80s
Oct 31, 2024: Beautiful drive this morning heading west down Bohemian Highway then along the Russian River to the sea. Didn’t get pix through the redwood forest or …
Oct 31, 2024: Had a blast at a Halloween event in Sonoma with step son and his family. My wife and Granddaughter (Raggedy Ann)
Oct 31, 2024: Don’t see trees changing colors in Hawaii
Oct 31, 2024: Tri-Tip Trolley. Sonoma Halloween
Oct 31, 2024: We went down to see where the Russian Rover meets the sea. There was a Halloween paddle out at Jenner. Amazing views. The air was crisp and clear.
Oct 31, 2024: We made it Sausalito. My wife is happy. Made good on a screw up by her ex 25 years ago @JohnPhilpin
Oct 31, 2024: Got out of Santa Rosa early. 48 degrees (was 84 when we left Kona). Went through Sebastapol then stopped at Howard’s cafe in Occidental. Foggy …
Oct 30, 2024: My wife is from North Dakota. I assumed she would know what to pack for weather in the 40s and 50s. She did not. Must have forgot. I’m from Hawaii and …
Oct 30, 2024: N California showed is other side. Traffic coming North from Oakland Airport was brutal. It was gridlock through Berkeley
Oct 30, 2024: How apropos. I watched the Dodgers win the World Series sitting in an In-N-Out burger in Santa Rosa California
Oct 30, 2024: Many triathletes at the airport this morning. Lots of bikes at baggage check
Oct 30, 2024: Up an hour + early. Packing for N California is more stuff than packing for O’ahu. Long pants, not shorts. More layers. This is the first trip in a …
Oct 29, 2024: Now come all of the complaints about what the new Mac Mini ISN’T. If you don’t like it, don’t buy it. My first “home” Mac was a Mac Mini in 2006 and …
Oct 29, 2024: Hope the Dodgers close it out today. We land just after game time tomorrow, so if they play tomorrow, I’ll need to find it on the radio on the drive …
Oct 29, 2024: Army men in the concrete
Oct 29, 2024: The new Mac Mini looks hot. Will likey wait until after the new year. This setup won’t work anymore…
Oct 29, 2024: One to go
Oct 29, 2024: The Dodger cups are out this morning
Oct 28, 2024: A little late drama, but Dodgers up 3-nil. Bullpen game tomorrow
Oct 28, 2024: When we planned this trip, we really needed it to be at the end of Oct , but my wife did not want to be traveling on the voting day. There’s so much …
Oct 28, 2024: I kind of expect to be a Senior for the rest of my lifetime, I guess it’s official now.
Oct 28, 2024: So the planet is edging further into… Scientists have discovered that Earth’s carbon sinks are not really carbon sinking at the moment
Oct 28, 2024: Whenever we go to Costco, I slow down by the pumpkin pie. My wife always say no, and we move on. Last week she finally said yes. With the help of my …
Oct 28, 2024: Bummer. They are so entertaining Erik ten Hag sacked by Manchester United: news and reaction – live
Oct 27, 2024: As I’ve gotten older, I get to the airport early and just take my sweet time
Oct 27, 2024: Shift gears it’s been all baseball with a sprinkling of college football for the past couple of weeks. The Arsenal is back n action #UpTheArs
Oct 27, 2024: Just heard thunder in Kona at 6 am. Haven’t heard that in while
Oct 26, 2024: This is fun. Here’s a screen shot from the stream of the race helicopter shot with me taking a photo of the eventual race winner. Patrick Lange. It’s …
Oct 26, 2024: The eventual winner of the Ironman Kona, Patrick Lange of Germany passed us on Alii Drive in 2nd place. He won in a new course record time of 7:35:53
Oct 26, 2024: They tried to come from ahead to lose. Almost did it.
Oct 26, 2024: In the early days of Twitter I made a lot of great connections with people from around the world. Over the subsequent years people fell away for …
Oct 26, 2024: Texas should win today after last week’s debacle, but you never know.
Oct 26, 2024: We did a lap downtown. Got our fill of Ironman before it gets really crowded. We’ll likely go out to Alii Drive when the runners go by. We’ll hear the …
Oct 26, 2024: Back stage at the finish line.
Oct 26, 2024: The sequence goes down the run finish chute.
Oct 25, 2024: C’mon Dogs, walk off. That’s all
Oct 25, 2024: We have to keep our Amazon account, on Hawaii Island we have less choices, we are using it a lot less though. Canceled my Washington Post account last …
Oct 25, 2024: A year ago switched to direct fiber internet. At the time also redid our home network. New router, Direct ethernet to high demand devices, 2 AppleTV, …
Oct 24, 2024: A little aged
Oct 24, 2024: Should have an update coming.
Oct 24, 2024: Road closed 1/4 mile ahead
Oct 24, 2024: In Hawaii we’ve had women for County Councils, Mayors, Governor as well as many many other top government posts. A woman has turned around the …
Oct 24, 2024: There’s a cat 4 Hurricane in the Pacific that apparently is just going fizzle away to a cluster of rain by the time it’s in our neighborhood
Oct 23, 2024: Next week we’re going to Santa Rosa for a short trip to see family. We have 1 3/4 days to play. My wife really wants to go to Sausalito, I’m leaning …
Oct 23, 2024: Got $5 Starbucks cards for the flight attendants on our trip to America (Sonoma) next week
Oct 23, 2024: Is there an algorithm to block all political ads that are shown to me once my ballot is sent in?
Oct 23, 2024: I hope Hawaii island does something about this. It’s danger for everyone. I see them regularly blow stop signs and I have to dodge them on my regular …
Oct 22, 2024: Ironman week. Here a load bussing downtown for the parade. Lots of cyclists zooming by.
Oct 22, 2024: Lots surfers out at Banyans for the meager choice of waves.
Oct 22, 2024: Still holding out for the new Mac Mini. If it’s truly that small, it can go anywhere.
Oct 21, 2024: Did update and tried the hearing test. Had change the tip. Sound was leaking. Took about 10 min. I little no loss. My wife might disagree. Not bad for …
Oct 21, 2024: We had about 6 month of fresh white peaches at Kona Costco. That season is officially over. Back to fresh Apples with my breakfast. Winter cold …
Oct 20, 2024: 4 more wins. #Dodgers.
Oct 20, 2024: Yard!
Oct 20, 2024: Any further debate would be simply wasting our breath. And if there’s one thing I can’t abide, it’s waste.- Varga
Oct 19, 2024: It’s not an excuse and we’re catching up. But in my early career (1st 20 years) in the restaurant business, there was no such thing as a retirement …
Oct 18, 2024: My Dad always said this is a right and a responsibility. He used to say of you enjoy the freedoms, then exorcise your right. When we were kids, he …
Oct 18, 2024: Took my car into the dealer for service. Stopped for a cup of coffee Joe before walking home.
Oct 18, 2024: Pele is getting restless again
Oct 18, 2024: You know the whole body soreness, the morning after you compete in an athletic event? For me it was the morning after paddling in the Molokai to O`ahu …
Oct 17, 2024: My wife is a germ phobe. I’m the opposite. I embrace germs. She gets sick pretty often. I rarely get sick. Not sure if that’s the reason, but if I …
Oct 16, 2024: We finally saw it, and a near full moon. Halloween style
Oct 16, 2024: The 11.1 update has been killing my Apple Watch battery. Getting little more than 12 hours. Turned off Live Activities, which I like, to see if that …
Oct 16, 2024: I keep getting emails from places I dropped resumes for GM or high level F&B positions 3 and 4 years ago before I dropped out of management. I could …
Oct 16, 2024: Cruise ship day in Kona. The pier in Kona isn’t big enough for large ships, so they anchor offshore and a steady flow of tenders ferry passengers to …
Oct 16, 2024: The Ironman is in a week and half. They’re here
Oct 16, 2024: Package from Amazon had this tag
Oct 15, 2024: The truck I had when I moved to Hawaii island. ‘85 P’up. Ended up with 200k+ miles. Wish I still had it. I had a cassette player, at some point I …
Oct 15, 2024: Went out to look for the comet. There was one big cloud where we think it should be. But we did see the almost full moon
Oct 15, 2024: Made potato, bacon and Parmesan quiche. Haven’t made quiche in ages. Came out yummy.
Oct 15, 2024: Happiness is a well seasoned French steel sauté pan
Oct 15, 2024: When we were kids politicians would walk the neighborhoods and knock on doors in election years. There was a Hawaii State senator name Steve Cobb that …
Oct 15, 2024: I remember buying this at Borders Books and Recordz in about ‘93. Still love it
Oct 15, 2024: When Southwest came into Hawaii Market, it was a breath of fresh air. Hawaiian’s fares had been creeping since Aloha shut down. It made the short …
Oct 14, 2024: 1960…
Oct 14, 2024:…
Oct 14, 2024: Thank you #ESPN for expanding my cultural horizons and making MNF in Spanish my only option because I don’t have cable.
Oct 14, 2024: Looking at restaurants around our hotel in Santa Rosa for our trip. 25 restaurants in 15 min radius. 18 are Mexican. When in Rome…
Oct 14, 2024: My brain in now broken. Just listened to a podcast about post quantum gravity and random noise in the gravitational field.
Oct 14, 2024: Dodger stadium in for a day game is beautiful
Oct 14, 2024: I don’t believe the election polls. They’ll never get a proper crosssection. Not sure people in South Central LA are getting polled. Data can be …
Oct 14, 2024: #Dodgers The Cleveland Indians beat the Brooklyn Robins 5 games - 2. If Cleveland can beat the Yankees it long overdue to get even. In that series the …
Oct 13, 2024: I’ve been off since June 5 with my work shoulder injury and the subsequent surgery. I’ve watched more baseball and other sports than any time in my …
Oct 13, 2024: I saved this fern from near death four years ago. Repotted it twice. Here it is 2 years ago and now. I love laua’e.
Oct 13, 2024: Dodgers last 1/3 of the order producing.
Oct 13, 2024: We decided to stay home and watch the stream. Those banquet chairs didn’t sound very inviting for 4 hours. I recall seeing the Slack Key Festival on …
Oct 13, 2024: She’ll Va’a from Tahiti killed everyone. Wailea a ways back #MolokaiHoe
Oct 13, 2024: I think the Texas Longhorns could beat the Cowboys
Oct 13, 2024: Think that maybe Jerry Jones should go build a rocket like the other rich guys and launch himself into space and leave the Cowboys alone
Oct 13, 2024: We were planning on going to the 27th Slack Key Festival Kona Festival this afternoon, but I discovered they’re supposed to stream it. We may just …
Oct 13, 2024: The morning coffee is not quite doing its job. Need an additional kick
Oct 12, 2024: Man City will sue the league into bankruptcy and out of existence. Then their owners will walk away and move to the next thing. Apocalypse now: City …
Oct 12, 2024: Personally, I like this better. I can’t keep track of where the stadiums are via sponsor names. I just look at who is playing World Cup 2026 stadiums …
Oct 12, 2024: This photo shows one of the trails we were widening, the fountain grass is invasive. Beyond the grass is the Palamanui college campus with its solar …
Oct 12, 2024: There is a demarcation line where the fountain grass ends and the dry forest begins. This is where the war is taking place between the wild goats and …
Oct 12, 2024: Oregon tried to lose with all of the mistakes, but OSU made bigger mistake at the end. Gotta love the college game.
Oct 12, 2024: WTF, 91 degrees in Kona town in mid October.
Oct 12, 2024: I love the rivalries of College football. Texas didn’t take too kindly to last year’s Oklahoma trash talking. Kept the starters in the prevent a late …
Oct 12, 2024: Not scientific, but I think Cleveland has a better chance against the Yankees
Oct 12, 2024: My Grandson and I volunteered at the Palamanui Reforestation projects. We planted indigenous trees and helped clear a trail working its way mauka to …
Oct 12, 2024: If you know, you know
Oct 12, 2024: All of the teams left in the MLB playoffs have a history with the Dodgers going back to Brooklyn except the Mets. So we need to eliminate them.
Oct 11, 2024: For the Dodger pitching being the weak point, they held San Diego to 0 runs in 24 innings
Oct 11, 2024: 2- nil to the Dodgers. Bring on the Mets
Oct 11, 2024: 5 inning clean sheet from Yamamoto is more than I expected. 1-nil to the Dodgers.
Oct 11, 2024: I kinda of think home field/pitch advantage is not as meaningful in MLB as it is in Premier League football
Oct 11, 2024: Weekend shopping done. Making Taco Bell Mexican pizzas tomorrow and bacon and potato quiche Sunday. Made roasted garlic and crew cheese spread today. …
Oct 11, 2024: Took this photo in 2005 right after we moved into our house in Waimea. Walked back to the pastures to take it. One of my faves. This was the view out …
Oct 11, 2024: Familiarity breed contempt. Go Blue
Oct 11, 2024: Pete Hendricks wrote this in 2011. I took this photo in 2020. Paniau is at the south side of Puako and before this was built there were “Save Paniau” …
Oct 11, 2024: I know I know I know I know I know I know ……
Oct 11, 2024: We need to beat them so resoundingly that there is no doubt in American’s minds Vance, Given 5 Chances to Say Trump Lost in 2020, Takes None - The New …
Oct 11, 2024: Fisherman Kona.
Oct 11, 2024: I know the tale about the fork in road, but don’t recall one about the fork on the rock.
Oct 11, 2024: Out for a morning walk. There are some high wispy clouds, but the best thing this morning is the stronger than normal on short thermals.
Oct 11, 2024: Appears to be some weather on the horizon. Busy weekend planned. The Hamakua Sugar Days Festival - celebrating 30 years since the Mill’s closing. …
Oct 10, 2024: Interesting when I get an email from an app/service that I don’t recall using that is shutting down and I can download my data.
Oct 8, 2024: A little unfair that Trump don’t do a 60 minutes interview. All of the focus is on Harris. Trump would have done poorly and leveled the press …
Oct 7, 2024: As we’re still using fans and A/C in October, was recalling when we lived in Waimea in 2006 and had an electric blanket and a down comforter and it …
Oct 6, 2024: Decided I’m not going to pay for the Croissant app just yet. Waiting to see if My Threads cross posting gets fixed and/or what Tapestry …
Oct 4, 2024: Bringing everything home. A few years ago I downloaded all of my files and cancelled Dropbox, last year I installed Google drive on my Mac, moved all …
Oct 3, 2024: Still getting error with Threads cross posting, nothing showing in the Threads/IG for me to accept. And not my help page is on hold since Sept 2 @help …
Oct 2, 2024: Going to play with Croissant since cross posting to threads isn’t a thing yet
Oct 2, 2024: The garbage can bangers are out. Hehehe Tigers rally in 8th, knock off Astros to advance
Oct 1, 2024: Can’t cheer for the Fathers. I’m a Dodger fan
Oct 1, 2024: Looking at a DNA heat map. Shows where my migration is strongest in N. America. Matches our family tree, which means it’s accurate. If you’ve worked …
Oct 1, 2024: 1st cousin 2x removed. 3% shared DNA. Could be anyone
Oct 1, 2024: Haven’t received an email like since the one from the Nigerian Prince. My financial problems are solved
Oct 1, 2024: To turn off subtitles a the Paramount AppleTV app: Turn off subtitles, then exit the app and go back in. Annoying
Sep 30, 2024: I remember when the AOR station, KIKI in Honolulu used to play this every year on Thanksgiving and typically once twice additional times and year on a …
Sep 30, 2024: Tetanus vaccine. Because of my age. Go ahead, more needles. It’s like I’m a kid again
Sep 30, 2024: We’ll see if this works
Sep 30, 2024: Since I’ve haven’t been able to get cross posting to Threads working, I end up posting directly there and having the conversations on threads.
Sep 30, 2024: Already downloaded all of my data. Guess it time to delete my account If 23andMe is up for sale, so is all that DNA - The Atlantic
Sep 30, 2024: Not a cloud in the sky or a whisp of a wind on a macro level. But down on the ground walking in Alii Drive, there’s enough of a themal offshore breeze …
Sep 29, 2024: Love these older shows made for TV, they come to streaming have 1-2 second gaps where commercials were
Sep 28, 2024: ‘Bama is killing Georgia - that’s all
Sep 28, 2024: The land had warmed to a point that we are fully engulfed in a brisk onshore breeze. Beach umbrella beware
Sep 28, 2024: Very calm at Hapuna. Got here early. Light thermal off shore breeze. The fresher trade wind boosted winds should kick in shortly.
Sep 28, 2024: Jeff Glor laid off from CBS. He was the face of CBS Saturday morning. My wife had that on every Saturday. She said she’s won’t watch it anymore. …
Sep 27, 2024: I’m an ESPN+ subscriber through the Disney package. I don’t get the business reason to not allow me to see SportsCenter without a cable contract. I …
Sep 27, 2024: Not a single major insurance company offers on-line home owner insurance quotes for our zip code in Kailua Kona, Hawaii. We have a policy and just …
Sep 27, 2024: Every time Trump says the word “cheat” substitute the work “vote” and it makes more sense.
Sep 26, 2024: In the Dr office. Noticed the wooden patient bed. Wonder if these are a durable as the old metal ones, or just considered disposable
Sep 26, 2024: I’m an old nerd. Always had more than adequate computers. I use my iPhone 80% of the time now. Use my Mac now and then and iPad for streaming. Will …
Sep 25, 2024: Radio shack archive. I loved radio shack. When I was a kid, I would go to Radio Shack in Ala Moana center with my Dad. We had so many projects. Amps, …
Sep 25, 2024: I’ve been doing all kinds of things to slow down aging. Making sure I get plenty of sleep, eating as good as is practical. I take vitamins, keep my …
Sep 25, 2024: Everything in the media and social media is about GenX. I guess us Boomers really are dead and don’t know it.
Sep 25, 2024: Still fallout from pandemic. Nurses and lots of Hotel workers on strike, mostly due to lower work levels set during pandemic and not changed when …
Sep 24, 2024: We can’t solve these age old religious wars. The US is the first country to separate government and religion, none of these others have. We can’t let …
Sep 24, 2024: Turns out Denver is not blacked out for west coast MLB baseball like Hawaii. 😎
Sep 24, 2024: Apple Care I stay pretty loyal to Apple, hearing other stories I guess I’ve been very lucky with Apple Care. Many moons ago I had a 13" MB Pro and Cinema …
Sep 24, 2024: A lot of hotel managers got early phone calls telling them all days off are cancelled TFN…
Sep 24, 2024: Magic sands beach. The sand is magically back.
Sep 23, 2024: It unfortunate. We have 2 Sonos speakers and a soundbar. Will look at a HomePod when it’s time to replace the speakers. They’ve lost my confidence, …
Sep 23, 2024: I kept getting a failure when trying to update to MacOS 15.1. Tried the developer and public betas. Tried the App Store version. Every time it hung up …
Sep 23, 2024: I love episode IV when Obi-Wan gets his Jedi verve back
Sep 23, 2024: This activist investor will make it bad for Hawaii’s local people.…
Sep 23, 2024: Go back to watch Obi-Wan Kenobi
Sep 23, 2024: The holy grail
Sep 22, 2024: Talking with my wife this morning, we don’t know whether to believe any of the polls. Trump’s base won’t budge no matter what he lies about or who …
Sep 22, 2024: Safely downloaded all of 23&me data before they crash and burn.
Sep 21, 2024: I believe this is called “Raining Cats and Dogs”. As opposed to “Eating” cats and dogs
Sep 21, 2024:…
Sep 21, 2024: The Texas Longhorns are a juggernaut. Arch Manning got the right genetics.
Sep 21, 2024: Waimea Aloha Week Paniolo parade and Ho’olaulea. So great seeing so many people out in Waimea. First time they’ve held the event in 6 years and the …
Sep 21, 2024: I’ve been off of work for almost 5 months since my shoulder injury. 3 months since surgery. The end is in sight. Looks like about 6 weeks of rehab …
Sep 21, 2024: Next up will be to delete another round of IOS apps
Sep 21, 2024: Spent a couple of hours cleaning up bookmarks. Moving between and trying new browsers created bloat. Still have to delete some from former employer …
Sep 20, 2024: How did I not know about Gangs of London on Netflix. Lots of angles and groups at war.
Sep 20, 2024: My Arc browser experiment is over. I don’t use many of the fringe features. Been using the Orion browser with Kagi search concurrently. Just going to …
Sep 20, 2024: Here’s Kona
Sep 20, 2024: When people around the world see a stunning volcanic eruption, people in Kona see volcanic haze covering Hualalai. Definitely not going for a walk …
Sep 20, 2024: Entropy I love it when other scientists figure what quantum physicists have known. Cold things warm faster than warm things. entropy
Sep 19, 2024: We just had our largest electric bill since…ever. The heat has been rough in Kona
Sep 19, 2024: Going to Costco at 5 in the afternoon reminds me that evolution has not been kind to everyone
Sep 19, 2024: My new Lock Screen
Sep 19, 2024: It’s not fair. Glad I’m a #Dodger fan.…
Sep 19, 2024: I still have one Bose Wave Music systems III. Works like new. Had radio and a CD player. I also have the Sound Touch pedestal base that links to WIFI. …
Sep 19, 2024: I’ve always thought space travel was one of the wonders of our age, but the billionaires have bastardized it. Space X in particular had filled our sky …
Sep 19, 2024: Had to turn off Beta updates my My MBAir. Constant error messages trying to update to 15.1. Updated fine on M1 MacMini
Sep 19, 2024: 15 hours?
Sep 19, 2024: Making fresh scratch (except for the pasta part) lasagna today. Starting the sauce shortly. Have fresh saudsage from the Waimea butcher shop and fresh …
Sep 18, 2024: If this pans out, I may just be getting a new Mac Mini as play Machine. My M1 is doing fine as a home server
Sep 18, 2024: The art wall. @crossingthethreshold
Sep 18, 2024: Still looking but this one said Hana Road 1968 on the back My Dad painted and took a lot of photos to paint later. @crossingthethreshold
Sep 18, 2024: I forgot Picasa
Sep 18, 2024: The storage and photo apps I’ve used through the years. Dump Truck, Copy, Everpix, Bitcasa to name a few.
Sep 18, 2024: Yep
Sep 17, 2024: Trump
Sep 17, 2024: I keep forgetting that HBO has BR Sports. They have the TNT live sports.
Sep 17, 2024: The volcano woke up. Hope it’s a short one USGS: Kilauea eruption resumes, volcano alert raised to ‘watch’…
Sep 16, 2024: Just showed up. Post is slow from the UK to Hawaii. Lots of good reading coming
Sep 16, 2024: Well. Because I don’t have cable, ESPN only let me watch MNF in Spanish. Different. Touchdown is touchdown in Spanish. They should say Goooooaaaaal
Sep 16, 2024: Watching Revenge of the Sith - the quote “This is how liberty dies, with thunderous applause” sure feels like MAGA. George Lucas knew something
Sep 16, 2024: Having an argument with someone on Threads about English footballl historic stats. He’s a Man City fan. I post something, he says it’s a lie, I post …
Sep 15, 2024: Why do I not think this is a set up. Especially after the miraculously healed ear. Suspect in custody after apparent Trump assassination attempt at …
Sep 15, 2024: The company my wife has worked for that last 11 years is discontinuing their pension at the end of the year. We’ll find out early next year what she …
Sep 15, 2024: Watched a lot of college football yesterday and watched some pro games today. I still feel college is a lot more fun.
Sep 15, 2024: The challenge I have when searching photos is a few years ago I scanned a bucket load of analog photos so the meta data is all on the day I scanned …
Sep 14, 2024: We don’t see a lot of these in Kona
Sep 14, 2024: The movie Civil War is plausible in the current political climate
Sep 14, 2024: It’s not over yet, but Georgia likely just saved their #1 ranking, barely, whereas #2 Texas Won 56-7
Sep 14, 2024: I think targeting rule in college football is being misapplied. It’s like a red card in football. 15 yards and out of the game. Harsh if it’s in the …
Sep 14, 2024: My wife went on my morning walk with me this morning. I usually listen to podcasts on the 3-4 mile walk. She talked the entire walk and spent half of …
Sep 14, 2024: Flu shot yesterday. No issues to report 😎
Sep 14, 2024: I’ve never seen defensive delay of game. Love college football for seeing something new
Sep 14, 2024: So Carolina lost to LSU on penalties. Having a 100 yard interception run back for a touchdown called back for roughing the passer was a back breaker. …
Sep 14, 2024: My wife & her ex bought at timeshare condo in Hawaii 30 years ago. They had 7 days to cancel. She said during that 7 days they got flowers & free …
Sep 13, 2024: Proud Alumni Wall Street Journal: University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa one of nation’s best colleges
Sep 13, 2024: I keep finding that Trump supporters can’t say why they support him. They start talking down Dems with Trump talking points. I can make a list off the …
Sep 13, 2024: In the latest iOS updates I no longer get sports scores in notifications. They started showing up in an earlier beta. What beta can giveth, beta can …
Sep 13, 2024: I have a 15gb data plan on my phone. It’s never been an issue. Usually around 7-10gb usage. Last month I went way over, 25gb. I think the Beta was …
Sep 12, 2024: Turned on Amazon Prime NFL out of curiosity. The picture quality is crap. Went out to a movie on prime to see if it was same. No issues with the …
Sep 12, 2024: Haven’t watched this in a very long time. It was genius.
Sep 12, 2024: Still trying to wrap my head around a “concept of a plan”. I keep coming back to “ do or do not, there is no try”
Sep 12, 2024: Anotherer shooting in Hawaii. Mahalo SCOTUS
Sep 12, 2024: 82 degrees and 76 % humidity at 4:30 am. Gonna be a hot one.
Sep 11, 2024: He seems to get it. Hope so. I miss having a reliable 3rd place in my life. …
Sep 11, 2024: Had a conversation with my physical therapist this morning about the debate. He’s 30 something with a young baby. We agreed that the only way to get …
Sep 11, 2024: Have to agree about the camera button. Maybe put all of that on a Pro phone. I think of my Wife. She likely more of an average user than me. I’m sure …
Sep 11, 2024: Saved this plant from my neighbors front porch. Gonna try to nurse it back to health. Not sure exactly what it is yet
Sep 11, 2024: Robert Downey jr. / Jose Garcia. Pretty darned close
Sep 11, 2024: Reading what Starbucks is looking for in their new CEO. They have gone to great lengths to improve the take-out experience at expense of Dine (or …
Sep 11, 2024: Funny, just before buying something my Mom would not approve of, my Dad would say “if you want something bad enough, you’ll find a way to justify it”. …
Sep 10, 2024: Guess i’m on a kick. Watched Midway yesterday. Watching U-571 today.
Sep 10, 2024: It’s been said this country was built by immigrants. When my Irish ancestors came, we were the new ones and were looked down on, when my Italian …
Sep 10, 2024: For the record. We don’t claim Tulsi Gabbard.
Sep 10, 2024: When my boss asks about my dinner special, if I say I have a concept of a plan, he’d laugh me off the line. WTF are you making?
Sep 10, 2024: Is it me, or has Trump NOT answered a single question?
Sep 10, 2024: I follow a few Republican/Right RSS feeds just have a glimpse of what they’re saying. Crickets today
Sep 10, 2024: Yep
Sep 10, 2024: Interesting. My download Apple Music Match folder has 13k+ songs. Interesting that it scooped up all of the MP3s in the upload folder back then. I …
Sep 10, 2024: Classic. Supposed to be first cover in 167 years with no headline
Sep 10, 2024: Been thinking about it al lot. I’m an old nerd. I would only look forward to AI on the fringes. A better Siri like assistant. Be better at finding …
Sep 10, 2024: My dream restaurant. No staff, simple menu, low overhead. Just need location, location, location.
Sep 10, 2024: Guess I made the right choice getting AirPod Pro 2 a couple of months ago
Sep 10, 2024: The AM news says it’s absolutely beautiful, not a cloud in the sky, light winds. What they don’t say is it feels like you’re “seven inches from the …
Sep 10, 2024: Can we please have Pete Buttigieg debate anyone from the right. Anyone
Sep 9, 2024: I must be getting old. I’m finding a lot to watch on PBS
Sep 9, 2024: Done
Sep 9, 2024: Field of Dreams Famous Baseball Film Song
Sep 9, 2024: Anxiously awaiting the quote on a 3 room split A/C system for our condo. He came last week to look around and crawl around the attic. We’re hoping …
Sep 9, 2024: I still haven’t seen Apple Intelligence on my eligible devices. They are on the latest Beta
Sep 9, 2024: All the media wants from the debate is drama and a story. Remember Kamala at the convention, no mistakes, stayed in her lane. Need that tomorrow
Sep 9, 2024: Every Apple Device I have is space gray. I guess that goes away
Sep 9, 2024: Watching the movie Midway. Epic. Just because. I remember when this was being filmed on Oahu.
Sep 9, 2024: Cool new iPhone. As originally planned, my iPhone 13 Pro still does what I need. Maybe next year
Sep 9, 2024: Nice AirPods. My AirPod Pro 2 are OK for a while. Don’t have significant hear loss.
Sep 9, 2024: Nice watch. My 9 is ok for another year
Sep 9, 2024: Immigration seems to be the top of the news every day. Nobody I know is worried about immigration. The majority of the immigrants in Hawaii are …
Sep 8, 2024: Backed Tapestry Don’t have the beta. Got the new Reeder. Taking for a drive. Need to devot ed some time. Out of the shoot we think some Quick Look …
Sep 8, 2024: The early beta broke Notes for me. Jumped through a lot of hoops to try to get it working. I was using notes multiple times a day so I moved to Bear …
Sep 8, 2024: I’ve had Google Photos on my phone for years because photo search was way better than Apple Photos. I think Apple had caught up or at least close …
Sep 7, 2024: Here we go, here’s those crème puffs. They came out great. My grandson was fully engaged. Explained to the chemistry and physics of the process as we …
Sep 7, 2024: I like college football, but love Baseball. Ray and Orioles on ESPN+. Love a ball game on a Saturday
Sep 7, 2024: This Ok St (16) v Arkansas game is going to double OT. Oklahoma St is showing glimpses of quality, but not dominant at all
Sep 6, 2024: Seeing NFL fans upset about games being on streaming services. I’m laughing. I’m an English Premier League, Italian Series A and German Bundesliga …
Sep 6, 2024: Can’t wait to watch this…
Sep 5, 2024: Don’t we enough crap in orbit already? Starlink competitor AST SpaceMobile plans orbital launch for next week
Sep 5, 2024: My 13 yo grandson informed us that he wants to make cream puffs this weekend. He sure is aiming high. We’ll get it done. Luckily I have all of the …
Sep 5, 2024: Watching Ken Burns Thomas Jefferson. In this time of nasty politics and those who question the constitution I feel a need to go back and reconnect …
Sep 4, 2024: Who needs to vote this year…
Sep 4, 2024: Maybe we can send Elon next time
Sep 4, 2024: Watching “Hawaiian - The Legend of Eddie Aikau” on History Channel via Disney. I knew the basics of his story, we all knew it growing up, but …
Sep 4, 2024: Next year I will have been using Microsoft Excel for 40 years. Used Lotus123 side by side with Excel until Excel 2.0 which added spreadsheet …
Sep 4, 2024: Wow. The White Sox are generationally bad. Is their ownership that detached?
Sep 3, 2024: I recall an era way back when, before the internet when the NYT and the WSJ were real and trusted journalism. Journalism is in a dystopian era
Sep 3, 2024: Why are we backing this guy? Netanyahu refuses to budge on war in Gaza despite protests over hostages - Bloomberg
Sep 2, 2024: Watching the previous seasons of Slow Horses ahead of season 4
Sep 2, 2024: My wife has a massive aversion to heat and humidity. She’s from N. Dakota and a decade Minn., plus an age factor. I have a greater tolerance, I grew …
Sep 2, 2024: This is a photo I took of the Holulea sailing canoe on June 15, 1999 shortly after departing from Hilo Bay on the voyage to Rapa Nui. Their first stop …
Sep 2, 2024: I never did get what a Labor Day sale is. Maybe if you’re selling tools for labor If it’s an end of summer sales for a summer brand and you want it …
Sep 2, 2024: Trump’s camp just wants to muddy the waters so much that voters just get frustrated and sit out the election.
Sep 2, 2024: Testing something. Not sure what. Just testing.
Sep 2, 2024: You just lived through the most humid summer on record We purchased a stand alone dehumidifier this spring to augment our 3 window A/Cs & to not have …
Sep 1, 2024: Watched the Napoleon Directors Cut. It’s long. He should stuck an appropriately timed intermission in there.
Aug 31, 2024: Was just looking up the 2 TGI Fridays that I managed in So Cal in the early 80s. Torrance and Marina Del Rey. They are both closed. They were both …
Aug 31, 2024: This is a great drone shot from earlier. Race is winding down. There were 224 men’s crews. The finished crews are making their way into Kamakahonu …
Aug 31, 2024: The Netflix algorithm is broken. For sometime, they show me ‘things I might like" in a genre and style that I have never watched and no interest in. …
Aug 31, 2024: Lies lies lies …
Aug 31, 2024: A crew from Germany in Kona this week.
Aug 31, 2024: Beautiful day to watch a canoe race, pretty warm out on the water. I did this race for 20 years before I blew out my shoulder
Aug 31, 2024: I will likely get the M4 smaller Mac mini is thy keep an array of ports. If not, they will have changed the target audience.
Aug 31, 2024: When we bought my wife’s new Subaru, we bought the remote start feature. Game changer on a hot day (which is every day)
Aug 31, 2024: I wish we had a fully functional Taco Bell in Kona. The one in Kona never recovered from the pandemic. Never know when they’re open or if they’re …
Aug 31, 2024: I’m seeing what I guess are very good use cases for AI. Writing code or finding complex strings of text, mathematical equations, etc. I don’t really …
Aug 30, 2024: I’m on my 4th Mac mini. The first my desktop Mac, the other as home servers. It has ample ports to hang extra drives of it and enough onboard memory …
Aug 30, 2024: No consequences when flip flops later, which he will. Trump says he’ll support free IVF treatments in a second term
Aug 30, 2024: The media is like our parents and tells us what THEY think we should hear rather than letting us just listen for ourselves
Aug 30, 2024: I just want the app to recognize which speaker is actually active and not try to get me play something on one that’s not. Sonos made a public Trello …
Aug 29, 2024: I go to the pool where we live for aqua therapy 2-3 times a week I injured my lower back 25 years ago and pain came back earlier this year. Floating …
Aug 29, 2024: I remember learning this back in PoliSci in college. “Most” President candidates move to the center to get elected then go back to their parties base …
Aug 29, 2024: We are going to N California (Sonoma) in late October. I don’t own a sweater any more, it’s hot here. Going to treat myself to one of these. I have a …
Aug 29, 2024: They’re grasping. A lot of effort to prove or disprove a footnote. I worked a local fast food place while in school for about 9 months. I don’t think …
Aug 28, 2024: Done Hawaii drivers can now put their license in Apple Wallet
Aug 28, 2024: We need to let Ukraine fire missiles into Russia. Tactical targets. Russia fires on civilians. Ukraine can take the high road but still get the job …
Aug 26, 2024: My Apple Music Purchased music playlist has over 3000 songs. Not sure if this was from before I subscribed to Apple Music. Seems like a lot, but it …
Aug 26, 2024: Really love SToK cold brewed for an afternoon. Kick. Easier than heating up water to brew a cup of Joe.
Aug 26, 2024: I haven’t watched a presidential debate in forever, if at all. Harris v Trump and Walz v Vance would be must see TV.
Aug 26, 2024: Won this trophy at the 2006 Hawaiian International Billfish Tournament. Funny thing, I was always an athlete, but never a fisherman. We had a team …
Aug 26, 2024: There are so many people on MB, Mastodon and now Threads that I’ve been connected to since the early days of Twitter and on Maybe not a lot …
Aug 25, 2024: Hurricane Honi is safely past us. Now Gilma and Hector are lining up. Gilma expected to pass on the north. Hector - too soon to tell …
Aug 25, 2024: Think the worst of the storm is beyond us. Still very poor visibility and still light rain. Side note,v they keep showing the flooded soccer fields in …
Aug 25, 2024: Hearing the term “cone of uncertainty” a lot in reference to the hurricane. I think life in general has a cone of uncertainty.
Aug 25, 2024: The TS became a Hurricane overnight. Lots of flooding on the east-side. It rained all night here on the west-side. The usual streets will be flooded …
Aug 24, 2024: This is right now. It just blew up. gonna be an interesting night.
Aug 24, 2024: Watched a couple of interviews with old conservatives from generational farms and ranches in CA & TX. They were rueing their community, farms and …
Aug 24, 2024: Since I set up Thread with most of my follows from Twitter, it’s actually more useful than Twitter, no ads. This filled gap with those not on Mastodon …
Aug 24, 2024: We went to pool last evening for some aqua therapy. Floating is really good for low back issues. The water in the pool was warm. Feels very bizarre
Aug 24, 2024: The day before the Tropical Storm/ Hurricane in Kona. TBF, we are behind the 3 mountains; Mauna Kea, Mauna Loa, Hualalai. We’ll get ours from the back …
Aug 23, 2024:…
Aug 23, 2024: He did it to himself. Walked Muncy to load the bases then had to pitch to Otani. Walk off Grand slam
Aug 23, 2024: This seems like exactly what we’re talking about now Documentary Summer: Daniel Patrick Moynihan
Aug 23, 2024: It’s the peak of summer here in the tropics. Rarely below the 80s at night nor over the 90s in the day. It’s the Humidy that’s the killer.
Aug 23, 2024: Felt like watching something totally different. Finishing up Ken Burns bio on Ernest Hemingway. Quite the story. Need to go back and read his early …
Aug 23, 2024: I’m sure that’s exactly what the founding fathers had in mind A Trump judge ruled there’s a Second Amendment right to own machine guns
Aug 23, 2024: Nope
Aug 22, 2024: 42 years and this album still hold up well.…
Aug 22, 2024: All of my weather apps are going off with flood and storm warnings. Here we go, 1/2 way through Hurricane season and Mother Nature woke up from her …
Aug 22, 2024: My family are immigrants. This is a colorized photo of my Great Grandfather, his brother and my grandfather. They had a bakery in Boston. My Irish …
Aug 22, 2024: Had some down time and deleted the mother lode of apps from my phone. If I couldn’t remember what it did or when I last opened it, it’s gone. I’m sure …
Aug 22, 2024: George Washington is rolling in his grave 1776
Aug 22, 2024: The Dems have a line up that the GOP can’t match. In addition to Harris and Waltz, if the Clintons and the Obamas and some of the other high profile …
Aug 22, 2024: I canceled my Facebooks account over 10 years ago and Instagram shortly thereafter. But taking the path of lesser evil, I opened a threads account to …
Aug 21, 2024: I call BS on everything Vance is saying, he talks like Kamala was president. He says it was all her policies
Aug 21, 2024: It’s still sad that a Taxes judge can block something across the country Texas judge blocks the FTC from enforcing its ban on noncompete agreements
Aug 21, 2024: Fair game clubs don’t win trophies Tottenham named England’s best-run men’s football club in Fair Game Index
Aug 21, 2024: Storms are lining up. One of them is a Hurricane. I can only assume at least one will come close.
Aug 21, 2024: We really miss Pier 1 Imports. Most our home decor, dishes, rugs and other small things came from that store. It was so nice walking into a physical …
Aug 21, 2024: Mind experiment. Since homeowner and condo insurance is getting more out of reach and even unattainable some cases, do we just build cheap disposable …
Aug 21, 2024: The one match on USA that can’t be watched unless you have cable. #NBCFAIL
Aug 21, 2024: Opted to nott go to Hilo to check out the IVF Workd Sprints. The 2 hour drive to & fro didn’t sound appealing. Rainy day in Kona. Great day for a …
Aug 21, 2024: We really need a blue wave this fall. Not only Kamala, but down the ticket too. Make the Christian nationalist congressman irrelevant
Aug 21, 2024: Compensating a CEO that much while union busting. Maybe it’s time to find a new coffee place …
Aug 20, 2024: I was raised a conservative. As an adult I stayed on that path for a couple of decades. Growing up in Hawaii I’ve always been an environmentalist and …
Aug 20, 2024: Time to get a different Sous vide Anova will charge customers to use its sous vide app, because everything must be a subscription
Aug 20, 2024: My Sonos app doesn’t recognize the currently active speaker. It sucks Sonos CEO says the old app can’t be rereleased
Aug 20, 2024: Just watched The Union on Netflix. Seems like they’ve set it up for a follow up. But we know from experience to only hope, but not expect
Aug 20, 2024: The IVF World Sprints are in Hilo this week. The Olympics of outrigger canoe sprint racing.…
Aug 20, 2024: This HAMAS hostage stand off vaguely reminds me of the Iran Hostage standoff in 1979. I know there’s a lot of differences, but the Iranians didn’t …
Aug 20, 2024: I remember when Mid-Pacific airlines came and went, then Mahalo Air. Aloha Airline went under, then Southwest came into the market. Alaska has been …
Aug 19, 2024: Sorry. I use it quite a bit…
Aug 19, 2024: Fun weekend ahead. 2 tropical disturbances headed our way. Expected to affect our weather Saturday/ Sunday. Glad we had a staycation this past …
Aug 19, 2024: I’d really like to teleport into next week and skip all of the DNC convention stuff and just read what happened.
Aug 19, 2024: Thinking the Dodgers will crash and burn. They will likely still make the playoffs, but the strong hitting can’t keep up with the weak pitching. Too …
Aug 18, 2024: Last nights sunset with the Hilton Buddah point statue
Aug 18, 2024: Prevalence of Apple products One observation while at the Hilton Waikoloa this weekend. We saw people (actually heard languages and accents) from all over the world. Europe, N & S …
Aug 18, 2024: Last minute brew in the lanai before we check out and drive back down the coast home.
Aug 17, 2024: The ocean is a constant and relentless force. Growing up on an island, it the one ever present force in one’s life. Always there to comfort and heal …
Aug 17, 2024: Dolphins looking for snack
Aug 17, 2024: That being said. For a family from middle America with Hilton Honors coming to Hawaii. This resort would be epic. I just know what it WAS, and other …
Aug 17, 2024: Short staycation at the Hilton Waikoloa. Likely last time here. Room rates are getting out of our range. The restaurants have gone downhill and their …
Aug 17, 2024: Fred Flintstone would be happy
Aug 17, 2024: That was a fun night. A former tropical storm that is now just a disturbance. Blocked tradewinds and sucked moist humid (70%) weather up from the …
Aug 17, 2024: When some is standing on the side of the road waiting for the Uber in front of a crosswalk. C’mon
Aug 16, 2024: Before and after I lost net 60#. I lost 75#, then over 2 years gave back 15. Sustained the new weight for 3 years now. Dr says likely I went a bit too …
Aug 16, 2024: I’ve never been a proper writer, did operate a blog and provider content for websites much earlier in the web era. But my wife who works for a larger …
Aug 16, 2024: When I was a competitive athlete, we always said to learn what you can about your competition before the event/game/match. But once it’s game time, …
Aug 16, 2024: My wife is working a conference at the Fairmont Orchid resort. So I get have a cocktail in the lounge and enjoy the view till she is finished. 30 …
Aug 16, 2024: Still in the wrapper
Aug 16, 2024: Just finished “A Gentleman in Moscow” on Paramount. A great story weaved through a large slice of Russia’s modern history. Ewan McGregor was excellent …
Aug 16, 2024: There was a flood in downtown Hilo Nov 1 2000. We had the same issues when a large park area that used to be a canec plant. Arsenic and old …
Aug 16, 2024: Finalized a trip to Sonoma in October to see my wife’s son and his new daughter. Short trip, but we’ll get a play day & we’ll see where he lives with …
Aug 16, 2024: We did our quarterly financial review of what’s going out. Subscriptions, utilities, insurance. Canceled Evernote this quarter. Took a close look at …
Aug 15, 2024: Just finished the final episode of The Umbrella Academy. It was strange but very entertaining
Aug 15, 2024: I’ll excuse the Tottenham connection with Pochettino if the starts winning the the #USMNT
Aug 15, 2024: Not sure how I ended up with a Timbuk2 strap on a Tom Bihn bag.
Aug 15, 2024: Classic.…
Aug 15, 2024: I can only watch or read a certain amount of daily news, then I’m done. One run through the headlines is well enough. If anything comes up that’s …
Aug 15, 2024: Watching Blade Runner. Just because And it did take place 5 years ago
Aug 15, 2024: The SONOS app is messing up my system. Using the SONOPHONE 3rd party app instead.
Aug 14, 2024: Couldn’t pull the trigger on the Playdate pizza box cover. $13 shipping is a bit much for a cool to have.
Aug 14, 2024: Interesting history. None of these resorts (save for the Mauna Kea Beach Hotel-1965) were here 50 years ago. This was all barren lava fields, every …
Aug 13, 2024: Week 6 post shoulder replacement. Good news; I made it this far without breaking the new joint. This is the last week of passive range of motion …
Aug 12, 2024: War is not the answer…
Aug 12, 2024: It’s ironic that many tech billionaires are spending millions on trying to find an elixir to extend life but at the same time have zero concern for …
Aug 12, 2024: This week’s episode hits home. I don’t want to leave, I grew up here. My wife didn’t and is more open to leaving. Last Week Tonight With John Oliver …
Aug 12, 2024: A cascade of allow permission windows after the recent Sequoia update
Aug 12, 2024: from the NYT. “Support independent journalism with a subscription”. don’t think so
Aug 12, 2024: I really want to get tickets to some events in the 2028 LA Olympics. From experience, fringe events will be easy. For 1984, we scored closing ceremony …
Aug 11, 2024: Coming back. Program from the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics
Aug 11, 2024: It’s still Thierry Henry’s world. We’re still just living in it
Aug 11, 2024: Watching athletes from around the world hamming it up for the camera is amazing. Good for them.
Aug 11, 2024: I’ve been off dealing with shoulder surgery all summer. Unintended benefit, I’ve been able to enjoy the COPA & EURO football tournaments, Tour De …
Aug 11, 2024: Big congratulations to every athlete from every country who, win or lose, showed up!!!!…
Aug 11, 2024: Got off the reservation and took our Grandsons to the Mauna Lani resort. I also got in a 2.5 mi walk along the shore. My longest effort since surgery. …
Aug 11, 2024: Is it strange to immediately think that the Trump organization hacked themselves to get back in the news cycle?
Aug 10, 2024: During the 1984 games, all delivery trucks ran at night. Most companies alter their work hours to eliminate rush bours. [LA’s mayor says 2028 will be …
Aug 10, 2024: The pointy end of the MLB season is upon us
Aug 10, 2024: Many of the Chinese athlete have been celebrating and jumping around and hugging other athletes. In the past they seemed so stoic and stiff. Maybe …
Aug 9, 2024: Any further debate would be simply wasting our breath. And if there’s one thing I can’t abide, it’s waste.- Varga in Fargo
Aug 9, 2024: Bought Airpod Pro v2. Was waiting for v3 to come out, but looking more like next year. Didn’t realize how long in the tooth my Pro V1 were getting …
Aug 9, 2024: Putin has to be beside himself. His investment is paying off in spades. > The Truth About Trump’s Press Conference
Aug 9, 2024: The USA v ITALY Men’s Olympic volleyball match was a cracker. That should’ve been the Gold Medal match.
Aug 9, 2024: With the Olympics winding down I was recalling the 1984 LA Olympics. Lived in Redondo Beach. Preorded tix in late ‘83. We got what we ordered for …
Aug 9, 2024: It’s was a very entertaining Olympic sailing regatta. Showing the World Feed meant longer waits between races and for wind, but also no commercials …
Aug 9, 2024: Out for my walk. Came across yellow, white, pink and variegated (pink and white) plumeria trees. We had all 4 of these in our yard when I was a kid. I …
Aug 9, 2024: Not sure what the growers are doing different, but we’ve have great white peaches at Costco for 6 weeks now in Hawaii. Normally only one or two …
Aug 9, 2024: Looks like it’s Spain’s Gold. France are full of holes in the back. Big hill to climb. Spain 3-1 France in 1st half
Aug 8, 2024:…
Aug 8, 2024: Hehehe
Aug 8, 2024: I wish we still had a proper book or record store in Kona. I’m (hopefully) still 5 years from retirement, but would love to spend retirement working …
Aug 8, 2024: Serbia dominating USA Mens basketball. Serbia up 15 in 4th.
Aug 8, 2024: US out of the water polo gold medal match for the first time in 4 Olympics
Aug 8, 2024: Text editor means something entirely different to programmers (who permeate than to lay people.
Aug 7, 2024: Classic, Love it. Irish call of the 2012 Olympics sailing…
Aug 7, 2024: Thank you IOS and watch Betas for giving me the amazing opportunity to charge my devices twice a day.
Aug 7, 2024: Does the director’s cut signify that you did it wrong the first time?
Aug 7, 2024: The updated Sonos app still has issues. It often doesn’t see the speaker that is actually playing something and directs me to speaker that’s not. I …
Aug 7, 2024: I’ve watched dozens of sailing races in Olympics. US sailors just aren’t good at going fast. Leeward tack, windward tack, downwind, doesn’t matter. …
Aug 6, 2024: Taste of their own medicine Moscow says Ukraine has launched cross-border attack inside Russia | Russia | The Guardian
Aug 6, 2024: Touching moment when the Cuban wrestler won gold in his 5th straight Olympics, then left his shoes in the ring to signify his retirement …
Aug 5, 2024: This what I’m talkin’ about…
Aug 5, 2024: I love it how the Olympic athletes, win or lose, are so proud to be representing their country. If Trump wins, I would have a hard time doing that.
Aug 5, 2024: The Teahupo’o Olympic village.
Aug 5, 2024: An Olympic medal ceremony in Tahiti is perfect. IOC rep and all.
Aug 5, 2024: Had a short previously scheduled call with our investment guy today. He said he always gets a load of panic calls and emails on day like today. Said …
Aug 4, 2024: There’s been an effort for at least 30 years to get outrigger canoe paddling into the Olympics. The International Va’a Federation holds the World …
Aug 4, 2024: Gary Jobson makes it such a pleasure to watch Sailing. Like Phil Liggett for Cycling and how the late Keith Jackson was for College Football (“Whoa, …
Aug 4, 2024: Big fail. None of the weather apps show rain in Kona. Just because it rarely rains here doesn’t mean they can stand down
Aug 4, 2024: The Netherlands and New Zealand are good at sports. #Olympics
Aug 3, 2024: One thing I really like about the Olympics is a lot sports I like are one network in a firehose of broadcasts for 2 weeks. Otherwise, they are spread …
Aug 2, 2024: Kamala needs to do an AR debate with Trump using footage from his previous debate.…
Aug 2, 2024: As we wait for the medal ceremony on the beach at Marseille. Birds on the beach, kids playing in the water. Excellent
Aug 2, 2024: Beautiful
Aug 2, 2024: Contrast this with the gymnastics where athletes have a bevy of handlers. The sailers load their own boats.
Aug 2, 2024: Win the gold medal. Load your own boat on the trailer.
Aug 2, 2024: I love watching the Olympic replays. Great announcers, world video feed, no commercials and lots of interesting video shots between matches Hawaii is …
Aug 1, 2024: The Surfing World #1 man and woman are out of the Olympic. Lack of consistent surf. Surfer can’t show their wares without waves.
Aug 1, 2024: I tried that Al Michaels AI Olympic daily recap. It’s just strange. I watched just a few minutes Al Michaels was a sports anchor in Hawaii when I was …
Aug 1, 2024: No Apple intelligence on my 2 eligibles devices yet. M1 Air and Mini
Aug 1, 2024: MAGA soap
Aug 1, 2024: Olympic Sailing skiff medal race cancelled again. “When you have no wind, it’s drifting contest”. 😏
Jul 31, 2024: I couldn’t stop laughing…
Jul 31, 2024: On a particularly rough post surgical day a Percocet offers Silence of the Limbs
Jul 31, 2024: Kamala just seems happy, orange is always mad.
Jul 31, 2024: I really like women’s football. No rolling around, whining and yelling at the ref. When they get hit, they just get up and play.
Jul 31, 2024: South Korean being peacekeeper North and South Korea table tennis Olympic medalists pose for shared selfie
Jul 30, 2024: So Peacock broadcasts all of the Olympic shows that are on USA on Peacock+. Why can’t they do that for EPL matches that are on USA network. #NBCFAIL
Jul 30, 2024: Wow. USA stun Australia to take Bronze in Women’s rugby sevens. Big result.
Jul 30, 2024: I love a good hamburger as do my grandsons. We have few favorite places here in west Hawaii. With the steady menu price increases, we don’t go out as …
Jul 29, 2024: I’m a pretty serious sports fan. There are not many sports I won’t watch. The Olympics are always a wonderland of sports that are rarely broadcast.
Jul 29, 2024: Double Wow. Canada upset France in Women’s R Rugby Sevens. The hosts are out
Jul 29, 2024: Great job US Women Rugby Sevens. Upset the Brits to get to quarterfinals
Jul 29, 2024: Beta battery cannibalism makes digital life fun.
Jul 28, 2024: When someone mentions a “Right winger”, my first thought is football player (soccer) who plays on the right wing, not politics.
Jul 28, 2024: Wow. Japan Women football stun Brazil at the death. Makes group c interesting. Hopefully the USWNT can take care of Germany.
Jul 27, 2024: Where? If it’s in the ocean, they live there., we don’t. If it’s in the parking lot, then we may have a issue
Jul 27, 2024: My first real outing since surgery (3 weeks) nice to be around people and breath ocean air
Jul 27, 2024: Olympic Rugby Sevens is short attention span theater. 7 min halves, 2 min halftime. No time outs.
Jul 27, 2024: They’re plotting something
Jul 26, 2024: Hawaii is 12 hours behind France, so either it’s watch Olympic events over night or watch all replays.
Jul 26, 2024: A Mess on the Seine by My impression also
Jul 26, 2024: The first Olympic Games that I felt engaged with were the 1968 games in Mexico.… …
Jul 26, 2024: Physical therapy. Into week 3. Passive range of motion
Jul 26, 2024: Did I just really hear that Boneless chicken doesn’t really mean boneless, it’s a cooking style. Where do these judges come from?
Jul 26, 2024: Most of the media wants drama and shock filled airwaves. They don’t want boring. There’s no story there. Trump fills their need. Once the shock of …
Jul 25, 2024: My Daughter is a childless dog person. I guess she’s ok by JD’s standard
Jul 25, 2024: Remember this website showing up during the COVID lockdown Saved it on my phone for fun
Jul 25, 2024: Just watched “The Company you Keep”. Hadn’t seen it in about 10 years. I’m sure a lot of people still have secrets from those turbulent years.
Jul 25, 2024: I was a moderate conservative most of my adult life. That said, I have also been an environmentalist. Growing up on an island with limited resources …
Jul 25, 2024: Boeing is fired from space travel. No return date for Nasa astronauts amid problems with Boeing Starliner capsule | Space | The Guardian
Jul 25, 2024: This New Zealand v S Africa match with be a cracker.
Jul 25, 2024: Really enjoyed the Kenya v Uruguay Olympic rugby. Kenya win in 2nd extra time. Fun match.
Jul 25, 2024: This is all good, but I’ll keep my Disney/HULU/ ESPN bundle for now. I watch a lot of ESPN. Disney+, Hulu and Max are now available in one bundle deal …
Jul 25, 2024: Mostly empty seats at Olympic Women’s football. This is at half time.
Jul 24, 2024: We used to say; whatever a national candidate says during the election, they will almost always fall back to the party line after they are elected. …
Jul 24, 2024: Politics is not the art of the possible. It consists in choosing between the disastrous and the unpalatable. – John Kenneth Galbraith, speech to John …
Jul 24, 2024: I think he just tries to piss people off. Trump Said Some Disabled People “Should Just Die,” According to His Nephew
Jul 23, 2024: Do t have a problem with this. I’m also a Marseille fan Arsenal Star Reaches Personal Agreement, Clubs Negotiate £50M Fee - DailyAFC Marseille
Jul 23, 2024: Watching “Absense of Malice” just because I feel like watching a movie of substance rather just a bang bang shoot em up movie. That will come later
Jul 22, 2024: Looking through an external drive of old files from when I closed my Dropbox account over 10 years, from old Macs and hundreds of scanned document. …
Jul 22, 2024: Because I’m more of a world sports fan I’m going to enjoy a wider swath of the Olympics.
Jul 22, 2024: There’s a few conservatives in my various feeds. They’ve gone very quiet in the last 24 hours
Jul 21, 2024: I always felt this election was going to be a slog with 2 old guys slinging mud. It just got interesting
Jul 21, 2024: A friend turned me on to the album when it can out in ‘75. Still holds up.…
Jul 21, 2024: I’ve been going back to watch the Star Wars movies. A lot of people have qualms with the story lines and characters. I’m always in awe of the …
Jul 20, 2024: I think the MAGA people are playing a variation of the heads up game, but are putting the note on their ears.
Jul 19, 2024: Love a doctor with a sense of humor. Told me I could take off the shoulder sling around the house, but wear it when I go out, when sleeping at night …
Jul 18, 2024: This was earlier today
Jul 18, 2024: Water is back on 14 hours later. Flushed a lot brown water through the faucets
Jul 18, 2024: Just recalling what service I used for news and sports scores in the early internet. Dial up to Compuserve. This about 1984, the year before my …
Jul 18, 2024: Just talked to the plumber. It’s gonna be a while. 368 units. Not water. Feels like I’m in California
Jul 18, 2024: It’s always something. Water main break coming into our development. no water for likely all day.
Jul 18, 2024: It’s getting way easier to follow EFL clubs. Kind of like when Peacock took on EPL EFL FAQ: What fans need to know about the new CBS deal
Jul 17, 2024: First drink since surgery. Yum
Jul 17, 2024: My sleep pre surgery and post. The gap is the day after the procedure, ddnt have my watch on that night. Difficulty sleeping with a sling. Lots of …
Jul 16, 2024: I didn’t fully understand this about shoulder replacement recovery. There are 2 markers that I need to meet during the process; range of motion and …
Jul 16, 2024: I’m ready to switch to that fabled alternate universe.
Jul 15, 2024: test
Jul 2, 2024: Harpers Magazine August 1933. Looking at you NYT. sensationalism and debuachery
Jul 1, 2024: Lightning in a bottle Last night we caught lightning in a bottle. We went to Umeke’s Restaurant for my birthday. Post COVID, consumer expectations have bottomed out. Every …
Jun 30, 2024: After an initial walk at our regular Hualalai Resort trailer went over to check out the beach access the recently reopened Kona village resort managed …
Jun 29, 2024: “The floor is a hard, unforgiving taskmaster. But the floor never hits you – you hit the floor.”
Jun 28, 2024: Movie time
Jun 7, 2024: I’ll be posting and interacting over here on the federverse a hui hou
Jun 3, 2024: The view from Keck observatory on top of Mauna Kea. The last there was an eruption in this area was 1974. We’ll have to wait for drones.
May 31, 2024: When I was working, I would typically put in 10-12k steps a night in the kitchen. Since I’ve been out with a shoulder injury, I’ve been trying to get …
May 30, 2024: Out for a mid day walk Lyman’s bay and surf spot
May 29, 2024: Mood…
May 29, 2024: My wife’s argument to move away from Hawaii just got bolstered. Our condo association just announced a 25% (now $645/mo) increase to our CAM and a …
May 29, 2024: My wife must be having a rough day at work. Burning sage.
May 29, 2024: The nerd in me thinks space travel is very cool. The reuse and quick turn around, the boosters returning to earth. But I think it’s gone too far, and …
May 28, 2024:…
May 28, 2024: We will end up with Trump due to Biden’s blind support for Israel’s war machine. Many will simply not vote.
May 28, 2024: C’Mon MLB. Trolley Dodgers playing the Metropolitans in NY and it’s blacked out in Hawaii.
May 28, 2024: Coconut tree trimming day. Lookout below
May 27, 2024: My grandson was talking about how bad Windows 11 is. He uses windows for gaming and school. I shared with him how utterly useless Windows V 1.0 was. I …
May 27, 2024: Down a very deep Santana wormhole. Using the good headphones. Noise canceling so I can keep volume lower & not hear the TV and everything. Forgot how …
May 27, 2024: Maybe the Rainout day off will help the Dodgers turn it around
May 27, 2024: MB doesn’t have the choice of Hawaiian language in language. Just an observation. I’m not fluent, but use it quite a bit
May 26, 2024: Very much enjoyed Franklin, going back and watching the HBO miniseries from 2008 on John Adams.
May 26, 2024: Watched the Indy 500 for the first time in years. The 4 hour weather delay helped. It’s usually on at 6 am. What a barn burner of a race. Manic pace. …
May 26, 2024: Rarely use Google anymore. Us the Orion browser with Kagi or the Arc Search on IOS
May 25, 2024: Saw an iPhone 15 Pro in the store, got to hold it. I have a 13 Pro. No desire to upgrade. The 13 Pro does everything I need right now
May 25, 2024: This was an eye opening interview with Victor Davis Hanson about his book “The End of Everything: How Wars Descend into Annihilation”. Americans are …
May 25, 2024: Full family room
May 25, 2024: Ladies’ choice
May 24, 2024: Love when company says “Free Download”, but doesn’t say it $39.99 to actually use the app.
May 24, 2024: My wife, for the first time in a few years, has brought up the idea of moving to N. Dakota, where she is from. She say mostly cost of living & access …
May 24, 2024: Dodger pitching really is crap so far this season. They’ve been lucky enough to score a lot runs to be in first, but that can’t last.
May 23, 2024: The founders of Patagonia (Yvon Chouinard) and North Face (Douglas Tompkins). Love this. If you compromise the process, you’re an AHole when you start …
May 23, 2024: Back in the day I could find a live MLB baseball game on any day on either WGN or TNT or ESPN or somewhere else. Now it’s nearly impossible. All about …
May 22, 2024: Lots of AI comments and opinions. I posted mine yesterday. Jury is still out on trust for the entire technology. I’m playing with a couple of AI apps. …
May 22, 2024: The only thing they missed is to watch out for AHole people.
May 22, 2024: Shoulder MRI delayed 2 weeks due to MRI machine being down. The challenges of living on a rock in the middle of the ocean. I’m anxious (worried and …
May 22, 2024: Just opened up my 12” MacBook. It’s been in a drawer for months. To my surprise, it started up and works. I miss this machine. I used it daily for a …
May 21, 2024: I don’t believe what the AI companies are saying. We’ve been through (and still going through) the social media company promises of doing no evil. I …
May 21, 2024: Stopped at Mauna Kea park on our way over the island on saddle road from Hilo back to Kona. I love the sound of the wind blowing through the ironwood …
May 20, 2024: Great article about the resort where I work (or rather where I’ll go back to after my shoulder is fixed)…
May 19, 2024: Gonna be a Sunday party in the country…
May 18, 2024: still have vinyl @xxxx
May 18, 2024: This album came out in my sophomore year at Kalani High School. Still sounds great. The lead singer Mackey Feary went to our school …
May 18, 2024: Still works and sounds good too.
May 18, 2024: The scene of the crime. 18 years ago we got married ❤️on that grassy knoll (Hilton Waikoloa Resort). There’s a chapel to the right, we go married …
May 18, 2024: I’m a former conservative, now more of a centrist. Been watching interviews with old conservatives. They bring back some great points, but are …
May 18, 2024: Pretty boring weather. In Kona, we’re in the lee of mount Hualalai, which keeps our weather in a specific zone 90% of the time
May 17, 2024: With the MLB archaic blackout policy, this is the only way I get to watch the Dodgers.
May 17, 2024: Older tech.
May 16, 2024: Echo 3 was entertaining but 10 episodes was too many. I skipped ahead and don’t feel like I missed anything
May 16, 2024: Feel like I need to go back to school and get a degree in Medicare. It’s a fckn quagmire.
May 15, 2024: 80s music.…
May 14, 2024: One way to get the old Sonos app is to use an old iPod
May 14, 2024: yep
May 14, 2024: Sonos Help Desk: “your expected wait time is 70 minutes” WTF
May 13, 2024: Did some 1 1/4 arm plumbing to day. My injured shoulder allows minimal assistance for the task. Was able to change 1 bathroom vanity drain pipe and 1 …
May 13, 2024: RIP. One of the first jazz CDs I purchased…
May 13, 2024: Simpler time
May 12, 2024: Nice day for a walk by the ocean. Since I’m out on Workers Comp (shoulder) and not working. I need to get out and walk as much as I can.
May 11, 2024: Blade Runner 2049 is such an epic film. Visuals. Soundtrack
May 11, 2024: Happy Mother’s Day to my wife. TBH. We were going to get it anyway. Just waiting for the model and color that she wanted to come in, the timing just …
May 11, 2024: The aforementioned beach with lonely BBQ
May 11, 2024: No aurora in Hawaii last night, but there was this down by the beach
May 10, 2024: The thing that sucks about Worker’s comp claims is the glacially slow process, as they spend an exorbitant amount of time looking for a reason to deny …
May 10, 2024: I saw the Talking Heads at the Long Beach arena in 1983. What a show. It’s was among the many shows my ex and I went to while living in Redondo Beach, …
May 10, 2024: Stop making sense, making sense
May 10, 2024: Watching “Stop Making Sense” because that’s how I feel. The Talking Heads sure were good.
May 10, 2024: Starting to come to grips with my forced sabbatical (torn rotator cuff). Will likely be 8-10 weeks if surgery required. Need a project. Likely another …
May 10, 2024: Mise
May 9, 2024: Playing with Pi, conversational AI app. It’s kind of fun. It expands on a conversation. Liking it so far.
May 9, 2024: Work injury, feels like torn rotator cuff (it was repaired in 2010), off for min. of 30 days (likely much longer if surgery is needed). I’ve been …
May 8, 2024: The rich buy their way out of legal trouble, criminal and otherwise. It’s always been that way. Only with Trump, it’s on full display. We’re seeing …
May 6, 2024: Would like to see the Jyn Eros character reprised somewhere
May 6, 2024: Every time I go back and rewatch one of the movies in the Star Wars realm (Rogue One this time). I see something new.
May 4, 2024: The #Inter performance more annoying than devastating. TBF Sassuolo had more to play for, but still need to stay in the match.
May 3, 2024: The Dodgers in 11 - Walk off FTW
May 3, 2024: .
May 3, 2024: Day off today. Haven’t felt much like doing anything. Really don’t want to deal with people or driving or much else. Not sick, just lazy. I’m sure my …
May 2, 2024: I’m goin’ with the sporty hardtop.
May 2, 2024: Regarding Gaza Both sides were/are wrong to much differing degrees. Hamas shouldn’t have sent missiles into Israel. Maybe they felt hopeless and thought it would …
May 2, 2024: This only means one thing. Day off
May 2, 2024: I got an email about this, but closed my Dropbox account years ago. Must still be in their system…
Apr 30, 2024: AI 2 I can ask AI how I can use 2 day old watermelon radishes. It can give me great recipes. If I spend enough time I may be able to nail down something …
Apr 30, 2024: AI pt.1 Where AI trips is nuance and context. When I’m talking to someone, it’s not just facts. It’s past conversations we’ve had, it’s the context of the …
Apr 30, 2024: The one request of NBC. Stream the USA network.…
Apr 29, 2024: We have a number of WiFi enabled made in China devices in our home. I don’t use TilTok, but should we be more worried about all of these other …
Apr 29, 2024: He hates the cans…
Apr 28, 2024: My Wife saw an Audiologist yesterday and was told to stop using AirPods. Her slight hearing loss is more attributed to that than her age. The Dr said …
Apr 28, 2024: The line
Apr 26, 2024: Just finished the Fallout series. Not a gamer, never played the game, throughly enjoyed the show
Apr 26, 2024: Found this promo 45rpm record in a box of 50 and 60s 45s in my Step-Mom’s closet. She grew up in Palo Alto. A treasure trove.
Apr 26, 2024: Day off. Made spaghetti carbonara. One twist, used whisky cured thick bacon that we make at the hotel.
Apr 25, 2024: This is not going well
Apr 22, 2024: Inter are champs. Yay!
Apr 21, 2024: I’ve been in the Hotel/Restaurant business for nearly 40 yrs. The ones that succeed are middle of the road and consistent. The farther from middle, …
Apr 19, 2024: Just rewatched 2010 The Year we make contact. It’s been a while. This came out 40 years ago, damn
Apr 16, 2024: This song written in 1975 means as much today.…
Apr 14, 2024: Deleting all social media apps from my phone. I don’t open my Mac every day, so there’s that
Apr 13, 2024: Just saw this in the food court at the Queen Marketplace in Waikoloa. Just in case you need false eyelashes while you’re eating a burger.
Apr 13, 2024: In reviewing those old external drives I was preparing to destroy, I found my Gmail export from when I shut it down last year. The first Gmail I sent …
Apr 13, 2024: My music collection has 36,560 songs (113 days of music). My match music collection is 17,696 songs that came from my massive CD collection that I …
Apr 12, 2024:…
Apr 12, 2024: Was decommissioning some old hard drives to dispose of. One of them wouldn’t mount, but I knew there was old, backed up data on it, so disassembled …
Apr 12, 2024: me
Apr 12, 2024: Guess I’m an outlier. I walked a marathon distance in 4 days. New Apple Watch data shows the average person takes 334 days to walk/run a marathon …
Apr 12, 2024: Watching the HBO documentary about Sergio Leone. I grew up on his movies at the Kaimuki theater in Honolulu. Western matinees $.50
Apr 12, 2024: Had some leftover Lamb Demi Glacé from a party at work. Had it with meat loaf. It sure raised the level of the meat loaf a few notches. 🤤
Apr 12, 2024: It breaks your heart.
Apr 12, 2024: Since I left management just under a year ago, very few urgent things come into my life. A few important things come in. I don’t feel a need to pick …
Apr 11, 2024: Thyme waits for no man
Apr 10, 2024: I think we tossed out more expired COVID test than we’ve actually used.
Apr 10, 2024: Early Bird Books is the ultimate un-unsubscribable site. I’ve tried to unsubscribe from emails many many times. I’ve tried setting rules in email and …
Apr 9, 2024: As is everyone else, We’re short staffed. 2 call outs and the managers are covering a banquet and we’re running the main cooking with 2 instead of 3. …
Apr 9, 2024: We switched to HawaiianTel fiber about 5 months ago from Spectrum cable internet. We’ve experienced no issues with speed or connectivity. No …
Apr 9, 2024: This sure isn’t going as planned. #Arsenal
Apr 9, 2024: You don’t REALLY know and understand how age affects your body until you live it. The speed of degradation increases exponentially as the years roll …
Apr 9, 2024: My body has been trying to get sick for 4 day. I’ve been basically ignoring it, drinking lots of water and running anti virus software.
Apr 8, 2024: Hey MAGA, there is science happening right now.
Apr 8, 2024: Watching one of the NASA feeds. They switch between infrared and solar filter. They are currently showing Torreón Mexico. Very cool seeing solar …
Apr 7, 2024: Whew. Lots of cables. Lots of ports.
Apr 7, 2024: The new Sonos system is installed and working as designed. Extracting the 15 year old Bose lifestyle system was a chore. A mile of cables. Love that …
Apr 6, 2024: Spent some time upgrading the time machine disk (larger disk) for my Mac mini home server and the network drive my 13" Air uses for Time Machine. …
Apr 6, 2024: Had this in my car for a week. A bit warm
Apr 6, 2024: My college car. 65 Impala. Could land a helicopter on the roof of that beast. Great back seat though
Apr 6, 2024: Had a pretty amazing cheese burger at the Waimea Butcher shop.
Apr 6, 2024: This would be fun to go watch.
Apr 5, 2024: Came across this from 2016
Apr 5, 2024: Don’t forget the cannolis
Apr 4, 2024: For some reason, the Netscape Navigator just popped into my mind. Bizarre…
Apr 4, 2024: I grew up in Hawaii, where there is no such thing as a minority. Everyone is just people. When we were kids we just saw everyone else as other kids. …
Apr 4, 2024: Day off tomorrow, read more Hawaiian history and quantum physics
Apr 4, 2024: Nobody is home
Apr 4, 2024: My desk 17 years ago. I ran a web business for small businesses with a 13” MBP and a Mac Mini. My Palm. Closed the business about 10 years ago. Self …
Apr 4, 2024: Just caught the first episode of Ripley on Netflix. I’m hooked. I love Film Noir
Apr 3, 2024: Four years ago, we’re taking our best attempt at making homemade masks. There were none available. It was also the beginning of remote schooling for …
Apr 3, 2024: In Hawaii we used to have a lot of fights and an occasional shootout. Now there is a shooting almost daily. We had tough gun laws. Thank you #SCOTUS
Apr 2, 2024: Worm hole… mm
Apr 2, 2024: Arsenal involved in top 3 most watched matches in US
Apr 1, 2024: For me, as a Dodger and Arsenal fan, the Giants = Tottenham Spurs
Mar 31, 2024: Back at work Easter Special
Mar 31, 2024: We haven’t been home from our trip for 30 min and the bags are emptied, wiped down and put away, first load of laundry is in and we’re both showered …
Mar 31, 2024: Ends in a. Unsatisfying thus. As the saying goes. They will rue the chances missed
Mar 30, 2024: The photo
Mar 30, 2024: This Fort DeRussy grass area below our room has all of these palm trees. Most have a circle around the base, a few do not and there’s one circle with …
Mar 30, 2024: A great day on O’ahu winding down.
Mar 30, 2024: Seems like everything will be hacked eventually. All data will be on the dark web.
Mar 29, 2024: Great day off of our rock (Hawaii Island) onto another rock (O’ahu).
Mar 29, 2024: We brought our Grandsons to the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum in Honolulu. I came here during school field trips 50 years ago
Mar 29, 2024: Off to Honolulu. Currently in Southwest’s boarding scheme/queue
Mar 27, 2024: Not a single team in the sweet 16 that I care about.
Mar 26, 2024: The thought Apple stopping sales of certain products in the EU over DMA fines is crazy, but they do have stockholders to answer to. If the fines get …
Mar 26, 2024: I’ve been involved in an American Cancer Society cancer study for 20 years. I’ve never been diagnosed with cancer, but had a number of friends …
Mar 25, 2024: To take down a bridge built in 1977, that container ship must have really been off course or out of control. Baltimore will be a mess for a long time …
Mar 24, 2024:…
Mar 24, 2024: Kentucky losing to Oakland in the 1st Round killed my bracket
Mar 23, 2024: There’s an old adage that teens have selective memory. I think I’m doing the same things, choosing to just not remember things I don’t want to.
Mar 23, 2024: Just recalling how irate we were, on a daily basis, 4 years ago…
Mar 23, 2024: Finally replacing our Bose Lifestyle 135 system. It’s 12 years old. I got it on an open box deal. It’s from a previous era. It has FM radio, Bose …
Mar 23, 2024: I think about this David Foster Wallace commencement speech often. This is a relaxing video attached.…
Mar 22, 2024: Read this quote years ago. It changed the way I managed businesses. “You cannot improve one thing by 1000% but you can improve 1000 little things by …
Mar 21, 2024: So far. My bracket is 100%. It was more about who I don’t like.
Mar 21, 2024: The only time I’ve had a cat was about 20 years ago. Was in a 5 year relationship in the gap between my 2 Marriages. Our household included her 2 …
Mar 19, 2024: Taxes filed. Annual annoyance that the tax code makes sure every dollar we make is scraped for every tax dollar possible while the top 1% pay zero and …
Mar 18, 2024: I use the Orion browser on IOS with Kagi search. I pay $10/mo. Ad free no boosted results. I’ve been using it for about 6 months with no issues.
Mar 17, 2024: Gonna make Irish Veggie Sheppard pie as part of my dinner special at work tonight. Also a Guinness cream sauce with the pan fried fresh fish. Irish …
Mar 16, 2024: And so we begin.
Mar 16, 2024: Everyone in the futuristic shows has a British accents. Does than been the British Empire will have a new golden age and America will crash and burn?
Mar 16, 2024: Pleasure be had
Mar 16, 2024: The corned beef is on the stove and the Guinness is in the fridge. But then, we have corned beef a few times a year and there’s always Guinness in our …
Mar 16, 2024: The corned beef is on the stove and the Guinness is in the fridge. But then, we have corned beef a few times a year and there’s always Guinness in our …
Mar 12, 2024: Sure hope #Arsenal don’t draw #Inter. But if they do, c’est la vie
Mar 12, 2024: Apple’s sports scores app doesn’t cover Champions League. Big oversight.
Mar 12, 2024: With all of the doom and gloom in the world, work is my happy place. We put on good music and make people happy through food and beverage. Don’t even …
Mar 11, 2024: A drizzly overcast day. Would rather stay home, but when I get to work in the kitchen down in the bowels of the hotel, there is no weather.
Mar 11, 2024: Haven’t used our Roku in months. Time to just throw it away.…
Mar 10, 2024: We had a rare discussion on politics at work tonight. Most of the others are younger than 30. I’m 65. We all dread the thought of Trump getting …
Mar 10, 2024: This kind of headline is total linkbait. Trying to get Arsenal and Barcelona fans click Ex Arsenal & Barcelona Veteran Wants To Stay At Inter Milan – …
Mar 10, 2024: We have them right where we want them. They think #Arsenal is a distant 3rd title hope…
Mar 9, 2024: Wow. Inter on 75 points.
Mar 9, 2024: If you spend enough time at a beach like Hapuna , with surf & tide & lots of people from places not remotely close to ocean, you will eventually see a …
Mar 9, 2024: Paid for the 1st year of Apple’s MLS package, but only watched 3 or 4 matches. They aren’t on at times/days that work for me. I work Saturdays, and if …
Mar 9, 2024: Sounds of Hāpuna Beach
Mar 9, 2024: Recently exported a GMAIL account I had since 2007 & closed the account. 180,854 emails. Was fun reading emails from former parts of my life. …
Mar 9, 2024: Whatever they are saying now, we know what Biden is and we know what Trump is and we know what we get with both of them.
Mar 8, 2024: Dune 2 was pretty amazing in the Theater. Kinda wish I saw Dune 1 in the theater too. The movie asks a lot questions going into #3.
Mar 8, 2024: We’ve been waiting for Hyundai to drop a 0% APR financing special. We’re going to look at an Elantra or Kona today. We bought my wife’s Elantra on 0% …
Mar 8, 2024: We have late season snow on Mauna Kea
Mar 7, 2024: Starting to feel like the constant MAGA attacks on personal (women’s) rights, law and order and civil society is like the zombie apocalypse. Don’t …
Mar 7, 2024: Good time to just be at home.
Mar 7, 2024: Very much enjoying Shogun on Hulu. I grew up around Japanese culture in Hawaii. Check out Shōgun on Hulu! …
Mar 7, 2024: Everyone seems to be mad at Apple for some reason or another. Bound to happen when you’re so big. As for us. Everything in our realm works fine (2 …
Mar 5, 2024: ..
Mar 4, 2024: Mind you, Hawaii island is rural. I happened upon my first experience of geofencing. We parked in a parking lot near Old Navy to go to the store next …
Mar 3, 2024: Great job Arsenal Women. staying in the race
Mar 3, 2024: 64 years ago. The great Sam Cooke…
Mar 3, 2024: Our local Blue Cross / Blue Shield carrier HMSA is changing their policy so that they will only approve A1C blood work every 3 years unless you …
Mar 3, 2024: Just checked. All of our Apple products are working fine. Move on…
Mar 2, 2024: Arsenal Women play the Spuds and 2:30am HST. I get home from work at 11pm. I’ll be deep in slumberland. C’Mon you Gunners. UptheArsenal.
Mar 2, 2024: Heirloom baby carrots 🥕
Mar 1, 2024: The best
Mar 1, 2024: Funny. And I’m not a Brit. Though I can relate…
Feb 29, 2024: The Apple Sports app doesn’t show spring training scores.
Feb 29, 2024: My business cards for the past 40+ years (up to 2020). Think I have them all. they’re not in chronological order.
Feb 28, 2024: Just saw a commercial for the new Motorola Razr. I loved my Razr back in the day. $500 is not bad
Feb 27, 2024: Next year I will have been an Arsenal fan for 2 decades. I was first drawn to The Gunners by seeing Thierry Henry play on TV. Then it was the amazing …
Feb 26, 2024: Just rewatched The Killer. Really enjoyed it, again. Love the soundtrack (The Smiths)
Feb 25, 2024: I tried going without an Apple Watch last year when the battery life on my old one was untenable. Got one for Christmas. Missed the health features …
Feb 25, 2024: Good weekend. Arsenal and Inter take care of business Parma held to a draw, but still 7 pointss clear at the top of Serie B
Feb 24, 2024: The cars I’ve owned -Volkswagen fastback -65 Chevy impala -Toyota Corona -Ford Thunderbird (the big one) -Toyota Corolla -Isuzu P’up -Nissan frontier …
Feb 24, 2024: The Peacock broadcast is about 90 seconds delayed. I get notifications on my phone before the goal is on TV. #Arsenal
Feb 23, 2024: Quantum gravity lives.…
Feb 23, 2024: Watching again. Because.
Feb 22, 2024: Call spoofing is out of control and the FCC says just don’t answer. What of if I’m expecting a call from a Dr or a repair company? For the most part, …
Feb 22, 2024: I bought an iPad 9 over two years ago. We just bought the same one for my wife last week. Old models didn’t seem to stay around that long before.
Feb 22, 2024: Liking the new Apple sports scores app so far. I’ve typically use the ESPN app for scores and game/match updates, but requires multiple clicks …
Feb 20, 2024: I’m already deleting news apps and moving more off the grid with this election cycle.
Feb 18, 2024: Almost perfect sports weekend. #Arsenal #Inter-Milan #ParmaCalcio all win convincingly. Mancity drop points. Spuds lose. The only mar was Liverpool …
Feb 17, 2024: This is the big one.
Feb 16, 2024: My best professional decision (9 months ago) at the point in my life was getting out of management and going back where I started as a dinner chef. As …
Feb 15, 2024: Every tech blog is writing Vision Pro articles like everyone has one or is going to get one soon. Time to delete some blogs and put in some filters.
Feb 15, 2024: Two simple pleasures. Frozen Junior Mints and day old shrimp and sausage gumbo. Not together mind you.
Feb 15, 2024: We’ve (me and my physical therapist) have stumbled on a simple action that is improving my pain markedly. For 30m a day, I float in the pool in float …
Feb 14, 2024: Finally pulling the plug on Instapaper. It was long run. I used it a lot in its heyday.
Feb 14, 2024: MLB still doesn’t have a brain. Hawaii’s home market has 5 clubs. The closest is 2510 miles away with the small detail of an ocean in between.
Feb 13, 2024: I sure hope people vote the right way. If Trump wins, Russia will go off the handle in Europe and expand influence in Africa and N Korea will …
Feb 12, 2024: I think (hope) the politics are shifting in regards to support of Israel. It’s getting more damaging for Biden to support them than not.
Feb 12, 2024: Looks like all of the SF 49er fans we know called out today. They can’t handle losing well well
Feb 11, 2024: What a great African cup. What a run for Ivory Coast
Feb 10, 2024: Parma Calcio 1913 are in very good form. They should see promotion to Serie A. It will be nice to see them back in the top flight. Parma were bankrupt …
Feb 9, 2024: S4 True Detective Part 5 was a humdinger. Damn!
Feb 8, 2024: If and when Trump loses the election, all of these GOP stalwarts on his bandwagon will be left hanging.
Feb 7, 2024: Watching the “Guns of Navarone”. Just because.
Feb 6, 2024: Pain is exhausting
Feb 5, 2024: A little ole place where we can get together…
Feb 5, 2024: Apple Music still isn’t smart enough tough to put Jackson Browne’s “Load Out” and “Stay” together. If I’m playing a playlist I need to manually put …
Feb 5, 2024: My wife is very frugal. Midwest sensibilities and all. Her iPad mini (version 2). Finally became unusable. Can’t update IOS, therefore many apps won’t …
Feb 4, 2024: I’m a union member for the first time in my long Hospitality career. I find that the communications that we get from the union has an undercurrent of …
Feb 1, 2024: I tried watching the show “Bear”. A lot of people rave about it. I’ve worked in restaurants 40+ years. Front of the house and kitchen. Small places …
Jan 27, 2024: I’ve always love this quote and and repeated it hundreds of times in my management career. “You cannot improve one thing by 1000% but you can improve …
Jan 27, 2024: There’s a new mini subdivision (48 homes) going in next door. We’re the community on the left. It’s about half built out. These are $million homes and …
Jan 26, 2024: My wife and I both had the day off, so we took a drive up to the north part of the island. We live in Kailua Kona & went to Hawi. Stopped at Hapuna …
Jan 24, 2024: Lots of tech layoffs. I’ve been in Food and Beverage for most of my adult life (45+ years). For the foreseeable future people need to eat. I’ve never …
Jan 20, 2024: Kona gets a lot of snow birds each winter. There are hundreds of condos with part-time owners. The vast majority are older (70+) & white with many …
Jan 20, 2024: Reading a lot more. Subscribed to “The Point” and “County Highway” and the book my Daughter gave me for Christmas.
Jan 19, 2024: One of favorite places to go was the Kona Brew Pub. We would often got on Fridays for a porterhouse dip sandwich and grilled chicken nachos. That was …
Jan 19, 2024: How cold was it in Hawaii. I used a blanket. Sorry arctic chill people.
Jan 19, 2024: More concerned about N Korea’s demeanor than the Middle East due to proximity.
Jan 18, 2024: Great news. A lot of this is former sugar cane land.…
Jan 18, 2024: Had another watch of True Detective season one. Last watched it during lockdown. Caught the essence of the bayou in detail. Master class all around.
Jan 17, 2024: The Middle East is getting dicey. Something bad will happen by misunderstanding or accident and it will blow up. Russia and/or China will nudge it …
Jan 17, 2024: I never saw the Sopranos. We didn’t have HBO. Might start watching it now
Jan 17, 2024: All of this about Apple being a corporation and all. I don’t adore Apple, I use their products because they work, they last and they all talk to each …
Jan 17, 2024: Fargo. The bisquit. #FTW
Jan 16, 2024: Siri on my watch stopped working. Wondering if the Siri team in San Diego broke something out of protest for having to move to Austin. Two places …
Jan 16, 2024: This is the year I finally close my Evernote and Instapaper account. These app are a shadow of what they were. Moving everything the Apple Notes. …
Jan 16, 2024: I work in a kitchen and use a pen to write food labels (when item was made and shelf life, etc), check lists, temperature logs, requisitions, etc. I …
Jan 16, 2024: The NFC East craps again
Jan 15, 2024: The NFC eas
Jan 14, 2024: The COVID Pandemic was a societal demarcation line. Businesses operate differently, “short staffed” is a normalized excuse. Service quality is down …
Jan 13, 2024: Made a new batch of my spice mix. I use it for fish and vegetables at the hotel. It has pink, white and black pepper. Kosher and Hawaiian Alae salt, …
Jan 13, 2024: Back in 2010 I have small media company. Built websites set up social media for small local businesses. I made a living for a few years. Built over 50 …
Jan 12, 2024: Our culinary team. Minus 2 guys still in the kitchen.
Jan 12, 2024: The housekeeping ladies are doing the Electric slide
Jan 12, 2024: It’s the hotel Holiday party. Theme was throwback. We went a ways back. We are among the few here who remember that era.
Jan 12, 2024: Peace is getting a little wobbly
Jan 12, 2024:… Thoughtful, gentle songs, perfect as background music at home or work.
Jan 12, 2024: Inherited this box of 100s of B/W photos taken all around Hawaii Island in the early 1940s. They were taken by my great aunt who had a boyfriend …
Jan 11, 2024: Day off chef’s cuisine. Roast chicken with garlic, basil and butter penne pasta. Simple, fast and delish.
Jan 11, 2024: I’ve become my Grampa. I fell asleep at 1PM in my reclining chair. But rather than the TV watching me, I had Radio Paradise on.
Jan 10, 2024: Looked at my SS statement income for the past 40 odd years. Seems as though the years I had peaks income were the worst years. Life out of balance, …
Jan 10, 2024: This season of Fargo is a doozy. Quite the ride.
Jan 9, 2024: Download our AMEX annual report. We send a lot of money to Apple. Also use Apple Pay a lot too.
Jan 9, 2024: Thank you for the 5:30 am alert NWS. Can only assume it’s bad out there. Got home from work at 11pm. 💤💤💤
Jan 8, 2024: Seems as though there’s some annual consumer electronics thing going on that I used to care about. Move on…
Jan 8, 2024: In our house, I work 5 nights a week, on my nights off my wife owns the TV, I stream on my phone or iPad. I could see myself picking up a later, more …
Jan 8, 2024: IMHO. I think Apple will be fine with less sales in V1 of the Vision Pro. It’ll be like they’ll have a large number of new real world beta testers. …
Jan 7, 2024: Starting to hammer out details on our epic 2024 adventure in Sept. Ruled out Europe, too far, that ship has sailed. Planes, trains and automobiles. …
Jan 5, 2024: Looks like we’re going to replace our legacy Bose Lifestyle 135 with a Sonos Beam. It’s old tech. Bose is struggling to keep it up to date. It’s from …
Jan 5, 2024: I hate Facebook, haven’t used for quite few years, 1st was privacy and 2nd was this reason. My Step-Son (wife’s son) got engaged last week. This was a …
Jan 5, 2024: I hate Facebook, haven’t used for quite few years, 1st was privacy and 2nd was this reason. My Step-Son (wife’s son) got engaged last week. This was a …
Jan 5, 2024: I hate Facebook, haven’t used for quite few years, 1st was privacy and 2nd was this reason. My Step-Son (wife’s son) got engaged last week. This was a …
Jan 5, 2024: I hate Facebook, haven’t used for quite few years, 1st was privacy and 2nd was this reason. My Step-Son (wife’s son) got engaged last week. This was a …
Jan 5, 2024: I hate Facebook, haven’t used for quite few years, 1st was privacy and 2nd was this reason. My Step-Son (wife’s son) got engaged last week. This was a …
Jan 5, 2024: I hate Facebook, haven’t used for quite few years, 1st was privacy and 2nd was this reason. My Step-Son (wife’s son) got engaged last week. This was a …
Jan 5, 2024: This year we’re planning a trip to Oregon to see granddaughter, drive to Sonoma to see my wife’s son and meet his soon be bride’s family then spend a …
Jan 5, 2024: Looks like we made a decision to not got to Italy. We’ve likely taken our last European trip. It’s just too far and takes too long from Hawaii. We’re …
Jan 5, 2024:… Thoughtful, gentle songs, perfect as background music at home or work.
Jan 5, 2024: Christmas has been packed away.
Jan 5, 2024: TGI Fridays closes dozens of its stores. I worked for TGI Fridays for 10 Years in the late 70s - 80s. The Honolulu store was #69 to open. I went into …
Jan 4, 2024: Hawaiian music at its truest This song “Pu’uanahulu” features the harmonies of Gabby Pahinui and Sonny Chillingsworth. It was recorded 50 years ago in an old lava rock house on …
Jan 4, 2024: I’ve been a conservative most of my life. I am also an environmentalist and believe social programs have value to pick people up, but not carrying …
Jan 3, 2024: Been a month since we upgraded to fiber. It had just become available. I also got a new router & signal extender and new cables. We were able to …
Jan 3, 2024: Turns out all of pain I’ve been having up and down my right side (same side as total knee replacement) from my lower back / hip to my calf is my IT …
Jan 3, 2024: ‘Where Do The Children Play’ by ‘Cat Stevens’ on Radio Paradise /music/song/2956
Jan 3, 2024: Looks like we’re going to replace our legacy Bose Lifestyle 135 with a Sonos Beam. The Bose is old tech. Bose is struggling to keep it up to date. …
Jan 2, 2024: I am the only employees in our culinary department to have perfect attendance for 6 straight months. My opinion is that it’s a generation thing. Plus …
Jan 2, 2024: As the holidays drift into the rear view mirror, this time of year reminds me that everyone older than me in my family (parents, grandparents, aunts, …
Jan 2, 2024: I hate Facebook, haven’t used for quite few years. My wife still uses FB. 1st I quit was privacy and 2nd was this reason. My Step-Son (wife’s son) got …
Jan 1, 2024: In 2024, to protect my sanity, I will work to avoid politics. I’ll vote on local issues and vote for president, knowing full well popular vote doesn’t …
Jan 1, 2024: Well, we’ve started out the year with a shooting on O`ahu. Mahalo SCOTUS for making our community MORE DANGEROUS
Jan 1, 2024: It’s either kicking 2023 in the butt or ringing in 2024, but it sure is loud
Jan 1, 2024: Well. We’re bringing up the rear of the pack. Happy new year from Hawaii
Dec 31, 2023: 2023 was the year that I got out of management for good.
Dec 31, 2023: I survived the new years of 1999-2000 as a manager in charge of multiple restaurant POS systems with old software that were half expected to crash and …
Dec 30, 2023: A Hawaiian early evening. Torches, hammock under an ulu tree. Cool tradewinds.
Dec 30, 2023: As we head into 2024 ‘Many Rivers to Cross’ by ‘Jimmy Cliff’ on Radio Paradise /music/song/30352
Dec 30, 2023: Almost completely unsubscribed from Substack newsletters. Don’t miss what you don’t see.
Dec 30, 2023: In 2024 I hope to continue to steer clear of COVID.
Dec 30, 2023: Gary Oldman. Everyone…
Dec 29, 2023: A rats nest. In culinary terms
Dec 29, 2023: Working on my supposed day off. Taking one for the team. 2 call outs, a special wine dinner and it’s festive. Next day off is next year.
Dec 28, 2023: I played sports since I was 10 years old. Football, baseball, volleyball, outrigger canoe paddling. 55 years later, my body still feels every hit, …
Dec 28, 2023: My wife got me a bottle of Tullamore D.E.W. For Christmas. What a treat. Tasty
Dec 28, 2023: Interesting that Amazon is advertising no ads in Amazon music while adding ads to Amazon video. I don’t really have an issue with Ads on Amazon …
Dec 28, 2023: The Lowes implementation of Apple Pay vs Safeway is lacking. It’s the same process as swiping a card (2-3 taps on the screen). With Safeway, it’s a …
Dec 27, 2023: Made it to my days off. Worked through the Christmas week. Next up: New Years week. Already scheming about my fresh catch specials for the week.
Dec 27, 2023: Haven’t worn an Apple watch for a few months. Forgot about the little things, like my watch unlocking my Mac.
Dec 25, 2023: No snow on Mauna Kea on Christmas this year. So a photo of last year
Dec 25, 2023: Got an Apple Watch 9 for Christmas. It was purchased well before the oxy sensor issue blew up. If they don’t settle and plan to disable it via …
Dec 25, 2023: Listening to Who Shot JFK by Soledad O’Brien. Really would have been a different world if JFK had lived, but that was never going to be allowed to …
Dec 24, 2023: My wife and I are starting early planning for a trip to Italy in late 2024. We both are not crazy about the long flights to Europe. My wife is …
Dec 23, 2023: The Hawaiian islands are in the middle of the pacific plate. The oldest of the islands is Kure Atoll approximately 30 million years old. Though there …
Dec 23, 2023: Fair result. Both teams had chances. #TheArsenal
Dec 23, 2023: My wife is notoriously last minute, it’s her low level ADD. It really becomes apparent in the holidays. My culinary mind is about Mis en Place. I did …
Dec 23, 2023: I’ve been using the Orion browser with Kagi search on IOS for a couple of months now. Other than results look odd now and then I have no issues to …
Dec 22, 2023: Family Liquor Full moon Glad I work on Christmas.
Dec 22, 2023: Polynesians had navigated the entire Pacific Ocean before Europeans had left sight of land.
Dec 21, 2023: Into my days off, then work straight through Christmas till next wed. We’re having our Christmas dinner tonight.
Dec 21, 2023: Upgraded our router. For better security and speed and IPV6 at some point. Didn’t realize it’d been 5 years.
Dec 20, 2023: Trump
Dec 20, 2023: Loving ‘More Than This’ by ‘Roxy Music’ on Radio Paradise /music/song/31451
Dec 20, 2023: In the last hour before I head off to work and the bustling kitchen, if I watch something on TV, the hour flies by, if I put on music, the hour slips …
Dec 20, 2023: Lots of vitriol on both sides of the climate issue. My wife and try to be conscientious. We’re well into the final trimester of our lives, but drive …
Dec 20, 2023: I can go days without opening my MB Air, and only use it for a short while at that. Just realized my Time Machine backups were way behind. Had to …
Dec 19, 2023: Just watched “The Astros Edge” on Frontline. They cheated and cost other team $millions and cost people their careers and lined their own pockets. …
Dec 19, 2023: Are sure that’s not just sewage under DC? There sure is enough on the surface. The nation’s capital, built on water, struggles to keep from drowning …
Dec 18, 2023: I’ve always liked Gary Oldman, but he’s master class in Slow Horses. I need that level of edgy humor in my daily life.
Dec 17, 2023: Ok short lived. The Cowboys didn’t show up today. Will the real Cowboys please stand up
Dec 17, 2023: Enjoying it while I can. #Arsenal #Inter and #Cowboys all top of their perspective tables at the moment.
Dec 17, 2023: Listening to a podcast on cosmology & theoretical physics. They were talking about what would happen to humanity when the sun starts to expand (Duh). …
Dec 16, 2023: I work until 11pm. The Arsenal play at 4am. Won’t be up for the match. #UpTheArsenal
Dec 16, 2023: Baseball is like church. Many attend few understand. -Leo Durocher
Dec 15, 2023: The @teuxdeux app change to checkmarks changes many years of muscle memory. Makes editing easier, but it will take a while to not just tap a task.
Dec 14, 2023: Sad. The hotel I work at is renovating. They’re installing a new coffee and wine bar in the lower lobby and are covering this sculpture that’s been …
Dec 14, 2023: I’ve never owned a gun. I don’t hunt and never felt a need. Even with the SCOTUS loosing up rules and town hall meetings on guns I still don’t want …
Dec 13, 2023: Effective Jan 1 2024. Hawaii Medical Service Assn. Hawaii’s Blue Cross / Blue Shield insurer and the state’s largest will no longer cover Semaglutide …
Dec 13, 2023: Made Ginger Confit. Took 3 days. Damn it’s good. The ginger is soft and sweet, the sugar water is infused with a nice ginger flavor.
Dec 13, 2023: Nice. More and more of Hawaii island is being taken out of the grasp of developers…
Dec 13, 2023: We just got new countertop convection over / air fryer. The one we’ve had for a fews was one of those fancy ones. The annoyance was it took multiple …
Dec 12, 2023: We just got new countertop convection over / air fryer. The we’ve had for a fews was one of those fancy ones. The annoyance was it took multiple steps …
Dec 10, 2023: I hate Fox Sports, I hope somebody buys them. Someone who respects streaming this time. All of their properties require a cable login.
Dec 8, 2023: When we had Spectrum, we paid for 1G and the fastest we ever got (direct wired) was 625 Mbps, with Hawaiian Tel Fiber we pay for 600 and get 595 avg. …
Dec 8, 2023: We got Fiber internet installed today. Just became available where we live. The techs were pulling fiber into the community last month, we could …
Dec 8, 2023: This Hunter Biden tax charges is a shot over the bow for everyone who crossed Trump if he he gets elected. He has said so.
Dec 7, 2023: Went to a community assn. meeting tonight. I used to be President of another association we lived in a few years ago. I hate those meetings. We just …
Dec 7, 2023: Sitting on the lanai having a Kona brew and listening to the wind
Dec 7, 2023: The bigger the wall, the harder people will try to get through.
Dec 5, 2023: It occurred to me that Israel is acting like the mafia. When someone does them wrong, they not only knock off that person, but their entire family and …
Dec 1, 2023: The Cowboys escaped last night. Close one.
Nov 30, 2023: Went to my Step Mom’s house for Thanksgiving and found this box of 45 RPM records. They’ve been digging things up since my Dad passed 4 years ago. All …
Nov 29, 2023: Our first winter storm of the year. Yippee
Nov 28, 2023: Found a sock that’s been missing for a week. My wife said “wow you have big problems” I just told her, you need to take successes when you can. Life …
Nov 28, 2023: Remembering when Google had issues with its algorithm doing nefarious things. The same thing will happen with AI. Likely we won’t know it until after …
Nov 24, 2023: When I was living in California (1981-85), I was really into HO gauge model trains. There was a model train store in Redondo Beach. I had a layout in …
Nov 21, 2023: Bit of a Mynah bird kerfuffle in the parking lot. Thinking a territorial dispute
Nov 20, 2023: As more Americans take an agnostic approach to religion, the religious right will try to force religion on everyone via legislation.
Nov 16, 2023: Really can’t tell which Middle-East news is accurate and which issn’t I’m guessing the goal of the nefarious types is to create such confusion.
Nov 15, 2023: Don’t seem very United these days
Nov 12, 2023: One of my ancestors, Lt. John Gibbs, was a member of the first democratically-elected legislative body in the British American colonies. The Virginia …
Nov 10, 2023: I guess my question about the NCAA realignments is if it affects every sport at the school?
Nov 10, 2023: Sad about the Pac 10 (12). Now even the west coast powerhouse teams will be in the East coast fold. Just feel wrong. Lots more travel for teams. I …
Nov 2, 2023: Some cause happiness wherever they go, others cause happiness whenever they go. - Oscar Wilde
Oct 31, 2023: El Nino in Hawaii means dryer winter and more storms. Those storms will in turn make their way to the West Coast. Fun times
Oct 29, 2023: My wife watches occasionally documentaries on how bad processed food is for our bodies and the environment. I told her, simple solution, we buy an …
Oct 28, 2023: The Honolulu Rail boondoggle is challenging Boston’s Big Dig for ineptness. it will be built, but no one knows the final cost. As it stands, they …
Oct 26, 2023: .
Oct 26, 2023: There was just a brushfire across the street from us. They got it out quick, but everyone is on pins and needles after Lahaina. Luckily, it’s dead …
Oct 26, 2023: Remember the Y2K bug. In retrospect, seems silly.
Oct 23, 2023: Shut down my website this month. I’ve had a website since 1999. That first site was for my Cafe, Canoes Cafe. It was simple, but did the job. My next …
Oct 14, 2023: A hui hou, malama pono. pau
Oct 13, 2023: My ancestor Andrew Kimbley was born in Holland in 1737. Came to the colonies, Married (1773), settled in Virginia, fought in the Virginia Militia …
Oct 13, 2023: Amtrak unveils new fleet of Airo trains and the 14 routes they will serve All east coast.
Oct 13, 2023: Watching the CBS sports special ‘Football Must Go On’ about Shakhtar Donetsk from Ukraine. We take going out and watching or playing a football match …
Oct 12, 2023: Power
Oct 12, 2023: Found this photo from my first COVID test. April 2020. it was drive-thru test with very strict rules. Mask were hard to come by, had a homemade mask. …
Oct 11, 2023: The Dodgers left their offense in the regular season.
Oct 11, 2023: I just don’t see the point…
Oct 11, 2023: Took this photo Oct 11, 2005 in Waimea on Hawaii Island. Taken on a Canon EOS 20D. The last purpose built camera I’ve owned. My wife and I had just …
Oct 8, 2023: Proud the be an #Arsenal fan. We had a rough spell through the oughts, but it’s looking good
Oct 8, 2023: Really enjoyed the Continental on Peacock. Had a few slow points, but all in all it was great entertainment
Oct 7, 2023: Recalling younger days when nothing could knock me down. Here in my mid 60s, it wouldn’t take much to knock me out of the game. One of my wonky knees …
Oct 7, 2023: Fascinating. If I recall correctly, the rotating space station in 2001 Space Odyssey didn’t have windows.…
Oct 7, 2023: I’ve watched and read a couple of interviews with respected older conservatives. If you listen with an open mind they do make some sense, 40 years …
Oct 6, 2023: Finally had enough of Eric Clapton’s politics after helping raise $2.2 mil for RFK Jr tonight. Deleted all of his music from my library and local back …
Oct 6, 2023: Love Lee Oskar. He played with War too. Had this cassette ‘Sunshine Keri’ by ‘Lee Oskar’ on Radio Paradise /music/song/41556
Oct 6, 2023: Think I’m going to have to go back and watch some of season one of Loki. It’s been too long
Oct 6, 2023:… David Gilmour on electric guitar. 😃
Oct 5, 2023: Loving ‘Unknown Legend’ by ‘Neil Young’ on Radio Paradise /music/song/2774 I had the pleasure of meeting Neil Young and Daryl Hannah a few years ago. …
Oct 5, 2023: The book of rules. Loving ‘Book of Rules’ by ‘The Heptones’ on Radio Paradise /music/song/31082
Oct 5, 2023: “a bias which prefers the aesthetics of objects over the aesthetics of processes, which translates, in the world of food, to a bias towards the …
Oct 5, 2023: Updating the iPod.
Oct 4, 2023: Everyone is pointing fingers post Lahaina fire. Why didn’t we do this or do that. I feel for them, but One quote comes to mind “the important becomes …
Oct 3, 2023: Off the grid looks more and more desirable every year.
Oct 3, 2023: The GOP will implode the country.
Oct 3, 2023: Loving ‘Many Rivers to Cross’ by ‘Jimmy Cliff’ on Radio Paradise /music/song/30352
Oct 2, 2023: My wife is Native American, She had to call the “Indian Office” for her tribe (Ojibwa) about an issue with some paperwork. She said on the phone …
Oct 2, 2023: Taylor swift is all over the news because she went to a football game. I care about this less than just about anything else I can think of.
Sep 30, 2023: Inter Milan and Arsenal both 4-nil to the good. Good day
Sep 30, 2023: As I have done deeper research into my ancestry, the location results of my DNA are making more sense.
Sep 30, 2023: When you are dead, you don’t know you are dead. It’s pain only for others. It’s the same thing when you are stupid Seen this one before, still makes …
Sep 29, 2023: Ran into an old neighbor that I haven’t seen in years at Costco. It was hilarious, 2 old guys catching up while everyone else was trying to get their …
Sep 29, 2023: I guess Apple’s Friday night baseball is done for the year. I’m off on Fridays and enjoy an afternoon baseball game. I’m a Dodger fan, but enjoy ball …
Sep 29, 2023: Furniture shopping. Feels like walking on hot coals
Sep 28, 2023: First day off after 12 straight. Not deeply exhausted, just tired. I have a solution for that.
Sep 28, 2023: Loving ‘Many Rivers to Cross’ by ‘Jimmy Cliff’ on Radio Paradise /music/song/30352
Sep 28, 2023: Seems as though I can’t follow a Mastodon user on MB
Sep 27, 2023: I remember buying this CD at Borders Books and records at Ward Center when it first came out in about 1988…
Sep 27, 2023: Lots of big issues in the world today, my concern are more closer to home. Hope my wife starts to feel better after her double Vac yesterday - a bit …
Sep 26, 2023: Today for special I made Monchong fish poached in white wine with quinoa and broccoli and cauliflower with cheese sauce. Asian mushroom soup
Sep 26, 2023: Used to see the John Wooden quote “Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do” all over UCLA when I was there. I’ve kept that with …
Sep 25, 2023: Some days the world is so loud and pulling and poking, the only peace is sleeping.
Sep 16, 2023: We typically sign up for a month or two of every few years to do an update with new info we’ve come across, but more often new info on …
Sep 15, 2023: The last time we had a lava flow, we had reservations at Volcano house hotel in the volcano park, The flow stopped 2 days before we came. So this time …
Sep 15, 2023: For years I was interested in Cosmology and science of the big picture. After recently reading “In to the Cool” about thermodynamics and life, I’ve …
Sep 15, 2023: Really enjoyed Foundation. It’s obvious we need another season.
Sep 14, 2023: Finished watching Once Upon a Time in Northern Ireland on PBS. Heartbreaking. I’m half Irish, from Kilbride Co Antrim, 10 miles outside Belfast, …
Sep 14, 2023: The holiness of reality - Big Think
Sep 14, 2023: Watched Steely Dan: Aja (Classic Albums) on Prime Video! …
Sep 14, 2023: JC Penny post game show???? Didn’t even know they were even still around
Sep 14, 2023: Trivia: When I was young, I used to listen to Al Michaels call the play by play for the Hawaii Islanders on my transistor radio at night. He was on …
Sep 14, 2023: Apple’s change to USB -C reminded me of this
Sep 14, 2023: My office view in 2016 while maanging at the Four Seasons Resort Hualalai. Note: the amazing view and beautiful resort was not worth the long hours …
Sep 13, 2023: GOP is only playing to their base. Thats all. They hope there’s an enough votes there to stay in power. My wife’s 3 brothers in N Dakota eat it all …
Sep 13, 2023: As long as it’s consistent >…
Sep 13, 2023: I can only wish Loving ‘Get Together’ by ‘The Youngbloods’ on Radio Paradise /music/song/30632
Sep 13, 2023: Memories
Sep 13, 2023: Reminder, think different.
Sep 12, 2023: Looks like the new iPhone is faster, thinner and lasts longer. Everything I’m not at my age. I’ll stick with current phone.
Sep 12, 2023: I’ve had a GMail account since 2006, I stopped using it daily years ago, it’s been a pass through for older newslettters and such, today it gets …
Sep 12, 2023: McCarthy try to defer attention from the impending governement shutdown. He is so lost.
Sep 12, 2023: Despite the hype, think I can get another year out of my 13 Pro, or maybe get the 15 Pro when the price drops in 6-9 months.
Sep 12, 2023: Stopped using my Apple Watch a few weeks ago. It’s getting a little long in the tooth (battery life, etc). Also food safety rules say we’re not …
Sep 11, 2023: Growing up in Hawaii with tough gun laws, it was never a worry. Thanks to the GOP and Trump’s judges people are now carrying guns here. I don’t want …
Sep 11, 2023: Went totally Japanese with the special tonight. Tempura platter with miso soup
Sep 11, 2023: Different 9/11 experience in Hawaii due to the time difference. I didn’t know anything was up until I got to work and turned on TV in the kitchen (I …
Sep 11, 2023: Halema’uma’u at first light from USGS She woke up at 3:15 pm yesterday
Sep 10, 2023: The thought recently crossed my mind that save for one person who I worked with in 1980 at TGI Fridays and my daughter, I don’t interact with anyone …
Sep 9, 2023: I’ve used Day One since 2009, June 28 to be exact. I’m kind of looking foward to Apple’s entry in the Journal space. Looking forward to a smarter …
Sep 9, 2023: My M1 Mac mini hasn’t been updated in a while, so now I’m going through the progression of Ventura updates before I can get to Sonoma.
Sep 8, 2023: Chaos
Sep 8, 2023: Took the full leap on IOS to Orion browser and Kagi search. Will look at my Mac tomorrow, use the Arc browser mostly.
Sep 8, 2023: I have a very bleak outlook for the country if Biden stays in the race. The dems need to look forward and offer viable choices for the future. If they …
Sep 8, 2023: Quality
Sep 8, 2023: Streaming is more and more about making choices. We cut cable to save money and have flexibilty. For the most part it’s till true 3+ years later. …
Sep 8, 2023: It’s not looking good, loosely based on hostory.…
Sep 8, 2023: Steaming may have reached its epoch. Lately I find myself gravitating to books and music, well, mostly music (Radio Paradise) …
Sep 8, 2023: Everpix was a good idea, but…
Sep 8, 2023: After all is said and done, more is said than done.
Sep 7, 2023: Attended my first community association board meeting in quite a few years. It was civil enough, it just reminded me why I’m no on boards any more. I …
Sep 7, 2023: Here’s the link to the podcast.…
Sep 7, 2023: Interesting podcast about Disney v Charter/Spectrum battle. We were a Spectrum cable subscriber until we cut cable 4 years ago. We still use Spectrum …
Sep 7, 2023: I was helping my wife format an Excel spreadsheet, I’ve kind of alway been an Excel nerd. I was flashing back to Excel v.1. The big thing Excel had …
Sep 7, 2023: In a recent clean up, I found my old Apple computer repair tools. I used to change hard drives, batteries, swap DVD drives for a 2nd internal drive …
Sep 7, 2023: HB Gary Larson I’m a restaurant guy, always loved this one
Sep 6, 2023: Agree…
Sep 6, 2023: More and more I feel like the world (most humans) are go to war first, seek to understand second.
Sep 5, 2023: Watching The Day of the Jackel 1971. Love the old days of no electronic communication. Wired telephone, written word on paper and just taking to …
Sep 5, 2023: If the choice is an advanced aging Biden or Trump, then there there is no choice.…
Sep 4, 2023: Classic movie…
Sep 4, 2023: A pair of teas
Sep 3, 2023: Just realized I still have the Airport utility app, but retired my last AirPort Extreme a few years ago.
Sep 3, 2023: I think the washing machine learned from Apple’s progress bars. It’s been on 9 for 5 minutes
Sep 2, 2023: Not looking for a playoff run with Atlanta in the way #Dodgers
Sep 2, 2023: I bought this 1990 Isuzu p’up new for $5999. I loved that little truck. I put 200,000 miles on it on this rock in the middle of the ocean. I sold it …
Sep 1, 2023: Bummer. RIP with a song. Changes in attitudes, changes in latitudes…
Sep 1, 2023: The Hawaii Canoe Racing Association website hasn’t changed since it was first launched guessing 20 years ago HCRA Paddler
Sep 1, 2023: ❤️…
Sep 1, 2023: Damn straight.…
Sep 1, 2023: I remember my Dad playing this album when I was very young.…
Sep 1, 2023:…
Sep 1, 2023: Maybe the GOP should consider moving to Africa. They probably already have enough guns to overthrow just about any government down there. …
Sep 1, 2023: Went down to the Kailua pier to chat with some old paddling friends on the start of the Labor Day weekend Queen Lili’uokalani canoe races.
Sep 1, 2023: Busy summer for The Arsenal
Sep 1, 2023: Foundation winds down Invasion ramps up Asohka is somewhere in between Who is Erin Carter has temporarily lost me Still watching Ragnarok - possible …
Sep 1, 2023: Interesting story on the inner voice. My wife has more of an outer voice. She verbalizes every thought and talks through difficult problems out loud. …
Aug 31, 2023: Watching “Wayne Shorter: Zero Gravity”. Amazing story. Loved the Wayne Shorter and Herbie Hancock relationship
Aug 31, 2023: A group of old guys having fun for our benefit…
Aug 31, 2023: Doing the mundane work of setting up connected leak detectors. We’re in a 2nd floor aging condo.
Aug 31, 2023: It’s been 20 years. Used to be the one big race not to miss.
Aug 30, 2023: Using more of the Apple stock apps, subscription fatigue spills over from steaming service price increases. Less options on the streaming side, if I …
Aug 30, 2023: The GOP vultures are circling.…
Aug 29, 2023:… Of course they’re going to say that
Aug 29, 2023: Yay iFixit
Aug 29, 2023: Mr. Sandman : The Chordettes : via …
Aug 28, 2023: Interesting argument.…
Aug 28, 2023: We had a 4 1/2 hour power outage on Saturday evening in our entire development. A bit annoying. The power company came back this morning to finish …
Aug 27, 2023: ❤️…
Aug 27, 2023: Ran into a guy I used to manage with at another resort. We were reflecting back on an era before Covid when resorts had a casts of thousands to do the …
Aug 26, 2023: One of my favorite actors…
Aug 26, 2023: Finally got around to to watching “Love notes to Newton” a fun ride. I didn’t have one. I had just moved off the grid to Hawaii Island post divorce. …
Aug 26, 2023: I’m reading “Something Deeply Hidden” about quantum physics. This book has given me a greater understanding of the quantum universe than anything I’ve …
Aug 25, 2023: Make America Fun Again
Aug 25, 2023: Why note-taking apps don’t make us smarter Excellent read. I have stuck with Teux Deux. I’m not a writer, don’t need extensive notes. I need to jot …
Aug 25, 2023: Just watched Flash, it was a lot of fun.
Aug 25, 2023: Watching the Dodgers on Apple TV+. Enjoyable broadcast and they’re winning Haven’t seen many Dodger games this year, there on cable tv and blacked out …
Aug 25, 2023: Traditional Mexican tortilla chips. From Frito Lay
Aug 24, 2023: A lot of Lawyers are going to get rich on the Lahaina fire
Aug 24, 2023: Maui County sues Hawaiian Electric over wildfire negligence Here is goes. Everyone suing everyone else.
Aug 24, 2023: Missing Mo Could use him now.
Aug 23, 2023:… Love this podcast
Aug 23, 2023: Wagner boss Yevgeny Prigozhin presumed dead after Russia plane crash - BBC News Putin gets his revenge
Aug 22, 2023: Going back to watch Fargo Season 3. Master class.
Aug 22, 2023: I used to get excited about every space launch. They were amazing demonstrations of advancing technology. Now they’ve just devolved into frivolous …
Aug 21, 2023: Alphabet, Meta and X. I give up. They’re trying to be different and cute and failing. There seemed to be a lot of noise when Apple took Computers out …
Aug 20, 2023: The Art of Tea
Aug 19, 2023: Sauté pan
Aug 19, 2023: I’m old enough to have been into very early social media, swore it off, came back, left again, and now back on Mastodon and, and having fun
Aug 19, 2023: Amazon Pulls the Rug on ‘The Peripheral’ Season 2 That sucks
Aug 19, 2023: Remember Nextel’s direct connect walkie talkie feature? I miss it. It was simple
Aug 19, 2023: What I saw after the wildfires on Maui Great story. It’s the truth.
Aug 19, 2023: I played with ChatGPT a few times early on. Have not used it since.
Aug 18, 2023: Just watched “The Pope’s Exorcist”. It needs a sequel or 3 with Daniel Zovatto
Aug 18, 2023: Watched “Once Upon a Time in the West”, Released in 1968, for the first time in a few years. Very entertaining
Aug 18, 2023: Got out the good headphones, the way I used to listen. I’ve had this record for almost 50 years. The sound is still amazing.
Aug 17, 2023: Molokaʻi Hoe Canoe Race canceled to prioritize Maui relief efforts
Aug 13, 2023: News organizations keep mentioning the the alert sirens didn’t go off on Maui. They don’t understand the purpose of the this system. It’s primarily a …
Aug 12, 2023: Lahaina had an annual Halloween party that was legendary, if not off the hook. Let’s find a way to continue it as a Fundraiser.
Aug 12, 2023: Notice
Aug 11, 2023: I was in Lahaina in 2015 to watch Arsenal with @ mauigooner Roger and more recently to visit another friend. Great memories.
Aug 11, 2023: the NY Times came up with a map of damage in Lahaina
Aug 10, 2023: Myna bird fight
Aug 9, 2023: With the current round of price increase of streaming services, it’s time to take close look of what we acually watch and cancel a couple of things
Aug 6, 2023: Always worth a reminder.
Jul 27, 2023: Apple Maps still shows the Keauhou Beach hotel which closed on 2012 and was demolished in 2018.
Jul 20, 2023: Love this clip. You’re an ahole when you go up and an ahole when you get back
Jul 18, 2023: Not sold on Bluesky. Don’t see what it would give me that Mastodon doesn’t already.
Jul 14, 2023: One of the first photos I took on a mobile phone and one of the first photos I took on an iPhone.
Jul 9, 2023: slán go deo
Jul 9, 2023: Huh?
Jul 9, 2023: In 2005 I started a company to help local small business get on the web. Build them a website and get them plugged into social media. I did …
Jul 8, 2023: Yesterday we stopped by Sandy Beach. I spend a good part of youth at this beach body surfing, socializing and living the dream.
Jul 8, 2023: Good, they need to protect the sharks from attacks in their own home. New York steps up patrols off local beaches after slew of shark attacks
Jul 8, 2023: Had a very fun 2 days in the big city (Honolulu) with our grandsons. Rode the rail, mini golf, a short hike, met up with my daughter (38) did the …
Jul 8, 2023: Homeward bound. Short, but fun trip to Honolulu. 40 min flight back to Kona
Jul 7, 2023: Everything is amazing and nobody is happy
Jul 7, 2023: Windy day at the water park
Jul 7, 2023: Did all but one at Wet n Wild. The Tornado requires 4 people. My wife wasn’t game
Jul 6, 2023: Elon fired them. Ha ha ha Twitter Accuses Meta of Poaching Employees to Build Threads
Jul 6, 2023: Quite the view.
Jul 6, 2023: They hooked us up. 18th floor. Ocean view. Benefit of workin for a hotel chain
Jul 6, 2023: This was the uniform when I was in high school
Jul 6, 2023: Yum
Jul 6, 2023: Mini Golf with the grandsons. Lots of fun. Next 5 Guys burgers.
Jul 6, 2023: Can see Diamond Head across the Ewa plain from the Kualaka’i train station
Jul 6, 2023: First trip on Honolulu’s new rail
Jul 6, 2023: Have absolutely no in interest in Threads. Don’t use any other FB properties. No need to start now.
Jul 6, 2023: Honolulu bound for a couple of days.
Jul 5, 2023: I really think it time for businesses to stop saying “due to staffing issues we are doing this_____” Just say what you’re doing. Own it. We all know …
Jul 4, 2023: July 4th a few years back at the Parker Ranch rodeo. We lived practically next door to the arena
Jun 30, 2023: I have one that still works. I loved it, but my 13” M1 Air blows it away, and I only do the simplest of tasks these days > Apple moves 12-inch MacBook …
Jun 30, 2023: Not a problem with me. I’ve had an AMEX card since 1982. > Apple’s Card partnership could move from Goldman Sachs to American Express
Jun 30, 2023: Justice Thomas has his head so far up the right wing ‘okole (butt) he hasn’t seen daylight in decades US supreme court justices Thomas and Jackson …
Jun 30, 2023: Made it to 64…
Jun 29, 2023: Tired of London?
Jun 29, 2023: Remember when the headlight knob in the car was by your left knee and the high beam switch was on the floor near your left foot?
Jun 29, 2023: ❤️☹️
Jun 29, 2023: Truth. Speaks to the US situation too Scary and True
Jun 29, 2023: Arsenal had gone quiet on rice
Jun 29, 2023: That large growth in Hawaiian / Pacific islanders is not Hawaiians, it’s Micronesians, since we nuked the island into oblivion. We moved them, built …
Jun 28, 2023: #Arsenal are showing intent to kick some ‘okole (butt) next season.
Jun 27, 2023: If you watch the series “The Bear”, I managed at that level of intensity for 30 years. Thats why I’m just a line cook now. On one hand you love it and …
Jun 26, 2023: Thank you for the very helpful info Apple weather app. Great Dark Sky integration
Jun 26, 2023: When you’re slapped you’ll take it and like it. Maltese Falcon
Jun 25, 2023: Nature is getting even. Hope sharks don’t get wind of this. Orca attacks yacht off Shetland
Jun 25, 2023: F’ck him We can’t rest or relent’: Pence reiterates support of staunch abortion restrictions
Jun 25, 2023: “There are hundreds of paths up the mountain, all leading to the same place, so it doesn’t matter which path you take. The only person wasting time is …
Jun 24, 2023: If Warner Bros sells off the shows I like, then there’s no reason to keep them Max app Seeing more and more Discovery stuff creep in into my screen …
Jun 24, 2023: There are currently no bears in the bearcam webcam view. But it’s pretty relaxing just watching the stream.…
Jun 23, 2023: Now that I’m not working ALL OF THE F’N TIME, I’ve had time to get back into reading “Into the Cool” I know more about Thermodynamics than I ever …
Jun 23, 2023: what a list Essential Mixes So Far
Jun 23, 2023: Watching Casablanca. Because why not. I had the Laser Disc of Casablanca. As time goes by.
Jun 22, 2023: Put my Apple Watch back on after not wearing it for a week. Feels strange On another note. The jalapeño corn bread just came out of the oven
Jun 22, 2023: Really enjoyed Drops of God on AppleTV.
Jun 22, 2023: Since Arsenal didn’t get it done quickly, it’s inevitable that one of the big money clubs will swoop in and snatch Declan Rice. Move on the the next …
Jun 21, 2023: Forcing one’s beliefs on another person is one of the most un-American things of all She helped kill Roe v Wade - what does she want now?
Jun 21, 2023: I find it astounding that the medical industry still faxes referrals.
Jun 20, 2023: I had the top photo of Waikiki beach circa 1920s framed 25 years by a local frame shop. She closed down a long time ago. Finally found a close frame …
Jun 20, 2023: The Dodgers lack of off-season updates are coming back to roost. All of their competitors upgraded. A couple of injuries and they’re in the crapper.
Jun 19, 2023: My favorite part of cooking Cultural Offering on Tumblr
Jun 19, 2023: Yes, yes and yes. Hence, why I’m now a line cook. It’s really. Signs you’re burned out — and how to bounce back
Jun 18, 2023: Turns out Saturday is not a good day for me to watch MLS. I work. Can watch early euro matches, not mid day and afternoon. Cancelled my subscription …
Jun 18, 2023: This letter was with the tickets
Jun 18, 2023: Came across my tickets from the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics while looking for something else
Jun 17, 2023: Haven’t really used ChatGPT that much, most of my queries are simple single step searches. I have used it to give me a potential 2 week itinerary for …
Jun 17, 2023: With the continued staffing challenges, food service needs to re-tool. smaller, simpler menus and recipes. I said it to my former employers and they …
Jun 17, 2023: It’s different on an island. I grew up at the beach and in the ocean. Leaned to swim in the ocean. Took my daughter as a toddler. We take our …
Jun 16, 2023:…
Jun 16, 2023: Looking forward to a trip to O`ahu in a couple of weeks. An end of summer treat for our Grandsons and a getaway for us. We’ll check out the first …
Jun 16, 2023: Extraction II popped up on Netflix today. Never a bad day for an over the top action movie.
Jun 16, 2023: So Hawaii is one of the minority of states that DOES NOT pay out earned vacation or PTO when you leave. Sucks
Jun 15, 2023: What does a chef make on his day off. Most times simple fare. Today I wanted to play. Shrimp and orzo with a liliko’i (passion fruit) lemon butter …
Jun 15, 2023: A week of not wearing Apple watch. Still mostly know what time it is, my phone or the 3 clocks in the kitchen at work. Not sure how many steps today, …
Jun 15, 2023: Love this demo version of “While my Guitar Gently weeps”. So pure…
Jun 15, 2023: In a George Harrison mood…
Jun 15, 2023: Just watched Living with Bill Nighy. Loved it, all of the emotions
Jun 15, 2023: First days off since I started my new job. Loving the mental and emotional freedom of not being a manager. A day off is a day off. Ran into someone at …
Jun 15, 2023: Sunny and raining. Love the tropics
Jun 14, 2023: Starting to see Discovery network shows (of which I have no interest) creeping further up the screen in the Max app.
Jun 14, 2023: Looks Epic.…
Jun 13, 2023: Ocean view is so subjective
Jun 13, 2023: Nice
Jun 13, 2023: New season of Foundation July 14. Yay
Jun 13, 2023: Never really a Rumsfeld fan by any reach. But this quote really does apply to many situations.
Jun 12, 2023: Good to hear. I’ve crossed that channel 21 times. It’s beast. I’ve crossing in a 1-man canoe, 2-man canoe and a 6 man canoe. Cross 3 times in be same …
Jun 12, 2023: Love the DNA test that I did a few years ago for Genealogical purposes sends me periodic emails. “You’ve got new DNA matches” 5th cousin 0.4% shared …
Jun 12, 2023: 50th Anniversary of Tubular Bells Amazing Headphones
Jun 11, 2023: Not using my Apple Watch much. The battery life is getting worse and I shouldn’t really be wearing it in the kitchen (health dept. regs). I also don’t …
Jun 10, 2023: An Offer You Can’t Refuse?
Jun 10, 2023: Need to spend some time in shortcuts. I don’t want shortcuts that in need to speak, I want situational shortcuts. Not sure if they do that. The Siri …
Jun 9, 2023: I guess Texas has money to burn, or to sink. Outcry as Texas to install ‘buoy barrier’ in Rio Grande to deter border crossings
Jun 9, 2023: Really hope this puts Trump out of our misery. My wife is not sure, still calls in Teflon Don.
Jun 9, 2023: They just bought Pro Golf and now this. > Saudi crown prince threatened ‘major’ economic pain on U.S. amid oil feud
Jun 7, 2023: Pele is back, but then, she never really left. We’ll make it over on my next day off.
Jun 6, 2023: First night as a line cook at the Outrigger Keauhou. Had a blast. Great team. Took me right in. This will be fun.
Jun 5, 2023: Was cleaning out a closet and finally got rid of 2 scanners, one high speed and one portable. Haven’t used them in years, use the Scanner Pro app.
Jun 5, 2023: Just made rib sticking chili, no beans and thick. coarse ground beef and pork.
Jun 5, 2023: More stuff added to MacOS, very cool, but my Mac is more of a task device. I open it up, do something, then put it back down. Then back on my phone.
Jun 5, 2023: Exciting
Jun 5, 2023: Not looking for new hardware this year, but IOS and WatchOS updates are exciting, my phone is my #1 device. Transcribing voicemails realtime will be …
Jun 4, 2023: I give up on getting my archive. Good on @Manton for saving it, but I’m lost.
Jun 4, 2023: Playing with pasta. Homemade pasta with olive oil, butter, prosciutto, garlic and about 2 T of marinara sauce. Topped with fresh grated parm. Didn’t …
Jun 4, 2023: Seems as though cars with a “Be Blessed” or similar sticker or license plate frame are the most likely to cut you off or drive aggressively. My wife …
Jun 4, 2023: Stopped by the Marriott Waikoloa Beach hotel for a cold one. The last place I managed before the pandemic. Most of my staff still here. Great to …
Jun 4, 2023: I used to use an app to track sleep, then I realized I don’t need an app, my body tells me. I know when I’ve had enough or when I need a nap.
Jun 4, 2023: Overcast day. Nice. Not too hot Side note. They keep these trees nicely trimmed so people are hit on the noggin with coconuts
Jun 4, 2023: Wispy clouds
Jun 4, 2023: First Sunday off in 9 months. Straight to the beach. A day at Anaeho’omalu with the fam
Jun 4, 2023: My office in 2010, 2020 and now. Maybe soon it will just be my watch.
Jun 3, 2023: All west coast teams blacked out in Hawaii.…
Jun 3, 2023: I don’t code, but what I can do is create delicious and creative meals and stand in a hot restaurant kitchen for 8 hours and hammer out picture …
Jun 3, 2023: No clue, I mentioned earlier, this isn’t my thing. Followed instruction to get my ADN archive - this is what I get, but 15K lines. …
Jun 3, 2023: Changing back to the stock Apple mail app. Tired of fighting with apps
Jun 3, 2023: True
Jun 3, 2023: This is the pasta I’m making. Simple…
Jun 3, 2023: We had our bathrooms renovated over the past 2 weeks including new Toilets. With old toilets, you would stand and watch the water go round and round, …
Jun 3, 2023: I have a few days off between jobs. Making handmade pasta today. Haven’t had a Sunday off in 9 months, going to the beach tomorrow. Knocking out some …
Jun 3, 2023: Here we go
Jun 3, 2023: My nerdyness is confined to mostly hardware and networking.
Jun 3, 2023: I’m not nerdy enough to do anything with my ADN data. Can’t even figure out how to download posts. It’s relegated to great memories.
Jun 2, 2023: Yea. I’ll take some
Jun 2, 2023: Last shift as a Chef (manager of all things kitchen) was last night. A few days off and onward. I’ve worked every Sunday for the past 9 month. I’m off …
Jun 2, 2023: I got an early Father’s Day gift, the Taihiro Mechanical Keyboard. I love it. I’ll sweat it up with my Mac Mini too.
Jun 1, 2023: I created this Apple play list a few years ago for relaxing. This is traditional Hawaiian music at its best. Nahe Nahe means to relax or chill in …
Jun 1, 2023:…
May 31, 2023: Had a chance to tour kitchen I’ll be working in at the hotel and spend some time with the chef. Im getting excited about just being a cook. I’ve been …
May 31, 2023: When they put our new laminate flooring in, they just put it on top of the old one, which was on top of the previous one. That’s probably the last one …
May 31, 2023: I’m an aging geek, I grew up in the era of Heathkit and weekly trips to Radio Shack. At this point I don’t have the desire to tinker. Just want shit …
May 31, 2023: Would love to see Wednesday up in the EPL. Bring back some old rivalries. On another note, Stoke can just stay down.
May 31, 2023: The Honolulu StarAdvertiser charges more for a Digital only subscription than digital and print subscription. Must be because they see value in …
May 31, 2023: I’ve rediscovered the magazines and newspapers in Apple News+. I used to love magazines. Had a number of subscriptions through the years. I had …
May 30, 2023: Looking down at the water while sitting on the sea wall
May 30, 2023: My wife and I went for an early dinner, then sat in on the Kailua-Kona sea wall for sunset. You can see outrigger canoes heading back in after …
May 30, 2023: Add USA to streaming - fixed…
May 30, 2023: There’s an old adage “Don’t make me think”, which refers to simplifying a website so it’s obvious what the user needs to do. It can also refer to …
May 29, 2023: Memorial day weather was nice, then this rolled in. Love the tropics
May 29, 2023: Memorial Day at Magic Sands beach park. Nice day. Big surf.
May 28, 2023: Other than the local morning news on week days, I’ve lost interest in the news. If something big happens I’m sure I’ll see it posted somewhere, …
May 28, 2023: I’ve had this mug for a few years. Starting to show wear
May 28, 2023: Where have I been? Mostly Hawaii; Kauai, Oahu, Molokai Lanai and Maui (I live in Hawaii island) Also Texas. Dallas and Austin North Dakota Kentucky …
May 28, 2023: Survived my 2nd to the last weekend at current employer. I inherited much of the staff and their set schedules of weekends off. Have struggled to …
May 28, 2023: Love how my wife hands me the remote and says I can watch what I want, then starts to vacuum.
May 28, 2023: NBC showed today that they CAN broadcast EVERY EPL match on Peacock at the same time. Enough with the USA network BS
May 27, 2023: worm hole…
May 27, 2023: Cut to the chase and go to the best of album…
May 27, 2023: Hectic day at work. 12 days to go (I’m off 3 of them). Calls for a little dose of adulthood.
May 27, 2023: All 3 branches of our Federal government are F%ckd. For a very long time they have not a clue who they work for or why they were created. Starting to …
May 26, 2023: I really wanted like it. It’s just weird.… bad
May 26, 2023: Spring Hawaiian Sky
May 26, 2023: Shifting gears to the Depeche Mode…
May 26, 2023: IFTTT free account only allows 6 applets, I have 1 active and want to add 1 more, but there are 14 in my archive that can’t resorted to be reopened to …
May 26, 2023: I love this song…
May 26, 2023: Here are all of the answers if you have to take a drug test.
May 25, 2023: On the wall in my mechanics garage
May 25, 2023: The rain is really coming down now. We are on the lee side of the island and rain not associated with large low pressure systems it not common
May 25, 2023: Rainy afternoon in Kona. That wasn’t in the forecast.
May 25, 2023: José Mourinho reveals ‘deep feelings’ for all his former clubs – except Tottenham Even Jose dislikes the Spuds
May 25, 2023: I don’t know about all of this “woke” crap, but I have woke up every morning for almost 64 years, often more than once a day. Seems like a good thing …
May 24, 2023: Can we just vote no one to be President and leave it empty? Same difference.
May 24, 2023: Dehydrating habaneros
May 24, 2023: 1 big thing: Fake sugar’s real risks Not new news. I use mostly honey.
May 24, 2023: Everything else
May 24, 2023: Memories
May 24, 2023: Rewatching the movie Traffic from 2000. It stand up to time.
May 23, 2023: Offer letter signed. 16 days left as a manager. Been a heck of a run. Now to the other side of the tracks as a union employee.
May 23, 2023: Yep Today Is the Launch of Max, and It Sucks Even More Than I Thought It Would
May 23, 2023: I’ve been using the MB app to browse Mastodon, but the Ivory app is so nice, I have both open now.
May 23, 2023: HBO Max officially now ‘Max,’ abandons native tvOS video player and Apple TV ‘Up Next’ More bad news from an already questionable launch
May 22, 2023: the Glass app looks interesting, but I don’t need it. Not a photographer, between MB and Mastodon, that’s enough
May 22, 2023: Just read an extensive conversation on app subscriptions. I not pro or con. I make a decision per app. I’ve gone back to stock apple apps when I felt …
May 22, 2023: My two favorite knives. One German one Japanese. Just went through my sharpening routine. I use 3 whetstones. 1000, 3000 and 10,000 grit. The 10k is a …
May 21, 2023: in 2015 I managed an Apple and Bose reseller, we were all certified by Apple, my Service manager had worked for Apple back in Philly. I was not fully …
May 20, 2023: Nice to THFC lose and drop out of the Europa zone. Up the Arsenal
May 19, 2023: Really love Radio Paradise reminds me of old FM radio with no commercials. I often keep the mellow mix on in the background. The Rock mix is good for …
May 19, 2023: Queue up The Smiths playlist Andy Rourke was the other melodic genius in the Smiths: spry, funky and masterful
May 19, 2023: Over the past few weeks I’ve hit a wall. After 40 years, I don’t want to be a manager anymore. I don’t want to deal with ordering, cost control, labor …
May 19, 2023: Dr Beach’s top 10 beaches Hawaii has 3 in the top 10. Don’s necessarily agree. Duke Kahanamoku Beach is Waikiki Beach. Here is Dr. Beach’s top 3 St. …
May 18, 2023: Apple Music and Apple TV Services Currently Down [Updated] I knew it. Just used the Roku and Amazon Music
May 18, 2023: Guess I should get comfortable
May 18, 2023: Can I help you?
May 18, 2023: IGY…
May 17, 2023: I’m In the Mood for This Me too SISU
May 17, 2023: The Arsenal is done and dusted (though safely and unexpectedly secured 2nd) and I have no desire to watch Manshitty get the financial malfeasance …
May 17, 2023: Pizza Express staff protest as waiters’ hours cut and managers told to do more Sounds very familiar. Cut staff hours our don’t hire and managers (or …
May 16, 2023: On the box of my bed pillow. I love naps now.
May 16, 2023: After 7 months of being Chef at an independent restaurant group (3 units) I’m close to making a change to simply being the lead cook at a near by …
May 16, 2023: We’re upgrading the flooring in our kitchen and bathrooms. The kitchen is half done. New on the left. It’s a Koa wood laminate. Broader grain and …
May 14, 2023: Love this album
May 13, 2023: My wife had a surprise for me after a 13 hour day
May 13, 2023: London’s Liverpool Street station redevelopment: on the wrong track? Hope they sort this out. When we were in London, we stayed near Liverpool St. …
May 13, 2023: End of a love affair: AM radio is being removed from many cars Don’t recall the last time I tuned to AM radio. Seemed it was mostly sports and talk
May 12, 2023: I help people have a good time.
May 12, 2023: This is interesting. The premise is that ChatGPT et al are killing “link farms”. This makes sense. The results in ChatGPT do not have links. I asked …
May 11, 2023: I’ve been managing restaurants for a really long time. Kitchen manager at TGI Fridays in Honolulu in 1980. Have bobbed and weaved through the industry …
May 11, 2023: This is eye opening, camped there as a kid. Researchers from UH Manoa’s Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology evaluated Hanauma Bay for five years. They …
May 11, 2023: I didn’t know Google Earth was still a thing, I remember how cool it was when it came out. Playing around, this view shows Kamaʻehuakanaloa Seamount …
May 11, 2023: My wife is considering switching to a roller ball, for ergonomic reasons. She’s never used one. Her work machine is Lenovo with 2 monitors (from work …
May 10, 2023: Hope they don’t follow mobile phone companies and reward new subscribers and penalize those who have stayed with them > Disney+ and Hulu will merge …
May 10, 2023: Took wife’s car in for service. Been using the same mechanics for 20 years. Cools guys, they say they’re in business not for the money, but because …
May 10, 2023: In all fairness, this guitar duet. Two greats. Gabby Pahinui and Peter Moon I grew up in Waialae, where this song is about
May 10, 2023: This guitar solo
May 9, 2023: Every lyric of this song. Today…
May 9, 2023: Managing a restaurant, any part of a restaurant, is not fun anymore. I currently manage only a kitchen. Prior to the pandemic, staffing shortages, …
May 9, 2023: Side benefit of getting my wife a Dyson Hair Dryer, I don’t hear a jet engine in her bathroom every morning.
May 9, 2023: Not sure what changed, but my Mastodon feed is now showing up in MB this morning. I set that up a few weeks ago.
May 8, 2023:… Arsenal. 97 consecutive seasons in the top flight. No other club even close
May 8, 2023: Cool looking Mac
May 8, 2023: I guess the FA has no intention of holding them accountable for financial malfeasance. It’s a stacked deck against the rest of the league. Man City …
May 8, 2023: A themal image of the parking lot fronting our condo
May 8, 2023: Draft management plan available for Kapāpala Canoe Forest on Big Island Really should have started this decades ago. I know it was discussed. I used …
May 8, 2023: I Know the Motive Behind Every Mass Shooting It’s the F’n guns.
May 7, 2023: Killed another one Woodford Reserve Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey Yum
May 6, 2023: Worked all day, finally got to watch the derby. Good on the long shot. Fun race to watch. Came back from a “relaxed” start
May 6, 2023: Yep. Right about there !
May 6, 2023: Derby Day. It was a big deal in our home growing up. My Mom was from Louisville.
May 5, 2023: Taking my website down May 26th. Just turned off renewal. Not using it anymore.
May 5, 2023: My weekend is over. Back to work tomorrow.
May 5, 2023: Los Habaneros for Cinco De Mayo dinner Yum
May 5, 2023: Went for a morning walk along one of our favorite paths. It runs on the makai (towards the ocean) side of the Hualalai Resort and the Four Seasons …
May 5, 2023: Still not biting on Bluesky. Don’t have the time or bandwidth for another network. When Twitter started melting down, I set up my RSS feed to be my …
May 5, 2023: The IOS system to move a new phone is pretty seamless and simple. It’s the apps that have an issue. Logging back into everything. The Android system …
May 4, 2023: Current status…
May 4, 2023: Got my wife a Dyson hair dryer. She’s talked about her hair dresser having one and how good it is, but she’s too frugal to get one for herself. She …
May 4, 2023: So many of Pink Floyd’s ( Syd Barrett and Roger Waters) lyrics from the 60s & 70s are just as pertinent today as they were then.
May 4, 2023: New toilets secured. Bathroom renovation advances. The current ones were put in when the condo was built 23 years ago
May 4, 2023: Black Hawk Down just popped up on my Netflix. What a stunning movie. The ineptitude, arrogance and lack of understanding of that world by Americans …
May 2, 2023: Just renewed for another year. No issues to report. It just works, and it’s secure.
May 2, 2023: During the Lockdown I used to watch Swiss Railroad POV videos. Early on I used airplay coffee shop videos on the TV while I read. Now I watch @dejus …
May 1, 2023: took this photo last year on my way back from California (home to Hawaii), over the Pacific
May 1, 2023: Does anyone know what this crane this is on a cruise ship. It goes up, then comes down periodically. We then here in Kailua bay
May 1, 2023: I had a Palm Pre. Loved WebOS, the hardware was mostly crap. The slider jammed a lot. The cards interface is now in IOS I didn’t get the first iPhone, …
May 1, 2023: Got my replacement phone from Apple very fast. Apple care replaced for failed charge port. I use the port more for wired headphones than charging, but …
May 1, 2023: finished the series Extrapolations on Apple+. they portray a scary, but plausible future. Not good for our Grandsons.
May 1, 2023: That first sip of coffee in the morning.
Apr 29, 2023: 2/3 of the way through Extrapolations on Apple+. The premise is an interesting way to look at the future. It’s a fascinating thought experiment.
Apr 29, 2023: A morning rainbow 🌈
Apr 29, 2023: Been cleaning out the number of domain names I owned down to the 3 I actually use. Likely going to let one of those go soon
Apr 28, 2023: With MLB blackouts and no cable, the only chance I have to see the Dodgers is on Friday night baseball
Apr 28, 2023: They managed to slip in “Statcast powered by Google cloud” on Apple Friday night baseball
Apr 28, 2023: Rainy afternoon. But then there’s this
Apr 28, 2023: Just listened to Nilay Patel’s interview with Eugen Rochko, founder of Mastodon. Don’t get the impression he cares if everyone likes Mastodon. They’ve …
Apr 28, 2023: Charge port on my 13 Pro doesn’t work anymore. Going all wireless I guess. Gonna try Apple Care
Apr 28, 2023: My wife just booked her (almost) annual trip back to N. Dakota to see her family. I only went with her twice. Once to meet her family after we were …
Apr 27, 2023: Just looked out of curiosity. My first Day One entry was Tuesday January 11, 2011. 20,040 entries.
Apr 27, 2023: Rarely drink during my work week, but on my day off…
Apr 27, 2023: New flooring picked out (Golden Koa laminate) and delivered for bathrooms and kitchen. Picking up baseboards later today. New toilets will be …
Apr 27, 2023: We seem to be getting more storms, but they blow through faster
Apr 27, 2023: Bottles Truffle oil, water, olive oil, garlic oil
Apr 26, 2023: Ready for the night Truffle oil, water, olive oil and garlic oil
Apr 26, 2023: See a cattle Egret in our neighborhood now and then. They are usually in marsh areas.
Apr 26, 2023: Injuries killed the Arsenal chances for the 2nd season in a row. We know what they need; squad depth. At least there’s the UCL and the the money …
Apr 26, 2023: Had Mr In-Between in my Hulu queue for a quite a while, finally got to watching it. Really like it. The Aussie humor is priceless
Apr 26, 2023: One of our local banks (Central Pacific Bank), the one we use, has reported an increase in deposits.
Apr 25, 2023: Bluesky looks interesting, but I have enough conversations going on between ADM and Mastodon I couldn’t keep up with another
Apr 25, 2023: There’s a big battle here between people who want to feed and care for feral cats and the Dept. of Land and Natural Resources who are trying to …
Apr 24, 2023: One year ago I saw the Dodger at Petco and this guy was roaming outfield during warm ups.
Apr 24, 2023: Don Lemon was kind of the anti Tucker Carlson during Trump years. Ironic that they are both gone the same day.
Apr 22, 2023: Lots of rain up mauka (towards the mountain). Guessing we’ll get some.
Apr 20, 2023: Back end of day off
Apr 20, 2023: “Rapid unscheduled disassembly” Sounds like a lot of business game plans gone awry…
Apr 18, 2023: The county is repaving Kuakini Road in Kona. I drive it daily. I find myself still driving around the place where potholes previously existed
Apr 18, 2023: Convinced 12 hour decongestants only work for 10 hours and 20 min.
Apr 18, 2023: Arsenal will undoubtedly be in the UCL next year. But this goal leaking issue needs to be fixed straight off. Last year’s end of season was not good. …
Apr 15, 2023: looks like I’m going to stay up late to catch my Daughter’s halau in Merrie Monarch
Apr 15, 2023: Every time I’m asked to check box that says I’m not a robot, I have to stop and think about it. I’ve been going to work for nearly 50 years continuing …
Apr 15, 2023: Productive and fun 2 days off, we went to Hilo (the other side of the island - 2 hours drive) to take in the Merrie Monarch Hula Festival festivities …
Apr 14, 2023: Stayed up late to see my Daugher’s halau performance in the Merrie Monarch.
Apr 14, 2023: So it seems pretty much all MLS matches are on Saturdays. I work on Saturday, so this won’t work.
Apr 14, 2023: We had a great time taking in the Merrie a monarch festivities in Hilo yesterday. My daughter’s halau is participating. This is a portion of a …
Apr 14, 2023: Been playing with Hipstamatic, but can’t find zoom.
Apr 13, 2023: The Craft show circuit
Apr 13, 2023: We’re pretty much destroying this Hawaiian plate.
Apr 13, 2023: We’re off to Hilo to take the Merrie Monarch festival festivities.
Apr 12, 2023: I don’t directly have a dog (so to speak) in the abortion fight, but I do believe in a wahine’s (woman) right to control their own health decisions. I …
Apr 12, 2023: The opening scene of Mandalorian chapter 23 looks haunting like Blade Runner
Apr 11, 2023: I’m uploading an older Twitter archive. The vast majority of my Tweets the past couple of years have been cross-posts from MB Mahalo @Manton for doing …
Apr 11, 2023: I’m uploading an older Twitter archive. The vast majority of my Tweets the past couple of years have cross-posts from MB Mahalo @Manton for doing this …
Apr 11, 2023: .
Apr 10, 2023: In 2019-2020 I lost 80#. Mostly by eliminating most sugar and simple carbs and retraining my brain to only eat when I’m hungry and stop eating when …
Apr 10, 2023: Just rewatched Tinker Tailor for the umpteenth time. Never gets old and see new details every time…
Apr 10, 2023: Another shooting. Kentucky this time. I came across this website on gun violence. The Southeast US. They just keep killing each other. So Cal not too …
Apr 8, 2023: Not sure what else to attribute it to, but my 13 Pro battery life has gotten markedly worse coincidentally after the last update to 16.5
Apr 7, 2023: Had a great outing to Hawaii Botanical Gardens. It goes from up high (Mauka) down to the sea (Makai). Took a couple of pics with Hipstamatic
Apr 7, 2023: Heading to Hawaii Botanical gardens for a day hike with grandsons. Nice day in the rainforest.…
Apr 6, 2023: In Nutcracker Suite Dance of the flowers the Harp, flutes and clarinets are so delicate, the French horns make a statement, but the violins are …
Apr 6, 2023: Listening to Nutcracker suite. Usual a Holiday listen, but if conjures up feelings of such happiness and delight, it’s a good listen anytime. …
Apr 6, 2023: Off work before sunset for a change. I’m usually seeing it from the kitchen
Apr 5, 2023: The Pandemic sure brought out the best & worst in people. Lots of high profile people came out of the closet as far right wing-nuts. Someone my wife …
Apr 4, 2023: I don’t think Trump getting charged is unprecedented. Doctor, Lawyer, Indian chief or former grand pubah. You break the law and get caught, you pay. …
Apr 4, 2023: The one thing I’ve learned in 40+ years in the restaurant that holds true through the years and is a basis for success “hot food hot, cold food cold”
Apr 3, 2023: My Quiver Fish knife for cutting fillets from loins Every day utility french knife 2 vegetable and fruit knives. One for softer and one for harder …
Apr 3, 2023: Hawaii ranks first in preventing COVID deaths Side benefit of being in the middle of the ocean and a more liberal and tolerant community …
Apr 2, 2023: Hoping Bending Spoons gives Evernote a real export option.
Apr 1, 2023: I’ve got nothing but thyme
Apr 1, 2023: Bought a little over a pound of thinly sliced Boar’s Head Roast beef this week. Had a Philly style cheese steak sandwich one day, a “Dagwood” style …
Mar 31, 2023: Likely going to cancel my Washington Post subscription since I decided to support the Guardian. Trust the Guardian more. WaPo has had some missteps …
Mar 31, 2023: I supported the Texas Observer not because I feel a need to keep up on Texas news, but because I believe Texas needs a strong voice on the other side. …
Mar 31, 2023: For years, in the AM and I’d go straight to email, etc. It used to be that I relied on connections with people in earlier time zone. Hawaii is last in …
Mar 30, 2023: Typically when I come across something interesting on my phone, I email it to myself. With the Arc IOS companion I can now pin it to a space in my Arc …
Mar 30, 2023: I learn something new every single day, whether I try or not. Sometimes something so mundane.
Mar 30, 2023: Credit to Apple’s Symphony app. I actually listened to this entire piece rather than just The Blue Danube So upbeat and jovial. I want to go do …
Mar 29, 2023: Really liked the Matter app I’m maxed out on subscriptions. Thinking what I would cancel to justify their $60/yr. Nothing right now
Mar 28, 2023: Rhapsody in Blue…
Mar 28, 2023: Listening to Ravel’s Bolero from 1974 by the NY Philharmonic. What an epic piece.
Mar 28, 2023: I’ve been playing with the Classical app. I don’t have deep knowledge of the genre like I do with Hawaiian music, but I’m fine with the app. I’m sure …
Mar 28, 2023:…
Mar 28, 2023: Talking about the latest shooting. I do not understand the idea that when you are mad at someone or someplace you fire a gun. It totally eludes me. If …
Mar 28, 2023: Another social network. If I was younger, sure. But no thanks
Mar 28, 2023: My wife has and iPad mini 2 that she uses every night to read her “fluffy” apps. It still works.
Mar 27, 2023: My first listen on the Apple Classical app Johan Strauss II. The Blue Danube Waltz…
Mar 27, 2023: Just got the Apple Classical app, didn’t expect it until tomorrow.
Mar 27, 2023: I love the Great 78 RPM Project …
Mar 27, 2023: Today we could clearly see the snow still lingering on Mauna Loa. The top photo was from last week when we were at Volcano Nat’l on the east, bottom …
Mar 27, 2023: Today we could clearly see the snow still lingering on Mauna Loa. The top photo was from last week when we were at Volcano Nat’l on the east, bottom …
Mar 27, 2023: Very sad to see this tree down at Holoholokai beach park from last month’s storm. That tree was the primary shade. I used to go to that park with my …
Mar 27, 2023: One of the things I did to stay up on daily news as I moved away from Twitter and most media went off the rails was to sign up for some daily emails …
Mar 26, 2023: Still haven’t had COVID. Not trying to get it, just use common sense
Mar 26, 2023: Finally killed this birthday present from last year. To be fair, I had a few other libations as a distraction
Mar 26, 2023: I’ve been to one MLB (Dodger) opening day, 1982, I recall the pomp and circumstance and we beat the Giants, but not much else. It was a long time ago. …
Mar 25, 2023: I’m at the back of the boomer generation at 64, the passing of my Dad’s bro late last year made me the oldest person in my family on both sides. I am …
Mar 24, 2023: We often walked by Gordon Moore’s big house here on Hawaii island walking the shoreline trail. He was spotted on a golf cart from time to time.
Mar 23, 2023: Love this version…
Mar 23, 2023: We’re constantly trying too impress upon our Grandsons the effect algorithms have on people. How primarily putting only things that agree with their …
Mar 23, 2023: With TikTok in the news today, my wife and had an AM coffee discussion on algorithms in the social space, I avoid them, don’t use FB or any of their …
Mar 22, 2023: West Hawaiʻi Vietnam War Memorial to be dedicated on 50th anniv. I remember Viet Nam like it was yesterday. I was a kid, but soldiers stopped in …
Mar 22, 2023: I don’t know what’s worse (re: the Fed’s rate hike). Managing inflation or trashing the financial markets. As I’m closer to retirement, trashing the …
Mar 22, 2023: “The Puzzling Gap Between How Old You Are and How Old You Think You Are” I have found as I got into my 60s and I can feel every sports injury I’ve …
Mar 22, 2023: I’m keep the twitter app because there a few people I follow and communicate with on there that haven’t migrated away yet. When I opened the app …
Mar 22, 2023: Some Things I think about daily My wife’s work schedule (meeting etc. she works at home so I need to be quiet) What hurts today If everyone showed up …
Mar 21, 2023: Finished all 5 seasons of Luther just under wire. Leaves Hulu in 10 days. I’ll watch the movie later this week.
Mar 21, 2023: Hoping Arc’s mobile browser is close.
Mar 20, 2023: My favorite pic from our trip to Hawaii Volcano Nat’l park. Saturday morning. Halema’uma’u crater with Mauna Loa in the background with snow on the …
Mar 20, 2023: An oldie, but goodie
Mar 20, 2023: Saw rumblings on the left that some are upset that they’re going after Trump for the Stormy Daniels scandal rather “bigger” things. The Gov’t has had …
Mar 19, 2023: #Arsenal 8 points clear at the International break. Then A 10 match sprint to the finish.
Mar 18, 2023: A beautiful song about Kauai.…
Mar 18, 2023: Just walking into Macy’s, you feel like they are going to crash and burn anytime
Mar 18, 2023: Snow from the February storms still on Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa
Mar 18, 2023: Trail cut though rock.
Mar 18, 2023: This trail is feat of engineering built decades ago down a slope through a rain forest.
Mar 18, 2023: Halema’uma’u crater from above and at crater level
Mar 17, 2023: After all we are on an active volcano
Mar 17, 2023: The obligatory stop at Punalu’u bake shop in Ka’u on the way to Volcano. Fresh Malasadas
Mar 17, 2023: Stop making sense 4K restoration Can’t wait. Saw Taking Heads in concert during that period in LA…
Mar 16, 2023: ha ha ha
Mar 16, 2023: The first website I built was in 2000, I’m long since out of that game, but those were fun times. We founded this outrigger canoe paddling association …
Mar 15, 2023: We’re going on a short Staycation here this Friday. Taking our grandsons. It’s a 2 hour drive, but a world away.
Mar 15, 2023: T-Mo bought Mint Mobile. Was with T-Mo, for a long time. They helped us get out of an onerous Sprint contract. We moved to Spectrum Mobile a couple of …
Mar 14, 2023:…
Mar 14, 2023: I’m a lifelong Dodger fan, season ticket holder in the early 80’s. Cutting cable & MLB’s blackout policy has made me more a tacit fan. Only catch …
Mar 14, 2023: Happy Pi day
Mar 14, 2023: Looks like ESPN (or someone impersonating them) created 3 Mastodon accounts and have 0 posts and single digit followers and 0 follows. Still looking …
Mar 14, 2023: The FBI with Efrem Zimbalist JR.…
Mar 13, 2023: Got this in the mail today. I used to read a lot of physics and such. I find it fascinating and the kind of reading where you need to pay attention or …
Mar 13, 2023: Here’s that stat #Arsenal
Mar 12, 2023: I believe that with that 3-nil today over Fulham today that #Arsenal kept a clean sheet against all of the other London clubs. A first in EPL history. …
Mar 11, 2023: I lived (with my ex) in California from late 1980 to late 1985. I worked for TGI Fridays and came home after our daughter was born. I can’t find a …
Mar 10, 2023: Guess it’s good news that we are spread over a couple different financial institutions. Already got an email from our primary bank telling us about …
Mar 10, 2023: I erased these 2 guys, not bad @pratik
Mar 10, 2023: Post a great album with no explanation. Tag others to do the same. @rcrackley @hawaiiboy @tracydurnell @odd
Mar 10, 2023: Rabbit Island Music Festival…
Mar 10, 2023: I loves this entire album. 1973 2 of the songs are about places I lived on Oahu. Waialae and Palolo. Classic Hawaiian Music.
Mar 10, 2023: Gabby Pahinui Hawaiian Band from 1974 Every thing about this song is amazing. Instrumentation, vocals, arrangement. Blues artist Ry Cooder was on this …
Mar 10, 2023: This was written in 2015 and it’s still true today. If you don’t have cable, it’s even worse. MLB Brass Doesn’t Give a Damn About Hawaii.
Mar 10, 2023: Remember early in the pandemic, if you sneezed, people ran. Fun times.
Mar 9, 2023: Looking at an old document. I had a email address. Completely forgot about that.
Mar 9, 2023: I still use the Kardia device and app since an electro cardiologist suggested it when I was having heart issues a few years back. I use it now just to …
Mar 8, 2023: Fun thing about being connected with people around the world is the time differences. It’s 11:30pm HST here and I just got home from work. In Europe …
Mar 8, 2023: Pre shift pick me up. They’re down stairs from the restaurant
Mar 8, 2023: Watching Miles Davis, the Birth of Cool on Netflix. Fascinating. Kind of Blue was recorded and came out the summer I was born. The Dodgers also won …
Mar 8, 2023: I can’t imagine living in a big city. LA doesn’t count, it collection of smaller cities all piled together. I mean a metropolis type city. You know …
Mar 8, 2023: Something’s coming our way.
Mar 7, 2023: My EDC as a chef. Small flashlight to see what’s on bottom shelves in the walk-in and in the back of coolers. Gerber pocket blade for cutting and …
Mar 7, 2023: Just looked for a 60qt stock pot online. Found one for $98. Shipping to Hawaii: $468. WTF
Mar 7, 2023: Been watching a lot of older movies (1990s-2000s) that I’ve seen before, for no particular reason. Some hold up some not as much.
Mar 7, 2023: “We are masters of the unsaid words, but slaves of those we let slip out.” Winston Churchill Philosophical
Mar 6, 2023: So fill to me the parting glass And drink a health whate’er befalls Then gently rise and softly call Good night and joy be to you all
Mar 6, 2023: Watching Pulp Fiction for the I don’t how many times, just because.
Mar 6, 2023: Mt Hualalai look so clear today
Mar 6, 2023: IOS started as web apps, looks like we may be going back in that direction.
Mar 4, 2023: After being down 2-nil, Arsenal snatch victory at the death. Wow!
Mar 3, 2023: 43 years ago. Damn…
Mar 3, 2023: iPod 5 video
Mar 3, 2023: I have 215gb of music that is independent of any app in on 2 different HDs. This is mostly from my CD Collection that was ripped in the late 90s …
Mar 3, 2023: Just watched Tar. Amazing performance. How fall the mighty have fallen.
Mar 2, 2023: Just watched Guillermo del Toro’s Pinocchio (2022) Delightful.…
Mar 2, 2023: Everyone is California is posting snow pix. We have snow on Mauna Kea today
Mar 2, 2023: Just went on Twitter check on some Arsenal updates. Can’t see the feed for ads.
Mar 2, 2023: It’s stormy. Doors are slamming. Didn’t expect that, I just got home from work.
Mar 1, 2023: Used Instapaper since the beginning. I fell in and out of it as my flow changed and I’ve tried new apps. I’m back to it. Paid for Premium for the …
Feb 28, 2023: Oh well #NBCfail. Put the Arsenal match on USA where a cable account is required. So I read s live blog instead
Feb 27, 2023: The Kiawe trees are dancing in wind. Maybe not the best decision sitting under one. We’re so Lava Lava in Waikoloa
Feb 27, 2023: A little breezy
Feb 27, 2023: Not that long ago, this was every day. Still COVID free. 🤞
Feb 27, 2023: When we first moved to LA in 1981, having grown in Hawaii, we never saw snow in person. We took a drive up to Big Bear just to see snow, damn it was …
Feb 27, 2023: Turned off Stage manager on my Mac. Don’t' have enough windows open for it to be helpful. I use Spaces and have for years.
Feb 23, 2023: MS Word and Excel are by far the largest files on my MB Air. Decided to delete them both and use the online versions.
Feb 23, 2023: They come from a drying planet.… I can confirm this.
Feb 22, 2023: Waiting for season 2 of Foundation, Power of the Rings, Perry Mason, Wednesday, Mandalorian, Obi Wan, She Hulk and Dune 2. Not to mention a few other …
Feb 22, 2023: Hair is not a friend of age. It stops growing where you want it and starts growing where you don’t.
Feb 22, 2023: I binge watched so many shows and movies during the lockdown I almost can’t recall if I saw something already until I get into it.
Feb 22, 2023: Mid day pint (actually 14.9 oz).
Feb 22, 2023: I’ve been going back and rewatching the Star Wars movies. No particular sequence, just as a diversion. All in all they are very entertaining.
Feb 20, 2023: My M1 13” Air battery last for days of casual use. Love that machine.
Feb 20, 2023:…
Feb 18, 2023: What if we went to Italy…
Feb 18, 2023: I have late 2014 Mini Mac that stopped working a couple of years ago. Thought it was just dead. Just left it on the shelf it was on. Today it started …
Feb 18, 2023: Cold (by Hawaii standards) rainy day. Made orzo mac and cheese with rotisserie chicken. Rib sticking comfort food
Feb 17, 2023: My office for the night
Feb 17, 2023: Road to nowhere…
Feb 17, 2023: I really like the Arc browser’s peek feature. “The best tab never made”
Feb 16, 2023: I’d like to give Apple Podcasts another whirl. but can’t find where in import OPML file. Maybe I’m missing something obvious.
Feb 16, 2023: Found my baseball. 20 yrs ago when I was building websites and setting up social media platforms for small businesses I had this baseball on my desk. …
Feb 15, 2023: That mood…
Feb 15, 2023: What I really like about Dido is her music had a jazz foundation. Sade is kinda of the same. The underlying music is awesome.…
Feb 15, 2023: A cluster of small rumbling earthquakes on the SE part of the island. Magma is on the move, but to where? There is new island forming way down deep …
Feb 14, 2023: The Valentines special for tonight. I came up with the recipe and concept, my team did the final plate set up. Macadamia nut crusted seared Ahi with …
Feb 14, 2023: Waiting for the Air Force to shoot down a high school science project that floats off course.
Feb 12, 2023: I really don’t agree with Eric Clapton’s politics, but I still like his music. 461 Ocean Blvd was a classic. My wife can’t separate the person and …
Feb 12, 2023: No Super Bowl for us. Not that I really want to watch, but we don’t have cable and don’t subscribe to Fox or any of the other live networks. So I’ll …
Feb 11, 2023: I’ve been listening to Dark side of the Moon for 50 years, and that David Gilmore Comfortably Numb guitar solo still gets me. Every single time.
Feb 11, 2023: FTW
Feb 11, 2023: You took your life, as lovers often do……
Feb 11, 2023: I met my wife in Nov 2004. We moved in together in Jan. and on St Patrick’s day I came home to a case of Guinness on the counter. I told myself right …
Feb 11, 2023: Among the people I know, I seem to be the lone wolf who is all-in with Apple Music. I had the mother lode of CDs that I ripped a number of years ago …
Feb 11, 2023: It’s not that Mastodon was difficult, but Ivory had made it easier. Less friction.
Feb 10, 2023: I did the same thing as Parag as soon as I saw the shot.
Feb 10, 2023: Watching the 2022 MLS Season Review to get up to speed for 2023. My first season all-in with MLS.
Feb 9, 2023: Really enjoying Wednesday on Netflix. Watched the Addams Family as a kid in the 60s…
Feb 9, 2023: Shoulda, coulda, woulda, oh well, move on.
Feb 8, 2023: I’d be way more interested in the MLS if they adopted promotion / Relegation. For now I pretty much watch matches one off
Feb 8, 2023: We’re doing a 5 year review of our revocable living trust. We created it after seeing what happened when my Dad passed. It was a mess. I strongly …
Feb 8, 2023: What happened in Turkey can happen to the older sections of any large American City. Older brick and wooden structures can’t hold up to that shaking.
Feb 5, 2023: I deleted my Twitter crossposting s few days ago.
Feb 5, 2023: A couple of shots from Waimea. I guess you could say, that’s the upcountry.
Feb 4, 2023: I opened the Twitter app for the first time in a couple weeks to check comments on the football matches. My feed is almost half ads. It hard to find …
Feb 4, 2023: This was what Waimea was like today. Still had a great time. The Pukalani farmer’s market, lunch at Village Burger, a walk through town and of course …
Feb 4, 2023: The cherry blossoms that didn’t blow off. The wind was howling in Waimea
Feb 4, 2023: Heading into Waimea for the annual Cherry Blossom festival. It’s wet and windy. Fun times.
Feb 3, 2023: We don’t have winter weather lock downs like people up North do, but we had COVID spikes none the less. Despite this and having worked right through …
Feb 3, 2023: Meeting of the minds. Nefarious moves indeed
Feb 2, 2023: My Great Grandfather (Giuseppe) his brother and my young grandfather. They had a bakery in Worcester, Mass. My dad had it colorized a few years ago. I …
Feb 1, 2023: I actually had a rudimentary website in 1999 hosted by a network provider in Hilo, they helped me set up my own server a couple of year later.
Feb 1, 2023: Listening to Ray LaMontagne and the Prairie Dogs. “Been howling at the moon like a slack jawed fool“…
Feb 1, 2023: Working on shutting down my personal website. The first post on the site was Feb. 10, 2003. It was an Einstein quote. “If you can’t explain it simply, …
Feb 1, 2023: IBM Centennial Film 100 X 100 A century of achievements have changed the world. I’ve been an Apple user since the first Mac, but I had and IBM 20 PC …
Feb 1, 2023: Bad British Baseball Commentary…
Feb 1, 2023: Does anyone else remember the relational database / spreadsheet program Lucid 3D? It came out before Excel when we all using Lotus 123 and did some …
Feb 1, 2023: Cadbury Commercial from 2020, love it. It captured our reality.…
Feb 1, 2023: Whatever they say it’s not, that’s what it is.
Feb 1, 2023: Love this photo. The ties, Ringo on the Bongos, the cigarette on the left
Feb 1, 2023: Pulled the trigger and subscribed to the Apple MLS package. Go LAFC
Jan 31, 2023: Sunset from the kitchen l
Jan 30, 2023: Seeing a story this AM about the final 747 being delivered, despite seeing them at Hawaii airports since they first came out, I don’t recall ever …
Jan 29, 2023: I have so many screen shots from trying to turn down my iPhone volume with one hand and hitting the power button too.
Jan 28, 2023: My office. Pretty darned analog. Only the tablets that orders come in on are connected.
Jan 28, 2023: I used to change my Wi-Fi name often just for fun. But with so many devices connected in our place, it’s more of a hassle than it’s worth.
Jan 27, 2023: And of course the 2nd album on the new headphones That shape is my shade, where I used to stand.…
Jan 27, 2023: Got my new 1MORE SonoFlow headphones. The album I listened to was Wish you were here. …and by the way, which one’s Pink…
Jan 27, 2023: Kitchen routine. my daily kitchen routine Get in about and hour before my team. Check every station for what sold last night (chicken, fish, shrimp, steaks, etc) Check …
Jan 27, 2023: Lots of posts on the Things app update. Sounds interesting. I was a Things user for a long time when I managed at a high level at resort hotels. Now …
Jan 26, 2023: Apple Maps shows the Keauhou Beach hotel which closed about 6 years ago and was torn down about 3 years ago.
Jan 24, 2023: Watched “If these walls could talk” on Disney+. I’ll watch it again. I’m a music person. Amazing stories from the musicians from before the Beatles in …
Jan 24, 2023: Rewatching Dune 2021. This time with headphones.
Jan 24, 2023: We continue to have about 75% of applicants confirm an interview and never show.
Jan 24, 2023: I’ve been on Mastodon for quite a while, Ivory makes it better. The true nature of Twitter was masked by the quality of Tweetbot. it’s intolerable …
Jan 21, 2023: My Wife and I went on date. Watched this cruise ship pulling out of Kona Bay at Sunset
Jan 21, 2023: Then there’s this. Saturday afternoon. Got off a little early kind of mood. Sometimes we give, sometimes we don’t.…
Jan 21, 2023: How about this gem from many years ago…
Jan 21, 2023: Looks like the Matter app won’t let me read anything until I go premium. Love the app, but don’t use it enough.
Jan 20, 2023: I’ve been working 7 days/wk since losing one of my 2 assts to a medical situation 2 weeks ago. Some days I do just go in for 90 min in the AM to let …
Jan 19, 2023: True Twitter, John Siracusa:…
Jan 18, 2023: This album came out in 1978. Doesn’t seem late long ago. It still sounds amazing.…
Jan 18, 2023: Enjoying that glass of whisky on the back lanai Yum
Jan 18, 2023: Just finished this bottle that I got for my birthday last year. Redbreast is my favorite so I tend to stretch it. The glass says “ I’m here to kick …
Jan 18, 2023: Why, he’s no different than he was then - RSS Channel - App Tech Section: Trump campaign has asked Meta to unblock the former president’s …
Jan 18, 2023: Very clear and calm morning, so the VOG (volcanic haze) will be bad. The tint of orange in the sunrise is from the VOG. Nice to see Mauna Loa peaking …
Jan 18, 2023: Maybe
Jan 17, 2023: I haven’t looked at the official Twitter App in a really long time. It’s really spammy. So many ads.
Jan 16, 2023: I still used Twitter to follow Football (soccer) news. Also followed a lot of foodies, until last Thursday. I rarely look at my phone for the 10 hours …
Jan 16, 2023: This place is stunning. We live in a little condo we’re fine. It’s still Hawaii and still home.…
Jan 15, 2023: Late night listening while finishing up. Making Gumbo for tomorrow…
Jan 15, 2023: Arsenal went to White Hart lane and stuck to their game. Playing like a champion should. The Spuds asked some questions, but Ramsdale and the back …
Jan 14, 2023: Just finished season 1 of Perry Mason on HBO. Really enjoyed it. All of the other Perry Mason stories were of an old Perry Mason. This was him at the …
Jan 14, 2023: Love the snark in this Saturday post from @Arseblog.
Jan 13, 2023: Music is so important to me that I would delete everything else from my phone before I’d delete the music. Just saying
Jan 13, 2023: “You could say I lost my belief in the politicians, they all seem like game show hosts to me”.…
Jan 13, 2023: That missile attack mistake was 5 years ago. My wife and I were talking about it. The thing is, at the time, we both thought a missile attack was …
Jan 12, 2023: No 3rd party app, no Twitter
Jan 11, 2023: I bought this album at Vinyl Donuts in Kapahulu back in high school 1975. I listened to it very loud with big headphones, like I am right now. RIP …
Jan 11, 2023: First clear day in a week
Jan 10, 2023: Don’t think #TheClientele will every come to Hawaii, but there’s YouTube.…
Jan 10, 2023: The Pale Blue Eye. Big fan of Christian Bale…
Jan 10, 2023: If the current eruption of Kilauea continues for a long spell with the resulting VOG (volcanic haze) we will see recent arrivals who moved here …
Jan 9, 2023: From Hawaiian Chili Peppers came Hawaiian Chili pepper water. Watch out tomorrow’s lbreakfast eggs, you’re about to get kicked up
Jan 9, 2023: Hawaiian chili peppers
Jan 9, 2023: Just stumbled on this while looking for something else. My Das used play Platters albums when I was young. One of my first musical memories. …
Jan 9, 2023: Well, since Kilauea decided to wake up last week the volcanic haze is back. We brought our big air purifier back out. We bought this during the really …
Jan 9, 2023: Born in the 50s…
Jan 8, 2023: Just finished watching Kaleidoscope on Netflix. Interesting concept. I watched it in the order on the site, but they said it could be watched in any …
Jan 8, 2023: My best friend and I would play Risk in the stairwell of his Mom’s Condo back in the early 70s. We’d play for hours. …
Jan 8, 2023: My best friend and I would play Risk in the stairwell of his Mom’s Condo back in the early 70s. We’d play for hours. …
Jan 7, 2023: Concur
Jan 6, 2023: I’m glad I live in a liberal state not connected to the others. At least we have the senate.
Jan 6, 2023: We don’t have a volcano in Kona, but we do have this
Jan 5, 2023: Thar she blows.…
Jan 5, 2023: That wasn’t long, Kilauea has lava back on the surface
Jan 3, 2023: Remember when CES had CB radios, video recorders, the Altair 8800 and VCR cameras. The good old days.
Jan 3, 2023: Finally opening my last Christmas present on my first day off of the new year
Jan 3, 2023: #NowPlaying “Blue Hawaiian Moonlight” by Gabby Pahinui on @Sonos Nahenahe
Jan 3, 2023: After years of volcanic haze, it still feels so amazing to have it this clear…and snow still on Mauna Loa into the new year.
Jan 3, 2023: Seems like all of the podcasts I normally listen to are on holiday hiatus. So I’m just listening to music on my short commute
Jan 3, 2023: Hawaii has the second worst roads. Don’t we know it. On Hawaii Island we know it’s bad, it’s a very rural island the county is challenged keep up …
Jan 2, 2023: Reading about AR glasses coming out soon. Not much of it interests me, though it would be cool to have the recipe I’m working on in the kitchen …
Jan 1, 2023: Listening to my 2017 Apple Music replay. I listened to a lot of Santana and The Clientele that year. Nothing wrong with that.
Jan 1, 2023: Dark Sky is really dark now
Jan 1, 2023: The social media Watching Meet the Press on how we manage social media. Nice follow up discussion with my wife on the subject. We have different views. I don’t use …
Dec 31, 2022: Well here we go, looking down the barrel of 2023. I started 2022 as GM of the 2nd busiest Macaroni Grill in the country on the road to burning out - …
Dec 31, 2022: I’ve been in Hospitality for 40+ years, I’ve spent almost every NYE in this period doing inventory. Luckily in my current position I only have food to …
Dec 31, 2022: Surprise, surprise, NBC moved the Arsenal match to Peacock. It was listed as USA. I’m happier (I wasn’t sad, just less happy)
Dec 31, 2022: Thank you NBC for relegating top if the table Arsenal to cable only USA network.
Dec 30, 2022: Just watched “Everything Everywhere all at once”. I loved it. Had a few overly silly moments, but all in all amazing film making. My wife hated it. I …
Dec 30, 2022: Cruise ship day. With the tenders ferrying passengers back and forth to shore
Dec 30, 2022: Very clear day. Can see Mauna Loa peeking out over Hualalai. Usually the clouds obscure it.
Dec 27, 2022: Always been a Steve Winwood fan…
Dec 27, 2022: “There are hundreds of paths up the mountain, all leading to the same place, so it doesn’t matter which path you take. The only person wasting time is …
Dec 27, 2022: “Tin roof rusted”…
Dec 27, 2022: I saw little snippets of Southwest Airline’s frailties last year when I was flying weekly between Hawaiian islands. I was working in Honolulu and …
Dec 25, 2022: My wife got me a new Electric razor for Christmas. The old one (Silver) lasted about 6-7 years. To say I’m happy with it is an understatement. Stick …
Dec 25, 2022: It’s a white Christmas, at least on the mountain tops, on Hawaii Island
Dec 24, 2022: Travel looks nasty. I have never traveled for the Holidays in my life. Family wants to come to Hawaii rather than otherwise. Plus for the past 10 …
Dec 24, 2022: I was big fan of Franco Harris RIP
Dec 24, 2022: Got off work a little early. Merry Christmas everyone. All of you are wearing so many clothes in your photos, must me cold. Spoiler, it’s warm here. …
Dec 24, 2022: Still my favorite mug.
Dec 24, 2022: I go down the worm hole of watching this Seville Row Tailor I’ve lived in Hawaii most of my life and only wore a suit to the prom and on my wedding …
Dec 23, 2022: Rough couple of days at work. COVID is still a thing, 3 employees positive yesterday alone. People still not coming out to work. I think they’re all …
Dec 22, 2022: New terms of services emails from everybody and their uncle this week. Was there a new law passed or something?
Dec 21, 2022: It’s interesting that most of the people I’ve talked about it to need white noise of some kind to sleep, my wife included. I used to be that way. Now …
Dec 20, 2022: I was looking around HBOMax today. I am reticent to start watching a new show there as the new management has shown they will cancel anything.
Dec 20, 2022: Big surf…Kona style. Our big surf isn’t like Oahu or Maui. We don’t have reefs that allow the waves to build up. This is an older island and it drops …
Dec 20, 2022: Watch the Abbey Road Studio show on Apple+. Really enjoyed it interview with Pink Floyd (separately of course). A peek into the start. Had to put on …
Dec 20, 2022: Last night while the power was out the water and ice in the door of the refrigerator didn’t work. I stood and stared at it for a few seconds before I …
Dec 20, 2022: The storm did bring snow on both Mauna Loa and Mauna Kea
Dec 20, 2022: There’s also a huge swell from the storm peaking today. 25-30 foot swells on north and west (us) shores. We were lucky that it was a very fast moving …
Dec 20, 2022: Our storm was manini (small) compared to big snow storms and typhoons, but it packed a punch. Our power was only out 3 hours and most of the rain …
Dec 20, 2022: About 0 seconds
Dec 19, 2022: The storm proper has hit. Power off in large parts of Kona. Restaurant closed
Dec 19, 2022: I guess the main part of the storm hasn’t even passed us yet. All of the rain and lighting we got through the night was just the front of the front
Dec 18, 2022: Wow. Non stop lighting and thunder. This storm means business. Not too common here in Kona
Dec 18, 2022: The storm is here
Dec 18, 2022: Sitting on the back lanai as a winter tropical storm rolls in looking for lightning.
Dec 17, 2022: Stumbles on Jamiroquai. Haven’t listened to them for 20+ years. Their music means even more today that back then.
Dec 17, 2022: Our home sound system I have one small Home Pod. I got it when I had a 6 week stay in a hotel room so I could play music in the hotel room and morning news, etc. it’s now …
Dec 17, 2022: Virtual Insanity was so ahead of its time. The Lyrics and the video
Dec 16, 2022: Hey Netflix, would it not be reasonable to put recently watched RIGHT AT THE F’N TOP?
Dec 15, 2022: Top streaming shows getting relegated to free ad based TV is akin to top movies going to DVD and RedBox in the pre-streaming past. This is likely the …
Dec 15, 2022: Between shows we’re streaming or when I’m not ready to watch another episode or we are leaving shortly and there’s not enough time to watch something, …
Dec 14, 2022: Morocco are good
Dec 14, 2022: As a manager of people I love this quote from East of Eden “You can’t make a race horse of a pig.” “No,” said Samuel, “but you can make a very fast …
Dec 13, 2022: Instagram launches its BeReal clone, Candid Stories… It’s not instagram, it’s Facebook, or as they say Meta. Wolf in …
Dec 13, 2022: Hawaii’s Mauna Loa and Kilauea volcanoes have stopped erupting, scientists say But for how long? They’ll be back…
Dec 13, 2022: Don’t see a duck in a parking lot in Kona, ever. He’s lost. In Hilo they live in Wailoa park
Dec 13, 2022: The subscription model is ok, but there are some services or apps that I’d prefer to just buy. They don’t need constant new features, just maintenance …
Dec 13, 2022: Guessing it will never come back, but I miss the pre-pandemic shopping experience, you know when shelves were stocked and there were actual choices. …
Dec 12, 2022: Two days off, together. As long as they don’t burn the place down. That’s about the only thing that I can’t fix
Dec 12, 2022: Did I just see Slow Horses Season 2 is out. I’ve always liked Gary Oldman. The Book of Eli, George Smiley in Tinker Tailor…, the Professional (Think …
Dec 11, 2022: I’ve had an Evernote account since 2008, the year it launched. It’s was our primary repository when we downsized our lives. Pretty much all of the …
Dec 10, 2022: We’ll that was fun. Back to work early Sunday. We were behind one of the #HELCO (Hawaii Electric Light Company) trucks on the way home. They are our …
Dec 10, 2022: The fire trucks are always the end of the parade. Spraying water canons. Everyone is having a blast
Dec 10, 2022: #HELCO out in force.
Dec 10, 2022: Felix Navidad. In Hawaii
Dec 10, 2022: Here we go
Dec 10, 2022: Big crowds at the Christmas parade. Haven’t had one for a couple of years. We keeping our distance.
Dec 10, 2022: We’re early for the parade. Kapu (claimed) our spot
Dec 10, 2022: My wife is totally in the mood, she shanghaied the Sonos system to play all Christmas music. I wasn’t quite there yet. Trying for get there, we’re …
Dec 10, 2022: Finally unsubscribed from what I think is the first email newsletter I subscribed to. I subscribed to the Fast Company print version for years and …
Dec 10, 2022: Like the British commentators say, Portugal is asking a lot of questions, but getting no answers.
Dec 10, 2022: This Mar v Par match looks like it’s on fast forward. What a pace
Dec 9, 2022: We have a bartender from Argentina. She was pretty darned excited after they won today. She’s convinced they’re going all the way.
Dec 9, 2022: I’d love an app that combines all of my watch lists from every streaming app into one list. I’ve seen apps that will manage a list that I create. The …
Dec 9, 2022: The early days When I used to set up small businesses with websites and social media back in the early days, I used to tell them that Facebook was like family party …
Dec 7, 2022: If we knew what we were doing it wouldn’t be called research, would it? - Einstein
Dec 7, 2022: Shutting down my personal website. Its usefulness has lapsed. 20 years ago I built my 1st site and it’s companion business site and active blog when I …
Dec 6, 2022: And according to this theory I guess I’m not getting sick because I worked through it all. Haven’t had COVID either.…
Dec 6, 2022: Kind of a bad day for Trump and the GOP.
Dec 6, 2022: In the middle of a 10 shift stretch with a couple of doubles in the mix. Barely look at any device other that the tablets orders come in on. Whew
Dec 3, 2022: It’s always great seeing the large precession of Parker Ranch trucks in the parade. Waimea is what it is because of Parker Ranch. Celebrating its …
Dec 3, 2022: I escaped from work to take the family up to Waimea for the 62nd Annual Waimea Christmas light Parade. The unique thing about this parade is that it …
Dec 3, 2022: This happened on the same day on our island. We drove up and saw the lava on the slopes of Mauna Loa, but the snow on Mauna Kea was obscured by …
Dec 2, 2022: I love that Japan and Morocco won their groups. Hope they both move on.
Dec 2, 2022: I have found that after cleaning up my Twitter and RSS feeds that ,outside of soccer and tech, there is very little news in my feed. MB and Mastodon …
Nov 29, 2022: We saw the lava flow today
Nov 29, 2022: My wife got me new socks
Nov 29, 2022: My daughter is coming to visit for a couple of days. She lives on Oahu. it’s only a couple of islands away, but Covid made it a world away. Her timing …
Nov 29, 2022: I read this book a few years ago. Common sense application of the constitution
Nov 28, 2022: The last thing my wife purchased from Pier One before they closed their store in Kona in 2019. Much of the decor in our home is from Pier One.
Nov 28, 2022: The season is upon us
Nov 28, 2022: Here we go. This one’s closer to us. No threat of lava, just the VOG (volcanic haze and gases)…
Nov 27, 2022: This sounds so f’n simple. “Government must be “sufficiently neutral between the different interests and factions, to control one part of the society …
Nov 25, 2022: All of the Black Friday emails deleted. Now I can get on with my day. Off to work
Nov 24, 2022: My wife picked out this delicious looking Beaujolais for me. She a Cab Sauv drinker almost exclusively, but for a meal as diverse as thanksgiving with …
Nov 24, 2022: The Turkey is in, the ham follows in 90 minutes. We won’t be eating for a few hours yet. Likely 1:30-2pm HST
Nov 24, 2022: Love this quote, it’s stuck with me. Football combines the two worst things about America: it is violence punctuated by committee meetings. - George …
Nov 24, 2022: “Learning how to think” really means learning how to exercise some control over how and what you think. - This Is Water by David Foster Wallace Many …
Nov 23, 2022: On another note. Just watched the final Andor season 1. Really liked it. Since Rogue one a Star Wars tangent and Andor was a Rogue One tangent, we now …
Nov 23, 2022: I’ve never owned a firearm. I’ve never felt the need. Never had a situation where I wished I had one. There’s a baseball bat next to my bed. I’ve …
Nov 23, 2022: Turkey out of the brine, now it sits in the fridge for 24 hours so the skin can dry out and cook up crispy.
Nov 23, 2022: Deadeye Dick by Kurt Vonnegut Jr. “egregious. most people think that word means terrible or unheard of or unforgivable. it has a much more interesting …
Nov 22, 2022: Wife and I are watching the Elton John special on Disney+. One of the first albums I had as a kid (vinyl) was Honky Chateau.
Nov 22, 2022: France took care of business.
Nov 22, 2022: Still annoyed that Fox won’t offer live streaming of the World Cup without a cable account.
Nov 22, 2022: All of these early World Cup draws. Is it early tournament nerves or parity.
Nov 18, 2022: It’s sad that the news organization that I trust the most isn’t in the US.
Nov 18, 2022: Can’t wait till Trump starts losing primaries and accuses GOP candidates of stealing the election
Nov 18, 2022: I think I’m going to ask any of my cooks who have cut onions (all of them) to send me a screen shot of their best onions.
Nov 17, 2022: Bizarre start to the show 1899, but didn’t expect any less from the creators of Dark. Have to stick with it until I figure it out
Nov 17, 2022: Making Our Democracy Work by Stephen G. Breyer First, the Court should reject approaches to interpreting the Constitution that consider the document’s …
Nov 16, 2022: Also, the MB app on Mac won’t post at all, just buffers.
Nov 16, 2022: Pretty boring weather here.
Nov 16, 2022: What I’m getting on the IOS Beta all afternoon. Did a restart. Will delete the app next.
Nov 16, 2022: I gotten the point that my bird feed is mostly fluff, getting my news from my RSS feed.
Nov 16, 2022: Dawned on me why I’ve never become a serious MLS fan. It’s the time of the matches here in Hawaii. European matches are on in the morning, MLS matches …
Nov 15, 2022: Sure am glad Hawaii is as far far away from Mar A Lago as you can get and still be in he US, and Washington DC for that matter.
Nov 15, 2022: Nice
Nov 14, 2022: Staring down the throat of two much needed days off
Nov 14, 2022: My Mom’s family is from Kentucky going back to the 1790s. One of founding families of Louisville. This is and amazing film by Patagonia.
Nov 14, 2022: I’m off and it’s still daylight for a change
Nov 11, 2022: …we Americans have, over the past two hundred plus years, absorbed the notion that in order to be protected by the rule of law, we must follow the law …
Nov 9, 2022: I saw Chef Gabriele Bonci from Rome make deep fried Carbonara pasta (Suppli' di Carbonara) on the Netflix show Chef’s Table Pizza. I had to give it a …
Nov 9, 2022: I recall saving grocery store receipts to get a free Thanksgiving turkey a few years back. We got a 14 pounder today - $37. Damn
Nov 9, 2022: I love a good Patagonia shirt for a number of reason, but I recently discovered a $6 T-shirt at Target that is comfortable and wears well. Hard pass …
Nov 8, 2022: Thank you to everyone in the US who voted. It does make a difference
Nov 8, 2022: I don’t think that tree is supposed to be there
Nov 7, 2022: A good time to be an Arsenal FC fan. Men and women top of the table.
Nov 7, 2022: Taking the GOP approach, Philly should not accept the World Series results and claim to be the winners
Nov 6, 2022: Poked my head out of kitchen just in time
Nov 5, 2022: Morning has broken
Nov 2, 2022: I’ve mentioned this before, but I have a well curated Twitter feed over the past 10 years (lots of unfollows and mutes), though I’ve been moving a lot …
Nov 1, 2022: Nice side benefit of the restaurant I’m chef at, we’re closed Thanksgiving and Christmas. I’ve worked those holidays for years.
Nov 1, 2022: Farming and Ranching in Hawaii 1937 vs 2015. We live on Hawaii Island in the far right. It was primarily ranching on this island
Nov 1, 2022: Sharpening a Japanese knife while watching Ronin 47.
Nov 1, 2022: Therapy session
Nov 1, 2022: The Apple Watch 6 that I have now will likely be my last. It’s kind of a nice to have, but I don’t use most of what it offers. Likely go back to a …
Oct 29, 2022: The people who choose to NOT vote are choosing the path of our country. Always has been that way.
Oct 28, 2022: Found another old one. This was my home office when I was building websites in 2010. I had a MB Pro with a Cinema Display. My phone was a Palm Pre. I …
Oct 28, 2022: I took this photo of Mauna Kea in Oct of 2005 with a Canon EOS as the sun sets on the mountain. One of my all time faves
Oct 28, 2022: I have a well cultivated Twitter feed, I’ve kept it mostly non-political. It’s tech, football (soccer), baseball a little news and lots of …
Oct 28, 2022: All of the local Newspapers have gone behind paywalls. Most owned by the same media conglomerate, but charge a subscription for each one individually. …
Oct 27, 2022: Biscuits and gravy. Even though I grew up in Hawaii, my Mom is from the south. We had this often growing up. Comfort food.
Oct 27, 2022: Paramount can stream every UCL or UEL match, simultaneously, on the same app. Peacock (NBC) still can’t get it right with the EPL.
Oct 26, 2022: Found this show Bosch, about a Los Angeles Detective on Prime Video. It’s not new, but I like it. I was born in LA, we moved to Hawaii when I was …
Oct 26, 2022: It made it safely to the county
Oct 26, 2022: This Mynah bird has been hanging out on the roof of this SUV for a while. Must be a good view.
Oct 26, 2022: Had to turn off Apple Private relay on my Mac, was killing my connection.
Oct 26, 2022: I tried Stage Manager for a day on my M1 MB Air. I like the concept, but it seemed to sap resources. Going back to old fashioned spaces for now.
Oct 25, 2022: A pair
Oct 25, 2022: I think I need to watch Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy fopr the umpteenth time, just because.
Oct 25, 2022: Not sure about Stage Manager, I use Spaces on my Mac and have for years. I also have MB Air, not a lot of screen real estate.
Oct 22, 2022: Women and men both play shortly. I’ll be in ZZZzzz land. Just got off 10:30 pm and have to work at 8am
Oct 21, 2022: Amazon not so Prime I often have sellers on Amazon simply not ship an item that is big or delicate when it’s using Prime free shipping to Hawaii. I get the message from …
Oct 20, 2022: Our kitchen before snd after renovation. We finished it in late 2019 just before Covid lockdowns, etc. Still love what we did.
Oct 19, 2022: Came across the Hateful Eight extended version on Netflix, didn’t realize they broke it up into episodes. Interesting
Oct 18, 2022: I have an iPad 9. Thinking of upgrading to the 10. Don’t need a Pro. Only remotely interested in the pro for watching movies. I can get almost $200 on …
Oct 18, 2022: .
Oct 18, 2022: Received my Playdate today. Linked it to my account, did the update, now the fun begins
Oct 17, 2022: Dark roux for Gumbo
Oct 17, 2022: I have lots of thyme on my hands
Oct 16, 2022: This how I feel shopping these days.
Oct 15, 2022: Need a Dunkin’ Donuts in Kona. There is no place to get a fresh donut and a descent cup a joe and sit down for a brief moment of chill out We have …
Oct 15, 2022: The notoriety of Wrexham Football Club has put their FA Cup qualification match on ESPN on demand. Love seeing the smaller ground, 1 camera angle, …
Oct 14, 2022: I want dress like him when I finally retire. Just be me.
Oct 14, 2022: Home from 🥗🍖🍗 11 hours in the kitchen cooking Steady Friday night. Good times with my crew
Oct 14, 2022: I just got home from work And I’m wiped out
Oct 14, 2022: A concise explainer of Hawaiian earthquakes. All driven by either the activity or the weight of the volcanoes.
Oct 14, 2022: That was a 5.0. The whole place shook
Oct 14, 2022: Wow. Sizable earthquake. The volcano is in motion. Looking for details now
Oct 13, 2022: Day in the life. Kailua Kona Hawaiii 5:00 pm My final one. Where I spends lots of days in my life. The line
Oct 13, 2022: And of course the real day in the life The food walk in at the restaurant I spend literally hours a week in here. My food cost and production for the …
Oct 13, 2022: Day in the life. Kailua Kona Hawaii Cruise ship day
Oct 13, 2022: A day in the life. Kailua Kona Hawaii 10:10 am To think that in the late 1970s I managed a sizable vegetable and ornamental plant farm on the windward …
Oct 13, 2022: My Paydate has shipped YAY!
Oct 12, 2022: Just watched Robin Hood 2010. Very entertaining.
Oct 11, 2022: One of the most upsetting things about the Russian war on Ukraine is when they show videos of the neighborhood and businesses being bombed is that …
Oct 11, 2022: I’ve had the M1 MacBook Air for about a year. I came from a 2015 rMBP. I was so accustomed to terrible battery life. I’m till amazed at 2-3 days of …
Oct 10, 2022: Food and home staple items have always cost more in Hawaii. Everything is shipped in. Container ship or air. Prices have really gone up here as the …
Oct 8, 2022: Last thought before I head off to work and go offline for 9 hours or so The Constitution only guarantees the American people the right to pursue …
Oct 8, 2022: Life’s two most important questions are “Why?” and “Why not?” The trick is knowing which one to ask.”
Oct 8, 2022: Got to love the National league (FA). Wrexham gave up 5 goals, but put up 7 to take the 3 points.
Oct 8, 2022: Nice print ad
Oct 8, 2022: Laying in bed a mile and a half from the start of the Ironman men’s race and I can hear the announcer and heard the start cannon and helicopters.
Oct 7, 2022: I’m at an age where something on my body hurts just because. Where it hurts depends on wether it’s Tylenol or Aleve pain.
Oct 6, 2022: The leaders of the Ironman Triathlon world championship women’s race are in our neighborhood. That right in-front of our development. The helicopters …
Oct 5, 2022: Rewatching Dark on Netflix. First watched it during the lockdown at the outset of the pandemic. “Good and Evil are a question of perspective”
Oct 4, 2022: Came across this building on a detour on the way home. 1920 Pepe’ekeo Sugar Company. This entire Hamakua coast was sugar cane plantations until the …
Oct 4, 2022: We went on a road trip to the other side of the island to the Hawaii Tropical Botanical Gardens at Onomea. Lot of fun in forest. Haven’t been there …
Oct 3, 2022: That’s a lot steps working in a relatively small kitchen.
Oct 3, 2022: Watched the movie MAS*H again. Another Quote worthy movie.
Sep 29, 2022: Well, I applied to my emloyer in Kona as a line cook, they offered me Asst. Kitchen Manager (5 weeks ago), today I was offered Kitchen Manager (or GM …
Sep 29, 2022: I guess all of those stroke reporters need to pack up and move up to Charleston
Sep 29, 2022: Puna Man Charged with Attempted Murder in Eden Roc Altercation Forty-year-old Shane Fann of Mountain View has been charged with attempted murder and numerous firearm-related offenses following a violent …
Sep 29, 2022: Hawaii County Surf Forecast for September 29, 2022 Photo Credit: James Grenz Forecast for Big Island Windward and Southeast Shores Today Friday Surf Surf AM PM AM PM North Facing 2-4 2-4 …
Sep 28, 2022: Here we are 15 years ago in the home we loved, until we didn’t. I think we realized that we lived for the house and weren’t living a life.
Sep 28, 2022: We have an Apple TV, a Google Chromecast, an Amazon Fire Stick and a Roku. We’ve only used the Apple TV since we cut cable and went all streaming 3 …
Sep 28, 2022: Hawai‘i Police Confirm Suspected Fentanyl Bust in Kona One person was arrested in connection with a suspected fentanyl drug bust in Kona on Tuesday evening, according to the Hawaiʻi Police Department. The …
Sep 28, 2022: Wow. Waimanu Valley here on Hawaii Island on the Apple TV screen saver.
Sep 28, 2022: County Reports Water Main Break on Kalaniana‘ole Street in Hilo Water customers on Kalaniana‘ole Street, from Kōlea Street to Leleiwi Street and including side roads, in Hilo are being notified about a water main …
Sep 28, 2022: Retired Law Enforcement Officer Sentenced to 46 Months for Cruise Ship Assault A Nevada man was sentenced to nearly four years imprisonment and one year of supervised release after he was found guilty for assaulting an elderly …
Sep 28, 2022: Police: 18 Motorists Arrested For DUI Big Island police continue their crackdown on motorists who drive under the influence of an intoxicant. The Hawai‘i Police Department reports that …
Sep 28, 2022: State: COVID Reinfection Rate Rising COVID-19 reinfections are on the rise. The state Department of Health said Wednesday morning that the percentage of COVID cases involving people who …
Sep 28, 2022: Department of Health Adds Reinfection Cases to Weekly COVID Case Count The state Department of Health reported 12,755 new COVID-19 cases Wednesday, Sept. 28, bringing the statewide total to 355,959. The spike in cases is …
Sep 28, 2022: off to work, essentially off the grid for 10 hours. Cheers
Sep 28, 2022: Hawaii County Weather Forecast for September 28, 2022 Photo Credit: James Grenz Hilo Today: Mostly sunny in the morning then becoming partly sunny. A 20 percent chance of showers. Highs 78 to 84 near the …
Sep 28, 2022: Are climate and Covid deniers also Hurricanes deniers?
Sep 28, 2022: Free ocean learning kits are available Saturday to students on Big Island One thousand free Grab & Go Ocean Learning kits will be distributed to students on the Big Island, Maui and Kaua’i on Oct. 1 at sites sponsored by the …
Sep 28, 2022: Officers search jungle for hours at night to rescue woman lost after hiding from feral pigs Officers Kyle Murray, left, and Devin Ah Chong pose for a photo Tuesday at the Kea’au Police Station. The two officers in July saved a woman who got …
Sep 28, 2022: Hawaii County Surf Forecast for September 28, 2022 Forecast for Big Island Windward and Southeast Shores Today Thursday Surf Surf AM PM AM PM North Facing 2-4 3-5 2-4 2-4 East Facing …
Sep 27, 2022: Does feel like a Russian revolution is possible. A little revolution now and then is a healthy thing, don’t you think?
Sep 27, 2022: Fentanyl Distributed in Hawai‘i Now Made to Look Like Rainbow-Colored Candies Courtesy of U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency Hawai‘i’s High-Intensity Drug Trafficking Agency issued a drug threat bulletin that a shipment of suspected …
Sep 27, 2022: This movie was released 32 years ago. I actually had the Laser Disk.
Sep 27, 2022: Mini peach pies. Yum
Sep 27, 2022: Watching the Hunt for Red October for the umpteenth time, well, just because. It’s such a quotable movie. Love Sean Connery in this one. …
Sep 27, 2022: State Fines US Navy Nearly $9M For Sewage Discharges The U.S. Navy is being fined nearly $9 million because of discharges of sewage into state waters. The state Department of Health assessed an …
Sep 27, 2022: M 4.5 Quake Rumbles Near Kīlauea Volcano A 4.5 magnitude earthquake rattled the southwest rift zone of Kīlauea volcano this afternoon. No tsunami is expected, according to the National …
Sep 27, 2022: Unusual Ebola strain kills 23 in Uganda; no vaccines, treatments available Enlarge / Health measures are taken at Mubende Regional Referral Hospital after an outbreak of Ebola in Uganda. (credit: Getty | Anadolu Agency) …
Sep 27, 2022: seems to be running slow today. It not my connection, tested it and quickly loaded highly graphical sites like ESPN and CNN. Will try again …
Sep 27, 2022: Police Investigate Shooting Incident in East Hawai‘i that Left 1 Person Injured Authorities have initiated an attempted murder investigation following a shooting incident in Puna that left one person injured on Monday night. …
Sep 27, 2022: Man Reported Missing in 2020 Is Found and Arrested for Outstanding Warrant UPDATE: Hawaiʻi Island police have located 47-year-old Derek Lee Kalani Aiona, who was reported missing in August 2020. Aiona was located located in …
Sep 27, 2022: Better than JPEG? Researcher discovers that Stable Diffusion can compress images Enlarge / These jagged, colorful blocks are exactly what the concept of image compression looks like. (credit: Benj Edwards / Ars Technica) Last …
Sep 27, 2022: Apple no longer replacing entire iPad mini 6 just to swap the battery Enlarge / Apple is willing to actually replace the battery on its newest, smallest iPad, with potentially more to follow, according to a MacRumors …
Sep 27, 2022: Hawai‘i Fire Crews Smother Small Brush Fire Near Haena Beach Suppression efforts continue today after Hawai‘i Fire crews spotted a brush fire near Haena Beach in Kea‘au after returning from a reported water …
Sep 27, 2022: Meta disrupted China-based propaganda machine before it reached many Americans Enlarge (credit: Chesnot / Contributor | Getty Images News) China’s ability to influence American politics by manipulating social media platforms …
Sep 27, 2022: Possible Missing Diver in Kea’au, Hawai’i Island Police Investigating A light-colored buoy with attached red rope was found in Kea’au on Sept. 26 and may belong to a possible missing diver. Photo Courtesy: Hawai’i Island …
Sep 27, 2022: Apple backtracks, will extend Stage Manager multitasking support to older iPads Enlarge / True external display support is coming to M1-powered iPads in iPadOS 16. (credit: Apple) When Apple delayed iPadOS 16 in August, one of …
Sep 27, 2022: FCC advances plan to require blocking of spam texts from bogus numbers Enlarge (credit: Getty Images | B4LLS) The Federal Communications Commission today released a plan to require mobile carriers to block a wide range …
Sep 27, 2022: Early-adopter tax is in full force for the first batch of AM5 motherboards Enlarge / The MSI MEG X670E Godlike raises interesting questions, like, "could God make a motherboard so expensive that even He could not afford it?" …
Sep 27, 2022: Intel: “Moore’s law is not dead” as Arc A770 GPU is priced at $329 Enlarge / The Arc A770 GPU, coming from Intel on October 12, starting at $329. (credit: Intel) One week after Nvidia moved forward with some of its …
Sep 27, 2022: HBO Max drops first teaser for The Last of Us adaptation Pedro Pascal stars as a hardened survivor in HBO's new series, The Last of Us. A traumatized survivor of a zombie apocalypse must face hordes of the …
Sep 27, 2022: Hawaii County Weather Forecast for September 27, 2022 Photo Credit: James Grenz Hilo Today: Partly sunny early in the morning then becoming mostly sunny. Scattered rain showers early in the morning, then …
Sep 27, 2022: WoW: Lich King player hits level 80 just 9 hours after “Classic” server launch Naowh explains how he got to level 80 in Wrath of the Lich King Classic in just a few hours. When it comes to World of Warcraft's long-demanded …
Sep 27, 2022: The Roomba j7+ learns to mop with a dramatic swing-arm setup The Roombo Combo j7+. Sick spoiler, bro! Wait, that's a mop?! [credit: Roomba ] iRobot—soon to be owned by Amazon—is announcing a flagship …
Sep 27, 2022: Kidnapping Suspect Pleads Not Guilty in 3rd Circuit Court A Hilo man accused of kidnapping a teenage girl pleaded not guilty in Kona’s 3rd Circuit on Monday and has requested a jury trial, which was set for …
Sep 27, 2022: Everything you need to know about Zen 4, socket AM5, and AMD’s newest chipsets Enlarge (credit: AMD) AMD's Ryzen 7000 launch is bigger than just the processors. The processor architecture is changing, but it's also being …
Sep 27, 2022: Apple Watch Ultra teardown suggests new—but trickier—repair angles Enlarge / A new hard-case battery inside the Apple Watch Ultra is easier to remove for DIY fixers. Getting to that battery is still a tricky, …
Sep 27, 2022: Youth Summits Scheduled in North Hawaiʻi and Hilo Two local youth summits are scheduled next month in an effort to provide teens and young adults an opportunity to network, gain insight into their …
Sep 27, 2022: Alienware QD-OLED monitor picks open standards over G-Sync, is $200 cheaper Enlarge / Alienware's latest QD-OLED monitor, the AW3423DWF. (credit: Alienware) Alienware announced today a new QD-OLED monitor SKU that looks …
Sep 27, 2022: Intel’s 13th-gen “Raptor Lake” CPUs are official, launch October 20 Enlarge / An overview of the improvements coming to Intel's 13th-gen desktop chips. (credit: Intel) If there's one thing Intel has gotten good at in …
Sep 27, 2022: Dialing back the bling makes a better EV: The 2023 Mercedes EQE sedan Enlarge / The Mercedes-Benz EQE sedan's shape has been designed to create as little drag as possible. Mercedes-Benz provided flights from DC to …
Sep 27, 2022: Hawaii County Surf Forecast for September 27, 2022 Forecast for Big Island Windward and Southeast Shores Today Wednesday Surf Surf AM PM AM PM North Facing 0-2 0-2 1-3 1-3 East Facing …
Sep 27, 2022: Apps can pose bigger security, privacy threat based on where you download them Enlarge (credit: …
Sep 27, 2022: Nreal’s $380 AR glasses want to be a virtual monitor for MacBooks Enlarge / Nreal depicts someone using the Air glasses to extend their MacBook desktop. (credit: Nreal) As augmented reality (AR) glasses continue to …
Sep 27, 2022: Ian reaches major hurricane status, will be a historic storm for Florida Enlarge / As of 5:50 am ET on Tuesday, Hurricane Ian had nearly traversed the island of Cuba. (credit: NOAA) Hurricane Ian continued to intensify on …
Sep 26, 2022: Cat Stevens.…
Sep 26, 2022: University of Hawaiʻi Astronomers To Track Impact of Today’s NASA Asteroid Collision Test Illustration of NASA’s Double Asteroid Redirection Test spacecraft prior to impact. Credit: NASA/Johns Hopkins APL NASA just crashed a spacecraft the …
Sep 26, 2022: DART goes silent after hitting an asteroid [Update] Enlarge / One of the last images from DART. (credit: NASA/APL) Update, 10:30 pm ET: If this is an indication of the quality of the images we should …
Sep 26, 2022: All State Library Locations Closed Due to Unspecified Threat All Hawai‘i State Public Library System locations are closed today due to an unspecified threat. The library has been working with local law …
Sep 26, 2022: Experts debate the ethics of LinkedIn’s algorithm experiments on 20M users Enlarge (credit: Bloomberg / Contributor | Bloomberg) This month, LinkedIn researchers revealed in Science that the company spent five years quietly …
Sep 26, 2022: One of first albums I had
Sep 26, 2022: 20-year-old Linux workaround is still slowing down AMD systems Enlarge / A second-generation Epyc server chip from AMD, one that may have been running 2002-era Linux code slowing it down. (credit: Getty Images) …
Sep 26, 2022: As ISPs seek payments from Big Tech, Google criticizes “sender-pays” model Enlarge / Google's Matt Brittin, president of EMEA Business and Operations, speaks at the Web Summit on November 9, 2017, in Lisbon, Portugal. …
Sep 26, 2022: E3 2023 books its physical venue, schedule—and confirms new fan-friendly twist Enlarge / It's baaaaaaack! (credit: ESA / ReedPOP) The annual gaming expo once known as E3 is finally drawing closer toward rebirth as a physical …
Sep 26, 2022: Russia plans “massive cyberattacks” on critical infrastructure, Ukraine warns Enlarge (credit: gwengoat | Getty Images) The Ukrainian government on Monday warned that the Kremlin is planning to carry out “massive cyberattacks” …
Sep 26, 2022: Hawaii County Weather Forecast for September 26, 2022 Photo Credit: James Grenz Hilo Today: Mostly sunny with isolated showers in the morning, then partly sunny with scattered showers in the afternoon. …
Sep 26, 2022: ‘Quite a Jewel:ʻ County Offered Chance to Buy Keauhou Bay Property in Kona Fifteen years ago, Ed and Rhonnie Rapoza could have built two beach homes on waterfront property they owned off Ali‘i Drive in downtown Kailua-Kona. …
Sep 26, 2022: Online Event Connects UH Grads to IT, Intelligence Career Opportunities Graduating students and recent grads of the University of Hawaiʻi system interested in pursuing careers in the information technology and intelligence …
Sep 26, 2022: Road Work to Begin This Week on Stainback Highway Repairs to an East Hawaiʻi roadway are set to begin this week. Repairs are slated for a portion of Stainback Highway in East Hawaiʻi. (Screenshot) …
Sep 26, 2022: UH-Hilo Men’s Basketball 2022-23 Season Opens With 17 Home State Games Photo by Joe Poellot/Joe Poellot Photography and courtesy of University of Hawai‘i at Hilo The University of Hawai‘i at Hilo men’s basketball team …
Sep 26, 2022: UH-Hilo Women’s Basketball Announces 2022-23 Schedule Courtesy of University of Hawai‘i at Hilo Sports Information The University of Hawai‘i at Hilo women’s basketball team’s 2022-23 schedule features …
Sep 26, 2022: Hawaii County Surf Forecast for September 26, 2022 Forecast for Big Island Windward and Southeast Shores Today Tuesday Surf Surf AM PM AM PM North Facing 0-2 0-2 0-2 0-2 East Facing …
Sep 25, 2022: Portion of Kuakini Highway Closed due to Flooding A portion of Kuakini Highway is closed due to flooding this evening. A flood advisory was issued for the north and south Kona Districts through 11 …
Sep 25, 2022: Cooking Up Opportunity: La‘i‘ōpua 2020, HCC Offer Free Chance to Explore Culinary Careers Have you ever watched a cooking show and thought, “I could do that”? How much time do you spend crafting culinary creations of your own in the …
Sep 25, 2022: Council Honors Kaʻū Patrol Officer For Lifesaving Actions The Hawaiʻi County Council on Tuesday presented Kaʻū Patrol Officer Xylon Takata with the Hāweo Award for September during a meeting of the council’s …
Sep 25, 2022: Hilo Community Players presents Musical ‘The Last Five Years’ Linda Winer of Newsday called it “an engaging chamber musical infused with intimate, emotionally perceptive, nonstop songs.” Maya Phillips of The New …
Sep 25, 2022: Hawaii County Weather Forecast for September 25, 2022 Photo Credit: James Grenz Hilo Today: Mostly sunny early in the morning then becoming mostly cloudy. Isolated showers early in the morning, then …
Sep 25, 2022: Farm Vehicles Have New Safety Check Form to Fill Out Farmers renewing their safety checks have a new form to fill out to do so. The new forms for designated covered farm vehicles are available on the …
Sep 25, 2022: Pāhoa Community Garden Nourishes Families and Teaches Children about the Land Courtesy of Timothy Rowan With soaring food prices, feeding five children can be tough. But 32-year-old Jasmine Tripp has been able to provide …
Sep 25, 2022: Hawaii County Surf Forecast for September 25, 2022 Forecast for Big Island Windward and Southeast Shores Today Monday Surf Surf AM PM AM PM North Facing 1-3 1-3 0-2 0-2 East Facing 1-3 …
Sep 24, 2022: Since I switched to the beta, does not show up anywhere in the IOS sharesheets. I’ve looked at add and edit. It’s not there
Sep 24, 2022: Instructors Asking for Feedback on Maunakea Teaching Telescope Plan The University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo wants to know what the public thinks of its telescope plan. The school is proposing to locate its 28-inch …
Sep 24, 2022: Volcano Watch: Where’s That Lava Headed and When Will it Get There? Volcano Watch is a weekly article and activity update written by U.S. Geological Survey Hawaiian Volcano Observatory scientists and affiliates. This …
Sep 24, 2022: Watch: Waipi‘o Valley Home Burns to the Ground A residential home burned to the ground in Waipi‘o Valley Friday, a scene to which firefighters had difficulty responding given the remote location. …
Sep 24, 2022: The Heineken Ad from 2017 is brilliant…
Sep 24, 2022: Hawaii County Weather Forecast for September 24, 2022 Photo Credit: James Grenz Hilo Today: Partly sunny with scattered showers. Highs 81 to 86 near the shore to 66 to 73 at 4000 feet. Light winds …
Sep 23, 2022: I had one of these RadioShack laptops. More of a novelty at the time, used the address book and played with the text editor.
Sep 22, 2022: Had an employee new to the Restaurant business ask me why I’ve stayed in the business so long (40 years). I told him, meals and eating are not only a …
Sep 22, 2022: Watched the 1st 3 episodes of Andor. I really liked Rogue One. Really hope Jyn Erso makes an appearance
Sep 20, 2022: I can only smile when I read posts by younger nerds getting all persnickety about the tiniest things in the OS or on hardware. I’m old enough to …
Sep 20, 2022: Went back and watched season 2 of Fargo. That was a good one. Better than of of shows that have come out since then.
Sep 16, 2022: Never really been an MLS fan, but with Apple making a serious commitment in broadcasting almost every match, thought I should take the dive. Adopting …
Sep 14, 2022: We’ll written Why The Chef Can’t Make The Dish You Just Invented - The Restaurant Manifesto
Sep 14, 2022: It’s so refreshing working in an analog world. The only digital thing we have is the touch screen the orders come in to the kitchen on. We have …
Sep 14, 2022: The last line says it all. Nothing currently on discovery interests me. HBO Max and Discovery Plus’ reinvention might come with some …
Sep 13, 2022: Not likely watching many World Cup matches if at all. Fox doesn’t offer streaming and the match times in Hawaii are untenable …
Sep 13, 2022: Just watched Snow White & The Huntsman. Very much enjoyed it. Been out 10 years, not sure how I missed it.
Sep 13, 2022: This didn’t happen on purpose, but I’ve had an AMEX card for 40 years. Nothing in my life has been around for 40 years save for maybe an odd coffee …
Sep 12, 2022: Got the latest COVID shot and flu shot today, no side effects so far, though the only side effect I had before was feeling tired.
Sep 11, 2022: This needs to be posted now and then Louis CK Everything Is Amazing And Nobody Is Happy
Sep 11, 2022: Remember the early internet, every web designer was trying to do something unique and different until they realized their TOS tanked, then they …
Sep 11, 2022: 9/11 30 years ago, Hurricane Iniki, I had just moved to Hawaii Island. It devastated Kauai, it was a clam clear day here. We flew up there to help …
Sep 10, 2022: I am not into the dramas of British Royals. My wife follows it all. I made one comment and that opened the door. I got a full update. More than I …
Sep 10, 2022: I guess AAA thought putting 5 of these in with my bill would make it more likely I read it. Not so.
Sep 9, 2022: Changing my career path has been a life changer. I was a top level F&B manager at resorts and corporate restaurants. Now I’m a kitchen manager at a …
Sep 9, 2022: Good on Apple expanding AppleCare to unlimited accidental damage incidents rather than just 2 incidents a year.
Sep 8, 2022: just watched Thor Love and Thunder. Loved it. But then, I’m simple when it comes to movies. I just want to escape for a while.
Sep 8, 2022: My RSS feed just shifted from Apple and Mar-a-Lago to
Sep 7, 2022: So far only the new AirPods interest me. I don’t dive or run or hike off the grid or play games on my phone or use Apple Workouts. A new AppleTV might …
Sep 7, 2022: Next stop. Milky Way Road
Sep 7, 2022: I set the Arc browser as default to force a deeper dive. Really like it’s simplicity, but still have Safari open to do some things due to familiarity. …
Sep 6, 2022: Love this version
Sep 6, 2022: Amie what’s you wanna do? #NowPlaying “Amie” by Pure Prairie League on @Sonos
Sep 6, 2022: I remember when a bag of potato chips would go stale practically as soon as it was opened. What voodoo do they do to the chips now that stay crisp …
Sep 5, 2022: Ok Apple. Jackson Brown’s Stay and Load Out are one fricken song. Why do you break them up in playlists?
Sep 5, 2022: I grew up in Hawaii and have never really second guessed our decision to stay when so many local people have moved away for better opportunities or …
Sep 5, 2022: Listening to my 2020 Apple playlist. Listened to a lot of older (late 80s-mid 90s) mellow music during the lockdown and those first few weeks back at …
Sep 5, 2022: Current status
Sep 5, 2022: Three days in at the career roll back. I love cooking, hot kitchens don’t bother me, just need to add some electrolytes to my water. Being mid level …
Sep 5, 2022: In college I either did CliffsNotes or quick scans of books. Thinking the Grapes of Wrath next.
Sep 5, 2022: Slowly getting back into reading with this new found free time getting out of top management. I like history and fiction rooted in history. Really …
Sep 4, 2022: ❤️…
Sep 4, 2022: A couple of weeks ago I cleaned up our home network. The modem and router is in the 2nd bedroom (wife’s office). The Apple TV is in the living room …
Sep 2, 2022: First day. Loving it
Aug 31, 2022: Watching the movie Snatch for the umpteenth time. Love that movie.…
Aug 31, 2022: It’s strange that only Paramount has had live local broadcasts on their streaming app since launch. We watch the local morning news every day. Peacock …
Aug 30, 2022: Got the Arc Browser. Quite elegant. Playing with having everything I typically do on my Mac in the browser. MS365, iCloud, FBref,, …
Aug 30, 2022: The speed of this was interesting. I applied for the position on Saturday afternoon, I got a message later that day asking if i could interview …
Aug 30, 2022: Have a dual sim phone. Have 2 spam call filter apps, as neither will support both numberes Have Hiya and Trucaller.
Aug 29, 2022: I haven’t died yet. Is the 5-Second Rule Healthy? - Food Network Healthy Eats: Recipes, Ideas, and Food News - Food Network
Aug 29, 2022: Dodgers' magic number is 15. They have forced the other teams in the west to win every day to even have a glimmer of a hope.
Aug 29, 2022: I have about 16 extra hours a week between not having a commute and not doing GM stuff after restaurant closing, plus all of the work I was doing at …
Aug 29, 2022: The Beginning of a Beautiful Friendship…
Aug 29, 2022: Finally getting around to watching Umbrella Academy. I watched episode 1 a few months back. Love it
Aug 29, 2022: Signed and sealed. And got a higher offer. So only 30% less pay for a lot less stress
Aug 29, 2022: Haven’t sat inside a Starbucks for 2 1/2 years. Was almost a daily stop. That place between home and work. Likely won’t need that gap between the two …
Aug 29, 2022: My invite for Arc arrives tomorrow, looking forward to a test drive
Aug 28, 2022: Looks like I’m taking a job as an Asst. Kitchen manager at a locally owned restaurant. 40% pay cut - 200% stress cut. I’ve been a restaurant GM or …
Aug 28, 2022: The sugar ants are having a party
Aug 26, 2022: It’s getting closer to a point where it makes financial sense to drop out of management and just become a line cook.
Aug 26, 2022: The biggest change I see in post Covid restaurant is the high cost of labor is forcing places to go with less staff forcing managers to do more of the …
Aug 25, 2022: When asked Siri to beam me up
Aug 25, 2022: My desk set up 10 years ago. I was still building websites back then. That MacBook Pro was just decommissioned due to swelling battery.
Aug 25, 2022: Lots of news on “Quiet quitting” That’s now new, people have been doing that for years. There’s also quiet firing or managing them out the door.
Aug 22, 2022: My much better half is almost home. She’s been traveling for 13 hours so far. 90 min to go
Aug 22, 2022: Nice, but they shove a number of matches over to USA network, cable account required. Peacock’s major new features enhance …
Aug 20, 2022: Good day sports wise. #Arsenal took the 3 points - top of the table #Inter also took the points - top of the table #Dodgers on the good side of 7-nil …
Aug 19, 2022: When I read or hear the term MagSafe I still think of the plug on the side of older Macs, not the back of my iPhone.
Aug 18, 2022: I’m not a podcaster, but I got one last year for those annual family FaceTime calls on birthdays and holidays. It makes a difference. The new stage …
Aug 17, 2022: Staying put As to climate change. We live on a rather big island (that’s kind of why they call it “The Big Island”)There is plenty of room inland to live to …
Aug 16, 2022: Extracted from the last of our 4 dead Apple laptops dating back as far as 10 years
Aug 16, 2022: Apple screws
Aug 16, 2022: Every year on August 16 it doesn’t catch up with me until later in the day, it’s the anniversary of my first marriage - 1980. The second one has been …
Aug 16, 2022: Go my Steam Deck today. All set up and downloaded a few games from my library. Then got lost for a couple of hours trying out the play. I’ll like it. …
Aug 15, 2022: First sunset at my new job. Had a week off, got a lot done around the house. First real time off since the original COVID lockdown
Aug 13, 2022: 10 years ago last month, we were in Ireland. Can’t wait to go back
Aug 13, 2022: Nice day. #Arsenal ++ #Inter ++ Met my team the the restaurant I’ll be managing starting next week. Having tacos for lunch. All set for an afternoon …
Aug 13, 2022: It lost its role as the driver of our home network a few years ago, but looking to repurpose it as the Time Machine capsule for my Mac Mini.
Aug 12, 2022: This time of year the sun shines right in our lanai, so the shade comes down while in enjoy a Kona Longboard Island Lager Listening to Clientele
Aug 12, 2022: the big rewire. My wife went to the mainland to visit family. First time since before Covid. I didn’t go this time, start a new job Monday. I did use the free time to …
Aug 11, 2022: .
Aug 11, 2022: Found two Apple Microfibers while cleaning. #FTW
Aug 10, 2022: Love the AppleTV+ Baseball All day. Like Red Zone for baseball
Aug 10, 2022: I watch this every now and again. Love it. A new Ireland Rising…
Aug 10, 2022: Still in the cellophane
Aug 10, 2022: The good old days
Aug 10, 2022: Just finished watching Sandman, Very entertaining.
Aug 9, 2022: Not to mention all of these guys too
Aug 9, 2022: Can never seem to find a lightning cable when one is urgently needed. But of course, in cleaning out a couple of cabinets, they all resurface.
Aug 9, 2022: I deleted and stopped using Facebook 5 years ago and Instagram 3 years ago. Never going back.
Aug 9, 2022: The Microsoft apps take so much memory.
Aug 8, 2022: That explains it. I think. Burger King just emailed everyone a blank receipt in a whopper of a mistake
Aug 8, 2022: The Dodgers have been on a tear and have a much deserved day off. Hopefully the Pads and the Giants beat each other up.
Aug 8, 2022: Removed the drives from some old Macs so I can have them recycled
Aug 8, 2022: Inside a non-functional 2014 MacBook Pro.
Aug 8, 2022: Steam Deck ordered, no word on my PlayDate.
Aug 8, 2022: Ry Cooder
Aug 8, 2022: Just watched Paris Texas. Last saw it about 30 years. A video store rental. Didn’t appreciate it back then. Really enjoyed it this time.
Aug 8, 2022: The GOP smokescreen. Everything they do is about staying in office. They don’t really do anything. Symbolism over substance.
Aug 7, 2022: Amongst this man made coconut grove on a former lava flow are the multi $million homes of $Billionaires, business leaders, entertainers and …
Aug 7, 2022: Some signs at Ka’upulehu
Aug 7, 2022: Got it. No real issues with this.
Aug 7, 2022: Noted.
Aug 7, 2022: A week off between jobs. Much appreciated. Haven’t more than 2 days off in a row since the lockdown.
Aug 5, 2022: Rough for them, the GOP should support the climate change bill. My family is from Kentucky, since 1785 After floods, Kentucky …
Aug 4, 2022: I’m as old as this album. It still sound amazing. Me not so much…
Aug 4, 2022: 🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶
Aug 4, 2022: NBC has moved most of the Premier League matches to the USA network which requires a cable account, so another season of not seeing most Arsenal …
Aug 4, 2022: Just got into my car. The dashboard is 167 degrees. Damn
Aug 3, 2022: Cutting the cable 3 years ago gave us the latitude to get faster internet and be able to afford a myriad of streaming services at a combined monthly …
Aug 3, 2022: We have 5 non-functioning Macs in the closet. I’ll spend some time next week taking out the drives. Then find someplace to recycle.
Aug 2, 2022: It’s time for Dodger Baseball. RIP Vin
Aug 2, 2022: Last week at my current corporate job.
Aug 2, 2022: Hawaii has all mail in ballot. No polling places. The only in-person polling places are the county offices and they are open now for the primary. So …
Aug 1, 2022: Hershey’s Corn syrup
Aug 1, 2022: Whoa! Can’t wait. andor trailer - Google Search
Jul 31, 2022: Wanted to get a new case for my iPhone. Guess not till tomorrow
Jul 31, 2022: Sunday afternoon playlist #NowPlaying “Isn’t This A Lovely Day” by Diana Krall on @Sonos
Jul 31, 2022: Spontaneous mid day off nap. Went into the bedroom and the bed wasn’t made up, it was calling me.
Jul 30, 2022: We’re throwing away a dozen expired home Covid tests. Remember when they were impossible to get?
Jul 29, 2022: My first time being home early enough to catch one of AppleTV Friday night baseball. The picture quality is solid. Very enjoyable experience Also, …
Jul 28, 2022: This was today. I’m the Average Driver on the Road Right Now, and I’m Out of My Fucking Mind
Jul 28, 2022: Happy dogs
Jul 27, 2022: Apple is the only company the has true consumer overnight delivery to Hawaii. Ships today, arrives tomorrow. Not on everything, but on important …
Jul 25, 2022: I’ve never purchased AppleCare on a phone before, but I’ve never purchased a $1k phone before
Jul 25, 2022: Been on a call with Apple support for over 2 hours. 3 escalations to senior support persons. At this rate, I may get to Tim Cook. An issue with my …
Jul 24, 2022: One of the greatest advances in streaming services is “skip intro”
Jul 24, 2022: Keauhou has gone to the birds.
Jul 24, 2022: Trimmed tree and untrimmed tree
Jul 24, 2022: Current status. Keauhou Bay
Jul 23, 2022: Missed a lot while at work today. #Arsenal thumped Chelsea and #Marvel announced a bunch of stuff.
Jul 23, 2022: Uh oh. Brush fire
Jul 22, 2022: Mauna Kea
Jul 21, 2022: Doesn’t seem to be a choice in Mac wallpaper on the beta to apply to all screens. A small thing, but…..
Jul 20, 2022: Been a Diana Krall fan for years. Nice duet
Jul 18, 2022: Pulled the trigger. 3 weeks more of corporate restaurant. Then working local.
Jul 17, 2022: Sunday afternoon. Made a pot of chili. I use coarse ground pork and beef. I like mine thick, spicy and no beans. Yum 😋
Jul 17, 2022: How companies can expect infinite growth is beyond me. Netflix is in rough shape. This week will determine its future
Jul 16, 2022: Hurricane Darby will miss us, but has sucked the trade winds away. It’s 80 degrees and massively humid at 1am. Yuk!
Jul 13, 2022: The more Sports Apple gets, the more other things that I can cancel. NFL Sunday Ticket on Apple is now closer than ever - iMore
Jul 11, 2022: Will likely be leaving my current job in short time. The restaurant that I manage is in desperate need of repair and the company shows no sign of …
Jul 11, 2022: That 1 second has taken 5 minutes
Jul 11, 2022: The local morning news here in Hawaii had multiple commercials for Illinois tourism. Also one for Oregon and more than one for California Great …
Jul 10, 2022: Clearly remember that morning. Where we lived at that time we were pretty much 38 min from anything, so I just grabbed a bottle of Irish whiskey and …
Jul 10, 2022: Canoe
Jul 10, 2022: Kind of wondering if California and other blue states will just defy SCOTUS as they continue to erode personal rights of women and non-white citizens. …
Jul 9, 2022: Kohala coast from the Eva Parker Woods cottage at Mauna Lani
Jul 8, 2022:
Jul 8, 2022: Something old
Jul 5, 2022: Remanants of s busy night
Jul 4, 2022: I had a number of these devices. Life before iPhone: A look back at early smartphones and PDAs
Jul 3, 2022: Jameson’s on the rocks
Jul 2, 2022: He was right to be concerned
Jun 30, 2022: Low key birthday. Worked most of the day. Home early from work. 22,995 amazing days. No regrets at all and expecting many more. Lots of longevity in …
Jun 30, 2022: Is there anybody out there?
Jun 29, 2022: Post sunset
Jun 27, 2022: Ok that all wasn’t enough. Just finished the final episode of season 3 of Travelers
Jun 27, 2022: Productive days off. Finished off The Night Manager, Obi Wan and Counterpart and watched Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. Still time for …
Jun 25, 2022: Fun times Wordle 371 4/6 ⬛🟨⬛🟨⬛ 🟨🟨⬛⬛⬛ ⬛🟨🟩🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
Jun 24, 2022: My 2013 Hyundai Accent has almost 109k miles and still gets amazing mileage. All of those miles on a rock in the middle of the ocean
Jun 24, 2022: Wondering if Hawaii can secede.
Jun 24, 2022: Wonder how long it will take for SCOTUS to allow guns on planes
Jun 23, 2022: Sad truth The US supreme court just made America a more dangerous, violent place | Jill Filipovic
Jun 23, 2022: Disco
Jun 23, 2022: Wordle 369 5/6 ⬛⬛🟩⬛⬛ ⬛⬛🟩⬛🟩 🟩⬛🟩⬛🟩 🟩⬛🟩⬛🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
Jun 22, 2022: My brain right now
Jun 20, 2022: Heard a quote in an interview this week that really makes sense; the constitution was designed as a framework and not designed to be the rule of law. …
Jun 20, 2022: True. There has to be a better way to binge
Jun 20, 2022: 2 months with the M1 MacBook Air. Fastest laptop I’ve ever had. Takes on all tasks
Jun 20, 2022: A classic.…
Jun 20, 2022: Just discovered the FX show “The Old Man” on Hulu. Really enjoying it.
Jun 20, 2022: Finally got Canary mail and to play nice together after days of error messages. Set it up on Mac and the settings synced to all devices …
Jun 19, 2022: I love using my iPhone 13 pro at home with no case, don’t dare when I’m out, it does take a beating out in the wild.
Jun 19, 2022: And my Dad
Jun 19, 2022: Me and my Grandfather
Jun 19, 2022: Nice MLBtv Father’s Day special. No thanks. All of these teams blacked out in Hawaii. Getting more difficult to be a sports fan, not easier Los …
Jun 15, 2022: Worked 13 hours, 9 hours on Sauté, waiting for the pain killers to kick in before bed. Whew!
Jun 15, 2022: In choosing an MLS, I’ve kind of adapted Los Angeles FC, I was born in LA and am a Dodger. For an east coast squeeze the NE revolution sounds about …
Jun 14, 2022: Guess I’m going all in MLS (and Serie A on Paramount) NBC still want to keep most of the EPL behind a cable wall. MLS and Apple …
Jun 13, 2022: Father’s Day deal on MLBTv is enticing, but they still blackout all west coast games in Hawaii. Really sucks
Jun 12, 2022: Keauhou bay. Shortly before sunset
Jun 12, 2022: Always love these lyrics: While Mona Lisas and Mad Hatters Sons of bankers, sons of lawyers Turn around and say good morning to the night For unless …
Jun 12, 2022: “Take my word, I’m a madman, don’t you know”
Jun 12, 2022: I got this leather satchel from Hide and Drink a few years ago for my 12" MacBook. Now I use for my MB Air and to carry papers and small things …
Jun 10, 2022: The view on my daily commute
Jun 9, 2022: This just happened
Jun 7, 2022: Not only did I eat the “whole enchilada” I had both of them, and a piece of cake.
Jun 7, 2022: Not sure if I’m a Star Wars super fan, but I do have these in my car
Jun 6, 2022: The first year in many that I don’t have a Dev account and am not partaking in the early betas. Things are so crazy at work, I won’t miss it.
Jun 5, 2022: Still a fun watch after all of these years. Once Upon a Time in Mexico (2003) Hitman “El Mariachi” becomes involved in international …
Jun 5, 2022: Really happy with using a dual Sim phone. Have Soectrum mobile on the Verizon network and Mint Mobile on the T-Mobile network.
Jun 5, 2022: Always liked this album. Had the cassette and then the CD in my truck for years.
Jun 5, 2022: Got my 2nd booster today. So far so good. Had to delay it a couple of weeks due to a pesky head cold that took longer to shake. Btw tested COVID …
Jun 5, 2022: My wife is sucker for a deal or a new item at Costco. Some are winners and some are dogs. This week she brought home a package of frozen fajita …
Jun 3, 2022: What a beautiful time to be free. What a glorious world this will be. Hasn’t quite turned out this way.
Jun 3, 2022: New lower price on MLBtv. Still not worth it, they still blackout all west coast games in Hawaii.
Jun 3, 2022: Canceled my Facebook and Instagram accounts a few years ago. I miss a few things people post links to on those networks, don’t open them as I don’t …
May 29, 2022: Glad to see Forest back in the Premiership. These clubs all have history older than the Premier league and it’s fun to look up the history between 2 …
May 27, 2022: Well well, I vaccinated and boosted and still COVID free. Staying as safe as is reasonable managing a restaurant
May 27, 2022: Orange you happy
May 23, 2022: Signs
May 23, 2022: It’s ironic that my credit score briefly when above 800 a couple of years ago, then we paid of all of our consumer debt and now it’s gone down because …
May 22, 2022: A little shake and rattle 2 mikes away.
May 12, 2022: First head cod since before Pandemic. Not too bad so far.
May 12, 2022: My mobile service sucks at my new workplace. Dropping calls. Thinking Of using the iPhones dual SIM feature and adding another carrier who has better …
May 11, 2022: Just love this song. Alway did. The rifts, the sax. Oh and the vocals.
May 11, 2022: Woke up with a scratchy throat and sniffles, Wife brought a COVID quick test into the room and said to this be before you come out. Negative
May 5, 2022: Cleaning out the car. A collection of masks from the past 2 years.
May 4, 2022: First clue our flight is late. Time to board and no plane yet.
May 4, 2022: I’m convinced these are for people who’s mobile phones are dead.
May 4, 2022: This place is amazing. Reminds me of the long gone Shirokiya bakery in Ala Moana. Love Japanese milk bread and pastries that double as meals.
May 3, 2022: Here it is.
May 3, 2022: Ala Moana beach park for sunset. It hasn’t happened yet
May 2, 2022: Date night. Chart House Waikiki. Been there since 1968. Still wonderful. Have been here since sometime in the early 90s. Used come a lot in the 80s. …
May 2, 2022: You know when you have Dr appointment booked 5 months in advance and they still make you wait 40 min in the office. Yea that.
May 2, 2022: American oligarchs Bezos Musk Zuckerberg Google is on a differed level
May 2, 2022: Whew. We got all the way to the airport parking lot in Kona, then realised we forgot one bag. Went all the way back home, then back to the airport. …
May 1, 2022: Got home today. 7 weeks of training. All certifications complete. Woke up at 2:30am in California this morning for a 5:15am flight. It just hit me, …
May 1, 2022: A young lady walked up to bar at the Sacramento airport, where I’m having coffee and oatmeal at 7:30am and ordered a double Patron. I’m guessing she …
May 1, 2022: Sun rising over California. In my way home
May 1, 2022: I was lamenting about there being nothing open at Ontario airport at 4:30 am to get coffee (flight boards at 4:45). But lo and behold, a coffee …
May 1, 2022: It’s been a blast. Ready to go home
Apr 30, 2022: Last night in California this time. It’s been a great 2 weeks. This called for rellanos and tacos.
Apr 27, 2022: You can’t come to LA and not have an Original Tommy’s Chili Burger, Fries and a shake
Apr 27, 2022: It’s kind of calming having an Irish Woman narrate my navigation on Apple Maps driving in California traffic
Apr 25, 2022: In Hawaii #MLBtv blackouts every west coast team. So even when they’re playing anothe mr west coast team. It’s not like we have the choice of driving …
Apr 25, 2022: Sunset Corona CA
Apr 25, 2022: A late afternoon beer in the room with the freeway in the background. The afternoon traffic is kind of why I’m having a beer in the room. Don’t want …
Apr 25, 2022: I’ve noticed while driving in California, the center lane can often turn into a left or right turn only lane with minimal prior notice. I’ve been …
Apr 25, 2022: Stopped at a TGI Firdays in Corona CA for a beer out of curiosity. I managed for Fridays for 10 years in the 80s. I expected a fair amount of change, …
Apr 25, 2022: Heading back down from Riverside to Corona I told Google maps to avoid highways. It sent me on a route more direct, through a couple of valleys and …
Apr 25, 2022: Finally finished East of Eden. Didn’t want it to end. Took a while, just haven’t had time to book read. Hope to carve out more after I settle in at …
Apr 24, 2022: It was a great day. Glad I drove down there. Dodgers vs. Padres - Play-By-Play - April 24, 2022 - ESPN
Apr 24, 2022: In person
Apr 24, 2022: Open view. No one in front of me. Potential foul ball zone too. amazing vibe in all of downtown San Diego.
Apr 24, 2022: Nice
Apr 24, 2022: Just got to San Diego for the game. First time here in a decade. A couple of blocks of downtown closed due to accident.
Apr 19, 2022: In- n-out. The first on many over the Next 2 weeks
Apr 19, 2022: Tall and skinny
Apr 18, 2022: Spare parts on the tarmac
Apr 18, 2022: San Jose International
Apr 18, 2022: Just landed in San Jose. First time on the continent in a number of years.
Apr 18, 2022: We all still have to take our shoes off at airports because one dufus put something in his shoe. Still annoyed
Apr 17, 2022: My 1 day at home before I’m back on a plane in the morning. Laundry, Easter lunch with our grandsons, quiet listening time to The Clientele and a …
Apr 17, 2022: I moved away from Honolulu in 1991. After being there for the past 5 weeks, I know I can’t live there again. Wall to wall people and concrete. No …
Apr 17, 2022: One day home before back on the road. Laundry done
Apr 16, 2022: Sunset from inside an airline terminal
Apr 16, 2022: my 40 min flight home to Kona is delayed 2 hours
Apr 15, 2022: Last night in the hotel after 5 weeks of trainings. It’s been amazing in many ways.
Apr 14, 2022: Post sunset
Apr 13, 2022: Ala Wai yacht harbor. Where’s the Minnow went on that fateful trip on Gilligan’s island
Apr 13, 2022: Ala Moana beach park was one of my favourite places to come when I lived here. An oasis in the city.
Apr 13, 2022: Went on a walk at Ala Moana beach park and Magic island. The forest of tall buildings seem less imposing from this perspective
Apr 12, 2022: The problem is you have to choose a show on demand. When we had cable, my Wife, who has worked at home for years, would have CNN on all day in the …
Apr 11, 2022: Now we’re cookin
Apr 11, 2022: Going old school island music. A protest song of sorts.
Apr 11, 2022: Back to Honolulu.
Apr 11, 2022: This Elon v Twitter saga will be interesting, hopefully it be just benign folly.
Apr 10, 2022: The record liner from Sunday Manoa Guava Jam released in 1969. The liner features many other Hawaiian music releases from Hula Records. Also available …
Apr 10, 2022: Went for a morning walk on one of our favorite trails along the coast at Hualalai resort. This time we went to the end of the trail to see how work is …
Apr 10, 2022: The Rolling Stones played a private concert in the largest tent ever erecting on Hawaii island for a Pepsi convention at the Hilton Waikoloa village …
Apr 10, 2022: $15,000 a night. Four season Hualalai
Apr 10, 2022: Coming home on my days off includes doing laundry.
Apr 9, 2022: Flight delayed 90 min. Back at the hotel
Apr 9, 2022: The breakfast cooking line at Liliha Bakery, where I’ve had breakfast almost daily since I arrived in Honolulu 4 weeks ago
Apr 7, 2022: Guarantee Elon will influence Twitter to suit his needs. Would not be surprised if we see Trump back on Twitter
Apr 6, 2022: I have 2 days off while training in California. Going to spend one of them going down to San Diego to catch a Dodger game. Can’t wait
Apr 6, 2022: Looking out the lanai of my hotel room, all but one of the buildings (the Ala Moana building) in my view were not there when I moved to Hawaii Island …
Apr 5, 2022: This just happened.
Apr 4, 2022: Honolulu, I’m coming back to you again.
Apr 4, 2022: Aloha Kona. See you in a week.
Apr 4, 2022: Have a pizza and a beer and taking in a ball game before I head to the airport.
Apr 4, 2022: I wish getting a new Mac was as seamless as a new phone. Took me a few days to get the Mac dialled in.
Apr 3, 2022: The video
Apr 3, 2022: No such thing as a winnable war
Apr 3, 2022: We walked the Oceanside path at the Four Seasons Hualalai this afternoon. I fly back to Honolulu tomorrow.
Apr 3, 2022: Mexican Coke. It was good
Apr 3, 2022: My quiver
Apr 3, 2022: This is obscene. 20 year old condos, 810 sf, lumber construction that originally sold for $99-120k are going for over $500k. 2 years ago they sold for …
Apr 2, 2022: While I’m training at Macaroni Grill on Oahu, I get to try a different dish each day. Yum Haven’t gained any weight yet
Mar 31, 2022: On Hawaii island there’s nothing new coming. Actually we get worked up over a house being built on a piece of land that’s been empty for 59 years.
Mar 31, 2022: Another one going up
Mar 31, 2022: Growing up, the Kaka’ako are in Honolulu was light industrial and services. This goes back to the early 1900s. It’s where you went to get your car …
Mar 29, 2022: Haven’t been back at my room before sunset often since I got here Nice one today
Mar 29, 2022: Just preordered this. I’m the current climate, sounds like a pertinent read.
Mar 27, 2022: Watched French Dispatch. Not sure. The cinematography was true Wes Anderson, I live that style. The story was meh. I’ll likely watch it again to make …
Mar 27, 2022: My wife recalled that her great Aunt have given this blanket to her 40 years ago. She was from Odessa
Mar 27, 2022: Home. At least for a night
Mar 27, 2022: Homeward bound. For one night
Mar 27, 2022: How quaint
Mar 25, 2022: Broke down and got a new 13” air. The company I just started with does almost everything in the cloud. I got this Mac based on a lot of feedback on …
Mar 22, 2022: I moved from Oahu to Hawaii island 30 years ago. Riding an Uber through Honolulu, 90% of the buildings are still here and as they were 30 years, with …
Mar 21, 2022: To get the HomePod to work on the hotel network, I first had to switch my iPad to my phone’s hotspot and set up the HomePod on that device, then …
Mar 21, 2022: Met my daughter for an early dinner. Haven’t seen her since before Covid. Nice catching up. A lot has happened. 2 of her grandmothers and one grampa …
Mar 21, 2022: We’re have Sonos at home, but since I’m in a hotel room for 6 weeks and I have proximity to an Apple store, I got a HomePod mini for my hotel room.
Mar 21, 2022: Cool afternoon
Mar 19, 2022: I’m going to be training in Corona Ca for 2 weeks in late April, hoping to catch the Dodgers while I’m there.
Mar 17, 2022: Here’s one like looking mauka. Up toward the mountains
Mar 17, 2022: Honolulu by night
Mar 17, 2022: Finally off work. Happy St Patrick’s day
Mar 16, 2022: same differences Growing up in Hawaii, at least most of us of a certain age are just more tolerant of other Peoples ways. We knew the way the Filipinos or Chinese or …
Mar 16, 2022: My home for the next month. Not bad
Mar 16, 2022: Honolulu, I am coming back to you.
Mar 16, 2022: My old school lo tech music player has music that I put on it about 10 years ago. Good job. Timeless selection
Mar 15, 2022: People keep on dying
Mar 15, 2022: Saw Loggins and Messina a number of times while in High School. They played in Hawaii a lot
Mar 15, 2022: This is the longest, by time, trip I’m going on in 20+ years. 4 weeks away from home. There’s a chance I can fly home one weekend in the middle, but …
Mar 15, 2022: The last time I flew. My 60 birthday road trip 2019. Almost forgot how.
Mar 15, 2022: You know that feature when you long press the keyboard and can use it as track pad on an iPhone? Doesn’t work on my 13 Pro.
Mar 15, 2022: The Russians are killing their own 2 members of the Fox News team in Ukraine were killed in an attack
Mar 15, 2022: Here’s the video
Mar 15, 2022: unknown unknowns I don’t always agree with his politics, but this quote was a revelation to me. As a manager, I’m always looking for the unknown unknowns. Otherwise …
Mar 14, 2022: Pi day
Mar 14, 2022: Whew. 30 day notice at now former employer job done. One day off then right into the next thing.
Mar 12, 2022: I grew up during the Cold War. The USSR was the evil empire. Since the break up, I’ve met a lot of greet people from Russia, but now, seeing what’s …
Mar 12, 2022: A Scholar of Stalin Discusses Putin, Russia, Ukraine, and the West - The New Yorker
Mar 10, 2022: We’ve had 5 Macs and 2 iPhones die in the past 18 months. Likely just a coincidence as we we acquired most of them from 2013-15 and were all heavily …
Mar 9, 2022: I’m excited about this. I can’t watch Dodger games since we cut the cord Apple’s big Baseball deal, detailed – Six Colors
Mar 9, 2022: I’ve always been a Lenny Kravitz fan. That first album as a CD stayed in my car for a long time Lenny Kravitz: Tiny Desk (Home) …
Mar 9, 2022: End of life. Recycling bin
Mar 9, 2022: Someone lost their head
Mar 8, 2022: Homemade Crab Enchiladas. No beans or rice.
Mar 8, 2022: Just got this Mophie triple charger (via Apple) for go “go” bag, ahead of my 7 weeks away from home. Great hotel nightstand companion.
Mar 8, 2022: Yum
Mar 8, 2022: I actually wrote a check today. Almost forgot how. The carpet cleansers wanted cash or a check how quaint
Mar 8, 2022: I think when someone bumps me in the kitchen I’m going to fall over and roll all over the floor like the football (soccer) players do.
Mar 8, 2022: Well. Lots of bells and whistles from Apple. I’m most excited about the MLB announcement. Hoping for more forays into sports.
Mar 8, 2022: I have a seek thermal camera that plugs into my phone. Got a few years ago, it still works. This is the TV
Mar 8, 2022: The new iPad Air looks delicious, but don’t want to buy a new keyboard. It fits my iPad 9th Gen
Mar 5, 2022: Chillin’ before heading to work. Rough stretch coming up. 36 hours over the next 3 days.
Mar 5, 2022: In 10 days I start training for my new job. I will be off-island in Honolulu for 5 weeks and in Corona California for 2 weeks. For the Honolulu …
Mar 5, 2022: When we were in London in 2012, it was during Euros and British flags were up everywhere in support of England. The pubs were packed during matches. …
Mar 5, 2022: what IS normal?? Back in 2019, the world was chugging along with the normal BS. The environment was pretty much the biggest problem. Then we had a pandemic. Turned …
Mar 3, 2022: Reminds me of American Fries and ditching Grey Poupon when France tested nuclear bombs in the Pacific. Grey Poupon is from Nabisco. …
Mar 2, 2022: Hello
Mar 2, 2022: Damn. That on came too easy Wordle 256 3/6 ⬛⬛🟩⬛⬛ ⬛🟩🟩🟨🟨 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
Mar 2, 2022: If Trump is re-elected, maybe the rest of the world should sanction us.
Mar 1, 2022: I had forgotten that this one had a radio app
Mar 1, 2022: Going old school.
Mar 1, 2022:
Mar 1, 2022: My favourite coffee mug has mad it’s way to the front of the cabinet.
Mar 1, 2022: 2 first world problems. Getting a new phone requires logging in to apps one has not logged into for years. Having a large container of adapters and …
Mar 1, 2022: Wordle 255 4/6 ⬛⬛⬛🟨⬛ ⬛🟨⬛🟩🟩 ⬛⬛🟩🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
Feb 27, 2022:
Feb 26, 2022: In the Arms of an Angel
Feb 26, 2022: So nice to be out among people.
Feb 26, 2022: Got there amazing fast Wordle 252 5/6 ⬛🟨⬛⬛⬛ ⬛🟨⬛⬛⬛ ⬛🟩🟩⬛⬛ 🟩🟩🟩⬛🟨 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
Feb 25, 2022: Nothing I could post seems relevant in light of Ukraine’s plight. Heartbroken. And concerned that’s where the US is headed.
Feb 25, 2022: Big print giveth, small print taketh away
Feb 24, 2022: Playing with the 13 Pro camera. Night photos. Left with flash, right without.
Feb 24, 2022: Russia are now international thugs. Cyber attacks, invading a neighbors and being a nuisance for years
Feb 24, 2022: Whew Wordle 250 5/6 ⬛🟨🟨⬛⬛ 🟩🟨⬛⬛⬛ 🟩🟨⬛⬛🟨 🟩🟩🟨🟨⬛ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
Feb 23, 2022: Gonna find me a hole in a mountain… and blind inside and die.
Feb 23, 2022: Cool baby, strange but not a stranger
Feb 23, 2022: I won’t get my SteamDeck for a couple of months. I had cancelled my original reservation for the 64gb model in July to get the 512gb. It says after Q2 …
Feb 23, 2022: Lucky Wordle 249 3/6 ⬛🟨⬛🟨⬛ 🟨🟨🟨⬛🟨 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
Feb 22, 2022: 2.22.22 22:22.22
Feb 22, 2022: One thing I really like about the iPad is I can be doing some work, then if I want to read something I can slide it out of the keyboard and lean back …
Feb 22, 2022: Got some hands on with some Macs today. Not sure they will do anything that I need that my iPad with the keyboard or my Mac Mini can’t do.
Feb 22, 2022: Its taken a while to get here, but my Twitter feed is pretty much all art and photos at night and football (soccer) with a little bit of tech in the …
Feb 22, 2022: Boom. Wordle 248 3/6 ⬛⬛🟨🟨⬛ 🟩⬛🟨🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
Feb 22, 2022: The Ruskis don’t take a crap without a plan ….This business will get out of control and it will get out of control and we’ll be lucky if we live …
Feb 21, 2022: Sometime it works out Wordle 247 4/6 ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ ⬛⬛🟩🟩🟨 🟩⬛🟩🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
Feb 21, 2022: Boy did I wear the correct socks today
Feb 20, 2022: This just a great feel good show. So many of the joke flew by me as a kid.… Hey! Thought you’d like Taxi on …
Feb 19, 2022: I guess the Olympics are almost done. We haven’t watched a single event. Too busy
Feb 19, 2022: Always been a big fan of the Rippingtons.
Feb 19, 2022: Went to a movie theater for the first time in years while our grandsons spent time with their Mom. Saw Death on the Nile. Enjoyed the movie, the …
Feb 19, 2022: Brought our Grandsons to Hilo to spend time with their Mom. Loved here for many years. The Mall is a busy ghost town. Lots of people walking around. …
Feb 17, 2022: A homemade latte before I head off to a night working in the kitchen.
Feb 17, 2022: Received my iPhone 13 pro. Apple make the set up so easy. Even moved my watch to the new phone. Just need to recall all of the passwords to individual …
Feb 17, 2022: This is interesting, for me, growing up on an island and living on this particular one for 32 years, I know most if not all of these. Do …
Feb 17, 2022: Nationwide 5G, except here. Maui has 5G because lots of famous people live there.
Feb 16, 2022: I remember laying on the floor of my room playing this album on the turntable with headphones and studying this album cover.
Feb 16, 2022: Submitted resignation yesterday, called my boss 1st to give him a heads up. Last day March 15th. I’ll start telling my staff tomorrow.
Feb 16, 2022: Long Term relationships There’s a few apps (services) that I’ve been using pretty continuously for a number of years. If I reset my phone, these are the first app I install …
Feb 16, 2022: “Just to know who is driving, it would be a big help”
Feb 15, 2022: War Children, is just a shot away.
Feb 14, 2022: I had this album in vinyl and a CD
Feb 14, 2022: Kind of feeling all we can do is
Feb 14, 2022: My quiver
Feb 13, 2022: One of my all time favorite, since I was a kid
Feb 13, 2022: Well peacock on the Apple TV is unwatchable. Watching the game on my iPad.
Feb 13, 2022: As we get closer to game time, Peacock is buffering more than not
Feb 13, 2022: My strategy is still working Wordle 239 4/6 🟨⬛⬛⬛⬛ ⬛🟩🟨🟨⬛ ⬛🟩🟨🟩⬛ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
Feb 12, 2022: sign here I’m this | | close to signing an offer letter to become GM at a different restaurant that’s part of a national restaurant group. I’ll face the same …
Feb 12, 2022: So true
Feb 11, 2022: Roam around the world
Feb 11, 2022: Damn fine cup of coffee
Feb 11, 2022: Watching Three Days of the Condor. I remember seeing this in the theater. Three Days of the Condor (1975) A bookish CIA researcher in …
Feb 10, 2022: Ice Cream with local fresh made Blueberry balsamic vinegar. Tasty. Nice balance of sweet and tart.
Feb 10, 2022: Were of these days
Feb 9, 2022: I’m never going to Smokey Joes cafe
Feb 7, 2022: Nobody up at his word
Feb 6, 2022: I’m a late comer. 3 for 3. Developing a strategy. Wordle 232 5/6 ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ ⬛🟨⬛⬛⬛ 🟩⬛🟩⬛⬛ 🟩⬛🟩🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
Feb 5, 2022: The kind of place located up slope on Mt Hualalai I’d like to see out my days living in. Will keep an eye out for a bargain.
Feb 5, 2022: I keep a couple of these accessible, still have a few working devices that use it.
Feb 5, 2022: Pulled the trigger on a iPhone 13. The trade in for my 10XS softened the blow. Not buying Mac and going with an iPad for everyday stuff also helped.
Feb 3, 2022: The thing about Fleetwood Mac is in addtion to making great music, all of their relationship drama was not only in their music but also in the news …
Feb 3, 2022: Has anyone used a Bluetooth number pad with an iPad? I have a Brydge keyboard but sometimes have to enter strings of numbers in a spreadsheet.
Feb 3, 2022: First attempt at Wordle. Saw the fuss, just haven’t had the time or brain power Wordle 229 5/6 ⬜⬜🟩⬜⬜ 🟩⬜⬜🟨⬜ 🟩⬜🟩🟨⬜ 🟩🟩🟩🟨⬜ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
Feb 2, 2022: This song
Feb 1, 2022: .. a walk on part in a war for a lead role in a cage.
Feb 1, 2022: Don’t give me that do-goodie-good bullshit
Jan 30, 2022: The Hawaii State Department of Health has a radio commercial asking if you are worried about catching Rubella. They go on to say, we aren’t due to …
Jan 29, 2022: Typically there’s one thing that we expect out of a charger.
Jan 27, 2022: Logging and Messina had a strong connection to Hawaii in the 70s and beyond
Jan 26, 2022: When I first moved to Hawaii Island in the early 90s, it was still kind of a sleepy place. The sidewalks rolled up at dark and only a few bars and …
Jan 24, 2022: If I recall, the company Readdle, which created a number of apps that I use daily is based in Ukraine.
Jan 22, 2022: Switched the family from T-Mobile to Spectrum mobile. They run on the Verizon network. Saving a lot of money, plus locally T-Mo has done nothing to …
Jan 21, 2022:
Jan 19, 2022: **
Jan 18, 2022: At the ends of a 14 hour day at work. I wish people would come back to work
Jan 16, 2022: My wife is very frugal. Here mid western North Dakota sensibilities. I finally convinced her to upgrade her iPhone 7 for a 12. She will be ecstatic …
Jan 16, 2022: The Cowboys have given this game away though unforced penalties.
Jan 16, 2022: Recalling 49er v Cowboys epic battles in the playoffs in years past. Roger Staubach John Brodie Duane Thomas Calvin Hill Tony Dorsett Troy Aikman Joe …
Jan 15, 2022: worker shortage I said it a few months ago, if the worker situation doesn’t loosen up by the 1st Q of 2022 (we’re there) many businesses will just retool, do with …
Jan 15, 2022: Damn
Jan 14, 2022: It’s older than me, and I’m not young
Jan 13, 2022: Marvin Gaye
Jan 12, 2022: Kind of means more today that in the 70s
Jan 11, 2022: Late night paperwork music
Jan 11, 2022: The economy is going tank. 2 supermarket chains on this island have cut hours and now close on certain days, the hardware store closes at 4, Starbucks …
Jan 11, 2022: I ordered one of these. I’m not supposed to wear my watch when I work in the kitchen (Dept of Health reg), which is every day. This will be a bettter …
Jan 10, 2022: Two years ago today I receive the lay off notice due to COVID. That’s when we know it was real. That company never hired me back
Jan 8, 2022: Great time for Hawaii ‘Final Moments of Their Lives’ : Astronomers Observe Massive Star’s Explosion
Jan 8, 2022: Very apropos song. Superman where are you now?
Jan 8, 2022: Every silver lining’s got a touch of grey
Jan 8, 2022: I’m gonna be a happy idiot and struggle for the legal tender
Jan 6, 2022: The two annoyances using primarily an iPad rather than a Mac is not having Spaces where apps are in a specific swipe-able place (1 or 2 spaces to the …
Jan 5, 2022: I was so ambivalent about the Webb telescope until it actually launched. I guess cuz it took so many years. Now I check on it daily. A balmy 128f
Jan 3, 2022: They were not listening, they did not know how
Jan 3, 2022: Ok rocket scientist. We offer a signing bonus, increased pay, have great benefits. The staff we do have raves about working here and still no …
Jan 3, 2022: We don’t have snow like DC, but we do have guys trimming palm trees
Jan 2, 2022: Want to hide somewhere. State Reports 3,178 New Cases of COVID on Sunday
Jan 1, 2022: This will be 2022
Jan 1, 2022: Nothing says 1980s like INXS
Jan 1, 2022: The first sunset of 2022. Let’s get on with it
Jan 1, 2022: My work around for situations where I must have a desktop app or website that has issues on the iPad is using the screens app to login into my Mac …
Dec 31, 2021: We just checked out some earth cams. Fasten your seatbelts. COVID be blowin up next week
Dec 31, 2021: Watching episode one of Sense8. Kind of have the same feeling when I saw the first Matrix. I know the story line, but they are throwing so much out in …
Dec 31, 2021: We’ll as the year ends, I won’t really worry until I see locusts.
Dec 30, 2021: Some really good things happened in 2021, but glad to move on. It was definitely not my worst year. 1990 was pretty bad. Just hope COVID stops being a …
Dec 30, 2021: The warm side of the James Webb telescope is a balmy 80 degrees. Nice
Dec 27, 2021: Especially this song
Dec 27, 2021:
Dec 27, 2021: I have this 10’ tough USB-Lightning cable. It works on my phone but not with the new iPad. Rather annoying. Wondering if it’s Apple or a technical …
Dec 26, 2021: Diamonds on the soles of her shoes.
Dec 26, 2021: Ending the sporting year on a good note ⚽️Inter Milan are top of the table ⚽️Arsenal are exceeding expectations and solid in 4th 🏈The Cowboys clinch …
Dec 25, 2021: Someone brought snow down from Mauna Kea for Christmas
Dec 25, 2021: It gets better. Jupiter, Saturn and Venus lined up
Dec 25, 2021: Same view. Venus setting in the west.
Dec 25, 2021: Merry Christmas from the Sandwich Islands
Dec 25, 2021: Light. Pre dinner choice.
Dec 25, 2021: Love this. We get our share of earthquakes Christmas post from the Pacific Northwest Seismic Network….
Dec 25, 2021: Changed my Netflix user name to “what?” Now I get this
Dec 25, 2021: retirement photo project I have a cache of BW photos left from a great Aunt who was on Hawaii Island in 1939 and 1944 with a BF who was in the military. I’ve always wanted to …
Dec 25, 2021: Lacing
Dec 25, 2021: A Christmas treat
Dec 25, 2021: My work computer is an iPad with a Brydge keyboard. @fahrni
Dec 25, 2021: One of my team gave us mochi for Christmas Day. Yum
Dec 25, 2021: Due to my wife’s advance planning and her being a Target Ninja, our grandson had an XBox under the tree on Christmas morning #FTW
Dec 24, 2021: Watching Casablanca for the umpteenth time. Oh, he’s just like any other man, only more so.
Dec 24, 2021: It’s been a rough few months. Closed the restaurant early for Christmas Eve. We’re closed tomorrow. Finally got home and have a healthy measure of …
Dec 23, 2021: The end of the world
Dec 23, 2021: The fundamental things of life still apply.
Dec 22, 2021: My inbox Last call for Christmas shipping Last last call for Christmas shipping Really last last call for Christmas shipping Give a digital …
Dec 21, 2021: I lived in LA in the early 80s managing for TGI Fridays restaurants (the showtime of hospitality at the time) and went to a lot of Lakers games. This …
Dec 20, 2021: This would suck. Not that we’re going anywhere or doing anything
Dec 20, 2021: I’m still on Twitter, but my feed is almost all Photos and Football (soccer) with a little tech to stay updated.
Dec 20, 2021: North Coast Brewing Co. Okd Rasputin Russian Imperial Stout
Dec 18, 2021: Lawyers in Love
Dec 18, 2021: Pondered this while sitting at a stop light. Wonder if I could get back all of the time I’ve spent at stop lights in my life at the end, much like …
Dec 17, 2021: mattress fail The fail in regards to boxed mattresses is that don’t tell you in advance that it takes 48-72 hours to decompress and keep the mattress well …
Dec 16, 2021: One week in using an iPad with Brydge keyboard as my daily computer. Have only picked up the Mac once to look for a setting. I’ve been able to do work …
Dec 16, 2021: When or if this is ever behind us. For the past year and a few months of this COVID re-opening and Delta and now Omicron, I’m managed a popular restaurant. I’ve had to be the strong and …
Dec 14, 2021: Waters edge
Dec 13, 2021: Sapporo Premium Beer
Dec 13, 2021: Listening to this interview by Malcolm Gladwell. I love his rhythm and pacing. Paul Simon is an amazing subject. There’s a free preview of this on the …
Dec 13, 2021: Using the iPad with the Brydge keyboard reminds me of an old netbook I had about 10-12 years ago, but infinitely more powerful.
Dec 13, 2021: Torn about Kentucky. Feel really sad for the tornado’s destruction and what climate change is causing there. I’m a direct descendant of one of the …
Dec 13, 2021: The past, present and the future.
Dec 13, 2021: Monday is breaking
Dec 12, 2021: 10 years and 80# ago
Dec 11, 2021: Tonight’s
Dec 11, 2021: Threw away all those crazy dreams.
Dec 11, 2021: More people going to the edge of space. I just want to go the waters edge
Dec 11, 2021: Just heard this on Marvel’s Hawkeye. Mele Kalikimaka is Hawaii’s way to say Merry Christmas.
Dec 10, 2021: The drama album
Dec 10, 2021: New iPad with Brydge keyboard. Might be my Mac replacement. Still have a Mac Mini as a fall back.
Dec 10, 2021: A bit of decadence before I head into the fray
Dec 9, 2021: I really like Vivaldi in my Mac, but since they aren’t on IOS, using MS Edge as my default browser in most places.
Dec 8, 2021: This was shared with me. Hope they can get off the ground. I’m not really a writer, code or otherwise, and only a casual book reader, but I love music …
Dec 8, 2021: I know my VPN works. I had it on (via UK) to watch a Champions League clip and forgot to turn it off. I opened my Edge browser and got a warning from …
Dec 8, 2021: I guess one of the things that makes the Beatles Get Back docu so intriguing is back when this was happening, way pre social media, the only thing we …
Dec 8, 2021: I really want my Brydge keyboard to get here. My new iPad is pretty much set up. Word, Excel, Edge browser synced with work. Deleted some of the Apple …
Dec 7, 2021: Kind of cool getting our old passports back in the mail after we got the new ones. Oh the places we’ve been
Dec 7, 2021: Received my new iPad yesterday. Not the pro, just the basic one. Still noticeably more responsive than my old one and real battery life. Spent some …
Dec 7, 2021: Where I’d prefer to be right now. There’s an open table
Dec 6, 2021: Another classic, this one actually released in 1982. ‘95 was a re-release.
Dec 6, 2021: Nahe Nahe (relaxing)
Dec 6, 2021: Woke up in the middle of the night last night and we were in the middle of a vast black out. I went out and it was dark up the mountain where there …
Dec 6, 2021: One thing cool in the Get Back docu was seeing the Beatles break out into snippets of old blues or rock songs or even the very early Beatles songs. …
Dec 5, 2021: Photo on the left was taken with an iPhone 1 the right on a 10XS. No focusing, zooming or editing. We’ve come quite a ways
Dec 5, 2021: We are in the midst of a 3 or 4 day tropical winter storm. Very wet
Dec 4, 2021: Closing music.
Dec 4, 2021: When we go for tacos, I think street tacos (meat and tortillas), my wife thinks taco shells, meat, lettuce, cheese, tomatoes, etc, etc.
Dec 4, 2021: Made homemade cinnamon dolce syrup. Yum
Dec 4, 2021: Gotta find a way out of this mess
Dec 4, 2021: This is an amazing time when I can spend a Saturday morning here in Hawaii watching live German, Italian and English football. A few short years ago I …
Dec 4, 2021: We’ll played #Inter
Dec 3, 2021: Classic
Dec 3, 2021: Does anyone have experience using MS Edge browser on Mac? We are all windows at work. Currently use Chrome at work so I can sync bookmarks and setting …
Dec 2, 2021: My new iPad ordered in October finally shipped. The good news is Apple products are one of the very few things that actually ship and arrive overnight …
Dec 1, 2021: Enjoy the silence
Nov 29, 2021: I know what time of year it is when he appears in the coffee table.
Nov 28, 2021: If things don’t turn around in regards to staffing challenges in Q1 2022, there’s going to be a massive reset in the service economy. Fixed expenses …
Nov 27, 2021: The Way
Nov 27, 2021: Though I did order a Brydge keyboard this morning for the iPad I ordered that Apple will ship someday. Want to see if the iPad can replace a laptop …
Nov 27, 2021: Didn’t buy a single thing on Black Friday. I was working. Seems like every company that sent me a Black Friday email has sent me another one today …
Nov 25, 2021: I guess it’s Black Friday deals. Btw. Should use this as wallpaper
Nov 25, 2021: We’ve had 4 Macs die in the past year 2015 MBP 2014 MBAir 2014 Mac Mini 2015 12” MacBook They all got heavy use during COVID lockdowns and a more home …
Nov 25, 2021: Yum
Nov 25, 2021: kiss me kiss me kiss
Nov 25, 2021: Very loud
Nov 24, 2021: Grow up in Hawaii, we didn’t have Walter Cronkite. We had Bob Jones on KGMB. He broke all of the big nation news to us. Veteran Hawaii Journalist Bob …
Nov 24, 2021: Undone
Nov 24, 2021: Inbox bankruptcy. Dozens of sale emails it seems from every online company that I’ve ever made a purchase or an inquiry from.
Nov 24, 2021: Love Thanksgiving. Be thankful and buy something.
Nov 22, 2021: Cause we ended as lovers
Nov 22, 2021: found this in my closet. @patrickrhone
Nov 22, 2021: For the first time, we’re doing a turkey roast rather than a whole bird. The family is disbanding. Some have passed on, some have moved and the ones …
Nov 21, 2021: Love’s Theme
Nov 21, 2021: Guns are not prevalent in Hawaii. I have a healthy fear of some big Samoan guy in a bad mood coming after me in an otherwise innocuous altercation, …
Nov 21, 2021: Why it’s always hot in Kona. We’re in the shadow of 2 big and 1 smaller mountains.
Nov 18, 2021: Wish I could hit a “like” or a thumbs up button on a email and be done with it.
Nov 18, 2021: Quality snacks.
Nov 15, 2021: Almost there. Black roux for gumbo. I thicken my gumbo with black roux, gumbo file and okra. This one is seafood and andouille sausage. I was taught …
Nov 15, 2021: Received my McSweeney’s Audio edition today. Can’t wait to dive in
Nov 14, 2021: What is life
Nov 13, 2021: Dead air - Wikipedia I need a period of dead air before I go to work.
Nov 11, 2021: Based on posts today. Taking another look at Basecamp. With there was a middle ground. $99 a month is s big leap. I know my team would be light users …
Nov 10, 2021: Apple changed my name to Null
Nov 7, 2021: E hāmau ana au no kekahi manawa, e hui hou
Nov 7, 2021: The austerity measures that my wife and I put in place during the first COVID lockdown have stuck and are now fiscal habits. It’s showing in savings …
Nov 7, 2021: Kind of think if OSHA said a vaccine was a job safety issue, it might go over better. We have so many other OSHA regs in the workplace that we don’t …
Nov 7, 2021: thinking of making Opera or other my default browser. Since recently Safari will not open all sort of links from emails, newsletters, websites, etc, …
Nov 2, 2021: I like to watch an old classic movie when I need a break from Marvel, DC and other new blockbusters. North by Northwest. It came out the year I was …
Nov 1, 2021: Got my booster shot today. Same day Appt. No issues to report.
Oct 31, 2021: The colors of nature
Oct 31, 2021: How ‘bout dem Cowboys.
Oct 31, 2021: Save The Cobblestone
Oct 31, 2021: Marvel on Netflix Been going through the Marvel Netflix series’ in suggested chronological order. Just finished the Defenders. On to Punisher Netflix. Marvel 1 …
Oct 31, 2021: Grandson is Halloween ready.
Oct 31, 2021: Wanted some casual pants, not sweats, but long for cool evenings to wear around the house or run out to the store, etc. These Birdwell Ripstop Beach …
Oct 30, 2021: Very loud
Oct 30, 2021: Four years on from my total knee replacement. I regularly walk 15k step a day pain free. It still amazes me considering the condition my knee was in. …
Oct 27, 2021: Lunch Adulting at the best
Oct 24, 2021: Ordered the base level iPad today. Getting a good trade in on my iPad Air 2, which helped make the decision. I’ll dive into the new iPadOS and see how …
Oct 24, 2021: Coffee to go My wife and I were talking about where we went for coffee before Starbucks, which didn’t come to Hawaii til 1996, at Kahala Mall on Oahu. Back in the …
Oct 24, 2021: There were 4 Blockbuster stores here on Hawaii Island. It’s funny how people still say that something is located at or next to the old Blockbuster.
Oct 23, 2021: COVID still a thing here. Hence, no plans to see Dune in a theater any time soon. 44 New COVID-19 Confirmed on Big Island
Oct 22, 2021: Trying to watch Dune. Got through the title sequence. Thanks HBO
Oct 21, 2021: I kind of agree with Manchin on this one. I guess one of my old conservative values is that social programs should be there to pick people up, but not …
Oct 21, 2021: This is how we do it.
Oct 21, 2021: Fascinating concept. I’m sure I’m not the only one who’s been told since I remember that quitting is not an option.…
Oct 19, 2021: Home sweet home. A bit warm in the crater Lava Flow Slows as Kīlauea Continues to Erupt
Oct 19, 2021: I think… therefore I am
Oct 18, 2021: Eclipse. In Dune
Oct 18, 2021: The new Macs look amazing, I’d still like something like the discontinued 12" Macbook. My needs are more online based, no heavy lifting. I just need a …
Oct 17, 2021: Too many shows to watch and not enough time. Watching all of the Marvel shows on Netflix in sequential order. Succession is back tonight and the new …
Oct 17, 2021: Free your mind and the rest will follow
Oct 17, 2021: The problem of staffing is pretty much universal. We can’t simply say people expect more. Hospitality wages are better than they’ve ever been and …
Oct 15, 2021: My Kindle Paperwhite just died. My new signature edition won’t be here for a month. Reading on my phone I guess.
Oct 14, 2021: Doesn’t get much closer than that. #Dodgers.
Oct 14, 2021: A short rainbow
Oct 14, 2021: I do miss this view of Mauna Kea. This was the view from the back yard of our old house in Waimea.
Oct 14, 2021: It’s been over 10 years since we lived in Waimea. I guess I’d forgotten how friggen cold it gets up here. 15-2.0 degree difference from Kona in the …
Oct 14, 2021: The ESPN app is the only sports app that converts game or match start times to my local time.
Oct 11, 2021: Not sure about other places, but when a worker needs to get a COVID test here in Kona, the default should be the rapid test as the first line. If they …
Oct 10, 2021: This COVID crap is not over yet. 2 employees exposed to family members who tested positive. A other employee can’t smell or taste.
Oct 10, 2021: An 80 year old bridge near our house was replaced last year. This the chasm that was once the bridge and temporary bridge around the gap.
Oct 9, 2021: iPhone 1st Generation IOS 3.1.3 It’s can’t connect to a mobile network, but still works on Wi-Fi.
Oct 9, 2021: Too lazy to go out, then I realized that we have everything we needed or make chili cheese fries at home. We also have Kona Brew Longboard Lager. …
Oct 7, 2021: I have a 2015 12” MacBook that was for when I used to go an “in between” place, pre pandemic. You know that place that’s not home and not work. Used …
Oct 7, 2021: Undone
Oct 7, 2021: I’m not playing all month, thought I would drop in on spice. Ichimi pepper.
Oct 7, 2021: I bought a Tom Bihn Nik’s Minimalist Wallet in 2016, after daily use (excluding the lockdown) it finally needs to be replaced, the elastic strap is …
Oct 7, 2021: Inexplicable behavior by my Apple watch. I often put it in my pocket while working in the kitchen at work, not because I’m worried about the watch, …
Oct 6, 2021: That 1985 series was painful. The Cards have been our nemesis.
Oct 5, 2021: Made Chili today, in our house it requires two batches. My wife, being from the North I suppose, prefers milder, thinner chili with beans. I prefer …
Oct 5, 2021: Coconuts.
Oct 5, 2021: This is a great episode of Its been a minute about Soul Train. It used to come late Saturday Nights in Hawaii
Oct 5, 2021: It’s October, people still aren’t coming back to work. COVID is still an issue. 2 employees tested positive this week from family contact. We are …
Oct 4, 2021: I got mine. #IFTV
Oct 4, 2021: For the, I guess, few of us who don’t use Facebook, or any of its properties, nothing’s different.
Oct 3, 2021: An amazing view of Kilauea volcano.…
Oct 3, 2021: All of that hullabaloo about the drama of the last day of the MLB season. We ended up at the same place we were yesterday.
Oct 3, 2021: Ok, ready the big guns. Bring on the Cards #Dodgers
Oct 3, 2021: Not sure this will ever change, MLB app won’t let me watch any west coast MLB team playing on the west coast. I guess the 2900 miles and all of the …
Oct 3, 2021: I closed my BBVA account after they consumed and closed Simple bank. I still get monthly statements in the mail (not getting those was one of points …
Oct 2, 2021: Warm fall evening by the pool.
Oct 2, 2021: No photo, but Dark music
Oct 2, 2021: Wild Horses
Oct 2, 2021: This entire album. Fall of my junior year of high school. The vinyl album spinning on my turntable.
Oct 2, 2021: Yep SO2 Levels Rise With Return of Vog
Oct 2, 2021: The volcano is erupting again. So the volcanic haze (VOG) is back, which means both of our air purifiers are back and on 24/7 as are scratchy throats …
Oct 1, 2021: The Democrats don’t deserve the majority in congress. Aren’t together or ruthless enough. They haven’t learned a thing watching the republicans …
Sep 30, 2021: I think COVID is going to kill me even if I don’t catch it.
Sep 30, 2021: I’ve been at work for 12 hours. Is the government closed tomorrow?
Sep 28, 2021: Ok COVID, you made your point. You can move on now.
Sep 27, 2021: The newish Safari doesn’t open ad links, well ok, but not opening an unsubscribe link, not that’s just annoying.
Sep 27, 2021: The network policy on sports for cable cutters is driving me away from sports. The cost/benefit analysis doesn’t play out e.g. $120 year for MLB still …
Sep 26, 2021: I never you could catch squid slices in the wild. Learn new things even at my age
Sep 26, 2021: Back into the top half of the table. 3 wins on the bounce. #Arsenal whew. Onward
Sep 25, 2021:
Sep 25, 2021: An XS Max can still take these shots.
Sep 25, 2021: 4 years ago this week I had a total knee replacement. I believe in science. I frequently do 15k steps a day. Prior surgery I had a hard time walking …
Sep 25, 2021: Are we going to do this or what?
Sep 25, 2021: I have an older external drive with Thunderbolt. To use it with my new M1 Mac Mini, i bought the apple adapter. Whenever the drive is plugged in using …
Sep 25, 2021: I signed up for the Craft apps a few weeks ago and got an invite today, after looking around, it looks cool, but it’s way too complicated for my …
Sep 25, 2021: Streaming without a cable account is good most of the time, but most news organizations require a cable login.
Sep 23, 2021: Last day of our acquaintance
Sep 23, 2021: Watching the Apple+ series on 1971 and the connection of Music to the war protests. I was 12 years old and vaguely recall the news of the era, but …
Sep 22, 2021: Didn’t order any of the new Apple gear, but did pre-order the Kindle Signature edition.
Sep 22, 2021: This experiment of democracy in the US is not looking good. A Government of the people, by the people, for the people. A flight from Tyranny. Not sure …
Sep 22, 2021: I’m old, but not limits how much coffee I have old
Sep 22, 2021: I moved my mail to a year ago, not a single issue and they have so many features that I haven’t scratched the surface of
Sep 21, 2021: A treat from my childhood that I still love
Sep 21, 2021: Think I’m going to get this for my M1 Mac Mini - add a 1TB SSD (not included) and ports, for less than Apple wanted for 1T
Sep 21, 2021: My inbox filled with emails from App Devs touting the new features on IOS 15, albeit mostly iPad features. I’m ostensibly not an iPad user, had to dig …
Sep 20, 2021: The Wire. IBM Selectric. My Dad had one at home I could use for my homework now and then.
Sep 20, 2021: If this debt ceiling thing isn’t fixed, can we just shut down Washington? They’re not doing anything anyway. At this point, they’re just getting in …
Sep 19, 2021: This what happens on the west side of Hawaii Island. The wind has to go around 2 big mountains and 1 smaller one and it hot right where we are. Mauna …
Sep 19, 2021: One hundred and fifty nine years ago this week, in 1862, 75,000 United States troops and about 38,000 Confederate troops massed along Antietam Creek …
Sep 19, 2021: My wife and I had an interesting talk last evening. We’ve always been bullish about the future, but after watching a little CNN last night and …
Sep 18, 2021: Losing weight is great for so many reason, but some of my favorite clothes look like clown clothes on me now. Having to give a lot of them away.
Sep 18, 2021: #InterMilan is having a goal party. 6-nil with 20 min left
Sep 18, 2021: After a year and a half, I’m really missing that 3rd place in my life. The Starbucks or other coffee shop that I used to regularly stop at on my way …
Sep 17, 2021: Put your lights on
Sep 17, 2021: I read a book slow and deliberate. I don’t have lots of reading time, but do carve out a couple of “quiet” hours a week to read longform.
Sep 17, 2021: Getting in to Literal app. It imported my GoodReads library. A few books I started and didn’t finish. I used to read a lot business book, management …
Sep 16, 2021: If these Afghan refugees speak English and are willing to work, bring ‘em on.
Sep 15, 2021: Thinking about it. I use my IPhone XS for more things, more often and for more average hours per day than any other device, including the TV. I love …
Sep 14, 2021: I’ve been a fan of 1More wired in-ear headphones. My 3rd pair. I wear them out. Wear them daily
Sep 11, 2021: Just came across this looking for something else. My Dad in the middle with his brother, my Grandfather and Great Grand Parents that came over from …
Sep 11, 2021: I love Gary Hustwit’s work, watch Urbanized free for a few days more .
Sep 10, 2021: The tourism lobby won over public safety. Global infectious disease expert: ‘Hawaii forgot what was making - Honolulu, Hawaii news, sports & weather - …
Sep 10, 2021: how does the Epic court decision affect the average Joe (or Mary) consumer? not through the eyes of an app dev, but through the eyes of someone who …
Sep 9, 2021: I work a lot of nights, therefore I often sleep in the daytime, tolerating all sorts of societal noise pollution in the development we live. I would …
Sep 8, 2021: Recalling David Foster Wallace’s commencement speech It’s a good reminder, especially during these times. This was 16 years ago and sounds like it was …
Sep 8, 2021: Been watching a lot of shows in the DC world, need to get back to Marvel for a while.
Sep 8, 2021: Interesting. I may have used this feature a few years ago, but I’ve changed and much prefer quiet when I need to concentrate or even nap or sleep at …
Sep 6, 2021: Still on a Stones kick
Sep 5, 2021: Managing a restaurant during this period is brutal. Short staffed, but as busy as we can handle. We were on a waiting list from 11:30am (we open at …
Sep 4, 2021: Pictures of You
Sep 4, 2021: Falling Rocks @pratik
Sep 4, 2021: Came across this tree that had fallen over a long time ago. Kind of looks like driftwood.
Sep 4, 2021: Got out of the house on a rare day off. With the extended COVID spike we’re experiencing, we went down to Ke’alakekua Bay. This shoreline trail heads …
Sep 3, 2021: I’m done with Witecutter then Wirecutter Goes Behind The New York Times’s Paywall
Sep 2, 2021: Surfing the internet in one window, scrolling social media in another and the Mac app store say no internet connection. I think it’s confused
Sep 2, 2021: Started to get some glimpses of the speed of my M1 Mac Mini
Sep 2, 2021: Two + years ago we were definitely looking at moving to Italy when we retire (I was working on my Passport), maybe in 8-10 years. But everything …
Sep 2, 2021: The simple joy of crossing something off of my Teux Deux list as complete.
Aug 31, 2021: I pretty much beat up my Field notes books
Aug 31, 2021: Got my new Spoke Design pen. Love it, though the first thing I did was change the ink cartridge to a Fisher Space pen refill. Now it’s complete
Aug 30, 2021: Had to pull the trigger and get a Thunderbolt 2-3 adapter ($50). The speed of my new M1 Mac Mini is irrelevant when my drive is plugged into a USB …
Aug 30, 2021: Set up a custom domain email address in iCloud w/seldom used domain. It worked almost instantly. Might revive use of the domain name. Remember the …
Aug 29, 2021: I’m worried in the face of these numbers, it’s not possible to stay safe. Record cases recorded today.
Aug 28, 2021: Yea you got, speed freak jive. Ok done for tonight
Aug 28, 2021: RIP Charlie
Aug 28, 2021: With no travel and minimal dining out, we’ve paid off the every debt we have excluding the home loan. We have already stated chipping away at the …
Aug 27, 2021: Give me one reason
Aug 27, 2021: My wife has her tea lined up on the appropriate mug
Aug 26, 2021: New Mac Mini up and running, but my 2 big external drives are Thunderbolt 2 and the new Mac is Thunderbolt 4, need to get at least 1 $50 adapter. Also …
Aug 26, 2021: With COVID cases and hospitalizations skyrocketing in Hawaii there is talk of another lockdown and also vaccine passports. I would be reticent to …
Aug 26, 2021: With this big push to get vaccinated, I got my flu vaccine today. I got my COVID vaccine in April.
Aug 26, 2021: COVID had a big day in Hawaii, sure feels like it’s winning
Aug 26, 2021: Someday we’ll be able to restore a Mac from iCloud
Aug 26, 2021: Really liking the Axios daily newsletter “🐪 Good Wednesday morning! Smart Brevity™ count: 1,457 words … 5½ minutes. Edited by Fadel Allassan.”
Aug 25, 2021: Fun day tomorrow
Aug 25, 2021: I think my 2014 Mac Mini got wind of the new Mac Mini’s arrival tomorrow and decided to quit working. It’s done this before, stuck in a start up loop. …
Aug 24, 2021: I read this book many years ago, he’s right in that the Supreme Courts purpose is to uphold the constitution, not make political decisions. They also …
Aug 24, 2021: Mahalo everyone. Guess I went through a few days of my entire feed being about writing tools and cameras. I’ve spent some time tweaking it. I’ve been …
Aug 23, 2021: Feels odd here. I don’t write, don’t have a camera, don’t have a farm. I do talk to people a lot and get out and about on this stunning Hawaii island …
Aug 22, 2021: So many writers here talking about their workflows. I’m more of a doer. Managing a restaurant and all. My team, customers, menus, repair and …
Aug 22, 2021: Ordered a Refurb M1 Mac Mini. This will be my computer going forward. My 2015 MacBook is hanging on, but I don’t really depend on it. The things that …
Aug 22, 2021: I’m a definitely a napper. I love a good mid day nap. It has to do with working a lot of nights through the years.
Aug 22, 2021: This hasn’t seemed to throttle the number of visitors. We’re #2
Aug 21, 2021: in other news, I bought a Milanese Loop watch band with my first Apple watch, and 2 watches later it still looks and feels great. I’ve lost a lot of …
Aug 21, 2021: Went back to the Apple Mail app on MacOS a couple of months ago. Can’t do it. Back to Spark.
Aug 21, 2021: Twitter has taught me a couple things. First, there are some incredibly brilliant people in the world. Second, they are vastly outnumbered.
Aug 20, 2021: The best quote I’ve heard in a long time, from an Irish fisherman on Irish TV. “If I get a problem, I just troll it behind me and just move on with …
Aug 20, 2021: Friday afternoon. Gettin Jiggy
Aug 20, 2021: Ordered this Pen, I guess I got the last one
Aug 20, 2021: Btw. I like the Fisher refill as it work consistently in a restaurant setting. Especially writing in the freezer and refrigerator and well on paper …
Aug 20, 2021: I prefer pens that support the Fisher Space pen refill. Looking for a good slim pen with a clip.
Aug 19, 2021: My college car. Glad is couldn’t talk.
Aug 19, 2021: Found this photo of my Dad in the late 70s with his Heathkit CP/M based computer named “Charlie” on the table behind him. He used it for mailing …
Aug 19, 2021: Baby I love your way
Aug 19, 2021: Productive (rare) day off. Gotta take them when I can. Watched 2 episodes of Punisher, 2 Episodes of Titan, ran some overdue errands, took a nap, …
Aug 19, 2021: A root beer float is so good anytime. Especially now.
Aug 19, 2021: Pretty much decided that I won’t replace my dying iPad. Will upgrade my iPhone 10XS likely this fall and my 2015 MBP whenever it decides to die.
Aug 19, 2021: COVID Delta cases continue to blow up in Hawaii. Gov says no lock down in the plans, but I’m not so sure.
Aug 19, 2021: And so it begins…
Aug 19, 2021: That’s probably my most used feature A much-needed Spotlight on the best iPhone feature nobody uses - Macworld
Aug 19, 2021: This is so cool Miniature Life
Aug 19, 2021: time to change T-Mobile password - AGAIN
Aug 18, 2021: “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the universe.” ― Albert Einstein
Aug 18, 2021: Jump Around. About all we can do in the era.
Aug 17, 2021: About 0 seconds remaining. Huh?
Aug 17, 2021: Recalling back in the day when you could edit your iPhone apps and screens in iTunes. If I recall Xcode can do this, but don’t want to put that …
Aug 16, 2021: The first rule of holes is, if you’re in one, stop digging. Not sure wether to apply this to where we were in Afghanistan or where Biden is now.
Aug 16, 2021: I don’t want to be mad about anything today. Turning off the TV
Aug 16, 2021: Lose. File a lawsuit. Blue Origin sues US government over NASA’s decision to award SpaceX lunar lander contract
Aug 15, 2021: I don’t take near as many photos as I did when I managed as resort hotel. Lots of scenery at a beach resort… not as much in a sushi restaurant.
Aug 15, 2021: It works, but I don’t think it plays lossless music
Aug 14, 2021: Taking a hiatus from trying to watch live sports. It too frustrating trying to find a place to watch a match or game I want in the non-cable world.
Aug 14, 2021: Time to head back to reality.
Aug 13, 2021: Summertime
Aug 13, 2021: I’ve lost so much weight that I’m cold all the time, my wife is at an age where she has her own global warming thing going on. In any given room …
Aug 12, 2021: “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the universe.” ―Albert Einstein
Aug 12, 2021: This doesn’t look good. Cases are blowing up in Hawai’i. This could be really bad.
Aug 12, 2021: For the past 40 years, when I am upset or annoyed, I often put on this album, very loud. Usually snaps me out of it. Saw Van Halen live in 1981 ** …
Aug 10, 2021:
Aug 10, 2021: Going and studying in old school
Aug 10, 2021: What my age again?
Aug 7, 2021: Just watched Suicide Squad. What a fun ride.
Aug 7, 2021: COVID is relentless.…
Aug 6, 2021: Great story. The saved at lot of homes 245 Water Drops Help Douse Historic Big Island Fire
Aug 5, 2021: Since the environment, politics, the pandemic and news in general has gone worse, I just bury myself at work, where I have at least a certain amount …
Aug 1, 2021: We had a scare at the restaurant, an employee’s Mom was exposed to a housekeeper who tested COVID positive. This employee had lunch with her Mom and …
Aug 1, 2021: I just want to fly on Delta and enjoy a Corona and not have to worry about being around people.
Jul 31, 2021: I like Scarlett’s character, but Marvel can make another star Scarlett Johansson sues Disney over streaming of Black Widow
Jul 31, 2021: Good riddance July 2021. You won’t be missed
Jul 29, 2021: Used to be when a new business was coming to the community and adding xx number of jobs, it was good news. Now it’s “good luck with that”
Jul 28, 2021: As I continue prune my Twitter follows, my feed is almost all Football (soccer) and tech. I will continue to unfollow any anyone with political posts. …
Jul 28, 2021: The definitive ZZ Top play list. In honor of Dusty Hill
Jul 28, 2021: RIP Dusty Hill
Jul 28, 2021: I’ll have to dig up some ZZ Top later. 😟 ZZ Top Bassist Dusty Hill Dies at 72
Jul 28, 2021: I want my MTV…
Jul 27, 2021: Got to give it up
Jul 27, 2021: I’ve unsubscribed from so many email newsletter and lists that my inbox is becoming a quiet place. If the NSA still wants to read the email of …
Jul 27, 2021: Marvin Gaye
Jul 27, 2021: I’m working to make it so I get news in a more intentioned manner. I’m over the non stop feed of way more than I need to know. Deleting news apps. The …
Jul 27, 2021: Just rewatched the season ending episode of Loki. What started as such a simple premise in the first preview, sure blew up into a myriad of variants.
Jul 26, 2021: This is getting critical. Losing some staff due to normal attrition (moving career change, etc) but new applications and hires aren’t keeping up.
Jul 25, 2021: Barry White provided the soundtrack to many a high school date in my era.
Jul 25, 2021: I have an iPhone 10XS. It’s still in perfect shape, not a scratch. I’m on my 2nd #Nomad case (wore one out). Many drops. In addition to its in …
Jul 24, 2021: The Panic PlayDate looks very cool, but I am on the list for a Steam Deck. Still thinking
Jul 24, 2021: I’m not planning on watching any of the olympics. Between COVID and the entire thing going against the will of the Japanese people. Plus …
Jul 23, 2021: COVID / Delta Environmental issues Voter suppression Business staffing issues Too many shows to watch Not enough good pizza Arsenal FC Dodger …
Jul 23, 2021: Interesting times.
Jul 21, 2021: It’s time to close out this day
Jul 21, 2021: Way before UB40
Jul 21, 2021: Crazy little thing called love. That’s what we need now more than anything.
Jul 21, 2021: The 80s is the decade of my 20s. I was married to my first wife in the 80s and my only daughter was born in the 80s. I remember every one of these …
Jul 21, 2021: I’m scared
Jul 20, 2021: Can’t gallop polls or some other group do a big survey about why people aren’t apply for jobs, it’s everywhere.
Jul 19, 2021: Honolulu County made a deal that restaurants could open full capacity if they checked COVID tests and vaccination cards. A couple of places tried it, …
Jul 18, 2021: These Billionaires flying in space, trying to make it look easy. I clearly remember the Space Shuttle Challenger. Complacency or simple human error …
Jul 18, 2021: Now that Apple has created every genre Spatial music playlist possible, how about a Spatial Music “Just for you” with music I actually listen to.
Jul 18, 2021: Not getting vaccinated is part of a larger issue of so many people who are choosing to not take responsibility for their own health. They eat poorly, …
Jul 17, 2021: Reserved my Steam Deck. It’s the first gaming device I will have purchased for myself in many years.
Jul 17, 2021: When we remodeled our condo 2 years ago, we had a conversation about warmer summers possibly more hurricanes in the Pacific. Didn’t think it would …
Jul 17, 2021: I haven’t had HBO for years. Now with HBO+ I can watch all of those critically acclaimed shows from years past that I missed. Finished True Detective …
Jul 16, 2021: Just finished a 14 hour shift. No one is apply for jobs. I have talked to so many other managers and business people in all kinds of businesses and …
Jul 16, 2021: I don’t have an issue with breaking up all big tech into smaller companies.
Jul 15, 2021: Interesting business name.
Jul 14, 2021: U like the degs ?
Jul 14, 2021: Global warming has been a political football for over 40 years. I’m really starting to feel it’s too late stop it. It’s more like how can we live with …
Jul 13, 2021: Deadly Heat, Fires, Deadly virus still around, voting rights on the chopping block, along with Democracy, inept Senate Democrats. Thinking I want to …
Jul 13, 2021: Stairway to Heaven
Jul 13, 2021: Mommy’s alright, Daddy’s alright, they just seem a little weird.
Jul 13, 2021: The Sam Cooke serenade
Jul 13, 2021: This quote: For all the fuss about supporters singing “Football’s coming home”, English football fans generate atmosphere by reacting to events more …
Jul 12, 2021: What I really liked about the Euros was it was football with the handbrake off, save for all but the first 2 min of England’s performance yesterday.
Jul 12, 2021: I miss going to the Borders Books & Records Cafe. You could grab book from the store and read a preview over coffee or take the coffee over and …
Jul 12, 2021: Lot of Brits showing their okole after the match. Would have likely done the same if they won.
Jul 11, 2021: #ForzaItalia
Jul 11, 2021: I’m about 30% through East of Eden. Only read the Cliff Notes version back in college, long over due. Thoroughly enjoying the read. This feels like …
Jul 10, 2021: Current status
Jul 9, 2021: I’m a huge sports fan, but really have no interest in these ill timed, made for TV Olympics. Feel bad for the athletes.
Jul 9, 2021: Amazon provides a QR code to return to a UPS store rather than a label. The one UPS store in Kona has a line out the door every time I go, the limited …
Jul 8, 2021: This is good: It’s the Seinfeld theme but mashed up with a hit song from every year Seinfeld aire
Jul 8, 2021: Here come those Santa Ana winds again
Jul 8, 2021: “Man It’s a hot one, like 7 inches from the mid day sun” Just popped up in the playlist I’m listening to. That lyric seems so appropriate for what’s …
Jul 8, 2021: On another note, love this. Classic covers 30 Years of TSJ - The Surfers Journal
Jul 8, 2021: Our VP of operations and CEO will be in my store on Monday. Going to have a conversation on the possible paths forward on staffing. Current path not …
Jul 7, 2021: well, I have my MB export, not quite sure how to get it into DayOne yet.
Jul 6, 2021: We don’t have any wild fires and the volcano isn’t active, but we still have nice sunsets.
Jul 6, 2021: Worn
Jul 5, 2021: I often miss the analog days of the 80s. Had a pager, not a phone. Used pay phones. Read the paper, had magazine subscriptions. Looked through the TV …
Jul 5, 2021: We had our fireworks a day late due to technical difficulties. Nice show
Jul 5, 2021: Going to work on a day off for the 2nd time in 3 days. It’s fun being boss. Someday, we’ll have enough staff that I can have a full day off now and …
Jul 5, 2021: ESPN+ turns out to be a joke, can’t watch anything of substance without a cable subscription.
Jul 5, 2021: They both work. If only for nostalgia sake. I tried last year, can’t get a SIM card for the iPhone 1. The kids at ATT thought I was joking and just …
Jul 5, 2021: Have very much enjoyed the international competition more than the EPL season by a long shot. Much more diverse and creative matches. Euro and the …
Jul 4, 2021: Well, earlier in my life we left Viet Nam and it fell, and here we are further down the road of my life and we’re leaving Afghanistan and it too will …
Jul 4, 2021: Love this song writing Deacon Blues
Jul 4, 2021: We are all misfits living in a world on fire
Jul 4, 2021: Found this in the closet. It starts up. The battery fine. Now how to get music on it.
Jul 4, 2021: Companies won’t ship batteries outside the continental US anymore. That means no more do it yourself battery changes to my devices.
Jul 3, 2021: Very exciting Tour stage today. The tour has been blown up by Pogacar. Great stage win by Dylan Teuns. Loved his interview
Jul 3, 2021: Most of my Twitter feed is Brits. They are insufferable with England up 3-nil.
Jul 2, 2021: ESPN sells the alternate feed as a benefit. No replays, doesn’t follow the action, follows 2 player and 2 static cameras
Jul 2, 2021: I really hate the #Espn only gives me this feed because I don’t have a cable subscription, even thiugh I’m an #ESPN+ subscriber
Jul 1, 2021: Dead letter box
Jul 1, 2021: Got an Apple Watch for my birthday. I haven’t gotten a new personal Apple device for a couple of years, save for an Apple TV last year. The set up …
Jul 1, 2021: My brain on Thursday
Jun 30, 2021: Was not a fan of everything Donald Rumsfeld did (he passed today), but loved this statement and have used it often.
Jun 29, 2021: Closed my BBVA account. The final chapter of the Simple Bank story is closed. The big banks won this one
Jun 29, 2021: Tried the new Outlook for Mac for a day, it’s really dumbed down, went back to the old version. Hope they don’t force a change.
Jun 28, 2021: Too low for Zero**
Jun 28, 2021: Great to have someone speaking for us. There’s a hundred reasons that restaurants don’t have national representation.
Jun 28, 2021: Not near as hot as PNW, but then we have 68% humidity.
Jun 27, 2021: My new Apple Watch has gone from China > Anchorage > Louisville so far, now it has to come 4,368 miles back west to Hawaii
Jun 27, 2021: Friday 9am HST - BELGIUM v ITALY. Whew! Calendar block. Froza Italy
Jun 27, 2021: Apps and services that purport to offer “Lifetime" plans or access are a marketing ploy. Whose lifetime is it, the lifetime of the EULA? Don’t believe …
Jun 26, 2021: What is life
Jun 26, 2021: I’m not really a Bezos fan and in Hawaii, fast Amazon Prime shipping isn’t really a thing, but purely as a streaming service, Amazon Video is right in …
Jun 24, 2021: I’ve been listening to this Chez Baldwin play list. This list was made from vinyl records left behind in his France house when he passed in 1987. It …
Jun 24, 2021: What do you remember from 1965? My aunt played these songs very loud.
Jun 24, 2021: Amazing Grace
Jun 23, 2021: Back to Apple mail on my Mac. The least buggy of the bunch. Since I use for my email, using OX Mail on IOS.
Jun 23, 2021: Lots of chat about Twitter. Through the years I have curated my Twitter feed to match what interests me. Football (Soccer), tech, news that I trust, …
Jun 22, 2021: The greatest technological innovation of my lifetime is seedless watermelon.
Jun 21, 2021: Getting Spatial
Jun 21, 2021: We’re never gonna survive unless we get a little crazy.
Jun 21, 2021: I’ve only bitten on 1 Prime day deal, an iHealth scale based on an email from iHealth. Since I’ve been using their products for years, I knew it was a …
Jun 21, 2021: My Apple Watch V4 is getting a little long in the tooth. The battery time is going downhill fast. Ordered a new V6. No cellular this time. Don’t use …
Jun 21, 2021: I was shopping for and bought only one thing on Amazon Prime day. A new iHealth digital scale. My old one is on its last legs. $24.99 is great deal …
Jun 20, 2021: My Father’s days have become much different now with all of my Grandfathers (I actually had 4 due to divorces and remarriages), my Father and …
Jun 19, 2021: Went on a date night to a new restaurant/ bar in Kailua Village. A-Bays island grill. They’ve had one in Waikoloa for a few years. Kailua town was so …
Jun 19, 2021: There are so many tourist in town, the floodgates have been opened.
Jun 19, 2021: Spicy links and poi. Yum
Jun 19, 2021: Gone back to the open spaces Home Screen. Everything on the Home Screen including what’s in those folders is used often
Jun 19, 2021: A long list that I created in the #TeuxDeux app last night during a meeting disappeared after an app update today. I’m very upset that that app right …
Jun 18, 2021: We have unplugged and boxed up our Amazon echos. Too many times, something we talk about shows up on my Amazon page or my Wife’s Facebook page. (I …
Jun 18, 2021: Aloha Friday in Kona
Jun 18, 2021: This isn’t fair, but it’s the nature of technology. This 2013 MacBook Pro with an old spinning drive still works, has some issues, but still works. …
Jun 18, 2021: This is a massive property right in the middle of Kailua Village. It’s been in the Kimi family since the 1960s. The kids are cashing out, it needs to …
Jun 18, 2021: I’m as much a nerd as the next guy and I love a rocket launch, but all of the space folly with no goal other than to just go there seems wasteful. I …
Jun 17, 2021: It’s been said may times that when a couple has a baby it multiplies everything in the relationship, good or bad. It can also be said the pandemic …
Jun 16, 2021: Numbers from this past Monday show more people flew into Hawaii Island than a Monday in June 2019. What pandemic. Everyone wants to go somewhere …
Jun 14, 2021: The last one before I drift off “Into the mystic”
Jun 14, 2021: My Daughter is named Jessica. This song didn’t hurt, even though it came over a decade before she did.
Jun 14, 2021: In Spatial audio.
Jun 14, 2021: My Dev account expired last week, but my Mac had an update and downloaded Monterey. Oh well.
Jun 14, 2021: I have no desire to travel anywhere. I feel very safe and content here on Hawaii island. Also almost as far away from Washington DC as I can get, …
Jun 13, 2021: The employee crunch is starting to show up in restaurants with cut back menu offerings, more self service, take out only. The ones that are saying to …
Jun 11, 2021: The Democrats lack creativity and guts. Wimpier versions of the GOP. We’re destined to the 1% getting it all and mediocrity for the rest with a …
Jun 11, 2021: Great start in Euro2021 for #Italy
Jun 11, 2021: It’s interesting that 30 years ago people always said you didn’t go to Kona Community Hospital to get better, you went there to die. The facility was …
Jun 9, 2021: Feel like Italy has a real chance in the Euros. More so than in recent years
Jun 8, 2021: Quite the eclectic Spatial audio playlist. Good job Apple
Jun 8, 2021: Movement of jah people
Jun 8, 2021: Living in Hawaii so many things happen before we even get out of bed. Today’s internet outage, most of the stock market trading day, football matches …
Jun 8, 2021: I am reticent to turn spatial audio (Dolby Atmos) always on. It might mess up a sound I’m used to on certain songs.
Jun 7, 2021: Well, Apple made no mention of getting Hawaiian Street names correct in Maps directions.
Jun 7, 2021: Kind of annoyed that those who didn’t get vaccinated and said how bad it is will get swag for finally making us all safe. Reward bad behavior
Jun 7, 2021: Siri: flush the toilet - oh doesn’t do that yet?
Jun 7, 2021: Still excited about what Apple has coming, but my days of being involved in making the sausage are over. My job is analog. People, food, equipment.
Jun 7, 2021: Let my Dev membership lapse. Watching WWDC from the outside. No betas for me this time.
Jun 6, 2021: ★ “The clearest signal that a novel risk is emerging is anomalies—things that just don’t make sense. This sounds obvious, but most anomalies are …
Jun 5, 2021: Roam
Jun 5, 2021: My wife bought an HP Chromebook at Costco. She admitted she was sad about losing her MB Air, but we agreed that when the inevitable happens to my 2015 …
Jun 5, 2021: After losing so much weight, I actually get cold at night. Not typically a thing in Hawaii, especially down close to the ocean. I just bought long …
Jun 4, 2021: Hawaii Island had higher visitors numbers than this time in 2019 and they’ve stoped airport COVID testing. The streets in Kailua Kona are packed with …
Jun 3, 2021: My wife’s 2015 Mac Air finally die, just like that. Worked Tuesday night, dead on Wednesday. Now she won’t pay for Mac, she just wants a cheap lap …
May 31, 2021: Grilled cheese sand before I head off to work.
May 31, 2021: This steam (Kolekole) down by the ocean is fed by this waterfall (Akaka Falls) 3 miles up the valley Beautiful
May 30, 2021: Listening to loud music trying to get in the mood to go work. My supervisor called out. Said it a family emergency. I call BS without more info. So …
May 30, 2021: Summer
May 30, 2021: I miss the days when sports were only about the game/match. Now it’s more about the noise that happens between the games/matches. Takes the joy out …
May 30, 2021: Finally took the time to clean up bookmarks. It’s been too long. Had a folder of COVID links that I don’t really need anymore. I remember checking …
May 30, 2021: I signed up for AARP last year when we were shopping for car insurance. I get almost weekly snail mail from them. I guess they assume those north of …
May 30, 2021: Love this comparison.
May 29, 2021: Seeing what’s going on in these GOP strongholds in regards to voter rights seems to foreshadow a real rigged election, not a lie.
May 29, 2021: The Kolekole Gulch state park is basically under this old railroad bridge. The bridge was abandoned after the 1946 tidal wave and rebuilt for autos in …
May 29, 2021: I love how views of the Pacific Ocean peak out between buildings in Honoka’a town.
May 29, 2021: We got out of town today, which means going over to the east side of the island. First stop was Wifey’s Waffles in Honoka’a town for some amazing …
May 27, 2021: scal·a·wag /ˈskaləˌwaɡ,ˈskalēˌwaɡ/ noun. INFORMAL noun: scallywag a person who behaves badly but in an amusingly mischievous rather than harmful way; …
May 27, 2021: This is interesting. Up for bid? Hawaii Island Paddlesports Association, Kona Sailing Club leases in question I negotiated the original lease and …
May 27, 2021: Here we go. Hawai´i’s Tourism Industry Rebounding Faster Than Expected …
May 26, 2021: Bring in on. Russian Spy Vessel Confirmed Off Hawai´i Coast
May 25, 2021: We know what you did during the lockdown This is so true, but brutal
May 25, 2021: I really wish … … oh never mind. Back to reality
May 23, 2021: An old quote that still rings true “I have a reasonably and responsible attitude towards my major competitors, I’d like to see them all dead”
May 22, 2021: I now use my iPhone as my primary computer device for large swaths of the day. I also use it more for communication than is recent years primarily …
May 21, 2021: The Hawaii GOP just picked a new wingnut to be their party chair. She (looks to be north of 70 yo) just did an interview on morning news. …
May 20, 2021: How I spent my day off. Trying to revive the old Mac Mini. Disk Utility found a couple of errors. Reinstalling OS now. Then we’ll see.
May 17, 2021: All things must pass
May 17, 2021: Yep, old Mac Mini has bad SSD. I’ve changed them before and not sure I want to do that. Don’t “need" as new one, but may justify it in the end.
May 17, 2021: Looks like my 2016 Mac Mini is failing. It’s backed up and only used as a home server. No data lost, just a beloved machine.
May 15, 2021: This Gaza strip mess is going to blow up, ISIS will come back in spades. They just need an excuse and Israel and the US are giving it to them.
May 14, 2021: I had this ball for at least 40 years.
May 13, 2021: Watching 1980s music videos on YouTube. It’s was MTV’s golden era
May 11, 2021: My wife is set up for the morning.
May 10, 2021: I saw them in LA in ‘82. It was an amazing show back then too Favorite Concerts Ever: Los Lobos Live at the Whisky
May 10, 2021: Many Rivers to cross. Mood music
May 9, 2021: My Apple Dev account us up for renewal, can’t even remember how many years it’s been, but not renewing. I’m becoming just a simple end user. Also …
May 9, 2021: Over the years, I had automated many of the lights in our house. Living room, kitchen, lanai. Voice or app activated But periodically the devices lose …
May 8, 2021: I look at blood work labs as a report card on my health. 4 years ago in my state of health back then, I dreaded opening that report card. Since then, …
May 8, 2021: The conversion from Simple bank to BBVA bank began today. Not going well. It said my activation failed 3 times, now I’m locked out. I all but emptied …
May 8, 2021: There’s are 2 old old sayings in Hawaii (marketing etc) “Lucky you live Hawaii" & “Hawaii, The Health State”. They both apply here. Civil Beat/HNN …
May 4, 2021: Just found these in an iPod touch box
May 4, 2021: Bummed that Parma Calcio FC couldn’t pull it together this year and will relegated to Serie B. It’s been a good run since their bankruptcy in 2015, …
May 3, 2021: Roam
May 3, 2021: I’m glad I live in a place where COVID, Vaccine and global warming denial are believed by a smaller minority than many places in the mainland states
May 3, 2021: Watched Mortal Kombat on HBO+ today. Not sure I would have gone to the theater to see ir, but I found it entertaining.
May 3, 2021: HBO+ will be boring next year when new films aren’t premiered there on the same day as theaters
May 2, 2021: You gotta die of something
May 2, 2021: A sip of Dublin.
May 2, 2021: Just rewatched Tenet. I think much like Matrix and Inception, it will take a couple of viewings to totally understand the depth of the stories.
May 2, 2021: Sunday afternoon
May 2, 2021: Doing a mass unfollow and cleanup on Twitter today. The feed has gotten a little out of hand.
May 1, 2021: Quite the kerfuffle at Basecamp. I took a long solid look at Hey, but didn’t bite. Happy with
Apr 30, 2021: Unintended consequences. The government has given out additional unemployment $$ and addl. weeks of eligibility plus child credits and payments, but …
Apr 29, 2021: I’d get a 3rd COVID vaccine if it would make me invincible to COVID. Would still wear a mask, haven’t contracted a cold or other roving virus since …
Apr 29, 2021: Put too much cinnamon in my oatmeal. Just that
Apr 29, 2021: I’m in the middle of sorting out what’s in Jane’s head on Doom Patrol. I don’t have the brain power to apply to this Matrix theory right now. A 2nd …
Apr 28, 2021: Baseball is like church. Many attend few understand. -Leo Durocher
Apr 28, 2021: With new guidelines suggesting those who have been vaccinated don’t need a mask outdoors, but how do we know who’s been vaccinated and who not? The …
Apr 28, 2021: Last year during the lockdown I had a few bored moments.
Apr 27, 2021: IMHO the Hawaii Dept of Labor needs to shift back to enforcement on Unemployment abuse. There are 100s of open jobs on Hawaii Island and people …
Apr 27, 2021: As Simple Bank goes away and becomes BBVA bank in a few days, I downloaded all 107 statement. I was lucky to get into the Simple Bank beta in 2012 as …
Apr 25, 2021: We went to get some gelato in Kailua town this evening. Other than masks, it almost felt normal. Lots of tourists and locals out. Nice.
Apr 25, 2021: Fresh Ahi Poke on Inari. Yum!
Apr 25, 2021: Listening to a pre COVID playlist from back when I had a 30 mile commute each way to work. Now it’s 3 miles.
Apr 25, 2021: Still works.
Apr 25, 2021: With all of the Euro Super League BS last week, Watching #COPA90 videos is exactly what I needed. “This is why we love Football”
Apr 24, 2021: “The floor is a hard, unforgiving taskmaster. But the floor never hits you – you hit the floor.”
Apr 20, 2021: Love Train
Apr 20, 2021: I just bought a new Apple TV last year, hopefully the new remote will be available on its own.
Apr 18, 2021: Tonight’s mood
Apr 18, 2021: Anita Baker. The Queen of the Quiet Storm radio format of the 80s
Apr 18, 2021: I’ve been using the Fluid app for years to make web apps in the Mac apps. Love it and it still works great.
Apr 18, 2021: I really do like the sarcastic and cynical tone of the DC Doom Patrol series on HBO
Apr 17, 2021: Looks like the only problem I encountered with my 2nd vaccine shot has been a bout of slight lethargy. We’ll see what tomorrow brings. Possibly extra …
Apr 16, 2021: Apple is pretty good at creating the Made for You playlist in the music app, but the weekly email that they send has nothing I’m remotely interested …
Apr 16, 2021: 2nd shot in the bag (or in my arm)
Apr 14, 2021: just released new a pricing structure. Game changer. I’ll move my primary mail account there. Though I just renewed my Hover email for a …
Apr 13, 2021: Going through the master drive where I’ve dumped data from the past, oh about 20 years. Scans, photos from old devices, exports from apps I stopped …
Apr 13, 2021: Looking back on 2020, 2021 is going much better.
Apr 13, 2021: I think I should play this to start my day, every day
Apr 13, 2021: What’s next “I meant to take out my pen and write a ticket, but I mistakenly took out my gun and shot”??
Apr 12, 2021: For what?
Apr 11, 2021: Nine months since I got my weight under 200# (from a high of 268 in early 2019). Feels good to hold the weight loss. Have failed many many times …
Apr 11, 2021: Even after hundreds of eye drops post retina surgery and the subsequent procedures, I still don’t like putting in eye drops.
Apr 11, 2021: I miss Tim Russert on the Sunday morning talk.
Apr 9, 2021: First these big corporations start documenting and writing you up for little, seemingly benign incidents that eventually force you into a PIP (perform …
Apr 9, 2021: Amazon will clean house after this vote. Companies know how to get around retaliation claims and manage someone out the door. It happened to me at …
Apr 8, 2021: During last year’s lockdown and stay at home orders, I realized I don’t really miss being around crowds and lots of people. I work in Hospitality and …
Apr 7, 2021: Been consistently unsubscribing to listservs and marketing emails over the past couple of months. My morning email, when most of them hit, is down …
Apr 4, 2021: Over years of using different email clients;, Outlook, Airmail, Spark, there are a bunch of extra folders in the IMAP structure created by …
Apr 4, 2021: Hawaii Volcano National Park
Apr 3, 2021: One of the few things I’ve had for more than 40 years. Still works as is it when new.
Apr 3, 2021: A continuing annoyance is blogs and e-lists that post links to articles behind paywalls without mentioning that fact. I’m pretty much tapped out as …
Apr 2, 2021: Looks like I’m going all in with Have 1 there now that I’ve been playing with. I’ll leave the others in Hover where the domains live, …
Apr 2, 2021: I’m going to want to ride Amtrak when we next go back to the continent. It is going to get better.
Apr 2, 2021: Start a new job on Monday. Feels good. Had a zoom call with the corporate team last Monday. They offered an attractive compensation & benefit package. …
Mar 30, 2021: The Paramount app is a drama queen Fatal error? I’m not sure anything actually died
Mar 30, 2021: American Pie
Mar 30, 2021: Did something good for my mind and attitude. Sharpened all of my knives. Takes me a couple of hours.
Mar 30, 2021: Brisket sliders from #OhanaQ BBQ in Kona. #Yum
Mar 30, 2021: Renewed my ServeSafe training. Got 1 wrong (50 questions). I can live with that. Good for another 3 years. They added use of hand sanitizers to the …
Mar 28, 2021: The GOP wants an ID to vote, but not to buy a gun. WTF
Mar 28, 2021: I took this photo 1 year and 1 weeks ago on Alii Drive in Kona when we first locked down. It was heartbreaking then and still is. A number of small …
Mar 28, 2021: That stuck ship is huge. The ones that we get on Hawaii Island are stacked only 2 containers high.
Mar 27, 2021: Just rewatched Chinatown with Jack Nicholson and Faye Dunaway. Havn’t watched it for at least 10 years. I have much more appreciation for the quality …
Mar 27, 2021: What I like about (and before it) as well as Mastadon is my feed is not controlled by an algorithm. It’s organic. Just that.
Mar 27, 2021: Pain points in streaming We cancelled cable a month ago, and it’s mostly OK. A flaw in streaming is you can’t bookmark or save specific feeds or channels within or outside of …
Mar 26, 2021: Finished all 3 seasons of #Legion I know, late to the game. Would love to see all of the main characters in #MCU at some point.
Mar 26, 2021: I must be the oddball here. I don’t use Ulysses or Drafts. I tried them both, more than once. If I want to write something, I just go to the app I …
Mar 26, 2021: As we come to the end of the 1 year sign up deals for many of the streaming services, some decisions will be made. Can’t really afford to keep them …
Mar 25, 2021: I’ve lived in the middle of this battle. This is a great overview: The Controversy Over Building One Of The World’s Largest Telescopes There are deep …
Mar 25, 2021: Not sure if I’m ready to do the entire 4 hours this soon Zack Snyder’s Justice League: Justice is Gray
Mar 24, 2021: The only reaction that I had from the vaccine was a craving for glazed donuts and I wanted to listen to ‘80 music. I’m curious what the 2nd shot will …
Mar 24, 2021: Just finished watching “The Head" on HBOMax. Wasn’t sure at the start, but it turned out to be a very good mystery. Quite the twist at the end. It …
Mar 24, 2021: Had my shot in my bad left shoulder (3 detached tendons), so I can’t tell whether the pain my regular shoulder pain or if it’s from the shot.
Mar 24, 2021: Weight loss
Mar 24, 2021: Got mine.
Mar 24, 2021: I’m not sure if I’m interested in seeing Justice League in black and white, it’s already a rather dark movie. Though after seeing an interview with …
Mar 23, 2021: Watched in section today, but finished Zack Snyder’s Justice League. What a BIG movie. Really enjoyed it. I don’t get into this actor or that actor …
Mar 23, 2021: Was laid off due to COVID lockdown 1 year ago tomorrow. My career (hospitality)has not recovered yet. I’ve tried a couple of other things with no …
Mar 22, 2021: There are some days I just need to listen to REALLY LOUD Rock-n-roll. Right now is one of those times #ChildofThe70s
Mar 22, 2021: Would like to see Dr. Manhattan & Vision sit down for a cup of coffee and talk about the end of the world.
Mar 21, 2021: Nice to see a shopping center developer using Lawae Fern in their landscaping
Mar 20, 2021: It really is the wrong way
Mar 19, 2021: Going back to rewatch the Watchman series from last year on HBOMax. I’m seeing things that I missed the first time already.
Mar 18, 2021: Closed a few accounts Linkedin ✓ Facebook ✓ Instagram ✓ Mothballed my website ✓ ✓ so far, more to come
Mar 18, 2021: “The floor is a hard, unforgiving taskmaster. But the floor never hits you – you hit the floor
Mar 18, 2021: Quarterly sync done. I have a password protected 4T drive that I keep at my step-son’s house. Once a quarter I bring it home and sync any data added …
Mar 18, 2021: Trust the science
Mar 17, 2021: Really enjoyed watching the videos on theSt. Patrick’s Festival TV website. Really put me in the mood and showed a different side of Ireland
Mar 17, 2021: I’m pretty much equal parts Irish and Italian - roughly 40-45 odd % each. As I’ve gotten older, I pretty much identify equally with each. I love Irish …
Mar 17, 2021: “Here’s to a long life and a merry one. A quick death and an easy one. A pretty girl and an honest one. A cold pint–and another one!” Happy St …
Mar 17, 2021: My wife did her prep for cancelling cable.
Mar 16, 2021: This just happened
Mar 16, 2021: ‘Ohia Lehua on the Kamana Mana trail
Mar 14, 2021: Made fresh Spaghetti Carbonara after seeing it on Stanley Tuci’s CNN show. Can only watch so much food on TV before I need to make it. Side benefit of …
Mar 14, 2021: cutting the cable, as they say… One dynamic of canceling cable is for 40+ years the behavior has been to turn on the TV, power up the cable box, then scroll the cable guide for …
Mar 13, 2021: Saturday afternoon libation
Mar 13, 2021: I only had a Facebook account to stay in touch with a relation overseas, I used my Grandfather’s last name rather than my own, don’t want to engage on …
Mar 13, 2021: What kind of sucks about the new Stimulus is that we changed banks 3 months ago and there was no way to update the bank info on the IRS website. Now …
Mar 9, 2021: an Irish Pub in Kona Been thinking a lot about opening a small Irish / British style Pub here in Kona. Small meaning 20-25 seats (1 person operation, much larger will need …
Mar 7, 2021: Now that I’ve seen WandaVision all the way through, I’ll go back and binge watch it all over again.
Mar 6, 2021: One channel / app we’ll lose is CNN live. But with Trump out of office, even that is less important
Mar 6, 2021: It’s official, we’re cutting the cord and canceling cable. The recent price increase was the last straw. We’ll lose a couple of apps that don’t have a …
Mar 5, 2021: Crossroads
Feb 25, 2021: Hawaii is not only NOT part of a grid, each island has its own power generation. It’s Not Just Texas. The Energy Meltdown Can Happen to Your State, …
Feb 24, 2021: Down to the River Check out “The River” …
Feb 23, 2021: No flood map for Hawaii. We’re not really part of the nation, besides, why would island flood? Is your house going to flood …
Feb 22, 2021: My favorite mug, that my wife has commandeered.
Feb 18, 2021: Republican president and COVID mess Republican state leaders in Texas and the current weather crisis Not thinking it’s a coincidence.
Feb 17, 2021: Beef pies galore.
Feb 17, 2021: The news looks like the movies The Day After Tomorrow and Contagion combined.
Feb 11, 2021: Brought the grandsons and their friends to the pool. Rather chase master, their playing Corona virus. Keep away from the one with the virus
Feb 4, 2021: Just turned off most notifications on my iPhone so I’m not distracted when I’m reading in the Books app or Kindle on my phone.
Feb 4, 2021: This book, which I read a few years ago, really shows how fragile and how much of an experiment our Democracy is from the beginning. There is not …
Feb 3, 2021: Will not be renewing my Apple Dev account, will just sign up for public betas. My tinkering days are winding down. Will also only sign up for App …
Jan 31, 2021: I haven’t posted anything since Jan 2. Here’s the big things that happened in January from my view January 2021 Extremists stormed the US Capital …
Jan 17, 2021: It dawned on me tonight, after my Mother’s recent passing (COVID), I am now the oldest in our immediate and extend family. No Parents, Grand Parents, …
Jan 2, 2021: Hiatus
Jan 1, 2021: I just watched the first episode of Restaurant Hustle on Food Network about Chefs, Restaurants and COVID. This show made me sad, happy and proud of …
Jan 1, 2021: The opposite side of the earth from Kailua Kona is NW Botswana, a New Years Day tanget
Jan 1, 2021: New Years at Anaeho’omalu Bay (A-bay). Everyone suitably spaced. Brisk breeze, but nice. I used to manage at the Marriott resort behind us. Mixed …
Jan 1, 2021: My 2 Tilley hats. I’ve had these for decades. A quick wash and air dry and they bounce back. Comfortable all day out in the sun.
Jan 1, 2021: Not optimal, but it helps none the less, our stimulus showed up in the bank this morning.
Jan 1, 2021: Starting out 2021 with a cloudy and hazy sunrise. TBH, kind of like the outlook for 2021. Want to be positive, but so much is hazy right now. At least …
Dec 31, 2020: Happy New Year East coast - 5 hours to go here.
Dec 31, 2020: Trump’s vaccine plan is like the USPS just leaving the mail at the airport and letting the states sort it out.
Dec 31, 2020: If you haven’t read Ed Yong‘a article, please do. Herd immunity is a moving target. It’s not some magical place Where the Pandemic Will Take America …
Dec 31, 2020: What a long strange trip it’s been, but we’re still Truckin.
Dec 31, 2020: The loss that hit me the hardest was Chadwick Boseman. So much talent taken early. Cancer sucks
Dec 31, 2020: I lost 51# this year, mostly in the first 9 months and have kept it off the last 3 months. Focusing on making it stick this time.
Dec 31, 2020: Goodnight moon
Dec 31, 2020: A degree of time wasting 💧 I’m Saving Hundreds of Microseconds Each Day
Dec 30, 2020: 2020 wasn’t the worst, at least to me Truth is, this was not the worst year in my life. It’s was very different, but I had some unique experiences, some great memories and also did some …
Dec 29, 2020: Lots of posts about new phones and Macs. I need to live vicariously through you all. We’re in the mode of playing out the string and using our tech …
Dec 29, 2020: I need a calendar / date based note app. I’m testing Agenda and Note Plan. I need to add, notes, names, phone numbers, tasks. Note Plan seems to have. …
Dec 29, 2020: Big year coming Every Star Wars and Marvel show or movie coming in 2021
Dec 28, 2020: Pretty much what I expected. Summer
Dec 28, 2020: The universe doesn’t care
Dec 27, 2020: check the box with bicycles, what am I missing?
Dec 27, 2020: I just inhaled a perfect Rib Eye steak right off the Grill with caramelized onions and glass of Woodford Reserve, If I die right now, I will die …
Dec 27, 2020: I’ve never been one to look back other than as a lesson. In 2021 I expect better finances, less stuff, renewed relationships, progress in the job …
Dec 27, 2020: His days are numbered, but Christmas has been a welcome respite.
Dec 27, 2020: Upped my computer audio sound with the Fulla Schiit DAC/AMP Bigger sound for streaming.
Dec 27, 2020: Sorry King Arthur Flour, can’t pull the trigger.
Dec 27, 2020: The little tree on top of the air purifier. Now running 24/7 with volcanic emissions being what they are.
Dec 26, 2020: This was amazing. The only problem is season 3 is far far away I thought you might like “Disney Gallery / Star Wars: The Mandalorian” …
Dec 26, 2020: I bought NotePlan 2, now I need to spend some time working it into a workflow
Dec 25, 2020: It’s working, our air quality inside is down to good numbers. It was 75 before we locked down.
Dec 25, 2020: The VOG (Volcanic Haze) is bad today, we have all of the windows and doors closed and have the A/C on and the air purifier cranked up.
Dec 25, 2020: We asked our kids to get us alcohol rather than Starbucks cards this year, being that 2020 is what it is.
Dec 25, 2020: Disasters I’m old enough to remember Viet Nam, African famine, oppressive dictatorships, regional genocides, floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, …
Dec 25, 2020: Before Trump and BLM I generally didn’t make consumer choices based politics. That has changed, there are companies I go to lengths to avoid.
Dec 25, 2020: One of the best adverts of the year…
Dec 24, 2020: Shades of 2018 during the of lava flows. Air purifiers running 24/7 in the house.
Dec 24, 2020: Christmas gift opening with 2 Grandsons here and Granddaughter via Zoom
Dec 24, 2020: On tonight’s cocktail menu Hot Buttered Rum Cranberry Old Fashioned Hot Apple Cider (with Irish Whisky)
Dec 24, 2020: Seems I’ve seen this play out somewhere before
Dec 24, 2020: With the Volcano back in flow mode and volcanic haze dominating the sky line, I went back to a photo from last years Holiday period.
Dec 23, 2020: Nice Burberry debuts a mesmerizing, modern take on ‘Singin’ in the Rain' - Ad Age
Dec 23, 2020: Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you
Dec 22, 2020: Nuclear winter sunset Actually, Kilauea volcanic haze
Dec 22, 2020: Hualalai without and with VOG - volcanic haze
Dec 22, 2020: The VOG (Volcanic haze) is definitely back after the volcano only being active for 2 days. Guess she was feeling that COVID was getting all of the …
Dec 22, 2020: Starting to see the first vestiges of volcanic haze that hangs over West Hawaii when the volcano is active. We’ve had a 2 year respite. The VOG was …
Dec 21, 2020: Shazam sucks at Hawaiian music
Dec 21, 2020: The stars were behind clouds, so we’ll look at pictures instead.
Dec 21, 2020: Making Cranberry Old Fashioned for Christmas Eve. Fun times
Dec 21, 2020: Happening now: a new eruption of Kīlauea inside Halemaʻumaʻu It’s beautiful, but can be devastating. If we see a return to volcanic haze hanging over …
Dec 21, 2020: Oh oh. Here we go again. This is 2020 giving us a final slap in the face. Kīlauea Erupts on Sunday Night
Dec 20, 2020: The Professor and the Madman.
Dec 20, 2020: It’s starting to look a lot like Christmas - December snow on Mauna Kea
Dec 20, 2020: My wife has always over cooked cookies and I have given up trying to fix it, I just dip them in milk.
Dec 19, 2020: nothing is constant but change After a couple of interviews, Rethinking going back into food & beverage. Expectations to hit pre-COVID revenue & profit numbers are unrealistic. …
Dec 19, 2020: With Fargo and Mandalorian over till next year, I guess I’ll go back to reading
Dec 18, 2020: Just watched Tenet. It had premise and promise, the story line was kind of thin.
Dec 18, 2020: You’re part of the problem, part of the solution or just part of the landscape.
Dec 18, 2020: It’s just like the flu
Dec 17, 2020: Glassware. I basically have the proper glass for most types of wine, beer and cocktails.
Dec 17, 2020: Look what I found. This is a rare find in Hawaii. It wasn’t cheap. The last Shiner Bock I had was in Texas about 10 years ago. Yum! “Serve cold…and …
Dec 17, 2020: Massive cleanup of bookmarks in Safari today. Deleted over half
Dec 15, 2020: On balance, most of 2020 really sucked, and still does, BUT, The Lakers, Dodgers, Biden / Harris, my wife and living in Hawaii made it slightly less …
Dec 15, 2020: Took this photo of the Waimea pastures and Mauna Kea is 2012.
Dec 15, 2020: Seeing a lot of posts on camera. I sold my last proper camera early this year. Had used only occasionally for the past few years. No patience to …
Dec 15, 2020: Planning our next Mac purchases. My wife’s 11” air is getting a little long in the tooth and my 2015 13” MBP is not far behind. She’ll need a laptop, …
Dec 15, 2020: Then and now
Dec 15, 2020: Can’t wait for this election cycle to end. I work with a group of far right conspiracy theorists. I’ve had to listen to every single conspiracy …
Dec 15, 2020: The unfortunate chain of events; I had a mocha mid afternoon yesterday, led to waking up at 12:30 AM - wide awake, which led to taking 1/2 an ambien …
Dec 14, 2020: Seeing a lot commercial for movies “only in theaters" Not for us. We’ve come this far with no COVID, we can wait.
Dec 14, 2020: 2021 Supra Coupe. Have $55k of spare cash?
Dec 14, 2020: From yesterday. Mise en Place for cranberry scones. They came out great. I’m still annoyed that I can’t make clotted cream. I can’t get the correct …
Dec 14, 2020: Watched Mank last night on Netflix. I enjoyed it, but then I like subtlety and interesting dialog. My wife hated it, she wants entertainment where …
Dec 13, 2020: Can’t believe this album is 25 years old. I can clearly remember getting the CD when is came out and driving along the south coast of Maui on business …
Dec 13, 2020: Soon is a relative term during COVID. This has been like this since January
Dec 13, 2020: Out cruising at the Waikoloa resort. The activity calendar has not updated since…pre COVID
Dec 13, 2020: I was a big fan of Mountain in high school. Even had a bootleg live album.
Dec 12, 2020: My Sonos speakers are crapping tonight, back to TV
Dec 12, 2020: Holiday beverage
Dec 12, 2020: Rewatching Tinker, Tailor, Solder, Spy with Gary Oldman before it disappears from Netflix. A great old fashioned spy movie, the kind I grew up …
Dec 12, 2020: I don’t like the culture of car sales, I do love my customers. I’ve been told by customers that I’m a refreshing change and not like any other car …
Dec 12, 2020: Stepped outside to this
Dec 11, 2020: Epic. Can’t wait ‘Loki’: First Trailer for ‘Glorious’ Time-Twisting Disney+ Series - Rolling Stone
Dec 11, 2020: If the SCOTUS does anything to mess with the election, there will be civil war. The Black Lives Matter protests will seem tame compared to what will …
Dec 10, 2020: Current status… for at least another week.
Dec 10, 2020: I don’t agree with hyper analyzing every Biden pick, maybe the big cabinet positions. Let’s judge the body of work. He needs to put in people that he …
Dec 10, 2020: I grew up at the old Honolulu Stadium watching the Hawaii Islanders Triple A team. Minor league baseball has a place in my heart The …
Dec 9, 2020: Fascinating take. ‘Mandalorian’ theory: Boba Fett easter egg reveals how Season 2 will end
Dec 9, 2020: New annoying behavior by my Beats Flex headphones since the iPhone update. They disconnect when the phone is locked as I get the reconnect window when …
Dec 9, 2020: I’m not a coder, never have been, I speak english (and Hawaiian and a little Italian - still learning) I just watch all of those posts about coding …
Dec 9, 2020: Trump just said “skyrocket downward”. Huh?
Dec 8, 2020: parking is getting a little crowded up there
Dec 8, 2020: I think we can file the vaccines under sometimes “perfect is the enemy of good enough”
Dec 7, 2020: This caught my eye in this video. Son of Mauna Kea For those who don’t know, Mauna Kea is here on Hawaii Island and is the tallest mountain on earth …
Dec 7, 2020: I loved this album when it came out. I had the vinyl.
Dec 6, 2020: Lazy Sunday afternoon Going out for anniversary dinner tonight. Outdoor dining
Dec 6, 2020: Baked scones for the first time, used a basic recipe from King Arthur flour. They came out pretty good. I’ve been hesitant to make scones, as I had so …
Dec 6, 2020: The best streaming service is one that you will watch. There are so many, We started keeping track of what service the shows or sports that we watch …
Dec 5, 2020: One step closer to getting out of car sales and back into hospitality. Meeting with the owner of a pair of restaurants (working on a third) here on …
Dec 5, 2020: We left the beach earlier that we wanted. It was beautiful day, It was starting to get crowded and not a mask in sight. Lots of larger groups starting …
Dec 5, 2020: Beach day
Dec 4, 2020: Tonight
Dec 4, 2020: I’m glad we have The Onion. #Levity Jared Kushner Says States Should Have Planned Ahead Before Joining The Union
Dec 2, 2020: Goodnight moon
Dec 1, 2020: Usage observations. The Beats Flex has a way better, consistent and persistent connection with my phone that the AirPod pro. Sound is better on the …
Dec 1, 2020: December F%k’N FIRST 2020. Don’t know if I feel “what the hell happened to this year” or “ let’s get the damn thing over with” COVID will be with us …
Dec 1, 2020: Maybe Micro.Blog can do seasonal icons ???? I
Dec 1, 2020: My vehicles 1985 Isuzu Pup. 250,000 miles 1995 Nissan Frontier 103,000 miles 2004 Nissan Fromtier 101,500 miles 2013 Hyundai Accent 103,500 so far
Dec 1, 2020: This may not be much on a continent, but I have driven over 550,000 combined miles (4 different cars) over 30 year on Hawaii island. Only 2 speeding …
Nov 30, 2020: Rosalita
Nov 30, 2020: It’s Cyber “I’m going to work and not spending any money” Monday
Nov 29, 2020: It’s a very Merry Christmas
Nov 29, 2020: Macy’s is so devoid of inventory it sure seems like they’re closing.
Nov 29, 2020: Democrats best not fall into infighting, complacency & trying to grab power for their slice of the party. We could be sitting here 4 years from now …
Nov 29, 2020: Go to hell 2020. We’re having a Christmas
Nov 28, 2020: This just happened. Glad I looked up.
Nov 28, 2020: Got my AARP card today, time to embrace being old(er). You only get old once, hopefully it lasts a long time.
Nov 27, 2020: Sunset looking west, moonrise to the east.
Nov 27, 2020: I am very close to exiting the car business. My 5 month experiment is closing. The dark side of car sales is too much for me. I could deal with it if …
Nov 27, 2020: Stormy night last night, not a cloud in the sky today. Gonna be a hot one.
Nov 27, 2020: Deleted the mother lode of black Friday emails, don’t need anything and the the family has been prepared for a different type of Christmas.
Nov 26, 2020: Had our Thanksgiving Japanese Dinner at #IzakayaShiono in Kona, They opened a few weeks ago. (opening was delayed by COVID lockdown). The service and …
Nov 26, 2020: We don’t have Autumn leaves in Hawaii, we do have that Fall feeling
Nov 26, 2020: How soon is now. “When you say it’s gonna happen now, well when exactly do you mean, See, I’ve already waited too long. And all my …
Nov 26, 2020: We went for a Thanksgiving walk down at the Four Season Hualalai oceanside walking path. It’s nice to see the resort slowly awaken from its COVID …
Nov 26, 2020: My wife went all in holidays today. Even the fireplace app on AppleTV
Nov 25, 2020: My wife and I are not having anyone over, we’re going out for dinner. Japanese bistro food. Untraditional
Nov 25, 2020: I had tight nuts during the election
Nov 25, 2020: This pair of roosters live between 2 parking lots. In the afternoon at Ace Hardware next door and in the morning they’re on our side
Nov 25, 2020: The holiday season, where I can count on getting an email from any company I’ve purchased from in the internet era. It’s easier to deal with than a …
Nov 25, 2020: Late to the game (literally). But just blew through Monument Valley. Really enjoyed it. Downloaded MV II. We’ll see how long that takes.
Nov 24, 2020: Ravel’s Bolero is such an amazing piece of music.
Nov 24, 2020: The sound of inevitability #Trump
Nov 22, 2020: Look what I found. This will be fun I thought you might like “LEGO Star Wars Holiday Special” on Disney+.
Nov 22, 2020: 129 days till Opening Day #Dodgers
Nov 22, 2020: Dug out my trusted cast iron skillet to make Cajun blackened chicken. Due to smoke alarms, I put the pan on the grill outside and got it nice and hot. …
Nov 22, 2020: I really like the Airmail app on IOS, but the Mac version is so so
Nov 22, 2020: Couldn’t resist, had all of the ingredients, had to make another batch.
Nov 21, 2020: As a life long nerd and also old enough to recall Mercury and Apollo, landing a rocket on a dime, back on earth continues to amaze me.
Nov 21, 2020: I am a sports fan for escape and moments off joy. The Lakers and Dodgers were solid. So far #Arsenal and #Inter not so much
Nov 21, 2020: Long shadow
Nov 21, 2020: Made roasted corn and jalapeño corn bread on my day off yesterday. It was a great addition to breakfast this morning.
Nov 20, 2020: Enjoyed the Trial of the Chicago 7 on Netflix. We had our own share of War protests in Hawaii. Honolulu was a stop for kids going to and from Viet …
Nov 20, 2020: I have signed up for too many lifetime subscriptions that went out of business. No thanks. Store and protect your digital life with this …
Nov 20, 2020: All this happened in my adult life. I used DOS for the first few years on a PC clone (a Gateway if I recall) Had a Mac at work in ‘86. The first …
Nov 20, 2020: Day off beverage choice
Nov 20, 2020: I had forgotten how good this album was.
Nov 20, 2020: Just watched “I am Greta" on Hulu. Shame on us, we have been nothing but complacent. The climate needs everyone.
Nov 20, 2020: My Apple Watch battery time is massively degraded since the last update. Sucky
Nov 19, 2020: Public health 101 C’mon Hawai’i A Secret to Vermont’s Pandemic Success
Nov 19, 2020: Double rainbow
Nov 19, 2020: This was a very memorable chilly afternoon at the historic Volcano House. We stayed there after the recent volcanic eruption ended to support the …
Nov 19, 2020: My final fireplace of the day. This was a holiday portrait my Wife and I took at our former home in Waimea as newlyweds. This fireplace was propane …
Nov 19, 2020: One of my favorite Fireplaces here on Hawaii Island is at Kilauea Lodge in Volcano village. Have had dinner there often and enjoy an after-dinner port …
Nov 18, 2020: It’s been cloudy and raining all afternoon, the sun finally peaked under the clouds just before dropping for the night.
Nov 18, 2020: What I want and where I want to be.
Nov 17, 2020: Archies
Nov 17, 2020: Kodachrome
Nov 17, 2020: Watch this #HOPE.…
Nov 17, 2020: Can we fire Trump on Twitter
Nov 17, 2020: Quite a few people I work with are gun owners. What I hear from them often is; what would you do if someone broke into your house, you need …
Nov 16, 2020: Trump
Nov 16, 2020: Yea
Nov 16, 2020: This song by Jackson Browne says a lot about where we are now.
Nov 16, 2020: They must be new to Kona. That tree will a dried up timber in 3 weeks
Nov 16, 2020: This was in a car that came in for service. Don’t want to be on the road when this guy is.
Nov 16, 2020: The county is replacing a small but important bridge near our home. It’s on a very busy street. It’s right next to the ocean so high tide floods the …
Nov 15, 2020: Seems line an eternity ago.
Nov 15, 2020: I had completely forgotten to upgrade my home server. It just sits there quietly and does its job. Had to jump through 2 updates to get to Big Sur …
Nov 15, 2020: Love the club cover.
Nov 15, 2020: Snow on Mauna Kea this morning. Thought it was a little nippy last night.
Nov 15, 2020: Traditional Republican values Reading this, they really are lost.
Nov 14, 2020: We’ve gone back to Apple native apps. Canceled Spotify, Adobe suite and MIcrosoft Office. Next up, moving back to the Apple podcast app. Oh and also …
Nov 14, 2020: trickeration just heard the announcer use the word “trickeration" on a college football game. had to look it up to see if it was real. trick·er·a·tion | …
Nov 14, 2020: When Trump says the vaccine is great and we all should get it, I would tend to run the other way. I don’t even know which so called ‘scientists" to …
Nov 13, 2020: The Airpod Pro spatial sound is an amazing way to listen to shows on Disney+
Nov 13, 2020: This will be my last beta cycle. This one was more or less stable on all devices and it was a big one, but I won’t be renewing my Dev account.
Nov 13, 2020: Seeing everyone get their new phones is fun to watch. We’re taking a different tack, We will only buy a device when one dies. We’re just playing out …
Nov 13, 2020: This remote learning, school at home is really wearing on our 9 yo Grandson. He’s tends towards hyperactive / ADHD. He needs to be in a classroom. We …
Nov 13, 2020: The #BartenderApp not only works again, it’s much better #Yay
Nov 12, 2020: Update night
Nov 12, 2020: I had the cassette tape of this album in my car back in the early ‘80s
Nov 12, 2020: Guessing Google hasn’t figured out how to monetize photos in the app
Nov 11, 2020: 50.8% is not a total repudiation of Trump but it’s a start and I’ll take it.
Nov 11, 2020: I picked a bad day to quit sniffing glue
Nov 10, 2020: Lots of press on the vaccine. My wife works in healthcare. Keeping the vaccine at -70° F is a big deal and officials are minimizing it. How long can …
Nov 9, 2020: Wish I was Still drinking
Nov 9, 2020: Here we go. He’ll start burning for down the house from one corner Trump fires Secretary of Defense Mark Esper
Nov 9, 2020: Yup
Nov 9, 2020: Reviewing the IMDB 100 movie bucket list, I’ve seen 3/4 of them, albeit many of them 1 time years ago. Many of the old ones that I’ve tried to rewatch …
Nov 9, 2020: It wasn’t all DEMs
Nov 8, 2020: …and Sade
Nov 8, 2020: Just came across Luther Vandross on a playlist on my phone. This was was go to music back in the ‘80s
Nov 8, 2020: Our imitation In-n-Out burgers were amazing Ground Chuck Secret Sauce Fresh baked buns (local bakery) Fresh lettuce and onion Cheddar rather than …
Nov 8, 2020: We don’t have In-n-Out burger in Hawaii so I’m making a copycat version for lunch today. Just need an appropriate bun. Made the sauce already.
Nov 7, 2020: My wife and I decided to go out to our favorite restaurant #IslandLavaJava to celebrate #BidenIn #TrumpOut We haven’t been out for dinner since my …
Nov 7, 2020: It just dawned on me the amazing First Lady we will have. This is going to be amazing, blazing light after 4 years of darkness.
Nov 7, 2020: My wife and I have had a bottle of good champagne in the refrigerator for a couple of years, waiting for the right occasion. This is it
Nov 7, 2020: insurance It’s so annoying when you have to threaten to cancel for a company to offer a better deal. I find when just calling to ask for the deal, there is …
Nov 7, 2020: Wow, NBC just called it for Biden!!
Nov 6, 2020: Trump’s path forward.
Nov 6, 2020: My brain while looking at the numbers
Nov 6, 2020: .
Nov 6, 2020: 536 AD — the worst year in history This makes me feel better, I think
Nov 6, 2020: Day off. Watching numbers.
Nov 5, 2020: Georgia on my mind
Nov 5, 2020: My Wife and I are both looking forward to the day, hopefully sooner, when the adults move back into the Executive branch. They don’t need to be …
Nov 4, 2020: You know you’re getting old when you recognize more and more of the medications advertised on TV.
Nov 4, 2020: Changing the battery in a Prius is quite involved
Nov 4, 2020: This election was better, but we need more Hawaii had a 67% turnout, much better than last time, but what about the other 30+%. Let’s start now for …
Nov 3, 2020: I just calling them Electrical votes, either will be shock to certain people.
Nov 3, 2020: Sunset over car lot
Nov 3, 2020: “What you learn from a life in science is the vastness of our ignorance.” – David Eagleman
Nov 2, 2020: Really hoping Biden trounces Trump, then we just need to worry about fixing all of the damage he does between now and Jan 20.
Nov 2, 2020: Good Monday - almost
Nov 1, 2020: Rum old fashioned coming. Go with what you got.
Nov 1, 2020: IMHO, they should stop posting polls already. I think it really does influence the election.
Nov 1, 2020: Excellent big picture of what’s wrong Review: Five books on our hopeless polarization - The Washington Post
Oct 31, 2020: A customer of mine is the granddaughter of Stan “the Man” Musial. She found out how much of a baseball fan I am and gave me this today.
Oct 31, 2020: Can’t wrap my head around what we do if SCOTUS usurps the constitution to support Trump. Do we just ignore it? We’ve seen what Trump will do if we …
Oct 31, 2020: Hi, Thanks for contacting us. I understand that you’d like to know if you will be credited or will the payment be adjust for your Apple TV and Arcade …
Oct 31, 2020: Got my answer from Apple. They will not credit back existing subscriptions when you sign up for Apple One. I will just wait until they expire and look …
Oct 30, 2020: Watched David Byrne’s American Utopia on HBO. Love it
Oct 30, 2020: We’re all swearing too. Amy Coney Barrett Sworn In as New Supreme Court Justice
Oct 30, 2020: I’ll have to wait to update my phone at home tonight. WiFi is dis functional at work. Says 11 hours.
Oct 30, 2020: What the Apple bundles haven’t answered is how to deal with existing annual or free subscriptions. Disney did a great job with this when setting up …
Oct 30, 2020: Ok. I’m officially fed up with this. C’mon Apple. Fix it.
Oct 29, 2020: We walk by places like this on our weekend outings and can never see beyond the fence line. Opulence not paying their share of local taxes I must say. …
Oct 29, 2020: Watching game 4 of the 1984 NBA finals. I remember it clearly. The Lakers won it in 6. Was living in LA in ‘84
Oct 28, 2020: I got the new Beats Flex. I can leave them hanging around my neck and stick one in my ear when my phone rings. I love how it answers the phone as soon …
Oct 28, 2020: No 5G for Hawaii yet T‑Mobile Nearly Doubles its Supercharged Mid‑Band 5G in Just One Month - T‑Mobile Newsroom
Oct 27, 2020: The nice thing tonight is my Twitter feed had WAY more baseball than politics.
Oct 27, 2020: I’m a life long #Dodger fan. They’ve now won 6 championships in my lifetime, including the year I was born. in the 80’s when I lived in LA, I went to …
Oct 27, 2020: Dodgers!
Oct 27, 2020: I’m avoiding the news for the next week. There is already too mud and lies being slung around.
Oct 27, 2020: My college football coach used to say “don’t leave it till the 4 quarter” score enough to leave no doubt. This election is about that. We need enough …
Oct 27, 2020: Not renewing my Microsoft Office software subscription. Going back to using Pages and Numbers. Dumped Adobe a couple of months ago. Can’t justify the …
Oct 26, 2020: My go to relax music. #TheClientele
Oct 26, 2020: Kona is much more interested pleasant when there are these high clouds all day long
Oct 26, 2020: In my estimate, there’s not just one Donald Trump, there are over 60 million of them. If you back what he stands for and does, you’re just like him.
Oct 26, 2020: 4Runnner TRD Off Road Pro. Lunar Rock Color. Hard to come by. We got one for one of my customers.
Oct 25, 2020: At this point, we might as well recycle the paper the constitution was written on. The GOP is making it a useless document.
Oct 25, 2020: Saw Jambalaya on TV last night which of course meant I have to make some. Conveniently we had all but one ingredient in the house (bell pepper), …
Oct 25, 2020: Needless to say, after the issues coming up with the Indegogo project #SecondScreen and other crowd funded project failures that I’ve backed, I’m …
Oct 25, 2020: This week’s day out in the world was to Anaeho’omalu Bay at Waikoloa. The fish pond in the pix is the Ku’uali’i Fishpond. The hotel seen is the not …
Oct 24, 2020: Alice’s Restaurant - A Thanksgiving tradition
Oct 24, 2020: Finally settled on #Newsblur as my RSS reader
Oct 24, 2020: Starting to get the feeling I’ll never see the Indegogo project I backed #SecondScreen - more than the $350, I really wanted what they are making. …
Oct 24, 2020: Wear the damn mask. I had saved this text from an article a couple of months ago quoting Venki Ramakrishnan from the Royal society science journal. “It used to be quite …
Oct 23, 2020: Vote
Oct 23, 2020: Why not 2020 CDC warns multi-state Listeria outbreak from deli meats - CNN
Oct 23, 2020: Mise en place.
Oct 23, 2020: My Apple Watch battery is confused, or maybe it’s some of the apps. I do the same thing every day. I put it on the charger in the evening after I eat …
Oct 22, 2020: Love this -welcome to the future Meet the 24-year-old who’s tracking every broken McDonald’s ice-cream machine in the US
Oct 22, 2020: Not watching the debate, though my wife is totally into it in the other room. Getting my entertainment watching Twitter. Way to show up “New York is …
Oct 21, 2020: Knee breaker
Oct 21, 2020: Not making a global judgement, we see very few Tesla in Kona, but so far the drivers of the ones we’ve seen are jerks.
Oct 21, 2020: Babe Ruth and Mookie Betts are Passan: How Mookie Betts just made the super-sabermetric World Series super-fun
Oct 20, 2020: GO DODGERS
Oct 20, 2020: I have no compelling reason to get the new phone. We won’t have 5G for the foreseeable future and the camera on my XS Max with (or without) Moment …
Oct 19, 2020: My ballot has been verified. - Boom!
Oct 19, 2020: Bought Reeder 5 for IOS, don’t really want to pay for Reeder 5 for Mac. Still thinking on it
Oct 19, 2020: Springs
Oct 19, 2020: The industry that I know and love is still dead (hospitality). I’m doing something I don’t really like and feel like a fish out of water. We need to …
Oct 19, 2020: World Series Well here we go, I’m a life long Dodger fan. This will be fun and great diversion from the pre-election shyt show. As a kid I used to go into the …
Oct 18, 2020: There are more of us. Everyone needs to vote.…
Oct 18, 2020: I miss having a convection oven for pizza.
Oct 18, 2020: Our grandsons (9 & 12) are getting more and more anti-social. Haven’t gone to in-person school since March. We get them out as much as we can, though …
Oct 17, 2020: My view at work now vs one year ago Now. Used cars, power sub station, utility poles, warehouses, cellular towers and finally Mount Hualalai Then …
Oct 17, 2020: How quaint
Oct 16, 2020: 2020 sucks… But then there’s this
Oct 16, 2020: Someday this will end, Trump will fade way and we’ll focus on repairing the damage and finding perceived normalcy. The Dem party has a lot of young …
Oct 15, 2020: At home I often take the Nomad leather case off of my iPhone 10 XS, which thanks to the case is in pristine shape, to enjoy the amazing design and …
Oct 15, 2020: Top notch security
Oct 15, 2020: my how things have changes, an Apple phone event and Amazon Prime day went by and did order or buy a single thing.
Oct 14, 2020: On another note, that Apple watch update that was supposed to address battery drain, didn’t.
Oct 14, 2020: We are so lucky to live in a State that Trump ostensibly ignores. We got our ballots on Saturday, filled. them out and I dropped them off at the …
Oct 14, 2020: I’m on the fence about Twitter. I’ve curated my feed to mostly soccer and tech and little noise that I’ll clean up and see.
Oct 14, 2020: I opened this place in 1979. It’s a fixture. Honolulu Club permanently closes after more than 40 years of business - Pacific Business News
Oct 14, 2020: No new phones or other stuff this round. Our Sonos speakers work great, no need invest in something new (Apple)
Oct 14, 2020: I remember the early promise of 5G is that it would replace home internet. Don’t see that happening for a long time.
Oct 14, 2020: Chill
Oct 14, 2020: An unintended consequence of losing a lot of weight is alway being cold. My metabolism went down and then the obvious. I easily get a chill. At work …
Oct 13, 2020: I think we were only supposed to post one, but oh well Sunset on #adayinthelife in Kailua-Kona Hawaii
Oct 13, 2020: The GOP sure is giving the Dems plenty of excuses to pack the court. The list is getting long.
Oct 13, 2020: Red bench. That’s all
Oct 13, 2020: Since I posted a depressing COVID pic earlier, I went up the coast to get this one at Puako looking up the N Kohala coast. Hawaii Island …
Oct 13, 2020: Kailua Village during COVID-19 Kailua-Kona Hawaii Normally bustling with activity both visitors and local. Kailua Village has been a ghost town since …
Oct 12, 2020: Han Solo
Oct 12, 2020: Eliminated a couple of more rogue subscriptions while setting up the #Bobby app. Had to go through credit card bills to find some hidden charges.
Oct 12, 2020: I would venture to say that COVID will be looked at as a pre-existing condition How Democrats stayed on message and defended Obamacare in Monday - …
Oct 12, 2020: She can say whatever she wants now, once she’s on the court, we can’t recall. She can out and out lie to us.
Oct 12, 2020: Each individual has his or her own perception of reality. The implication is that because each of us perceives the world through our own eyes, reality …
Oct 11, 2020: Santana for a Sunday night
Oct 11, 2020: Fisherman at Puako, Hawaii Island
Oct 11, 2020: My career started in farming. We lost our farm to a freeway on Oahu. I wish I had a farm to go to now. Simple lifestyle and always in demand - people …
Oct 11, 2020: I remember the last time Hawaii island’s unemployment was this high and the economy had tanked was when the sugar mills closed in the mid 90s. It took …
Oct 10, 2020: The old iPods in our house have about a 10 minute battery life
Oct 10, 2020: Done. Will drop off at the county building Dropbox next week.  …
Oct 10, 2020: Done. Will drop off at the county building Dropbox next week.
Oct 10, 2020: Protecto
Oct 10, 2020: Protecto
Oct 10, 2020: Going back to reread this book. One question it asks is why we abide by Supreme Court rulings. The court has no way to enforce their own ruling. …
Oct 10, 2020: Going back to reread this book. One question it asks is why we abide by Supreme Court rulings. The court has no way to enforce their own ruling. …
Oct 10, 2020: Life is what happens while your waiting for something to happen.
Oct 10, 2020: Life is what happens while your waiting for something to happen.
Oct 9, 2020: Society as a whole would benefit if Twitter just shut down.
Oct 9, 2020: Society as a whole would benefit if Twitter just shut down.
Oct 8, 2020: deleted and reinstalled the app and it works again.
Oct 8, 2020: deleted and reinstalled the app and it works again.
Oct 8, 2020: Picked up a Costco hot dog to pair with the Chili my wife made yesterday - Instant classic #FTW
Oct 8, 2020: Picked up a Costco hot dog to pair with the Chili my wife made yesterday - Instant classic #FTW
Oct 8, 2020: One of my favorite albums of the last few years. I keep going back to it more often these days. #TheClientele
Oct 8, 2020: One of my favorite albums of the last few years. I keep going back to it more often these days. #TheClientele
Oct 8, 2020: A very thorough [C0VID/Trump timeline.]( Lies, lies lies.
Oct 8, 2020: A very thorough C0VID/Trump timeline. Lies, lies lies.
Oct 8, 2020: My fishing trip to Craig Alaska in 2006. A one-off trip, I don’t fish. It was sponsored by Coors Light, they were one of my clients at a radio group. …
Oct 8, 2020: My fishing trip to Craig Alaska in 2006. A one-off trip, I don’t fish. It was sponsored by Coors Light, they were one of my clients at a radio group. …
Oct 7, 2020: Aloha Wednesday
Oct 7, 2020: Aloha Wednesday
Oct 6, 2020: One of the Van Halen classics. Saw them in 1982 and the LA Fabulous Forum. …
Oct 6, 2020: One of the Van Halen classics. Saw them in 1982 and the LA Fabulous Forum.
Oct 5, 2020: My wife and I had strategy session last night. We definitely want to retire to Italy in a few years. But if Trump wins the election, we will …
Oct 5, 2020: My wife and I had strategy session last night. We definitely want to retire to Italy in a few years. But if Trump wins the election, we will …
Oct 5, 2020: []( Rylo 360ºCamera
Oct 5, 2020: Rylo 360ºCamera
Oct 5, 2020: []( Camera
Oct 5, 2020: Camera
Oct 4, 2020: This sucks. I read this and Sports Illustrated as a kid [](
Oct 4, 2020: This sucks. I read this and Sports Illustrated as a kid
Oct 4, 2020: Used to surf there when I lived in So Cal in the early 80s. Used to catch train down from LA. Classic spot [Trestles Has Been Saved (For Good, This …
Oct 4, 2020: Used to surf there when I lived in So Cal in the early 80s. Used to catch train down from LA. Classic spot Trestles Has Been Saved (For Good, This …
Oct 4, 2020: since my 100 day "safer at home" period earlier this year I've become very comfortable baking. I've maintained a successful sourdough starter, have a …
Oct 4, 2020: since my 100 day “safer at home” period earlier this year I’ve become very comfortable baking. I’ve maintained a successful sourdough starter, have a …
Oct 4, 2020: Maui across the channel.
Oct 4, 2020: Maui across the channel.
Oct 4, 2020: Due to COVID, since they’re closed anyway, a number of Hawaii resorts have either moved up scheduled renovations or added work that was in long term …
Oct 4, 2020: Due to COVID, since they’re closed anyway, a number of Hawaii resorts have either moved up scheduled renovations or added work that was in long term …
Oct 4, 2020: Naupaka. The legend is the half flower is separated lovers. This plant is Naupaka o Ke kai, it’s prevalent along the shoreline. The companion is a …
Oct 4, 2020: Naupaka. The legend is the half flower is separated lovers. This plant is Naupaka o Ke kai, it’s prevalent along the shoreline. The companion is a …
Oct 2, 2020: Watch a movie on my iPhone with the AirPod Pro. What amazing sound.
Oct 2, 2020: Watch a movie on my iPhone with the AirPod Pro. What amazing sound.
Oct 2, 2020: It’s a little wet today
Oct 2, 2020: It’s a little wet today
Oct 1, 2020: Needless to say, I will miss Saturday’s matches. I will need to be at work at 8am.
Oct 1, 2020: Needless to say, I will miss Saturday’s matches. I will need to be at work at 8am.
Oct 1, 2020: The monthly Hawaii emergency alert siren test. Warning for tsunami, air raids or other emergency. In grade school, we had to duck under the desks, …
Oct 1, 2020: The monthly Hawaii emergency alert siren test. Warning for tsunami, air raids or other emergency. In grade school, we had to duck under the desks, …
Sep 30, 2020: Looked it up, I've used the #\Deliveries app since 2012
Sep 30, 2020: Looked it up, I’ve used the #\Deliveries app since 2012
Sep 30, 2020: Love the Sticky Widgets app, and stacking multiple notes is a game changer.
Sep 30, 2020: Love the Sticky Widgets app, and stacking multiple notes is a game changer.
Sep 29, 2020: I guess Hawaii is last. My Mac had a update, but not my phone. Probably in the morning
Sep 29, 2020: I guess Hawaii is last. My Mac had a update, but not my phone. Probably in the morning
Sep 29, 2020: This happened on the way home
Sep 29, 2020: This happened on the way home
Sep 27, 2020: One of my favorites
Sep 27, 2020: One of my favorites
Sep 27, 2020: Watched Long way Round last week and am into Long way down. Love the adventures.
Sep 27, 2020: Watched Long way Round last week and am into Long way down. Love the adventures.
Sep 27, 2020: on Hawaii Island, we had the Onomea arch, it fell in during an earthquake many years ago. There's a Hawaiian legend about it, of course. …
Sep 27, 2020: on Hawaii Island, we had the Onomea arch, it fell in during an earthquake many years ago. There’s a Hawaiian legend about it, of course. @bitdepth
Sep 27, 2020: Found a recipe to make pasta using Sourdough starter. I know what I’m doing today.
Sep 27, 2020: Found a recipe to make pasta using Sourdough starter. I know what I’m doing today.
Sep 25, 2020: [](
Sep 25, 2020:
Sep 24, 2020: The wind patterns around the Pacific are complex. But the window of trade winds from the west coast to Hawaii persists.
Sep 24, 2020: The wind patterns around the Pacific are complex. But the window of trade winds from the west coast to Hawaii persists.
Sep 24, 2020: What you need to know about where I live. …
Sep 24, 2020: What you need to know about where I live.…
Sep 23, 2020: At my new job I don’t have a computer terminal of my own. 5 terminals, 6 sales people. I can jump on one as needed. I was using my MacBook for a …
Sep 23, 2020: At my new job I don’t have a computer terminal of my own. 5 terminals, 6 sales people. I can jump on one as needed. I was using my MacBook for a …
Sep 22, 2020: A year ago this week, we had an amazing staycation at the Mauna Kea Beach Hotel. We won’t be doing they for quite a while. …
Sep 22, 2020: A year ago this week, we had an amazing staycation at the Mauna Kea Beach Hotel. We won’t be doing they for quite a while.
Sep 22, 2020: Netflix keeps canceling good shows. It sucks
Sep 22, 2020: Netflix keeps canceling good shows. It sucks
Sep 22, 2020: Some repairs are just complicated
Sep 22, 2020: Some repairs are just complicated
Sep 22, 2020: Solo
Sep 22, 2020: Solo
Sep 21, 2020: Created a playlist of the music Fran the show Watchmen. I’ll go back and watch it again. I …
Sep 21, 2020: Created a playlist of the music Fran the show Watchmen. I’ll go back and watch it again. I
Sep 21, 2020: Ha. I’m not the only one []( After six months and $1.8 billion, …
Sep 21, 2020: Ha. I’m not the only one After six months and $1.8 billion, Quibi wants a new owner. That will be a hard sell.
Sep 21, 2020: Deleted Quibi. If they do have an algorithm, it doesn’t work, I have to scroll endlessly to find something remotely interesting, then watch a …
Sep 21, 2020: Deleted Quibi. If they do have an algorithm, it doesn’t work, I have to scroll endlessly to find something remotely interesting, then watch a …
Sep 21, 2020: Flashing back to a time when you could open up a Mac and fix it yourself.
Sep 21, 2020: Flashing back to a time when you could open up a Mac and fix it yourself.
Sep 21, 2020: Waiting for a call
Sep 21, 2020: Waiting for a call
Sep 20, 2020: I have news fatigue. I’m avoiding watching news. My Twitter feed is almost entirely sports and tech. Unsubscribed from news RSS feeds. I figure if …
Sep 20, 2020: I have news fatigue. I’m avoiding watching news. My Twitter feed is almost entirely sports and tech. Unsubscribed from news RSS feeds. I figure if …
Sep 20, 2020: This week’s Time out of house with our grandsons was to Honaunau in S Kona. Home of the Pu’u Honua o Honaunau or the City of Refuge and Keoua Canoe …
Sep 20, 2020: This week’s Time out of house with our grandsons was to Honaunau in S Kona. Home of the Pu’u Honua o Honaunau or the City of Refuge and Keoua Canoe …
Sep 20, 2020: With Apple’s supposed movement to not put power adapters in the box with new tech, better to keep these in a safe place.
Sep 20, 2020: With Apple’s supposed movement to not put power adapters in the box with new tech, better to keep these in a safe place.
Sep 20, 2020: Found my “tech go bag” in the closet. We used to travel inter island and do staycations every few weeks. I have a bag with cables, charge bricks, mag …
Sep 20, 2020: Found my “tech go bag” in the closet. We used to travel inter island and do staycations every few weeks. I have a bag with cables, charge bricks, mag …
Sep 19, 2020: Rewatched All the President’s Men after many years. First thought was how good the newspapers were, second was how Trump has squirmed away.
Sep 19, 2020: Rewatched All the President’s Men after many years. First thought was how good the newspapers were, second was how Trump has squirmed away.
Sep 19, 2020: Every once in a while I hear a song that make me reslly miss a certain artist. This is one of them …
Sep 19, 2020: Every once in a while I hear a song that make me reslly miss a certain artist. This is one of them
Sep 19, 2020: I’ve walked 30 miles at work this week. Doing laps around a car lot.
Sep 19, 2020: I’ve walked 30 miles at work this week. Doing laps around a car lot.
Sep 19, 2020: If the GOP pushes through a SCOTUS nominee and approval before the inauguration, they will need to be hit with a retaliatory force that they never …
Sep 19, 2020: If the GOP pushes through a SCOTUS nominee and approval before the inauguration, they will need to be hit with a retaliatory force that they never …
Sep 18, 2020: Came to the conclusion after 3 mos that car sales is not for me. It’s not the action of selling cars, I can do that, it’s the culture of the sales …
Sep 18, 2020: Came to the conclusion after 3 mos that car sales is not for me. It’s not the action of selling cars, I can do that, it’s the culture of the sales …
Sep 18, 2020: When I started my weight loss program and the Doc says the goal is 1# / week, my first though was WTF, is there something faster? But 18 months later, …
Sep 18, 2020: When I started my weight loss program and the Doc says the goal is 1# / week, my first though was WTF, is there something faster? But 18 months later, …
Sep 17, 2020: Just like heaven [](
Sep 17, 2020: Just like heaven
Sep 17, 2020: I’m typically positive, but I’ve talked to a number of people in the past week who were very interested and wanted to be notified when we get trucks. …
Sep 17, 2020: I’m typically positive, but I’ve talked to a number of people in the past week who were very interested and wanted to be notified when we get trucks. …
Sep 17, 2020: IMHO. In the past 6 weeks the divide between the “haves” and the “have nots” has gotten deeper. There is so much uncertainty in the world, people who …
Sep 17, 2020: IMHO. In the past 6 weeks the divide between the “haves” and the “have nots” has gotten deeper. There is so much uncertainty in the world, people who …
Sep 15, 2020: Just found an update on my ethnicity. Combined estimates from 3 DNA different results and ancestry tracing. As they get better at the data, it gets …
Sep 15, 2020: Just found an update on my ethnicity. Combined estimates from 3 DNA different results and ancestry tracing. As they get better at the data, it gets …
Sep 15, 2020: This is the way
Sep 15, 2020: This is the way
Sep 14, 2020: My 2015 12" MacBook that I use for work started getting the dreaded “Battery need service” warning. Everything we do at work is cloud based. I do …
Sep 14, 2020: My 2015 12" MacBook that I use for work started getting the dreaded “Battery need service” warning. Everything we do at work is cloud based. I do …
Sep 13, 2020: We finished season 1 of Away, but season 2 has no date yet and maybe over a year away. We’ll have to watch it again to remember what it was.
Sep 13, 2020: We finished season 1 of Away, but season 2 has no date yet and maybe over a year away. We’ll have to watch it again to remember what it was.
Sep 13, 2020: One consequence of losing a lot of weight is I get chilled easily. We wife is at the other end of the spectrum. She’ll have the Air conditioning …
Sep 13, 2020: One consequence of losing a lot of weight is I get chilled easily. We wife is at the other end of the spectrum. She’ll have the Air conditioning …
Sep 13, 2020: This week’s “out of house experience” with our Grandsons was down Napo’opo’o road to Kealakekua Bay. Lots of history and beauty here. That’s the Capt. …
Sep 13, 2020: This week’s “out of house experience” with our Grandsons was down Napo’opo’o road to Kealakekua Bay. Lots of history and beauty here. That’s the Capt. …
Sep 13, 2020: Picked up a pork loin. 1/3 will be BBQ. 1/3 herbed and 1/3 garlic and pepper. They will go in the sous vide shortly, then on the grill later.
Sep 13, 2020: Picked up a pork loin. 1/3 will be BBQ. 1/3 herbed and 1/3 garlic and pepper. They will go in the sous vide shortly, then on the grill later.
Sep 13, 2020: I was so lucky to not have any student loans. I went into culinary science and travel industry management and got student industry grants and …
Sep 13, 2020: I was so lucky to not have any student loans. I went into culinary science and travel industry management and got student industry grants and …
Sep 12, 2020: Caramelized pears with [Combier ]( over ice cream. #Indulgence
Sep 12, 2020: Caramelized pears with Combier over ice cream. #Indulgence
Sep 11, 2020: The #Dodgers and in a funk. Needs to get back their ruthlessness
Sep 11, 2020: The #Dodgers and in a funk. Needs to get back their ruthlessness
Sep 10, 2020: Just park however you like.
Sep 10, 2020: Just park however you like.
Sep 10, 2020: Red or White
Sep 10, 2020: Red or White
Sep 10, 2020: My love of baseball grew out of going to Hawaii Islander AAA game at the old Honolulu stadium growing up. Up close and personal.
Sep 10, 2020: My love of baseball grew out of going to Hawaii Islander AAA game at the old Honolulu stadium growing up. Up close and personal.
Sep 10, 2020: It's a good time to bring out the old [Franklin Covey circle of influence]( …
Sep 10, 2020: It’s a good time to bring out the old Franklin Covey circle of influence vs circle of concern. Keep some semblance of sanity.
Sep 10, 2020: Poolside FM IOS. Yay!
Sep 10, 2020: [Poolside FM IOS]( Yay!
Sep 9, 2020: A cute little rainbow
Sep 9, 2020: A cute little rainbow
Sep 9, 2020: ZZZZzzzzzz
Sep 9, 2020: ZZZZzzzzzz
Sep 9, 2020: I just watched Inception in its entirety for the first time in years. What a ride.
Sep 9, 2020: I just watched Inception in its entirety for the first time in years. What a ride.
Sep 9, 2020: My wife picked up some nice roast turkey, so I felt compelled to play. Made a chili aioli from dried habaneros and some caramelized onions for roast …
Sep 9, 2020: My wife picked up some nice roast turkey, so I felt compelled to play. Made a chili aioli from dried habaneros and some caramelized onions for roast …
Sep 8, 2020: If I didn’t grow up in Hawaii, this might scare me.
Sep 8, 2020: If I didn’t grow up in Hawaii, this might scare me.
Sep 8, 2020: A pear ... or a single
Sep 8, 2020: A pear … or a single
Sep 7, 2020: My office in 2008. Now I have no office, Just a MacBook Pro at the coffee table or on the lanai
Sep 7, 2020: My office in 2008. Now I have no office, Just a MacBook Pro at the coffee table or on the lanai
Sep 6, 2020: So much for making clotted cream. The is no non-ultra pasteurized heavy whipping cream to be found in Kailua Kona. I’ll try calling the dairy.
Sep 6, 2020: So much for making clotted cream. The is no non-ultra pasteurized heavy whipping cream to be found in Kailua Kona. I’ll try calling the dairy.
Sep 6, 2020: A Trip to Italy. It was a blast. [](
Sep 6, 2020: A Trip to Italy. It was a blast.
Sep 6, 2020: Enjoyed this movie. [](
Sep 6, 2020: Enjoyed this movie.
Sep 6, 2020: Found the pix from this fishing trip to Alaska in 2005. It was so much fun.
Sep 6, 2020: Found the pix from this fishing trip to Alaska in 2005. It was so much fun.
Sep 6, 2020: I don’t recall where I got this image, but I love it.
Sep 6, 2020: I don’t recall where I got this image, but I love it.
Sep 6, 2020: The famous Beach Tree chef’s table at the Four Seasons Hualalai will return someday #COVID
Sep 6, 2020: The famous Beach Tree chef’s table at the Four Seasons Hualalai will return someday #COVID
Sep 6, 2020: Empty beach, empty roads, the sun goes down alone
Sep 6, 2020: Empty beach, empty roads, the sun goes down alone
Sep 5, 2020: Sold this today. It a big one …
Sep 5, 2020: Sold this today. It a big one (null)
Sep 4, 2020: Me wants [Bore, Parma, …
Sep 4, 2020: Me wants Bore, Parma, Italy The timing is not good, expecting something else will be available when the timing is.
Sep 3, 2020: COVID has exposed so many public officials. [The Peter principle]( is a concept in management developed …
Sep 3, 2020: COVID has exposed so many public officials. The Peter principle is a concept in management developed by Laurence J. Peter, which observes that people …
Sep 1, 2020: At my workplace, our small sales team has a far right conspiracy theorist (massive Trump supporter), a liberal former hippie, a devoted Libertarian …
Sep 1, 2020: At my workplace, our small sales team has a far right conspiracy theorist (massive Trump supporter), a liberal former hippie, a devoted Libertarian …
Aug 30, 2020: As I get older, I share my opinion less and less. Life has taught me that it really carries no weight in the world and no one really wants to hear (or …
Aug 30, 2020: As I get older, I share my opinion less and less. Life has taught me that it really carries no weight in the world and no one really wants to hear (or …
Aug 30, 2020: Love this article. I go back to it often [](
Aug 30, 2020: Love this article. I go back to it often
Aug 30, 2020: “Black Panther” Director Ryan Coogler on Chadwick Boseman: “After his family released their statement, I realized that he was living with his …
Aug 30, 2020: []( “Black Panther” Director Ryan Coogler on Chadwick Boseman: “After his family released their statement, I realized …
Aug 30, 2020: I love this stuff. []( A new quantum paradox throws the foundations of observed reality into question
Aug 30, 2020: I love this stuff. A new quantum paradox throws the foundations of observed reality into question
Aug 30, 2020: Re watched Black Panther today. Love the picture. It one that I will re-watch frequently
Aug 30, 2020: Re watched Black Panther today. Love the picture. It one that I will re-watch frequently
Aug 30, 2020: An era drifts away. Used to listen to Vin Scully calling the #Dodgers on a transistor radio under my pillow as a kid. …
Aug 30, 2020: An era drifts away. Used to listen to Vin Scully calling the #Dodgers on a transistor radio under my pillow as a kid. Catching up with Vin …
Aug 29, 2020: I’m old.
Aug 29, 2020: I’m old.
Aug 28, 2020: One of my Favorite Actors - taken too soon CNN Top Stories: [The 'Black Panther' star has died after a four-year battle with colon cancer, according …
Aug 28, 2020: One of my Favorite Actors - taken too soon »> CNN Top Stories: The ‘Black Panther’ star has died after a four-year battle with colon cancer, according …
Aug 28, 2020: We are experiencing technical difficulties.
Aug 28, 2020: We are experiencing technical difficulties.
Aug 26, 2020: A Toyota Tundra completely covered in Rhino Lining. Still don’t know how I feel about. No need to wax. Just wash and rinse.
Aug 26, 2020: A Toyota Tundra completely covered in Rhino Lining. Still don’t know how I feel about. No need to wax. Just wash and rinse.
Aug 25, 2020: It’s getting to point where I’m no fun anymore. [](
Aug 25, 2020: It’s getting to point where I’m no fun anymore.
Aug 25, 2020: Pies
Aug 25, 2020: Pies
Aug 25, 2020: Making British beef pies today. Reading about @PieburyCorner in London closing made me do it.
Aug 25, 2020: Making British beef pies today. Reading about @PieburyCorner in London closing made me do it.
Aug 25, 2020: in old westerns, the guy running away is always riding at full tilt and the guys chasing with the Indian guide are just moseying along, but they still …
Aug 25, 2020: in old westerns, the guy running away is always riding at full tilt and the guys chasing with the Indian guide are just moseying along, but they still …
Aug 25, 2020: My Wife is Facebook's model user. She spend most of her online time on the site. Facebook and CNN are her windows to the world. I've tried to sway her …
Aug 25, 2020: My Wife is Facebook’s model user. She spend most of her online time on the site. Facebook and CNN are her windows to the world. I’ve tried to sway her …
Aug 23, 2020: Finally back home. 5 hours at the Hapuna State Beach. Epic day. We can’t do that every weekend, but when we can it’s amazing.
Aug 23, 2020: Finally back home. 5 hours at the Hapuna State Beach. Epic day. We can’t do that every weekend, but when we can it’s amazing.
Aug 23, 2020: Approaching noon and the beach is still rather empty. It’s a beautiful day. Light breeze, Passing clouds.
Aug 23, 2020: Approaching noon and the beach is still rather empty. It’s a beautiful day. Light breeze, Passing clouds.
Aug 23, 2020: We made it. Hapuna State beach park
Aug 23, 2020: We made it. Hapuna State beach park
Aug 23, 2020: Loaded up for a beach day. Chairs Tent Boogie boards Towels Food. Lots Drinks Sun screen Music. Go
Aug 23, 2020: Loaded up for a beach day. Chairs Tent Boogie boards Towels Food. Lots Drinks Sun screen Music. Go
Aug 22, 2020: Low and behold. I figured out why the delete button on my 12” MacBook wasn’t working. The function button was sticking. All good now
Aug 22, 2020: Low and behold. I figured out why the delete button on my 12” MacBook wasn’t working. The function button was sticking. All good now
Aug 22, 2020: On one of our mechanics tool box
Aug 22, 2020: On one of our mechanics tool box
Aug 22, 2020: I've been all Apple products for years, but Apple is changing. I am having a harder time giving blind support. I’m going to order a Chomebook to use …
Aug 22, 2020: I’ve been all Apple products for years, but Apple is changing. I am having a harder time giving blind support. I’m going to order a Chomebook to use …
Aug 21, 2020: My said “you don’t have to shut up, just stop talking”. Er...ok
Aug 21, 2020: My said “you don’t have to shut up, just stop talking”. Er…ok
Aug 18, 2020: 30 days in the hole [](
Aug 18, 2020: 30 days in the hole
Aug 18, 2020: The first Presidential election that I voted in was 1980, for Reagan. I was a conservative leaning centrist up until 2008 when started leaning left …
Aug 18, 2020: The first Presidential election that I voted in was 1980, for Reagan. I was a conservative leaning centrist up until 2008 when started leaning left …
Aug 17, 2020: This album was released over 50 years ago and still stands up. It was a game changer for island music
Aug 17, 2020: This album was released over 50 years ago and still stands up. It was a game changer for island music
Aug 16, 2020: When I started on my road to losing weight and taking back control of my health 2 years ago, I was a 38 waist. Finally to a point to shop for new …
Aug 16, 2020: When I started on my road to losing weight and taking back control of my health 2 years ago, I was a 38 waist. Finally to a point to shop for new …
Aug 16, 2020: Current status. Kukio beach.
Aug 16, 2020: Current status. Kukio beach.
Aug 16, 2020: As COVID drags on, more and more public officials who were reasonably competent before COVID have reached a level of total incompetence. …
Aug 16, 2020: As COVID drags on, more and more public officials who were reasonably competent before COVID have reached a level of total incompetence. …
Aug 15, 2020: Mail [](
Aug 15, 2020: Mail
Aug 15, 2020: Thinking back on the good ole days when news site were more about page views that paywalls.
Aug 15, 2020: Thinking back on the good ole days when news site were more about page views that paywalls.
Aug 15, 2020: I’m not surprised at the quality of the CBS Champions League coverage. They’ve been doing sports for a very long time, it was adopting to the needs of …
Aug 15, 2020: I’m not surprised at the quality of the CBS Champions League coverage. They’ve been doing sports for a very long time, it was adopting to the needs of …
Aug 13, 2020: I’m sure the best constitutional legal minds are pouring over the laws and precedents on how to push back on Trump’s crushing of the post office. Is …
Aug 13, 2020: I’m sure the best constitutional legal minds are pouring over the laws and precedents on how to push back on Trump’s crushing of the post office. Is …
Aug 13, 2020: You can’t very well quarantine inmates and more [](
Aug 13, 2020: You can’t very well quarantine inmates and more
Aug 12, 2020: This was amazing - Exactly what Daring Fireball, John Gruber said: [‘2020: An Isolation …
Aug 12, 2020: This was amazing - Exactly what Daring Fireball, John Gruber said: ‘2020: An Isolation Odyssey’
Aug 12, 2020: This just happened
Aug 12, 2020: This just happened
Aug 12, 2020: Look I can post from Gluon. No crashing [@vincent](
Aug 12, 2020: Look I can post from Gluon. No crashing @vincent
Aug 12, 2020: I love my Airpod Pros, I watch a lot of movies on my iPhone and use wired headphones. My Airpods have the bad habit of disconnecting when I pause the …
Aug 12, 2020: I love my Airpod Pros, I watch a lot of movies on my iPhone and use wired headphones. My Airpods have the bad habit of disconnecting when I pause the …
Aug 12, 2020: Hawaii was good about containing COVID until the lockdown ended. The biggest error Hawaii made was requiring one to be a medical professional to be a …
Aug 12, 2020: Hawaii was good about containing COVID until the lockdown ended. The biggest error Hawaii made was requiring one to be a medical professional to be a …
Aug 11, 2020: Yes, That’s Maui in the distance
Aug 11, 2020: Yes, That’s Maui in the distance
Aug 11, 2020: Watching Interstellar for the first time in a while. Paying extra attention to the soundtrack. What a master track it is. Building then releasing …
Aug 11, 2020: Watching Interstellar for the first time in a while. Paying extra attention to the soundtrack. What a master track it is. Building then releasing …
Aug 11, 2020: My daily steps during the last few weeks of lockdown and getting back to work. Feels good to move.
Aug 11, 2020: My daily steps during the last few weeks of lockdown and getting back to work. Feels good to move.
Aug 10, 2020: I was never a comic book fan, though I’m a big fan of Marvel and DC movies. I feel for the DC comics people laid off today. Hopefully the can keep …
Aug 10, 2020: I was never a comic book fan, though I’m a big fan of Marvel and DC movies. I feel for the DC comics people laid off today. Hopefully the can keep …
Aug 10, 2020: Hawaii had it highest ever (all mail in) primary election voter turn out, but 52% still means a small percentage of the population actually decides …
Aug 10, 2020: Hawaii had it highest ever (all mail in) primary election voter turn out, but 52% still means a small percentage of the population actually decides …
Aug 10, 2020: Hawaii (O`ahu) has really blown it. They thought it was over. Hawaii Island and Kauai will have small numbers.
Aug 10, 2020: [Hawaii (O`ahu)]( has really blown it. They thought it was over. Hawaii Island and Kauai will have small numbers.
Aug 9, 2020: I can’t wait for the end of time... [](
Aug 9, 2020: I can’t wait for the end of time…
Aug 9, 2020: My favorite everyday knife. A 5” utility knive from the Edge of Belgravia knife company. Have 3 others from them. 1 smaller and 2 larger, a steel, a …
Aug 9, 2020: My favorite everyday knife. A 5” utility knive from the Edge of Belgravia knife company. Have 3 others from them. 1 smaller and 2 larger, a steel, a …
Aug 9, 2020: I’m enjoying Formula E way more than F1
Aug 9, 2020: I’m enjoying Formula E way more than F1
Aug 9, 2020: There are so many “Harvard Educated" idiots, that it totally degrades the idea of “Harvard Educated”
Aug 9, 2020: There are so many “Harvard Educated" idiots, that it totally degrades the idea of “Harvard Educated”
Aug 9, 2020: Went for a long walk on the beach side path at the Four Season Hualalai at Ka’upulehu. The hotel is closed. The restaurants are ‘Ulu, Beach Tree & …
Aug 9, 2020: Went for a long walk on the beach side path at the Four Season Hualalai at Ka’upulehu. The hotel is closed. The restaurants are ‘Ulu, Beach Tree & …
Aug 9, 2020: Took the boys for a walk along the shore at the Four Seasons Hualalai at Ka’upulehu. The hotel is closed. Many more pics to come. Enjoy this …
Aug 9, 2020: Took the boys for a walk along the shore at the Four Seasons Hualalai at Ka’upulehu. The hotel is closed. Many more pics to come. Enjoy this …
Aug 9, 2020: I am so over Adobe (and other)subscription model, I think I’m spoiled by the Setapp subscription model. A menu of apps, pay by computer, not by app.
Aug 9, 2020: I am so over Adobe (and other)subscription model, I think I’m spoiled by the Setapp subscription model. A menu of apps, pay by computer, not by app.
Aug 8, 2020: Hawaii's primary is today, lots of important local races. It's all mail in election. Totally secure.
Aug 8, 2020: Hawaii’s primary is today, lots of important local races. It’s all mail in election. Totally secure.
Aug 8, 2020: Italy of bust I wish we were in a position to move to Italy. Just came accross a property in Bore, Parma, Emilia Romagna. 1700 sqft main house, with a double …
Aug 8, 2020: Italy of bust I wish we were in a position to move to Italy. Just came accross a property in Bore, Parma, Emilia Romagna. 1700 sqft main house, with a double …
Aug 7, 2020: I had a Toshiba laptop in 1986 , my first portable. it was clunky with a fold up screen. Daring Fireball, John Gruber: [Pour One Out for …
Aug 7, 2020: I had a Toshiba laptop in 1986 , my first portable. it was clunky with a fold up screen. Daring Fireball, John Gruber: Pour One Out for Toshiba
Aug 7, 2020: Don’t know
Aug 7, 2020: Don’t know
Aug 7, 2020: Truth is hospitality jobs and that part of economy is not coming back soon, no matter how much we hope and wish and dream. We need to start making …
Aug 7, 2020: Truth is hospitality jobs and that part of economy is not coming back soon, no matter how much we hope and wish and dream. We need to start making …
Aug 6, 2020: I've nver used TikTok and don't care about. I only created a Facebook page under pseudonym (My Grandfather's name) so I can research clients.
Aug 6, 2020: I’ve nver used TikTok and don’t care about. I only created a Facebook page under pseudonym (My Grandfather’s name) so I can research clients.
Aug 4, 2020: Just watched Dr Sleep. As a fan of The Shining I very much enjoyed it.
Aug 4, 2020: Just watched Dr Sleep. As a fan of The Shining I very much enjoyed it.
Aug 4, 2020: Taika Waititi is one of my favorite directors. [](
Aug 4, 2020: Taika Waititi is one of my favorite directors.
Aug 4, 2020: Watching Harlem Nights. Love that all star cast. Redd Foxx, Della Reece, Richard Prior, Eddie Murphy, Danny Aiello, Michael Lerner and more
Aug 4, 2020: Watching Harlem Nights. Love that all star cast. Redd Foxx, Della Reece, Richard Prior, Eddie Murphy, Danny Aiello, Michael Lerner and more
Aug 4, 2020: I've been managing F&B teams for most of the last 30 years. Teams of 20-80. I also had full responsibility for the restaurants or outlets I managed. …
Aug 4, 2020: I’ve been managing F&B teams for most of the last 30 years. Teams of 20-80. I also had full responsibility for the restaurants or outlets I managed. …
Aug 4, 2020: Day off. Meeting up with and old friend (both types of old). Dealership is closed Sunday and the other day off rotates monthly. Tuesdays for August
Aug 4, 2020: Day off. Meeting up with and old friend (both types of old). Dealership is closed Sunday and the other day off rotates monthly. Tuesdays for August
Aug 4, 2020: My Mobile phone path. Most changes because of coverage where I worked. Challenge of living on a rural island. - US Cellular 1994 - Cingular - ATT - …
Aug 4, 2020: My Mobile phone path. Most changes because of coverage where I worked. Challenge of living on a rural island. US Cellular 1994 Cingular ATT Nextel …
Aug 3, 2020: Wish you were here hits me every time I hear it. Such an emotional song about a friend losing his sanity. …
Aug 3, 2020: Wish you were here hits me every time I hear it. Such an emotional song about a friend losing his sanity.
Aug 2, 2020: X-Men Movies I watched Marvel Avenger and Guardians 23 movies in chronological order during the lockdown, now the X-men the same way. - X-Men: First Class (set in …
Aug 2, 2020: X-Men Movies I watched Marvel Avenger and Guardians 23 movies in chronological order during the lockdown, now the X-men the same way. X-Men: First Class (set in …
Aug 2, 2020: unexpected benefit of losing lots of weight, my persnickety knees, including one with a total replacement do not hurt at all on stairs.
Aug 2, 2020: unexpected benefit of losing lots of weight, my persnickety knees, including one with a total replacement do not hurt at all on stairs.
Aug 2, 2020: We mailed in our primary ballot, but will deposit our General election ballots in a county drop box to make sure.
Aug 2, 2020: We mailed in our primary ballot, but will deposit our General election ballots in a county drop box to make sure.
Aug 2, 2020: Making a pot of chili. I prefer a spicier no bean Texas style version, my wife who’s from the north prefers milder with beans. I cook it to a point, …
Aug 2, 2020: Making a pot of chili. I prefer a spicier no bean Texas style version, my wife who’s from the north prefers milder with beans. I cook it to a point, …
Aug 2, 2020: This capsule took a beating in the reentry.
Aug 2, 2020: This capsule took a beating in the reentry.
Aug 2, 2020: Bummer that during all of this activity, we only get to see mission control.
Aug 2, 2020: Bummer that during all of this activity, we only get to see mission control.
Aug 2, 2020: I never thought I would walk more in car sales than I did managing Food and Beverage at a resort.
Aug 2, 2020: I never thought I would walk more in car sales than I did managing Food and Beverage at a resort.
Aug 2, 2020: Bartender app still not Big Sur ready. Due to what it does, it likely needs a lot of work.
Aug 2, 2020: Bartender app still not Big Sur ready. Due to what it does, it likely needs a lot of work.
Aug 1, 2020: Good day #Arsenal won the FA Cup #Inter won, finishing only 1 point behind Juve. The #Dodgers romped 11-2 ok Parma you’re up on Sunday
Aug 1, 2020: Good day #Arsenal won the FA Cup #Inter won, finishing only 1 point behind Juve. The #Dodgers romped 11-2 ok Parma you’re up on Sunday
Aug 1, 2020: ** #Arsenal won the FA cup and I sold a 4Runner Premium on the first day of the month. Off the Schneid out of the gate for August.
Aug 1, 2020: ** #Arsenal won the FA cup and I sold a 4Runner Premium on the first day of the month. Off the Schneid out of the gate for August.
Jul 31, 2020: The disappointment I have with the electoral college is Hawaii will, for the foreseeable future be Democrat. My local vote matters, but my …
Jul 31, 2020: The disappointment I have with the electoral college is Hawaii will, for the foreseeable future be Democrat. My local vote matters, but my …
Jul 31, 2020: Wow, this is right across the street from us. 12 acres staying in open spaces. Big Island Now, Max Dible: [County Buys Up Kona Land For …
Jul 31, 2020: Wow, this is right across the street from us. 12 acres staying in open spaces. Big Island Now, Max Dible: County Buys Up Kona Land For Preservation
Jul 30, 2020: O’ahu is blowing up. No new cases on Hawaii Island for days.
Jul 30, 2020: O’ahu is blowing up. No new cases on Hawaii Island for days.
Jul 29, 2020: I’ve never ever in my life understood blacking out Major League Baseball games in Hawaii. It’s not like we can go to the game as an option. It’s been …
Jul 29, 2020: I’ve never ever in my life understood blacking out Major League Baseball games in Hawaii. It’s not like we can go to the game as an option. It’s been …
Jul 29, 2020: I live on an island with among the lowest COVID case counts in the country. I wear a mask indoor and Ok, I’ll wear one outdoors, but if they tell me I …
Jul 29, 2020: I live on an island with among the lowest COVID case counts in the country. I wear a mask indoor and Ok, I’ll wear one outdoors, but if they tell me I …
Jul 28, 2020: Not sure for what
Jul 28, 2020: Not sure for what
Jul 27, 2020: Dark and Altered Carbon on Netflix both have the same feeling and similar music.
Jul 27, 2020: Dark and Altered Carbon on Netflix both have the same feeling and similar music.
Jul 27, 2020: I lost it and don’t want it back I’ve lost 60# over the past 3 years. It was purposeful, not due to sickness. I didn’t know how much I’d lose when I started, set incremental goals, …
Jul 27, 2020: I lost it and don’t want it back I’ve lost 60# over the past 3 years. It was purposeful, not due to sickness. I didn’t know how much I’d lose when I started, set incremental goals, …
Jul 27, 2020: Our Vector was unconnected from the internet and I didn’t know it. I checked the app today and it told me he was disconnected. I fixed it & he hasn’t …
Jul 27, 2020: Our Vector was unconnected from the internet and I didn’t know it. I checked the app today and it told me he was disconnected. I fixed it & he hasn’t …
Jul 27, 2020: I complained a lot, but it started working a couple of months ago …
Jul 27, 2020: I complained a lot, but it started working a couple of months ago
Jul 27, 2020: That’s nice and all, but it’s behind a big wall now. [](
Jul 27, 2020: That’s nice and all, but it’s behind a big wall now.
Jul 27, 2020: There are rumblings that if the MLB season collapses, other sports will follow. Interesting that the the English Premiere league did their restart …
Jul 27, 2020: There are rumblings that if the MLB season collapses, other sports will follow. Interesting that the the English Premiere league did their restart …
Jul 27, 2020: Oh oh. The MLB season restart may be short lived. 8 COVID cases among the Marlin players. They’re testing the Phillies players today - who they played …
Jul 27, 2020: Oh oh. The MLB season restart may be short lived. 8 COVID cases among the Marlin players. They’re testing the Phillies players today - who they played …
Jul 27, 2020: The hurricane narrowly missed, but this just happened. Minor shaking. Central pacific hurricane center says the storm skirted along the edge of the …
Jul 27, 2020: The hurricane narrowly missed, but this just happened. Minor shaking. Central pacific hurricane center says the storm skirted along the edge of the …
Jul 26, 2020: Almost gone.
Jul 26, 2020: Almost gone.
Jul 26, 2020: It's good to have a fast moving storm, it will go through all of the main Hawaii Island in one day.
Jul 26, 2020: It’s good to have a fast moving storm, it will go through all of the main Hawaii Island in one day.
Jul 26, 2020: Just have to say, I've used [Hover]( for domains and email for the past 11 years since I switched from FastMail. It’s been an …
Jul 26, 2020: Just have to say, I’ve used Hover for domains and email for the past 11 years since I switched from FastMail. It’s been an amazing no hassle …
Jul 26, 2020: A proper cup o joe.
Jul 26, 2020: A proper cup o joe.
Jul 26, 2020: Escape. Get the Led out [](
Jul 26, 2020: Escape. Get the Led out
Jul 26, 2020: New housing development.
Jul 26, 2020: New housing development.
Jul 26, 2020: Only two. Today will be three [](
Jul 26, 2020: Only two. Today will be three
Jul 26, 2020: Hurricane Douglas is passing N of Hawaii Island, Maui is going to get hammered. Then O`ahu. It is very humid, can feel the storm in our neighborhood. …
Jul 26, 2020: Hurricane Douglas is passing N of Hawaii Island, Maui is going to get hammered. Then O`ahu. It is very humid, can feel the storm in our neighborhood. …
Jul 25, 2020: Saw Fleetwood Mac play in Honolulu in 1980. Still one of the best shows I’ve ever seen. …
Jul 25, 2020: Saw Fleetwood Mac play in Honolulu in 1980. Still one of the best shows I’ve ever seen.
Jul 25, 2020: Baseball is back [](
Jul 25, 2020: Baseball is back
Jul 25, 2020: I guess per capita 73 COVID cases in Hawaii is not too bad, but had the since the start 3 days in a row is not good at all 95% are on Oahu. Hawaii …
Jul 25, 2020: I guess per capita 73 COVID cases in Hawaii is not too bad, but had the since the start 3 days in a row is not good at all 95% are on Oahu. Hawaii …
Jul 25, 2020: It’s quieter on Saturdays in service. Only 2 mechanics. They crank the island music and power through the work.
Jul 25, 2020: It’s quieter on Saturdays in service. Only 2 mechanics. They crank the island music and power through the work.
Jul 25, 2020: Working today. Will keep one eye on the hurricane all day. We should feel effects starting later. The national media is only talking about the storm …
Jul 25, 2020: Working today. Will keep one eye on the hurricane all day. We should feel effects starting later. The national media is only talking about the storm …
Jul 24, 2020: Amazing - he's genius:, Jason Kottke: [Lin-Manuel Miranda Breaks Down His Biggest Hit Songs (Like “My …
Jul 24, 2020: Amazing - he’s genius:, Jason Kottke: Lin-Manuel Miranda Breaks Down His Biggest Hit Songs (Like “My Shot”)
Jul 24, 2020: A new customer looking at the 4Runner
Jul 24, 2020: A new customer looking at the 4Runner
Jul 24, 2020: Current Home Screen.
Jul 24, 2020: Current Home Screen.
Jul 23, 2020: The #Dodgers have awakened
Jul 23, 2020: The #Dodgers have awakened
Jul 23, 2020: Sure looks like the gangs in Chicago are trying re instill their street authority.
Jul 23, 2020: Sure looks like the gangs in Chicago are trying re instill their street authority.
Jul 23, 2020: Trump’s Kent State is coming. There will be some young federal agent somewhere facing up to protesters who just loses it. …
Jul 23, 2020: Trump’s Kent State is coming. There will be some young federal agent somewhere facing up to protesters who just loses it.
Jul 22, 2020: “We're just two lost souls swimming in a fishbowl, year after year”
Jul 22, 2020: “We’re just two lost souls swimming in a fishbowl, year after year”
Jul 22, 2020: Why not 2020. We have an event at the dealership on Sunday.
Jul 22, 2020: Why not 2020. We have an event at the dealership on Sunday.
Jul 20, 2020: I was 10 years old when Neil Armstrong stepped on the moon. It was one of the very few things shown live on TV in Hawaii. I remember watching it at …
Jul 20, 2020: I was 10 years old when Neil Armstrong stepped on the moon. It was one of the very few things shown live on TV in Hawaii. I remember watching it at …
Jul 20, 2020: An older but a giddie. Haven’t seen it for years. Found it in an old Mac Bag.
Jul 20, 2020: An older but a giddie. Haven’t seen it for years. Found it in an old Mac Bag.
Jul 20, 2020: First stab at a crusty baguette, Didn't come out perfect. I had cut the recipe in half and think it needed the full volume of the recipe to proof …
Jul 20, 2020: First stab at a crusty baguette, Didn’t come out perfect. I had cut the recipe in half and think it needed the full volume of the recipe to proof …
Jul 20, 2020: The Fix, Amber Phillips: [Coronavirus briefings are coming back. Will they help or hurt …
Jul 20, 2020: The Fix, Amber Phillips: Coronavirus briefings are coming back. Will they help or hurt Trump? Trump will undoubtedly devolve into campaign mode. Can’t …
Jul 20, 2020: My wife has noticed people on Facebook (I don't use it), change their ‘COVID is a hoax" tune after they or someone in their family catches it. The …
Jul 20, 2020: My wife has noticed people on Facebook (I don’t use it), change their ‘COVID is a hoax" tune after they or someone in their family catches it. The …
Jul 20, 2020: When I used to work in F&B at resorts, it was common for me to walk 12k steps a day. During my 100 day stay at home I avg 5k steps a day. Now working …
Jul 20, 2020: When I used to work in F&B at resorts, it was common for me to walk 12k steps a day. During my 100 day stay at home I avg 5k steps a day. Now working …
Jul 19, 2020: I would love to see the cast from Rogue One in another movie maybe another look back side story. #Starwars
Jul 19, 2020: I would love to see the cast from Rogue One in another movie maybe another look back side story. #Starwars
Jul 19, 2020: Local house (Hawaii). All slippers outside
Jul 19, 2020: Local house (Hawaii). All slippers outside
Jul 19, 2020: Kukio beach is public access which is required by law for all Hawaii Resorts , though they only have about 20 parking stalls and don’t let any more …
Jul 19, 2020: Kukio beach is public access which is required by law for all Hawaii Resorts , though they only have about 20 parking stalls and don’t let any more …
Jul 19, 2020: We came out to the Kukio beach for the first time in years. Kukio is a exclusive residential resort …
Jul 19, 2020: We came out to the Kukio beach for the first time in years. Kukio is a exclusive residential resort…
Jul 19, 2020: Since Airmail is still broken on Bug Sur, gone back to Spark email. Like with any consumer product, once I switch for whatever reason, I may not go …
Jul 19, 2020: Since Airmail is still broken on Bug Sur, gone back to Spark email. Like with any consumer product, once I switch for whatever reason, I may not go …
Jul 18, 2020: My geekiness is evaporating with age, or maybe I just don’t have the patience to tinker anymore. I just want stuff to work. I still like beta testing, …
Jul 18, 2020: My geekiness is evaporating with age, or maybe I just don’t have the patience to tinker anymore. I just want stuff to work. I still like beta testing, …
Jul 18, 2020: Our choice of political parties in Hawaii. It’s a democracy and all, but this is a little silly.
Jul 18, 2020: Our choice of political parties in Hawaii. It’s a democracy and all, but this is a little silly.
Jul 18, 2020: [Just in time production]( for auto manufacturing has come back to bite. The S. Korean …
Jul 18, 2020: Just in time production for auto manufacturing has come back to bite. The S. Korean company that make radios for many cars has shut down due to COVID. …
Jul 17, 2020: Rock and Roll Girls [](
Jul 17, 2020: Rock and Roll Girls
Jul 16, 2020: Boom [](
Jul 16, 2020: Boom
Jul 15, 2020: So I guess the NBCsports app is dead. It’s all on Peacock????
Jul 15, 2020: So I guess the NBCsports app is dead. It’s all on Peacock????
Jul 15, 2020: It’s taken a few months and a few back and forths, but my trademark application for “Hawaiiboy” is going to publication. Pending any claims it should …
Jul 15, 2020: It’s taken a few months and a few back and forths, but my trademark application for “Hawaiiboy” is going to publication. Pending any claims it should …
Jul 14, 2020: I’m a former chef, but when I see a headline “Easy recipe for _____”. I expect 3 or 4 ingredients commonly available. 15 ingredients, with 2 or 3 …
Jul 14, 2020: I’m a former chef, but when I see a headline “Easy recipe for _____”. I expect 3 or 4 ingredients commonly available. 15 ingredients, with 2 or 3 …
Jul 14, 2020: This is awesome; [Vorticity 3]( (4K) We don't get weather like that in Hawaii - you know …
Jul 14, 2020: This is awesome; Vorticity 3 (4K) We don’t get weather like that in Hawaii - you know the tropics and being an island and all
Jul 14, 2020: #Trump solved it, Testing causes COVID-19, if we stop testing and we'll have no cases.
Jul 14, 2020: #Trump solved it, Testing causes COVID-19, if we stop testing and we’ll have no cases.
Jul 14, 2020: Well well. A new low today. In a good way. I have lost 53 pounds in the past year. Slow and steady, 1 pound a week. Still want to drops out 12# more. …
Jul 14, 2020: Well well. A new low today. In a good way. I have lost 53 pounds in the past year. Slow and steady, 1 pound a week. Still want to drops out 12# more. …
Jul 14, 2020: The Boogaloos can go to hell [How Hawaiian Shirts Fight Extremism - Honolulu Magazine - July 2020 - …
Jul 14, 2020: The Boogaloos can go to hell How Hawaiian Shirts Fight Extremism - Honolulu Magazine - July 2020 - Hawaii
Jul 13, 2020: Love it [Laugh along as Apple takes on 'the whole working-from-home …
Jul 13, 2020: Love it Laugh along as Apple takes on ‘the whole working-from-home thing’
Jul 13, 2020: Dark fans. Here’s a podcast [](
Jul 13, 2020: Dark fans. Here’s a podcast
Jul 13, 2020: The most annoying niggles of Big Sur for me are the daily occurrence my Mac freezing forcing restart, seems to be Safari related (reported), Bartender …
Jul 13, 2020: The most annoying niggles of Big Sur for me are the daily occurrence my Mac freezing forcing restart, seems to be Safari related (reported), Bartender …
Jul 13, 2020: Hmmm. I’m writing a post and Gluon didn’t crash. It’s a good sign for Monday morning. [@vincent](
Jul 13, 2020: Hmmm. I’m writing a post and Gluon didn’t crash. It’s a good sign for Monday morning. @vincent
Jul 12, 2020: I love my 2015 13” MacBook Pro. The ports, the memory, the functionality. I hope it lasts a couple of more years. Also have a 12” MacBook and I’m …
Jul 12, 2020: I love my 2015 13” MacBook Pro. The ports, the memory, the functionality. I hope it lasts a couple of more years. Also have a 12” MacBook and I’m …
Jul 12, 2020: Down to the last episode of Netflix's Dark. I’m totally into it. But much like Matrix, I will go back and watch it all again. It’s too complex for a …
Jul 12, 2020: Down to the last episode of Netflix’s Dark. I’m totally into it. But much like Matrix, I will go back and watch it all again. It’s too complex for a …
Jul 12, 2020: Hang on, I'll be right there, can't be any worse than up here.
Jul 12, 2020: Hang on, I’ll be right there, can’t be any worse than up here.
Jul 12, 2020: Baking sourdough starter discard crackers for the first time. They’re in the over now. We’ll see
Jul 12, 2020: Baking sourdough starter discard crackers for the first time. They’re in the over now. We’ll see
Jul 12, 2020: I have unsubscribed from so many email newsletters and marketing emails that my inbox is mostly quiet. I don’t even bother checking it unless I’m …
Jul 12, 2020: I have unsubscribed from so many email newsletters and marketing emails that my inbox is mostly quiet. I don’t even bother checking it unless I’m …
Jul 12, 2020: I need to find out how I can travel into one of Darks past time periods and do this all over. I’d even take 1888, though 1953 is tenable.
Jul 12, 2020: I need to find out how I can travel into one of Darks past time periods and do this all over. I’d even take 1888, though 1953 is tenable.
Jul 11, 2020: 1975
Jul 11, 2020: Home
Jul 11, 2020: Home
Jul 11, 2020: Guess I’m not getting those masks that I ordered. …
Jul 11, 2020: Guess I’m not getting those masks that I ordered.
Jul 11, 2020: School in Hawaii returns Aug 3 with a number of caveats. Only 2 days a week, based on last name and only 8:15am - 11:45am. The students are expected …
Jul 11, 2020: School in Hawaii returns Aug 3 with a number of caveats. Only 2 days a week, based on last name and only 8:15am - 11:45am. The students are expected …
Jul 10, 2020: Woke up to the new watch beta
Jul 10, 2020: Woke up to the new watch beta
Jul 9, 2020: Think I can file my 100 day stay at home under “life is what happens while you’re waiting for something to happen”
Jul 9, 2020: Think I can file my 100 day stay at home under “life is what happens while you’re waiting for something to happen”
Jul 9, 2020: I’ll pay a subscription for an app that I use daily, but can’t do it for an app that does a single mundane task. This is why I love setapp. One …
Jul 9, 2020: I’ll pay a subscription for an app that I use daily, but can’t do it for an app that does a single mundane task. This is why I love setapp. One …
Jul 9, 2020: Spent some time doing a text search of the constitution, cannot find any constitutional right to not have to wear a mask. If they are claiming “Life, …
Jul 9, 2020: Spent some time doing a text search of the constitution, cannot find any constitutional right to not have to wear a mask. If they are claiming “Life, …
Jul 8, 2020: Guess we won’t ever be able to buy Lysol again. Still haven’t seen Clorox wipes in the store since, you know when.
Jul 8, 2020: Guess we won’t ever be able to buy Lysol again. Still haven’t seen Clorox wipes in the store since, you know when.
Jul 7, 2020: We all need a friend now and then
Jul 7, 2020: We all need a friend now and then
Jul 7, 2020: Zuck and Bezos are teflon. Heartless and justing sitting back and piling up the $$$$.. Most corporations are heartless, but they at least have to …
Jul 7, 2020: Zuck and Bezos are teflon. Heartless and justing sitting back and piling up the $$$$.. Most corporations are heartless, but they at least have to …
Jul 6, 2020: And the biggest ahole [](
Jul 6, 2020: And the biggest ahole
Jul 6, 2020: It’s officially the #TrumpVirus
Jul 6, 2020: It’s officially the #TrumpVirus
Jul 6, 2020: A nice house lot in Hawaii. Just steps from the ocean. It’s only 3 feet under lava
Jul 6, 2020: A nice house lot in Hawaii. Just steps from the ocean. It’s only 3 feet under lava
Jul 6, 2020: It's almost comical (muscle memory). I've participated in so many Betas, OS and apps. I have duplicates of apps that do the same thing and when one …
Jul 6, 2020: It’s almost comical (muscle memory). I’ve participated in so many Betas, OS and apps. I have duplicates of apps that do the same thing and when one …
Jul 5, 2020: Used to do a lot of carpentry, built shelf systems to fit where we lived. I would typically just leave the stuff I built behind. Built in work …
Jul 5, 2020: Used to do a lot of carpentry, built shelf systems to fit where we lived. I would typically just leave the stuff I built behind. Built in work …
Jul 5, 2020: I’ll just say this, then shut up on politics for now. Trump’s limited arsenal for response to any challenge is to attack and defer blame. It's only …
Jul 5, 2020: I’ll just say this, then shut up on politics for now. Trump’s limited arsenal for response to any challenge is to attack and defer blame. It’s only …
Jul 4, 2020: My birthday present. Yum
Jul 4, 2020: My birthday present. Yum
Jul 4, 2020: The boss bought us all huge Chili dogs and onions rings today, since we had to work. He wins
Jul 4, 2020: The boss bought us all huge Chili dogs and onions rings today, since we had to work. He wins
Jul 4, 2020: Well Hawaii us up to 999 COVID cases, but Hawaii island is still the safest place.
Jul 4, 2020: Well Hawaii us up to 999 COVID cases, but Hawaii island is still the safest place.
Jul 3, 2020: Masked up at the dealership
Jul 3, 2020: Masked up at the dealership
Jul 3, 2020: Don’t you mean you caution about drunk driving ANYTIME!!!! …
Jul 3, 2020: Don’t you mean you caution about drunk driving ANYTIME!!!!
Jul 2, 2020: Almost finished season 1 of Dark. What an addictive show.
Jul 2, 2020: Almost finished season 1 of Dark. What an addictive show.
Jul 1, 2020: It was great returning to work. I am with a great team.
Jul 1, 2020: It was great returning to work. I am with a great team.
Jul 1, 2020: Now if Biden could just not talk off the cuff and let his team do their job …
Jul 1, 2020: Now if Biden could just not talk off the cuff and let his team do their job
Jul 1, 2020: First day on the job. COVID has done a job on auto supplies. It’s smaller suppliers that have the system messed up. You can’t ship a Tacoma if the …
Jul 1, 2020: First day on the job. COVID has done a job on auto supplies. It’s smaller suppliers that have the system messed up. You can’t ship a Tacoma if the …
Jun 30, 2020: Twitterific is acting strange on Big Sur, Going to Tweetbot for now.
Jun 30, 2020: Twitterific is acting strange on Big Sur, Going to Tweetbot for now.
Jun 30, 2020: More thoughts, 100 days is longest I've been off work since I was 16 years old. Always had at least a part-time job through last 2 years of high …
Jun 30, 2020: More thoughts, 100 days is longest I’ve been off work since I was 16 years old. Always had at least a part-time job through last 2 years of high …
Jun 30, 2020: Stay at Home analytics 100 days - **Sleep: ** Week of March 23 Avg. Time in Bed 6hr 47 min / Avg sleep 5hr 46 min. - **Sleep: ** Week of June 23 Avg Time in bed 9hr 7 min …
Jun 30, 2020: Stay at Home analytics 100 days **Sleep: ** Week of March 23 Avg. Time in Bed 6hr 47 min / Avg sleep 5hr 46 min. **Sleep: ** Week of June 23 Avg Time in bed 9hr 7 min Avg …
Jun 29, 2020: Goldman-Sachs declined me for an Apple Card- mid 700 credit score, good debt to credit ratio, likely because I have my credit reports locked. Other …
Jun 29, 2020: Goldman-Sachs declined me for an Apple Card- mid 700 credit score, good debt to credit ratio, likely because I have my credit reports locked. Other …
Jun 29, 2020: It's kind of cool how the Apple created for me playlists pull other songs from the albums of artists I have in my collection or have liked in the …
Jun 29, 2020: It’s kind of cool how the Apple created for me playlists pull other songs from the albums of artists I have in my collection or have liked in the …
Jun 29, 2020: My wife has become very anti Amazon. Bezos is a kagilionaire and just keeps building more homes, planes and boats. Does nothing for communities. Does …
Jun 29, 2020: My wife has become very anti Amazon. Bezos is a kagilionaire and just keeps building more homes, planes and boats. Does nothing for communities. Does …
Jun 29, 2020: My last Honey Do project before I go back to work on Wednesday. Paint this rusty screen door.
Jun 29, 2020: My last Honey Do project before I go back to work on Wednesday. Paint this rusty screen door.
Jun 29, 2020: I have a library of ebooks from Amazon (and a few in iBooks) that are resisting conversion. I'll just read them on my devices as is, but am going with …
Jun 29, 2020: I have a library of ebooks from Amazon (and a few in iBooks) that are resisting conversion. I’ll just read them on my devices as is, but am going with …
Jun 29, 2020: I’ve used a number of sleep tracking apps from when I was in the hotel industry & lacked sleep. I just needed to change careers to fix my sleep. …
Jun 29, 2020: I’ve used a number of sleep tracking apps from when I was in the hotel industry & lacked sleep. I just needed to change careers to fix my sleep. …
Jun 29, 2020: #MediaMonday I’ve always been a fan of the Jason Kottke blog Just good stuff, diversions amongst so much crap on the web.
Jun 29, 2020: #MediaMonday I've always been a fan of the Jason Kottke blog []() Just good stuff, diversions amongst so much crap on the web.
Jun 29, 2020: Testing
Jun 29, 2020: Testing
Jun 28, 2020: First meal out since February. Early Birthday dinner …
Jun 28, 2020: First meal out since February. Early Birthday dinner
Jun 28, 2020: 27 new cases in Hawaii. We’re seeing cases from travel despite the quarantine. This is far from over.
Jun 28, 2020: 27 new cases in Hawaii. We’re seeing cases from travel despite the quarantine. This is far from over.
Jun 28, 2020: Cancelled Facebook 4 years ago, Dropbox 3 years ago, Evernote this week. Pulling back.
Jun 28, 2020: Cancelled Facebook 4 years ago, Dropbox 3 years ago, Evernote this week. Pulling back.
Jun 28, 2020: With focus on picking up a book (albeit on a Kindle) rather that a device, I’ve unsubscribed from newsletter emails that are just about links to short …
Jun 28, 2020: With focus on picking up a book (albeit on a Kindle) rather that a device, I’ve unsubscribed from newsletter emails that are just about links to short …
Jun 28, 2020: I can read again. My internal reading switch, that had shut off years ago has been switched back on. Since forever, like many, I lost the ability to read books, I would …
Jun 28, 2020: I can read again. My internal reading switch, that had shut off years ago has been switched back on. Since forever, like many, I lost the ability to read books, I would …
Jun 27, 2020: I’m done with politics. It’s getting too much. Every day it seems to be more corrupt and unbelievable. I don’t want to put more into it beyond a quick …
Jun 27, 2020: I’m done with politics. It’s getting too much. Every day it seems to be more corrupt and unbelievable. I don’t want to put more into it beyond a quick …
Jun 27, 2020: How I spent my 100 day Spring vacation I go back to Work Wednesday, been home for 100 days. My Wife has worked at home since mid 2018 This time at home we got some things done. - Emptied a …
Jun 27, 2020: How I spent my 100 day Spring vacation I go back to Work Wednesday, been home for 100 days. My Wife has worked at home since mid 2018 This time at home we got some things done. Emptied a …
Jun 27, 2020: A great day. The sunset one way and a rainbow 🌈 up the mountain.  …
Jun 27, 2020: A great day. The sunset one way and a rainbow 🌈 up the mountain.
Jun 27, 2020: Biden needs to stop stretching the truth, that is Trump’s job.
Jun 27, 2020: Biden needs to stop stretching the truth, that is Trump’s job.
Jun 27, 2020: Was just recalling the quote I used to use in social media presentations to businesses 15 years ago “Facebook is where you tell lies to people you …
Jun 27, 2020: Was just recalling the quote I used to use in social media presentations to businesses 15 years ago “Facebook is where you tell lies to people you …
Jun 27, 2020: This is the swimming beach at Mauna Lani. This area was covered with rocks and was cleared when the hotel was built 37 years ago. Usually packed with …
Jun 27, 2020: This is the swimming beach at Mauna Lani. This area was covered with rocks and was cleared when the hotel was built 37 years ago. Usually packed with …
Jun 27, 2020: Rereading Thoreau’s Walden for the first time since college. Back then I read it on assignment. This time it reads much differently. Looking back on …
Jun 27, 2020: Rereading Thoreau’s Walden for the first time since college. Back then I read it on assignment. This time it reads much differently. Looking back on …
Jun 27, 2020: Back at the Mauna Lani Bay Club beach with the boys. The hotel is still closed, so not …
Jun 27, 2020: Back at the Mauna Lani Bay Club beach with the boys. The hotel is still closed, so not crowded
Jun 27, 2020: Typically during a beta I keep an index card near my Mac and note any issues to send to Apple. It’s kind of cool when they contact you for more info …
Jun 27, 2020: Typically during a beta I keep an index card near my Mac and note any issues to send to Apple. It’s kind of cool when they contact you for more info …
Jun 27, 2020: I installed Big Sur on my every day machine. I want to see it through the Beta period in daily use. I have another fall back Mac, Have had to go to …
Jun 27, 2020: I installed Big Sur on my every day machine. I want to see it through the Beta period in daily use. I have another fall back Mac, Have had to go to …
Jun 26, 2020: Hawaii Island is still doing very good with COVID despite O`ahu seeing an uptick. My wife and I decided that will plan no travel for at least a year …
Jun 26, 2020: Hawaii Island is still doing very good with COVID despite O`ahu seeing an uptick. My wife and I decided that will plan no travel for at least a year …
Jun 26, 2020: I still have getting my Italian passport on my radar via Jure Sanguinis. This won’t happen for a couple of years, but it’s insurance if this country …
Jun 26, 2020: I still have getting my Italian passport on my radar via Jure Sanguinis. This won’t happen for a couple of years, but it’s insurance if this country …
Jun 26, 2020: Certain sports are becoming less fun. Liverpool/Mancity, Real/Barca, Bayern, Juve dominate. their leagues. Mercedes dominate F-1. Watch FA …
Jun 26, 2020: Certain sports are becoming less fun. Liverpool/Mancity, Real/Barca, Bayern, Juve dominate. their leagues. Mercedes dominate F-1. Watch FA …
Jun 26, 2020: Giving up trying to download my archive. I’m not geeky enough to write a script and had too many posts to use the existing solutions. The IOS …
Jun 26, 2020: Giving up trying to download my archive. I’m not geeky enough to write a script and had too many posts to use the existing solutions. The IOS …
Jun 26, 2020: Looks like Trump wants to burn down the house on the way out, try to set up Biden for failure.
Jun 26, 2020: Looks like Trump wants to burn down the house on the way out, try to set up Biden for failure.
Jun 26, 2020: The Hey app looks interesting for a higher volume email user. I've been persistently unsubscribing subs and cancelling lists and am down to a couple …
Jun 26, 2020: The Hey app looks interesting for a higher volume email user. I’ve been persistently unsubscribing subs and cancelling lists and am down to a couple …
Jun 25, 2020: Finally done with Evernote, it's bloated black hole. Everything exported.
Jun 25, 2020: Finally done with Evernote, it’s bloated black hole. Everything exported.
Jun 25, 2020: Relishing these last days of my "safer at home" time. Back to work July 1.
Jun 25, 2020: Relishing these last days of my “safer at home” time. Back to work July 1.
Jun 25, 2020: Seeing people flock to bars and beaches in the face of COVID is idiotic. I've been going to the beach, concerts, bars, nightclubs & other events my …
Jun 25, 2020: Seeing people flock to bars and beaches in the face of COVID is idiotic. I’ve been going to the beach, concerts, bars, nightclubs & other events my …
Jun 25, 2020: One Screen. Taking full advantage of the App Library. One app folder in the dock for 2nd layer regularly used apps and two Apple won't let be moved …
Jun 25, 2020: One Screen. Taking full advantage of the App Library. One app folder in the dock for 2nd layer regularly used apps and two Apple won’t let be moved …
Jun 24, 2020: used the Fluid app to get the browser version of and all of it's features on my Mac desktop. #FTW
Jun 24, 2020: used the Fluid app to get the browser version of and all of it’s features on my Mac desktop. #FTW
Jun 24, 2020: Knowing what I know about certain parts of the country, systematic racism will simply not go away in these places. It’s been going on unabated for far …
Jun 24, 2020: Knowing what I know about certain parts of the country, systematic racism will simply not go away in these places. It’s been going on unabated for far …
Jun 24, 2020: New iPhone home screen. All on one screen with apps I use daily so the app library is the 2nd screen. One folder in the doc. Can’t delete workout and …
Jun 24, 2020: New iPhone home screen. All on one screen with apps I use daily so the app library is the 2nd screen. One folder in the doc. Can’t delete workout and …
Jun 24, 2020: So many good shows hitting the streaming services in July and I go back to work next week. Far less watching time.
Jun 24, 2020: So many good shows hitting the streaming services in July and I go back to work next week. Far less watching time.
Jun 24, 2020: Beta fun. A number of apps don’t go beyond a white screen. Will give it an update or two before I start emailing Devs. Mostly big company apps
Jun 24, 2020: Beta fun. A number of apps don’t go beyond a white screen. Will give it an update or two before I start emailing Devs. Mostly big company apps
Jun 24, 2020: I’ve had basically the same iPhone screen and folder set up through the last 3 of 4 phones. Going all in with app library. Removing all but the the …
Jun 24, 2020: I’ve had basically the same iPhone screen and folder set up through the last 3 of 4 phones. Going all in with app library. Removing all but the the …
Jun 24, 2020: As I go through my day, I come across more apps that aren't ready for IOS14. A few don't work on OS11 or the UI is messed up. Not liking the extra …
Jun 24, 2020: As I go through my day, I come across more apps that aren’t ready for IOS14. A few don’t work on OS11 or the UI is messed up. Not liking the extra …
Jun 23, 2020: My Apple Music curated “My Favorites” hit it out of the park this week, I've listened 2x through.
Jun 23, 2020: My Apple Music curated “My Favorites” hit it out of the park this week, I’ve listened 2x through.
Jun 23, 2020: We get to boo the Astros too this short season #Dodgers West - Los Angeles Dodgers - Los Angeles Angels - Oakland A's - Arizona Diamondbacks - San …
Jun 23, 2020: We get to boo the Astros too this short season #Dodgers West Los Angeles Dodgers Los Angeles Angels Oakland A’s Arizona Diamondbacks San Francisco …
Jun 23, 2020: Moved a bunch of apps to the IOS app library and set up a widget stack. The future is upon us.
Jun 23, 2020: Moved a bunch of apps to the IOS app library and set up a widget stack. The future is upon us.
Jun 23, 2020: Couldn’t pul the trigger on Hey, Can't justify the $99/year. Nice idea, the timing sucks, haven’t been working for 95 days. The questions: What do I …
Jun 23, 2020: Couldn’t pul the trigger on Hey, Can’t justify the $99/year. Nice idea, the timing sucks, haven’t been working for 95 days. The questions: What do I …
Jun 22, 2020: Apple Maps has always been annoyingly a few steps behind here in Hawaii. I will exclusively use Apple Maps for a few weeks and see how they are doing. …
Jun 22, 2020: Apple Maps has always been annoyingly a few steps behind here in Hawaii. I will exclusively use Apple Maps for a few weeks and see how they are doing. …
Jun 22, 2020: My weight loss has plateaued for a week so I did a modified fast today. I've had about 3oz of ham and some sips of Sated Keto shake and lots of water, …
Jun 22, 2020: My weight loss has plateaued for a week so I did a modified fast today. I’ve had about 3oz of ham and some sips of Sated Keto shake and lots of water, …
Jun 22, 2020: Was just reminded, on early MacOS betas I have to return to a few stock apps until the Devs catch up.
Jun 22, 2020: Was just reminded, on early MacOS betas I have to return to a few stock apps until the Devs catch up.
Jun 22, 2020: Really like the app library
Jun 22, 2020: Really like the app library
Jun 22, 2020: No luck on WatchOS - getting an error on the page.
Jun 22, 2020: No luck on WatchOS - getting an error on the page.
Jun 22, 2020: IOS 14 installed, that's the quickest I've ever been able to get a Beta, being in Hawaii - last US time zone and all. Now to try WatchOS
Jun 22, 2020: IOS 14 installed, that’s the quickest I’ve ever been able to get a Beta, being in Hawaii - last US time zone and all. Now to try WatchOS
Jun 22, 2020: I use primarily Mac and iPhone. Never worked iPad into any workflow, still a consumption device for me. Never got an Apple Pencil, my handwriting is …
Jun 22, 2020: I use primarily Mac and iPhone. Never worked iPad into any workflow, still a consumption device for me. Never got an Apple Pencil, my handwriting is …
Jun 22, 2020: Patience my young padawan
Jun 22, 2020: Patience my young padawan
Jun 22, 2020: One frustration I've had with AirPod is moving between devices, hopefully their fix works. I use wired earpods most often as I just move the plug and …
Jun 22, 2020: One frustration I’ve had with AirPod is moving between devices, hopefully their fix works. I use wired earpods most often as I just move the plug and …
Jun 21, 2020: Kawaihae Harbor. Paddled our of here many many times  …
Jun 21, 2020: Kawaihae Harbor. Paddled our of here many many times
Jun 21, 2020: The Hey / Apple kerfuffle The Hey / Apple controversy sure hit a nerve this week. I’m not a Developer, I’m a Consumer, I know a lot of Devs and have beta tested dozens of apps, …
Jun 21, 2020: The Hey / Apple kerfuffle The Hey / Apple controversy sure hit a nerve this week. I’m not a Developer, I’m a Consumer, I know a lot of Devs and have beta tested dozens of apps, …
Jun 21, 2020: Found this photo from 1983 of the Puna Sugar Company offices a few days before closing, having been in operation since 1825.
Jun 21, 2020: Found this photo from 1983 of the Puna Sugar Company offices a few days before closing, having been in operation since 1825.
Jun 20, 2020: Just watched A Well Spent Life 1971 A tribute to the Texas songster, Mance Lipscomb Loved it, lots of common sense, which we lack now.
Jun 20, 2020: Just watched A Well Spent Life 1971 A tribute to the Texas songster, Mance Lipscomb Loved it, lots of common sense, which we lack now.
Jun 20, 2020: Embarking on a new careeer, kind of In my career, I've sold: - Beer (Miller and Heineken) - Water - Juices - Wine - Kendall-Jackson back in the day. - Spirits - Ocean Garden Shrimp - Mrs …
Jun 20, 2020: Embarking on a new careeer, kind of In my career, I’ve sold: Beer (Miller and Heineken) Water Juices Wine - Kendall-Jackson back in the day. Spirits Ocean Garden Shrimp Mrs Fridays …
Jun 6, 2020: Looks like the barrier to any change in police depts is the police unions. They can all hide behind their union. Follow the money unions give to …
Jun 6, 2020: Looks like the barrier to any change in police depts is the police unions. They can all hide behind their union. Follow the money unions give to …
Jun 6, 2020: I believe a good measure of our society is what level of [Quality of life] across the board is, top to bottom. It’s a broad metric. We can divide up …
Jun 6, 2020: I believe a good measure of our society is what level of [Quality of life] across the board is, top to bottom. It’s a broad metric. We can divide up …
Jun 6, 2020: Guarantee Obama would have been out talking to the crowd rather hiding in a fortified bunker (eg Hitler)
Jun 6, 2020: Guarantee Obama would have been out talking to the crowd rather hiding in a fortified bunker (eg Hitler)
Jun 5, 2020: Any war with China would be trouble for Hawaii [c]( In a war with China, the US Navy's warships might not be the …
Jun 5, 2020: Any war with China would be trouble for Hawaii c In a war with China, the US Navy’s warships might not be the first target - Business …
Jun 5, 2020: [Great article on Looting]( “People with a lot to lose …
Jun 5, 2020: Great article on Looting. “People with a lot to lose don’t do things like that. The question you have to ask yourself is: Why are there so many people …
Jun 5, 2020: When I lived in Los Angeles in the early ‘80, I had an employee who was originally from Watts. He was kid during the riots. We became good friends. …
Jun 5, 2020: When I lived in Los Angeles in the early ‘80, I had an employee who was originally from Watts. He was kid during the riots. We became good friends. …
Jun 5, 2020: As I get older I don’t need as much computer and don’t need the latest one. Plus there’s the migration to the cloud. All of the Macs in our home are …
Jun 5, 2020: As I get older I don’t need as much computer and don’t need the latest one. Plus there’s the migration to the cloud. All of the Macs in our home are …
Jun 5, 2020: Good info. Trumps makes a victory lap and Hawaii is at 20% unemployment[May's unemployment numbers were shocking. Here's how everyone go - Honolulu, …
Jun 5, 2020: Good info. Trumps makes a victory lap and Hawaii is at 20% unemploymentMay’s unemployment numbers were shocking. Here’s how everyone go - Honolulu, …
Jun 4, 2020: My Mom’s family is from Louisville KY going back to the 1780s (one of the founding families) I’ve only been there once, but will never go back as long …
Jun 4, 2020: My Mom’s family is from Louisville KY going back to the 1780s (one of the founding families) I’ve only been there once, but will never go back as long …
Jun 4, 2020: I can’t give any more attention or energy towards Trump. He doesn’t and never did care and will never change. I’ll focus on what I can change. …
Jun 4, 2020: I can’t give any more attention or energy towards Trump. He doesn’t and never did care and will never change. I’ll focus on what I can change. …
Jun 4, 2020: I deleted Quibi till TMobile gave it to me free, I still don’t use the app. Nothing looks interesting whenever I look
Jun 4, 2020: I deleted Quibi till TMobile gave it to me free, I still don’t use the app. Nothing looks interesting whenever I look
Jun 4, 2020: In Net NewsWire I generally have 4 folders (there's a few un-filed misc items) News, Sports, Tech and interesting. The most new items is always …
Jun 4, 2020: In Net NewsWire I generally have 4 folders (there’s a few un-filed misc items) News, Sports, Tech and interesting. The most new items is always …
Jun 4, 2020: Seeing daily articles about how fast the vaccine will come out. They’re giving up more testing for speed. - Will the corners be cut in safety or …
Jun 4, 2020: Seeing daily articles about how fast the vaccine will come out. They’re giving up more testing for speed. Will the corners be cut in safety or …
Jun 4, 2020: My Mac must be too old (2015rMBP), I’m on 10.15, but don't have the battery health feature or the new fonts added in the last update.
Jun 4, 2020: My Mac must be too old (2015rMBP), I’m on 10.15, but don’t have the battery health feature or the new fonts added in the last update.
Jun 3, 2020: Yay! []( iOS 13.5.5 code provides evidence of future Apple services bundle in …
Jun 3, 2020: Yay! iOS 13.5.5 code provides evidence of future Apple services bundle in development
Jun 3, 2020: Going back and rereading Walden. It’s been about 30 years.
Jun 3, 2020: Going back and rereading Walden. It’s been about 30 years.
Jun 3, 2020: I quit FB 4 years ago, do not trust their policies and their aim. I have an account under a pseudonym for work and only use it TOR.
Jun 3, 2020: I quit FB 4 years ago, do not trust their policies and their aim. I have an account under a pseudonym for work and only use it TOR.
Jun 2, 2020: 😷
Jun 2, 2020: 😷
Jun 2, 2020: The ISS course is shifting North, we should get about 6 nights in row with a chance of spotting it. Yay!
Jun 2, 2020: The ISS course is shifting North, we should get about 6 nights in row with a chance of spotting it. Yay!
Jun 2, 2020: Reading about how many Hawaii businesses passed on PPP loans due to the strings attached. Reminds of the loans FEMA offered after the flood in Hilo in …
Jun 2, 2020: Reading about how many Hawaii businesses passed on PPP loans due to the strings attached. Reminds of the loans FEMA offered after the flood in Hilo in …
Jun 2, 2020: My Mom is from Kentucky, her Family are racists. My Mom and G’mother would try to keep it under wraps, but it would come out now and then. It was …
Jun 2, 2020: My Mom is from Kentucky, her Family are racists. My Mom and G’mother would try to keep it under wraps, but it would come out now and then. It was …
Jun 1, 2020: [Economist: Tens of thousands could leave Hawaii amid slow economic …
Jun 1, 2020: Economist: Tens of thousands could leave Hawaii amid slow economic recovery
Jun 1, 2020: I need a news detox. It’s not a denial of what’s happening, it’s for my own sanity.
Jun 1, 2020: I need a news detox. It’s not a denial of what’s happening, it’s for my own sanity.
Jun 1, 2020: []( 'Keep your mouth shut,' police …
Jun 1, 2020: ‘Keep your mouth shut,’ police chief responds to Trump
Jun 1, 2020: Not sure if it’s my iPhone or #T-Mobile but often my phone won’t connect to the network and I need to turn cellular off then back on, then it …
Jun 1, 2020: Not sure if it’s my iPhone or #T-Mobile but often my phone won’t connect to the network and I need to turn cellular off then back on, then it …
May 31, 2020: Hawaii's Ethnic Tapestry It’s interesting, all that's happening all across America has caused me to think back on growing up in Hawaii where pretty much everyone was a …
May 31, 2020: Hawaii's Ethnic Tapestry It’s interesting, all that’s happening all across America has caused me to think back on growing up in Hawaii where pretty much everyone was a …
May 31, 2020: Crypto 2019
May 31, 2020: Crypto 2019 [](
May 31, 2020: All I have are Hawaiian or Aloha shirts. I have local knowledge. [Reyns Spooner]( are a more professional look and very …
May 31, 2020: All I have are Hawaiian or Aloha shirts. I have local knowledge. Reyns Spooner are a more professional look and very comfortable for all day wear …
May 31, 2020: The Patio by Beth Cooper - Maui Microblog art and drawing challenge.
May 31, 2020: The Patio by Beth Cooper - Maui Microblog art and drawing challenge.
May 31, 2020: As California goes, so goes Hawaii Tourism - 39.4% from the U.S. West - 20.8% from the U.S. East - 18.3% from Japan - 6.3% from Canada - 15.2% others
May 31, 2020: As California goes, so goes Hawaii Tourism 39.4% from the U.S. West 20.8% from the U.S. East 18.3% from Japan 6.3% from Canada 15.2% others
May 31, 2020: Very cool 
May 31, 2020: Very cool
May 31, 2020: Fresh Sunday Morning biscuits going into the oven.
May 31, 2020: Fresh Sunday Morning biscuits going into the oven.
May 30, 2020: Oh
May 30, 2020: Oh
May 30, 2020: Was seriously considering canceling my Twitter account, even exported my data. Then all of this happened. It's like a train wreck, can't look away.
May 30, 2020: Was seriously considering canceling my Twitter account, even exported my data. Then all of this happened. It’s like a train wreck, can’t look away.
May 30, 2020: They Kill Black Boys on mopeds. [](
May 30, 2020: They Kill Black Boys on mopeds.
May 30, 2020: Black Lives Matter Native American Lives Matter Hispanic American Lives Matter Asian American Lives Matter All Lives Matter
May 30, 2020: Black Lives Matter Native American Lives Matter Hispanic American Lives Matter Asian American Lives Matter All Lives Matter
May 30, 2020: [Analysis: Yes, there is misinformation in Minneapolis. No, it's not all Russia's …
May 30, 2020: Analysis: Yes, there is misinformation in Minneapolis. No, it’s not all Russia’s fault.
May 30, 2020: Beautiful day after lots of rain during the week.
May 30, 2020: Beautiful day after lots of rain during the week.
May 30, 2020: I am absolutely convinced there is a ton of false media from forces beyond our country. I’m confident the news surrounding the event of the George …
May 30, 2020: I am absolutely convinced there is a ton of false media from forces beyond our country. I’m confident the news surrounding the event of the George …
May 30, 2020: Loved the exchange between the Falcon launch team and flight crew. Never really heard that kind of talk during NASA flights.
May 30, 2020: Loved the exchange between the Falcon launch team and flight crew. Never really heard that kind of talk during NASA flights.
May 30, 2020: I think I’m anticipating the return of Baseball more than any other sport. Baseball has a calming effect, no clock, kind of like where we are now.
May 30, 2020: I think I’m anticipating the return of Baseball more than any other sport. Baseball has a calming effect, no clock, kind of like where we are now.
May 30, 2020: Eye surgery on Thursday means multiple eye drops for days.
May 30, 2020: Eye surgery on Thursday means multiple eye drops for days.
May 30, 2020: Yoga. By Beth Cooper - Maui Microblog art challenge. I’m not an artist by the broad stretch of the mind. I’m post art from my best friend.
May 30, 2020: Yoga. By Beth Cooper - Maui Microblog art challenge. I’m not an artist by the broad stretch of the mind. I’m post art from my best friend.
May 30, 2020: That's the pot calling the kettle black [Trump slams White House protesters as 'just there to cause trouble' as DC mayor defends city …
May 30, 2020: That’s the pot calling the kettle black Trump slams White House protesters as ‘just there to cause trouble’ as DC mayor defends city
May 29, 2020: When Trump sends in the military this will get ugly. Go listen to CSN&Y Ohio: “What if you knew her and found her dead on the ground?” That was Ohio …
May 29, 2020: When Trump sends in the military this will get ugly. Go listen to CSN&Y Ohio: “What if you knew her and found her dead on the ground?” That was Ohio …
May 29, 2020: Vast of the Night (Prime) 2019 [](
May 29, 2020: Vast of the Night (Prime) 2019
May 29, 2020: Reading about how Apple wants to eliminate all phone ports. My 2 favorite music earphones are wired (One in ear, one over ear). I can adapt to …
May 29, 2020: Reading about how Apple wants to eliminate all phone ports. My 2 favorite music earphones are wired (One in ear, one over ear). I can adapt to …
May 29, 2020: Nerdy tools for small things.
May 29, 2020: Nerdy tools for small things.
May 29, 2020: Lost 17 pounds (so far) since laid off and stay at home order. Would like to drop 13 more.
May 29, 2020: Lost 17 pounds (so far) since laid off and stay at home order. Would like to drop 13 more.
May 29, 2020: Welcome to Trump’s Great America []( …
May 29, 2020: Welcome to Trump’s Great America Arrest of CNN Crew in Minneapolis a ‘Violation of First Amendment’
May 29, 2020: I've use the #Airmail email app for a long time and has #Spark as 2nd fiddle, but Airmail is so buggy on my Mac. I've emailed support and put up with …
May 29, 2020: I’ve use the #Airmail email app for a long time and has #Spark as 2nd fiddle, but Airmail is so buggy on my Mac. I’ve emailed support and put up with …
May 29, 2020: Breakheart Pass 1975
May 29, 2020: Breakheart Pass 1975 [](
May 29, 2020: Peace out dawg - by Beth Cooper - Maui drawing and art challenge.
May 29, 2020: Peace out dawg - by Beth Cooper - Maui drawing and art challenge.
May 29, 2020: I’m waiting for 4 outstanding backed Kickstarter projects. All but one is late (one is actually early). After I receive these, I’m done with …
May 29, 2020: I’m waiting for 4 outstanding backed Kickstarter projects. All but one is late (one is actually early). After I receive these, I’m done with …
May 28, 2020: I have news fatigue
May 28, 2020: I have news fatigue
May 28, 2020: Memorable #Dodgers
May 28, 2020: Memorable #Dodgers
May 28, 2020: That was a different experience post, or within COVID. Lots of extra cleaning and checks and balances. Longer waits for OR with the extra cleaning.
May 28, 2020: That was a different experience post, or within COVID. Lots of extra cleaning and checks and balances. Longer waits for OR with the extra cleaning.
May 28, 2020: Really enjoying the 1988 World Series with Vin Scully on play by play.
May 28, 2020: Really enjoying the 1988 World Series with Vin Scully on play by play.
May 28, 2020: I was diagnosed with a detached retina last Oct. got that fixed, had the temporary oil removed in late December, but due to COVID had to wait till …
May 28, 2020: I was diagnosed with a detached retina last Oct. got that fixed, had the temporary oil removed in late December, but due to COVID had to wait till …
May 28, 2020: My very cluttered desk from 2010. MacBook Pro with Cinema Display. Now I don’t have desk now. Just a MacBook. #ThrowbackThursday
May 28, 2020: My very cluttered desk from 2010. MacBook Pro with Cinema Display. Now I don’t have desk now. Just a MacBook. #ThrowbackThursday
May 28, 2020: Channel surfing and found the 1988 World Series. Dodgers v As. Game 4. Vin Scully doing the play by play. #FTW Side note, I had tickets to Game 6 of …
May 28, 2020: Channel surfing and found the 1988 World Series. Dodgers v As. Game 4. Vin Scully doing the play by play. #FTW Side note, I had tickets to Game 6 of …
May 27, 2020: I had this CD back in the day. Still enjoy listening to it.
May 27, 2020: I had this CD back in the day. Still enjoy listening to it.
May 27, 2020: Gonna be fun watching Trump and Twitter duke it out.
May 27, 2020: Gonna be fun watching Trump and Twitter duke it out.
May 27, 2020: These type old general merchandise stores were all over the islands from plantation days. Many are now art galleries or cafes or real estate offices. …
May 27, 2020: These type old general merchandise stores were all over the islands from plantation days. Many are now art galleries or cafes or real estate offices. …
May 27, 2020: As we all enjoy the diversion of SpaceX, the 800# gorilla looms
May 27, 2020: As we all enjoy the diversion of SpaceX, the 800# gorilla looms
May 27, 2020: Devs, please do not ask me to sign up for a beta then immediately try to sell me an in app purchase to upgrade to pro. When I agree to beta test, I …
May 27, 2020: Devs, please do not ask me to sign up for a beta then immediately try to sell me an in app purchase to upgrade to pro. When I agree to beta test, I …
May 27, 2020: Trump won't [shut down …
May 27, 2020: Trump won’t shut down Twitter, he won’t have an outlet.
May 26, 2020: Here's another off of O`ahu
May 26, 2020: Here’s another off of O`ahu
May 26, 2020: Looking thru old pix. This was my final canoe race 2006/05/07 Molokai - Oahu race. I blew out my left shoulder a month later. This was end of years of …
May 26, 2020: Looking thru old pix. This was my final canoe race 2006/05/07 Molokai - Oahu race. I blew out my left shoulder a month later. This was end of years of …
May 26, 2020: Martini Afternoon by Beth Cooper
May 26, 2020: Martini Afternoon by Beth Cooper
May 26, 2020: Lots of press today on Hawaii Tourism. Lt Gov wants to open in July. Economist say soonest is Sept. and that's if there are no spikes in COVID here or …
May 26, 2020: Lots of press today on Hawaii Tourism. Lt Gov wants to open in July. Economist say soonest is Sept. and that’s if there are no spikes in COVID here or …
May 26, 2020: I've had in a browser tab since I found it a few months ago. …
May 26, 2020: I’ve had in a browser tab since I found it a few months ago.…
May 26, 2020: 2/2 most restaurants have built a clientele based on a specific type of food, flavor profile, atmosphere, type of service and location. The big …
May 26, 2020: 2/2 most restaurants have built a clientele based on a specific type of food, flavor profile, atmosphere, type of service and location. The big …
May 26, 2020: 1/2 Restaurant owners should've already run the numbers vs. their financial model. Most will find numbers don’t work. Revenue is based on number of …
May 26, 2020: 1/2 Restaurant owners should’ve already run the numbers vs. their financial model. Most will find numbers don’t work. Revenue is based on number of …
May 26, 2020: Most hotels offer a breakfast buffet. It works financially. Less staffing. Easier to manage preparation. Fast, inexpensive breakfast and broad …
May 26, 2020: Most hotels offer a breakfast buffet. It works financially. Less staffing. Easier to manage preparation. Fast, inexpensive breakfast and broad …
May 25, 2020: My mood [](
May 25, 2020: My mood
May 25, 2020: I figure we'll all know in about a week if the debauchery and lack of COVID common sense has put us back where we were a few weeks ago in cases and …
May 25, 2020: I figure we’ll all know in about a week if the debauchery and lack of COVID common sense has put us back where we were a few weeks ago in cases and …
May 25, 2020: Sonic the Hedgehog
May 25, 2020: Sonic the Hedgehog [](
May 25, 2020: We got to the beach early, when we left the parking lot was full …
May 25, 2020: We got to the beach early, when we left the parking lot was full
May 25, 2020: I have ancestors and relatives who fight in the Revolutionary war, Civil war, Mexican American War, both World Wars, Korean War, Vietnam and the First …
May 25, 2020: I have ancestors and relatives who fight in the Revolutionary war, Civil war, Mexican American War, both World Wars, Korean War, Vietnam and the First …
May 25, 2020: Came back to Hapuna State Beach Park today. The beach is open now. Everyone here is behaving and adequately physically spaced. It’s still early …
May 25, 2020: Came back to Hapuna State Beach Park today. The beach is open now. Everyone here is behaving and adequately physically spaced. It’s still early …
May 25, 2020: On another note, not renewing AppleNews+ come on Apple give us a bundle option. The Disney+ bundle really worked out for us, and it will get better …
May 25, 2020: On another note, not renewing AppleNews+ come on Apple give us a bundle option. The Disney+ bundle really worked out for us, and it will get better …
May 25, 2020: My wife keeps saying I should go for one of those remote tech jobs, problem is, I was never a developer, never learned coding. Always enough of a nerd …
May 25, 2020: My wife keeps saying I should go for one of those remote tech jobs, problem is, I was never a developer, never learned coding. Always enough of a nerd …
May 25, 2020: By Curtis Wilson Cost 1990 Always loved this one. Small shacks like this dot the countryside on Maui and Hawaii Island.
May 25, 2020: By Curtis Wilson Cost 1990 Always loved this one. Small shacks like this dot the countryside on Maui and Hawaii Island.
May 24, 2020: The community pool is empty. Everyone went out. Please don’t bring any viruses back to our safe corner of the world.
May 24, 2020: The community pool is empty. Everyone went out. Please don’t bring any viruses back to our safe corner of the world.
May 24, 2020: Everything but the Girl. Always liked them. …
May 24, 2020: Everything but the Girl. Always liked them.
May 24, 2020: This will be Cinnamon rolls later this afternoon
May 24, 2020: This will be Cinnamon rolls later this afternoon
May 24, 2020: 3 month window: We rarely use AppleTV+ have 1 year free sub. Only go there for a specific shows now and then. We are mostly in Netflix, Hulu and …
May 24, 2020: 3 month window: We rarely use AppleTV+ have 1 year free sub. Only go there for a specific shows now and then. We are mostly in Netflix, Hulu and …
May 24, 2020: My wife said all of her family and friends in North Dakota are posting pictures with fish. Said that's a thing back there on Memorial Day weekend. I …
May 24, 2020: My wife said all of her family and friends in North Dakota are posting pictures with fish. Said that’s a thing back there on Memorial Day weekend. I …
May 24, 2020: Art of the day 2 Paddles by Beth Cooper
May 24, 2020: Art of the day 2 Paddles by Beth Cooper
May 24, 2020: Avoiding all politics today, The UK up in arms over the PMs speach today and Trump is. .... well being Trump. That’s enough for today. Going for a …
May 24, 2020: Avoiding all politics today, The UK up in arms over the PMs speach today and Trump is. …. well being Trump. That’s enough for today. Going for a walk …
May 23, 2020: If he didn’t win, I would be more worried. …
May 23, 2020: If he didn’t win, I would be more worried. Biden Wins Hawaii Presidential Primary Delayed by Virus
May 23, 2020: Based on the number of people out in Kona today (traffic, stores busy, beaches packed). we’re cured, COVID is over. Let’s all go to a nightclub …
May 23, 2020: Based on the number of people out in Kona today (traffic, stores busy, beaches packed). we’re cured, COVID is over. Let’s all go to a nightclub …
May 23, 2020: This is from my good friend Beth Cooper from Maui. We have been friends for 20+ years, She's like the sister I never had (I have 2 brothers). She was …
May 23, 2020: This is from my good friend Beth Cooper from Maui. We have been friends for 20+ years, She’s like the sister I never had (I have 2 brothers). She was …
May 23, 2020: Vacuum cleaners with headlights. Never has this when I was a kid.
May 23, 2020: Vacuum cleaners with headlights. Never has this when I was a kid.
May 23, 2020: 5 stores, no yeast. Guess I need to wake up my starter.
May 23, 2020: 5 stores, no yeast. Guess I need to wake up my starter.
May 23, 2020: This one line encapsulates it all: if you put men who care nothing for competence, complexity, or the difference between truth and falsehood in power, …
May 23, 2020: This one line encapsulates it all: if you put men who care nothing for competence, complexity, or the difference between truth and falsehood in power, …
May 23, 2020: I kind of feel, Trump is causing less harm when he's golfing than when he's sitting the White House watching Fox. He never will care and it's all …
May 23, 2020: I kind of feel, Trump is causing less harm when he’s golfing than when he’s sitting the White House watching Fox. He never will care and it’s all …
May 23, 2020: The results of my first COVID test came back in less than 2 days (not detected))
May 23, 2020: The results of my first COVID test came back in less than 2 days (not detected))
May 22, 2020: After rain has fallen. [](
May 22, 2020: After rain has fallen.
May 22, 2020: It’s been raining 🌧 here in Kona for most of the afternoon. Not going anywhere, so it’s no bother.
May 22, 2020: It’s been raining 🌧 here in Kona for most of the afternoon. Not going anywhere, so it’s no bother.
May 22, 2020: Parking, I love this clip from Gary Hustwit's [Urbanized]( free to watch today
May 22, 2020: Parking, I love this clip from Gary Hustwit’s Urbanized. free to watch today
May 22, 2020: Trump and McConnell will continue their attack on the courts. Try filing a lawsuit in support of a social program or fighting an inequity, it will be …
May 22, 2020: Trump and McConnell will continue their attack on the courts. Try filing a lawsuit in support of a social program or fighting an inequity, it will be …
May 21, 2020: Really enjoying the Marvel [Agent Carter]( shorts series. Kind of like. the Star Wars side stories
May 21, 2020: Really enjoying the Marvel Agent Carter shorts series. Kind of like. the Star Wars side stories
May 21, 2020: The COVID test felt like when you’re swimming in the ocean and inhale seawater through your nose.
May 21, 2020: The COVID test felt like when you’re swimming in the ocean and inhale seawater through your nose.
May 21, 2020: Took the COVID test today. (Pre-medical procedure). It’s was rather unpleasant.
May 21, 2020: Took the COVID test today. (Pre-medical procedure). It’s was rather unpleasant.
May 21, 2020: My weight loss the last 3 months. Safe-at-home has been good for me.
May 21, 2020: My weight loss the last 3 months. Safe-at-home has been good for me.
May 21, 2020: How can a Telco promise 10 years of anything? …
May 21, 2020: How can a Telco promise 10 years of anything? T-Mobile’s free mobile service for first responders is now available
May 20, 2020: Unfortunately I may have too many posts to download my history using the 2 new tools just released. I'll wait a couple of weeks and try again, …
May 20, 2020: Unfortunately I may have too many posts to download my history using the 2 new tools just released. I’ll wait a couple of weeks and try again, …
May 20, 2020: If Trump is re-elected because people don’t vote, his attack on right and wrong and the court system will continue. At that point I will give up. I’m …
May 20, 2020: If Trump is re-elected because people don’t vote, his attack on right and wrong and the court system will continue. At that point I will give up. I’m …
May 20, 2020: I have spent way too much time trying to find a way to have my posts flow through directly to one of my Squarespace blogs. Seems as though …
May 20, 2020: I have spent way too much time trying to find a way to have my posts flow through directly to one of my Squarespace blogs. Seems as though …
May 20, 2020: Gene Hackman is so entertaining in these old spy movies [Company Business](
May 20, 2020: Gene Hackman is so entertaining in these old spy movies Company Business
May 20, 2020: I must have had a lot to say, 7,300+ posts on
May 20, 2020: I must have had a lot to say, 7,300+ posts on
May 20, 2020: First larger restaurant to close in Kona, Bongo Bens, a popular Breakfast and Lunch destination for visitors. Part of the issue was an uncooperative …
May 20, 2020: First larger restaurant to close in Kona, Bongo Bens, a popular Breakfast and Lunch destination for visitors. Part of the issue was an uncooperative …
May 19, 2020: Fascinating read “Most marine science is gritty as fuck,” Alan Jamieson, the chief scientist, said. “It’s all the weird vessels we end up on, the work …
May 19, 2020: Fascinating read “Most marine science is gritty as fuck,” Alan Jamieson, the chief scientist, said. “It’s all the weird vessels we end up on, the work …
May 19, 2020: Hawaii has so few cases of COVID-19 that we have virtually no immunity. When travel reopens, we could be in a world of hurt.
May 19, 2020: Hawaii has so few cases of COVID-19 that we have virtually no immunity. When travel reopens, we could be in a world of hurt.
May 19, 2020: Bye bye miss American Pie. [](
May 19, 2020: Bye bye miss American Pie.
May 19, 2020: “We have to get over this idea that everybody just hunkers down for a year and then one day the vaccine is available and everybody goes on a picnic on …
May 19, 2020: “We have to get over this idea that everybody just hunkers down for a year and then one day the vaccine is available and everybody goes on a picnic on …
May 19, 2020: Wish there was a way to post from to my Squarespace blog. It would be easier.
May 19, 2020: Wish there was a way to post from to my Squarespace blog. It would be easier.
May 18, 2020: The Russians escaped while we weren’t watching them, like Russian do... …
May 18, 2020: The Russians escaped while we weren’t watching them, like Russian do…
May 18, 2020: Finally took the time to watch Cloud Atlas in its entirety. A thoroughly enjoyable and thought provoking film. I will watch it again. …
May 18, 2020: Finally took the time to watch Cloud Atlas in its entirety. A thoroughly enjoyable and thought provoking film. I will watch it again.
May 18, 2020: 1.5 million COVID-19 cases and 90k fatalities in the US and Trump gloats. This country is screwed until everyone who can vote him out does. NO excuses …
May 18, 2020: 1.5 million COVID-19 cases and 90k fatalities in the US and Trump gloats. This country is screwed until everyone who can vote him out does. NO excuses …
May 18, 2020: I’ve lost 20 lbs in 3 mos. (40 lbs in a year). I don’t feel deprived, because we only have so much food at home and have not really been able to go …
May 18, 2020: I’ve lost 20 lbs in 3 mos. (40 lbs in a year). I don’t feel deprived, because we only have so much food at home and have not really been able to go …
May 18, 2020: Did the import thing, now I have pics and posts going back to Jan 11, 2011 in
May 18, 2020: Did the import thing, now I have pics and posts going back to Jan 11, 2011 in
May 18, 2020: When I went to culinary school, albeit it quite a few years ago, I learned to cook real food Chateaubriand Beef Wellington Coq au vin Beef bourguignon …
May 18, 2020: When I went to culinary school, albeit it quite a few years ago, I learned to cook real food Chateaubriand Beef Wellington Coq au vin Beef bourguignon …
May 18, 2020: Second rise coming. Fresh baked cinnamon rolls in the morning it pretty awesome.
May 18, 2020: Second rise coming. Fresh baked cinnamon rolls in the morning it pretty awesome.
May 18, 2020: The Hawaii 14 day quarantine for all people coming to the islands is a joke with no enforcement. We're seeing obvious visitors all over the place. …
May 18, 2020: The Hawaii 14 day quarantine for all people coming to the islands is a joke with no enforcement. We’re seeing obvious visitors all over the place. …
May 17, 2020: “Unlimited power in the hands of limited people always leads to cruelty.” ― David Mitchell, Cloud Atlas #TRUMP
May 17, 2020: “Unlimited power in the hands of limited people always leads to cruelty.” ― David Mitchell, Cloud Atlas #TRUMP
May 17, 2020: It was so nice getting back in the ocean at Hapuna. Beautiful day, down the coast Hualalai was clear, up the coast Maui was clear across the channel. …
May 17, 2020: It was so nice getting back in the ocean at Hapuna. Beautiful day, down the coast Hualalai was clear, up the coast Maui was clear across the channel. …
May 17, 2020: We took the boys to Hapuna Beach state park today. The beach is closed, but the ocean is open. A few manage to ignore that and lounge on the sand. We …
May 17, 2020: We took the boys to Hapuna Beach state park today. The beach is closed, but the ocean is open. A few manage to ignore that and lounge on the sand. We …
May 17, 2020: My wife is more analog than me, she is getting punchy and can't wait to get outside in any way shape or form. I’m content to wait, I have the world at …
May 17, 2020: My wife is more analog than me, she is getting punchy and can’t wait to get outside in any way shape or form. I’m content to wait, I have the world at …
May 16, 2020: Sunset at the Kona old airport park. This was the original airport in Kona. That pavement was the runway. It’s rare to not have cars here.
May 16, 2020: Sunset at the Kona old airport park. This was the original airport in Kona. That pavement was the runway. It’s rare to not have cars here.
May 16, 2020: With things slooooowly opening. Took a walk down at Kona’s old airport beach park. The park is not open to cars yet. Nice to be by the ocean again. …
May 16, 2020: With things slooooowly opening. Took a walk down at Kona’s old airport beach park. The park is not open to cars yet. Nice to be by the ocean again.
May 16, 2020: For an old guy the Guardians of the Galaxy Mixtape on Apple Music is great Saturday afternoon music.
May 16, 2020: For an old guy the Guardians of the Galaxy Mixtape on Apple Music is great Saturday afternoon music.
May 16, 2020: Was finally able to schedule my cataract surgery for the end of the month. This was a result of a detached retina repair back in December. I will need …
May 16, 2020: Was finally able to schedule my cataract surgery for the end of the month. This was a result of a detached retina repair back in December. I will need …
May 16, 2020: If I had to go back to work on Monday ... (which is very unlikely). It's been a challenging but very productive 55 days. When we moved into our condo 15 months ago, we had too much stuff. Some of it went under beds, …
May 16, 2020: If I had to go back to work on Monday ... (which is very unlikely). It’s been a challenging but very productive 55 days. When we moved into our condo 15 months ago, we had too much stuff. Some of it went under beds, …
May 15, 2020: The last photo that I took the day before I was laid off and the Stay at Home was enacted. 54 days now.
May 15, 2020: The last photo that I took the day before I was laid off and the Stay at Home was enacted. 54 days now.
May 15, 2020: Keeping busy
May 15, 2020: Keeping busy
May 15, 2020: Having a lot fun going through the Marvel movies. Both Guardians of the Galaxy movies were very entertaining.
May 15, 2020: Having a lot fun going through the Marvel movies. Both Guardians of the Galaxy movies were very entertaining.
May 15, 2020: Fake crowd noise is not new. What's old is new again. All of this talk about empty stadiums and simulated crowd noise is not new. I grew up listening to recreations of away AAA Hawaii Islander baseballs …
May 15, 2020: Fake crowd noise is not new. What's old is new again. All of this talk about empty stadiums and simulated crowd noise is not new. I grew up listening to recreations of away AAA Hawaii Islander baseballs …
May 15, 2020: Facebook buys an app, I delete it. Bye bye Giphy.
May 15, 2020: Facebook buys an app, I delete it. Bye bye Giphy.
May 14, 2020: Feb 29, 2004. Haven’t seen that much snow on Mauna Kea in years.
May 14, 2020: Feb 29, 2004. Haven’t seen that much snow on Mauna Kea in years.
May 14, 2020: Many many moons ago
May 14, 2020: Many many moons ago
May 14, 2020: This little 50 year old bridge on Alii Drive is being replaced. This is a very busy street so they are assembling a temporary bridge to the left. This …
May 14, 2020: This little 50 year old bridge on Alii Drive is being replaced. This is a very busy street so they are assembling a temporary bridge to the left. This …
May 14, 2020: Introverts are having the time of their life.
May 14, 2020: Introverts are having the time of their life.
May 14, 2020: No new COVID cases in Hawaii today, but tourism will still not be back for quite a while, meaning our economy will be on vacation for at least as …
May 14, 2020: No new COVID cases in Hawaii today, but tourism will still not be back for quite a while, meaning our economy will be on vacation for at least as …
May 14, 2020: The Apple Music for me Favorites playlist gets better every week.
May 14, 2020: The Apple Music for me Favorites playlist gets better every week.
May 14, 2020: After 35 years of having Liberty Mutual for Auto insurance we needed to make change putting monthly cost over relationship. The current COVID-19 …
May 14, 2020: After 35 years of having Liberty Mutual for Auto insurance we needed to make change putting monthly cost over relationship. The current COVID-19 …
May 13, 2020: First time making pretzels, a few steps, but they came out amazing. There are no pretzel places on the island.
May 13, 2020: First time making pretzels, a few steps, but they came out amazing. There are no pretzel places on the island.
May 13, 2020: I can't reconcile the acceptance of letting people die for the sake of sports or any part of the economy. What if it was my wife? …
May 13, 2020: I can’t reconcile the acceptance of letting people die for the sake of sports or any part of the economy. What if it was my wife? …
May 13, 2020: Great news for serious writers with IA writer, but for me I’m trying to eliminate layers to sharing and writing. Just go straight to the app in …
May 13, 2020: Great news for serious writers with IA writer, but for me I’m trying to eliminate layers to sharing and writing. Just go straight to the app in …
May 13, 2020: The Automatic Labs is shutting down their auto analytics service. I had to export my data in 6 mo. increments. I've had the device plugged into my car …
May 13, 2020: The Automatic Labs is shutting down their auto analytics service. I had to export my data in 6 mo. increments. I’ve had the device plugged into my car …
May 12, 2020: Seems as though this stay at home is changing me. I was never into comics or gaming. Right now I’m 8 movies into the Marvel world, watching in …
May 12, 2020: Seems as though this stay at home is changing me. I was never into comics or gaming. Right now I’m 8 movies into the Marvel world, watching in …
May 12, 2020: UI finally kicked in, plus the stimulus, My wife is still working (at home). Since I’m not working, I have no extra expenses. We're actually catching …
May 12, 2020: UI finally kicked in, plus the stimulus, My wife is still working (at home). Since I’m not working, I have no extra expenses. We’re actually catching …
May 11, 2020: [These potential threats ]( COVID-19 …
May 11, 2020: I’m struggling to find things that I actually want to watch on the platform. Even at 10 min …
May 11, 2020: I’m struggling to find things that I actually want to watch on the platform. Even at 10 min Quibi will add sharing features as the …
May 11, 2020: Hawaii has not had double digit new daily cases of COVID-19 for over 3 weeks., only [1 active case on Hawaii …
May 11, 2020: Hawaii has not had double digit new daily cases of COVID-19 for over 3 weeks., only 1 active case on Hawaii Island. We are opening up locally very …
May 10, 2020: [Trump intensifies war with Democrats over voting laws - POLITICO](
May 10, 2020: Trump intensifies war with Democrats over voting laws - POLITICO
May 10, 2020: The Last Dance is down pretty far on my watch list. Down to the final episode of Devs, but still a few other things ahead of the retrospective. Not an …
May 10, 2020: The Last Dance is down pretty far on my watch list. Down to the final episode of Devs, but still a few other things ahead of the retrospective. Not an …
May 10, 2020: Devs has kind of a Matrixy feel to the concept.
May 10, 2020: Devs has kind of a Matrixy feel to the concept.
May 10, 2020: Data is dead, Long Live Data Phase one of My big stay at home project is winding down. I have accumulated dozens of external drives over the past 20 years. From 2MB thumb drives …
May 10, 2020: Data is dead, Long Live Data Phase one of My big stay at home project is winding down. I have accumulated dozens of external drives over the past 20 years. From 2MB thumb drives …
May 9, 2020: 47 days and counting
May 9, 2020: 47 days and counting
May 9, 2020: IMO Guys who have to carry a gun around to prove their manhood are lacking in other things.
May 9, 2020: IMO Guys who have to carry a gun around to prove their manhood are lacking in other things.
May 8, 2020: Lawyers in Love [](
May 8, 2020: Lawyers in Love
May 8, 2020: This extend stay at home has convinced me that when the time is appropriate, I’ll be able to retire without going batshit (not the virus kind) crazy. …
May 8, 2020: This extend stay at home has convinced me that when the time is appropriate, I’ll be able to retire without going batshit (not the virus kind) crazy. …
May 8, 2020: Binge watching Marvel
May 8, 2020: Binge watching Marvel
May 8, 2020: I’ve tried to play with shortcuts on IOS, but I don’t do complex actions with my phone. If I want to take a photo, I click on the camera. If I want to …
May 8, 2020: I’ve tried to play with shortcuts on IOS, but I don’t do complex actions with my phone. If I want to take a photo, I click on the camera. If I want to …
May 7, 2020: Crazy
May 7, 2020: Crazy [](
May 7, 2020: OK #Bloomberg, time to step up and crush this gnat. [Trump campaign launching $10 million effort attacking Joe …
May 7, 2020: OK #Bloomberg, time to step up and crush this gnat. Trump campaign launching $10 million effort attacking Joe Biden
May 7, 2020: Working my way through the Marvel Universe chronologically. I’ve seen a few, but not all. Up to Ironman 2
May 7, 2020: Working my way through the Marvel Universe chronologically. I’ve seen a few, but not all. Up to Ironman 2
May 7, 2020: Playing to a specific constituency. []( …
May 7, 2020: Playing to a specific constituency. Trump to commemorate National Day of Prayer amid pandemic
May 6, 2020: This is solution. More than Trump is offering []( How To Address Unemployment Like We Mean It
May 6, 2020: This is solution. More than Trump is offering How To Address Unemployment Like We Mean It
May 6, 2020: Hmmm
May 6, 2020: Hmmm
Apr 24, 2020: I have the one 4TB drive cloned to a 2nd one. Now using Gemini to do duplicate searches.
Apr 24, 2020: I have the one 4TB drive cloned to a 2nd one. Now using Gemini to do duplicate searches.
Apr 24, 2020: During this quality home time, I not only our analog life in order (stuff), I also got my digital affairs sorted. Had dozens of external drives of all …
Apr 24, 2020: During this quality home time, I not only our analog life in order (stuff), I also got my digital affairs sorted. Had dozens of external drives of all …
Apr 24, 2020: In the world pre 9/11 and way before COVID-19 back in 2001, We were able to buy coupon books of 6 Aloha Airlines inter-island (Hawaii) flight coupons …
Apr 24, 2020: In the world pre 9/11 and way before COVID-19 back in 2001, We were able to buy coupon books of 6 Aloha Airlines inter-island (Hawaii) flight coupons …
Apr 24, 2020: OMG, what a difference a few days makes to the outlook. The IRS finally fixed their website and it took my deposit info AND I received my first UI …
Apr 24, 2020: OMG, what a difference a few days makes to the outlook. The IRS finally fixed their website and it took my deposit info AND I received my first UI …
Apr 23, 2020: .
Apr 23, 2020: Force vs Gentle enticement Both grandsons (12 and 9yo) came to our place in pissy moods today. They buried their heads in their devices (Chromebook and Switch). My wife's …
Apr 23, 2020: Force vs Gentle enticement Both grandsons (12 and 9yo) came to our place in pissy moods today. They buried their heads in their devices (Chromebook and Switch). My wife’s …
Apr 23, 2020: They all work and are used
Apr 23, 2020: They all work and are used
Apr 23, 2020: Our master build has gone mobile. We will start with a better plan tomorrow and lay out and group all of the random lego parts first.
Apr 23, 2020: Our master build has gone mobile. We will start with a better plan tomorrow and lay out and group all of the random lego parts first.
Apr 23, 2020: Lego seems to come in only kits these days. Initiated creative play with our grandsons and there are so many random parts from all of the small kits …
Apr 23, 2020: Lego seems to come in only kits these days. Initiated creative play with our grandsons and there are so many random parts from all of the small kits …
Apr 23, 2020: Two year old data, the air is clear since the volcano stopped last year. But maybe it will keep people away. Big Island Receives Grade F on air …
Apr 23, 2020: Two year old data, the air is clear since the volcano stopped last year. But maybe it will keep people away. Big Island Receives Grade F on air …
Apr 22, 2020: An afternoon pick up. Yum
Apr 22, 2020: An afternoon pick up. Yum
Apr 22, 2020: So if a business follows the poor advice of the state or federal government and opens and their staff or customers get #COVID-19 will the government …
Apr 22, 2020: So if a business follows the poor advice of the state or federal government and opens and their staff or customers get #COVID-19 will the government …
Apr 22, 2020: Well, I have a job now, it's spending all day trying to get through to Hawaii Unemployment. Have not been able to get into my account on the website …
Apr 22, 2020: Well, I have a job now, it’s spending all day trying to get through to Hawaii Unemployment. Have not been able to get into my account on the website …
Apr 21, 2020: My Grandfather had cut this out, it was in his wallet that was given to me when he passed in 1985. Means a lot today.
Apr 21, 2020: My Grandfather had cut this out, it was in his wallet that was given to me when he passed in 1985. Means a lot today.
Apr 21, 2020: Just not now.
Apr 21, 2020: Just not now.
Apr 21, 2020: Photo of Hilo bay with Mauna Kea taken in 2014 with a Palm Pre phone. Not bad.
Apr 21, 2020: Photo of Hilo bay with Mauna Kea taken in 2014 with a Palm Pre phone. Not bad.
Apr 21, 2020: Found this in an external drive from 2014
Apr 21, 2020: Found this in an external drive from 2014
Apr 21, 2020: Then of course, this is kind of how I feel with the COVID-19 and Trump combination. [](
Apr 21, 2020: Then of course, this is kind of how I feel with the COVID-19 and Trump combination.…
Apr 21, 2020: At least the Jameson's is smooth [](
Apr 21, 2020: At least the Jameson’s is smooth…
Apr 21, 2020: IMHO, any other state can open up whenever and however they want, just don't come to Hawaii until we all see how you all do at home. Don’t bring …
Apr 21, 2020: IMHO, any other state can open up whenever and however they want, just don’t come to Hawaii until we all see how you all do at home. Don’t bring …
Apr 21, 2020: I guess everyone in Kona thinks this is over. Lot of traffic on the road, people out walking around. Time will tell
Apr 21, 2020: I guess everyone in Kona thinks this is over. Lot of traffic on the road, people out walking around. Time will tell
Apr 20, 2020: An oldie but goodie
Apr 20, 2020: An oldie but goodie
Apr 20, 2020: Found exports from 2 more defunct cloud services I had used. StreamNation and Dump Truck. Add that to the exports I found yesterday from …
Apr 20, 2020: Found exports from 2 more defunct cloud services I had used. StreamNation and Dump Truck. Add that to the exports I found yesterday from …
Apr 19, 2020: Take me to your leader
Apr 19, 2020: Take me to your leader
Apr 19, 2020: Nothing is constant but change. COVID-19 has forced our hand in an unexpected way. We had the wheels in motion to relocate to North Dakota late this summer. It's where my wife is …
Apr 19, 2020: Nothing is constant but change. COVID-19 has forced our hand in an unexpected way. We had the wheels in motion to relocate to North Dakota late this summer. It’s where my wife is …
Apr 19, 2020: The amazing simplicity of the iPod Shuffle. Don’t have to mess with apps and menus, just hit play. Double press the button on the headphone cable to …
Apr 19, 2020: The amazing simplicity of the iPod Shuffle. Don’t have to mess with apps and menus, just hit play. Double press the button on the headphone cable to …
Apr 19, 2020: Using the quality time we all have to go through external drives I've had laying around. Came across my exports of online services that died. Many had …
Apr 19, 2020: Using the quality time we all have to go through external drives I’ve had laying around. Came across my exports of online services that died. Many had …
Apr 19, 2020: Been working on a Mac with a degrading battery for so long, I forgot what it's like to be free of a power cord for most of the day.
Apr 19, 2020: Been working on a Mac with a degrading battery for so long, I forgot what it’s like to be free of a power cord for most of the day.
Apr 19, 2020: I've always loved what Medium has to offer, but I can't pay for everything on the web. Apps, streaming services, content sites, premium podcasts. Then …
Apr 19, 2020: I’ve always loved what Medium has to offer, but I can’t pay for everything on the web. Apps, streaming services, content sites, premium podcasts. Then …
Apr 18, 2020: Thunderbolt cables are fast.
Apr 18, 2020: Thunderbolt cables are fast.
Apr 18, 2020: I haven't watched CNN this much since 9/11
Apr 18, 2020: I haven’t watched CNN this much since 9/11
Apr 18, 2020: Trump and his Covidiot supporters are going to cause a 2nd wave of COVID and we’ll all be screwed.
Apr 18, 2020: Trump and his Covidiot supporters are going to cause a 2nd wave of COVID and we’ll all be screwed.
Apr 17, 2020: :-(
Apr 17, 2020: Love this photo from NatGeo. So French PARIS, FRANCE Neighbors share a drink in the alleyway, trying to maintain a safe distance. PHOTOGRAPH BY …
Apr 17, 2020: Love this photo from NatGeo. So French PARIS, FRANCE Neighbors share a drink in the alleyway, trying to maintain a safe distance. PHOTOGRAPH BY …
Apr 17, 2020: Finally bit the bullet and unsubscribed from all of the sports team calendars in iCal. Not hopeful for 2020. :-) #Arsenal #Dodgers #InterMilan
Apr 17, 2020: Finally bit the bullet and unsubscribed from all of the sports team calendars in iCal. Not hopeful for 2020. :-) #Arsenal #Dodgers #InterMilan
Apr 17, 2020: How ironic is this article in the April 2020 Hawaii Business Magazine. the hotels are pretty much all closed. #COVID-19
Apr 17, 2020: How ironic is this article in the April 2020 Hawaii Business Magazine. the hotels are pretty much all closed. #COVID-19
Apr 17, 2020: 1981 World Series on TV. It was good one. Fernando Valenzuela on the mound for LA in his rookie year. Russell, Cey, Lopes and Garvey on the infield. …
Apr 17, 2020: 1981 World Series on TV. It was good one. Fernando Valenzuela on the mound for LA in his rookie year. Russell, Cey, Lopes and Garvey on the infield. …
Apr 17, 2020: Where printed periodicals fail, received 2 this week that went to press before COVID-19 was on our shores. Not a mention. This also bleeds over into …
Apr 17, 2020: Where printed periodicals fail, received 2 this week that went to press before COVID-19 was on our shores. Not a mention. This also bleeds over into …
Apr 17, 2020: Got the boys out of the condo or some air, and water.
Apr 17, 2020: Got the boys out of the condo or some air, and water.
Apr 17, 2020: I’m sorry, but if those Trump states want to end the stay at home, let them go out and get sick. Since there's no open testing available, they’ll have …
Apr 17, 2020: I’m sorry, but if those Trump states want to end the stay at home, let them go out and get sick. Since there’s no open testing available, they’ll have …
Apr 17, 2020: Setting up rarely used 2015 rMBP for daily use. The battery on my workhorse 2014 rMBP is fading fast and can't get it replaced right now. It's amazing …
Apr 17, 2020: Setting up rarely used 2015 rMBP for daily use. The battery on my workhorse 2014 rMBP is fading fast and can’t get it replaced right now. It’s amazing …
Apr 17, 2020: A number of years ago I got my info from RSS feeds (after BBS died). Then came Twitter, Facebook (for a short while) and other Social Media outlets, …
Apr 17, 2020: A number of years ago I got my info from RSS feeds (after BBS died). Then came Twitter, Facebook (for a short while) and other Social Media outlets, …
Apr 16, 2020: Actually have the time to stand here and watch this #stayathome
Apr 16, 2020: Actually have the time to stand here and watch this #stayathome
Apr 16, 2020: Found this boy in the bottom of a box of stuff. #FTW
Apr 16, 2020: Found this boy in the bottom of a box of stuff. #FTW
Apr 15, 2020: This song sounds about right. [](
Apr 15, 2020: This song sounds about right.…
Apr 15, 2020: COVID-19 May be flattening out, but the majority of people never got it, what the Plan for that??
Apr 15, 2020: COVID-19 May be flattening out, but the majority of people never got it, what the Plan for that??
Apr 15, 2020: This is us. We’ve only paid the IRS, not received …
Apr 15, 2020: This is us. We’ve only paid the IRS, not received… What ‘Payment Status Not Available’ on the IRS coronavirus aid site …
Apr 15, 2020: I’m as much if not more of a sports fan as the average person. Played Football, Baseball, Volleyball, Golf, Basketball, canoe paddling and a bit of …
Apr 15, 2020: I’m as much if not more of a sports fan as the average person. Played Football, Baseball, Volleyball, Golf, Basketball, canoe paddling and a bit of …
Apr 15, 2020: [Bursting the Bubble: Why Sports Aren't Coming Back Soon]( This is the most realistic …
Apr 15, 2020: Bursting the Bubble: Why Sports Aren’t Coming Back Soon This is the most realistic piece I’ve seen on the idea of sports returning. Let’s get daily …
Apr 15, 2020: Apple has been busy today. I hope it's what everyone wants. We're OK here, everything still works this morning.
Apr 15, 2020: Apple has been busy today. I hope it’s what everyone wants. We’re OK here, everything still works this morning.
Apr 13, 2020: Not a whole lot different than the rest of the world, but nice to hear from trusted local economists. …
Apr 13, 2020: Not a whole lot different than the rest of the world, but nice to hear from trusted local economists.… Date to Reopen …
Apr 13, 2020: A long time ago, in a far away galaxy
Apr 13, 2020: A long time ago, in a far away galaxy
Apr 13, 2020: If Fauci get's fired, he can work for a public think tank and talk to whoever he wants and we can ll listen to him.
Apr 13, 2020: If Fauci get’s fired, he can work for a public think tank and talk to whoever he wants and we can ll listen to him.
Apr 12, 2020: On another note, I've become my Father, listening to classical music, by choice. When we were kids, he offered to pay my Brothers and I us to sit on …
Apr 12, 2020: On another note, I’ve become my Father, listening to classical music, by choice. When we were kids, he offered to pay my Brothers and I us to sit on …
Apr 12, 2020: Love it how I take a photo on my phone, open it to edit and share and my phone says unable to download. I JUST F-N TOOK THE PICTURE!! Did is skip my …
Apr 12, 2020: Love it how I take a photo on my phone, open it to edit and share and my phone says unable to download. I JUST F-N TOOK THE PICTURE!! Did is skip my …
Apr 12, 2020: Trump’s daily informercial
Apr 12, 2020: Trump’s daily informercial
Apr 12, 2020: Back in the day - 1985
Apr 12, 2020: Back in the day - 1985
Apr 12, 2020: Hawaii is probably the flea on the tail of the dog in this crisis. We won’t see even a hint of a recovery until the rest of the world is on that path. …
Apr 12, 2020: Hawaii is probably the flea on the tail of the dog in this crisis. We won’t see even a hint of a recovery until the rest of the world is on that path. …
Apr 12, 2020: 1984 Los Angeles Olympics. I was living in Redondo Beach at the time.
Apr 12, 2020: 1984 Los Angeles Olympics. I was living in Redondo Beach at the time.
Apr 12, 2020: It doesn’t matter if business reopens if no one has discretionary income to spend
Apr 12, 2020: It doesn’t matter if business reopens if no one has discretionary income to spend
Apr 11, 2020: I think it's total Shibai that young people won’t vote for Biden for some odd reason or in protest rather than simply supporting the party. If that’s …
Apr 11, 2020: I think it’s total Shibai that young people won’t vote for Biden for some odd reason or in protest rather than simply supporting the party. If that’s …
Apr 11, 2020: Seems like not that long ago when we were told people over 60 should stay home, but everyone else should go to work and carry on. #COVID19
Apr 11, 2020: Seems like not that long ago when we were told people over 60 should stay home, but everyone else should go to work and carry on. #COVID19
Apr 11, 2020: Hawaii COVID-19 cases are not slowing down yet. Not a big number, but it’s been steady. Too many people not taking it seriously.
Apr 11, 2020: [Hawaii COVID-19 cases]( are not slowing down yet. Not a big number, but it's been steady. Too many people not taking it …
Apr 11, 2020: 40 years of working. First raw was Oahu and California (TGI Fridays), 2nd 2 rows Hawaii Island
Apr 11, 2020: 40 years of working. First raw was Oahu and California (TGI Fridays), 2nd 2 rows Hawaii Island
Apr 11, 2020: Just found out Ola Brew is open. Gonna get these two guys filled.
Apr 11, 2020: Just found out Ola Brew is open. Gonna get these two guys filled.
Apr 10, 2020: Quibi is interesting. Good quality work, though sometimes it takes some scrolling to find something that I want to watch.
Apr 10, 2020: Quibi is interesting. Good quality work, though sometimes it takes some scrolling to find something that I want to watch.
Apr 10, 2020: I’ll take you there []( Take me to the river …
Apr 10, 2020: I’ll take you there… Take me to the river… Going back home…
Apr 10, 2020: Truth. [](
Apr 10, 2020: Truth.…
Apr 10, 2020: The Loop, Shawn King: [∞ “Creativity goes on”](
Apr 10, 2020: The Loop, Shawn King: ∞ “Creativity goes on”
Apr 10, 2020: The reality of the situation is that loosening the lockdown is one thing, but people feeling OK with travel & gathering is an entire different issue. …
Apr 10, 2020: The reality of the situation is that loosening the lockdown is one thing, but people feeling OK with travel & gathering is an entire different issue. …
Apr 10, 2020: Had these seats for a couple of season in the mid 80’s. Courtesy of G&G produce.
Apr 10, 2020: Had these seats for a couple of season in the mid 80’s. Courtesy of G&G produce.
Apr 10, 2020: That was fun times
Apr 10, 2020: That was fun times
Apr 10, 2020: Grandsons and their friends have been arguing for 10 minutes about who will be “it” in Simon says.
Apr 10, 2020: Grandsons and their friends have been arguing for 10 minutes about who will be “it” in Simon says.
Apr 10, 2020: We put together 2 Anki Overdrive sets with the Grandsons today. 8 cars to choose from.
Apr 10, 2020: We put together 2 Anki Overdrive sets with the Grandsons today. 8 cars to choose from.
Apr 9, 2020: Trump
Apr 9, 2020: Trump
Apr 9, 2020: On another side, I have scanned to trashed 90% of the paper in my life. Even old magazines and newspapers I was saving. #StayingHome
Apr 9, 2020: On another side, I have scanned to trashed 90% of the paper in my life. Even old magazines and newspapers I was saving. #StayingHome
Apr 9, 2020: Since we're moving to N. Dakota, if Trump gets reelected, we could just go up to Canada for a few years.
Apr 9, 2020: Since we’re moving to N. Dakota, if Trump gets reelected, we could just go up to Canada for a few years.
Apr 9, 2020: 1962
Apr 9, 2020: 1962
Apr 9, 2020: "You stabbed the Devil in the back." [](
Apr 9, 2020: “You stabbed the Devil in the back.”…
Apr 9, 2020: The old Honolulu Stadium. This was torn down in 1976, it's a park now. I went to AAA baseball, all levels of football, and concerts there growing up …
Apr 9, 2020: The old Honolulu Stadium. This was torn down in 1976, it’s a park now. I went to AAA baseball, all levels of football, and concerts there growing up …
Apr 9, 2020: KITV: [Pence's office blocks public health officials from appearing on …
Apr 9, 2020: KITV: Pence’s office blocks public health officials from appearing on CNN
Apr 8, 2020: Signed up for [Polar Backups ]( It's an easier way to use AWS Glacier. Paid for 5tb got 5tb bonus. Uploading those old …
Apr 8, 2020: Signed up for Polar Backups It’s an easier way to use AWS Glacier. Paid for 5tb got 5tb bonus. Uploading those old drives laying around. Using the …
Apr 8, 2020: The networks all obsessed with cleaning groceries.
Apr 8, 2020: The networks all obsessed with cleaning groceries.
Apr 8, 2020: Famed investor Warren Buffett once said it was “only when the tide goes out that you learn who has been swimming naked” The tide is way the hell out …
Apr 8, 2020: Famed investor Warren Buffett once said it was “only when the tide goes out that you learn who has been swimming naked” The tide is way the hell out …
Apr 7, 2020: What?
Apr 7, 2020: What?
Apr 7, 2020: For any old rockers like me, here's a scanned copy of Rolling Stone Magazine from May 20, 1976. The advertisements really take you back to another …
Apr 7, 2020: For any old rockers like me, here’s a scanned copy of Rolling Stone Magazine from May 20, 1976. The advertisements really take you back to another …
Apr 7, 2020: Organizing cables and chargers. Reticent to toss audio cables since there is no more Radio Shack or Circuit City to run to.
Apr 7, 2020: Organizing cables and chargers. Reticent to toss audio cables since there is no more Radio Shack or Circuit City to run to.
Apr 6, 2020: Smile, this too will pass.
Apr 6, 2020: Smile, this too will pass.
Apr 6, 2020: Buckets - This time will end and then we can go back to the beach
Apr 6, 2020: Buckets - This time will end and then we can go back to the beach
Apr 6, 2020: Interesting the the penultimate battle between Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi was on a lava covered planet amongst the lava, while the final …
Apr 6, 2020: Interesting the the penultimate battle between Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi was on a lava covered planet amongst the lava, while the final …
Apr 6, 2020: If I get sick, I’m sure it will because this guy is blowing the virus all over the place.
Apr 6, 2020: If I get sick, I’m sure it will because this guy is blowing the virus all over the place.
Apr 6, 2020: The Macs in our house are all 2014/15 vintage -11" Air -13" rMBP -Mac Mini -12" MacBook Early 2015 Macs that came out in that period weren't perfect, …
Apr 6, 2020: The Macs in our house are all 2014/15 vintage -11" Air -13" rMBP -Mac Mini -12" MacBook Early 2015 Macs that came out in that period weren’t perfect, …
Apr 6, 2020: My day staying home
Apr 6, 2020: My day staying home
Apr 6, 2020: A sample  
Apr 6, 2020: A sample
Apr 6, 2020: Getting to the last couple of boxes of personal stuff that has followed me for years ahead of our big move. Found this #RollingStone from May 20 1976 …
Apr 6, 2020: Getting to the last couple of boxes of personal stuff that has followed me for years ahead of our big move. Found this #RollingStone from May 20 1976 …
Apr 6, 2020: Love this new one by Jackson Browne. It speaks to the path of life as we get closer to end than the beginning. …
Apr 6, 2020: Love this new one by Jackson Browne. It speaks to the path of life as we get closer to end than the beginning.…
Apr 6, 2020: Harkening back to days when people could just hang out and watch a sunset.
Apr 6, 2020: Harkening back to days when people could just hang out and watch a sunset.
Apr 5, 2020: The Smiths [](
Apr 5, 2020: The Smiths…
Apr 5, 2020: [Program from Jimmy Buffet]( and the Coral Reefer Band August 31, …
Apr 5, 2020: Program from Jimmy Buffet and the Coral Reefer Band August 31, 1987 2nd Row seats Went to the show with 30 people I worked with at the TGI Fridays I …
Apr 5, 2020: Program from Bruce Springsteen and the E-Street Band at the LA Coliseum Thursday Sept 26, 1985 8th row seats, right in the middle. …
Apr 5, 2020: Program from Bruce Springsteen and the E-Street Band at the LA Coliseum Thursday Sept 26, 1985 8th row seats, right in the middle. …
Apr 5, 2020: Stop covering #POTUS briefings
Apr 5, 2020: Stop covering #POTUS briefings
Apr 5, 2020: Any Jazz fans? - here's the program from the 1966 Monterey Jazz Festival -Gil Evans -Carmen McRae and Duke Ellington -John Handy The advertisements …
Apr 5, 2020: Any Jazz fans? - here’s the program from the 1966 Monterey Jazz Festival -Gil Evans -Carmen McRae and Duke Ellington -John Handy The advertisements …
Apr 5, 2020: I last worked in advertising (radio and digital) prior to COVID-19. When this finally winds down (weeks or months), I think the local advertising …
Apr 5, 2020: I last worked in advertising (radio and digital) prior to COVID-19. When this finally winds down (weeks or months), I think the local advertising …
Apr 4, 2020: The Mayor of Kauai is on this []( Called out stay at home offenders as …
Apr 4, 2020: The Mayor of Kauai is on this Called out stay at home offenders as Covidoits
Apr 4, 2020: Tres Amigos palms. We did it, we went outside. On a private road though.
Apr 4, 2020: Tres Amigos palms. We did it, we went outside. On a private road though.
Apr 4, 2020: More personal treasure. Found this weekly reader from 1965. Our address was in Ownings Mills, MD. We were only there for about 18 mos. before moving …
Apr 4, 2020: More personal treasure. Found this weekly reader from 1965. Our address was in Ownings Mills, MD. We were only there for about 18 mos. before moving …
Apr 4, 2020: Found this photo in my Dad’s stuff of a lava flow In Kapoho in Puna in 1978. Kind of what it feels like with COVID-19
Apr 4, 2020: Found this photo in my Dad’s stuff of a lava flow In Kapoho in Puna in 1978. Kind of what it feels like with COVID-19
Apr 4, 2020: I had a Palm Pre before I had an iPhone, back when the iPhone was only with ATT. I really liked the cards style interface. The phone itself was …
Apr 4, 2020: I had a Palm Pre before I had an iPhone, back when the iPhone was only with ATT. I really liked the cards style interface. The phone itself was …
Apr 4, 2020: 1922
Apr 4, 2020: Listened to the 2 preview episodes of TDIEPH 😉 []( Subscribed immediately. Short, informative and …
Apr 4, 2020: Listened to the 2 preview episodes of TDIEPH 😉 Subscribed immediately. Short, informative and funny @romanmars
Apr 4, 2020: Can people wear a mask that filters what they say?
Apr 4, 2020: Can people wear a mask that filters what they say?
Apr 4, 2020: The economy right now
Apr 4, 2020: The economy right now
Apr 3, 2020: Just the two of us. Staying safe at home. [](
Apr 3, 2020: Just the two of us. Staying safe at home.…
Apr 3, 2020: Lined up a couple of boxes for scanning and shredding while catching up on podcasts this non-weekend.
Apr 3, 2020: Lined up a couple of boxes for scanning and shredding while catching up on podcasts this non-weekend.
Apr 3, 2020: Ready for Costco
Apr 3, 2020: Ready for Costco
Apr 3, 2020: :-(
Apr 3, 2020: After feeding my starter yeast today, it was ready. Making my first sourdough. In the stretch and fold phase now. Will put it in the fridge and do the …
Apr 3, 2020: After feeding my starter yeast today, it was ready. Making my first sourdough. In the stretch and fold phase now. Will put it in the fridge and do the …
Apr 3, 2020: The Broadcast app gave me all of the RTE Irish radio stations. A nice diversion.
Apr 3, 2020: The Broadcast app gave me all of the RTE Irish radio stations. A nice diversion.
Apr 3, 2020: The red states will be the death of us all.
Apr 3, 2020: The red states will be the death of us all.
Apr 3, 2020: RIP [](
Apr 3, 2020: RIP…
Apr 3, 2020: Homemade. Fits nicely. From reusable shopping bag.
Apr 3, 2020: Homemade. Fits nicely. From reusable shopping bag.
Apr 2, 2020: I’ve been through gas shortages, dock strikes, the result of terrorist attacks, earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunamis, floods, lava flows and recessions, …
Apr 2, 2020: I’ve been through gas shortages, dock strikes, the result of terrorist attacks, earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunamis, floods, lava flows and recessions, …
Apr 2, 2020: I can play. Someplace I’ve been
Apr 2, 2020: I can play too. 20 years ago, I still had my cafe in Hilo. Sure glad I don’t own one now. #throwbackThursday
Apr 2, 2020: I can play too. 20 years ago, I still had my cafe in Hilo. Sure glad I don’t own one now. #throwbackThursday
Apr 2, 2020: Jaguar
Apr 2, 2020: Jaguar
Apr 1, 2020: Baking can be fun, when time allows, like now. Baked Italian bread and Irish Soda bread today. Both came out great.
Apr 1, 2020: Baking can be fun, when time allows, like now. Baked Italian bread and Irish Soda bread today. Both came out great.
Apr 1, 2020: Wacky spring weather. It’s beautiful where we are, but We just got a flash flood warning because of what’s up Hualalai mountain.
Apr 1, 2020: Wacky spring weather. It’s beautiful where we are, but We just got a flash flood warning because of what’s up Hualalai mountain.
Apr 1, 2020: If it looks like Pandemic it will go on for months, we will accelerate our planned move to North Dakota (where wife is from). I sent a couple of …
Apr 1, 2020: If it looks like Pandemic it will go on for months, we will accelerate our planned move to North Dakota (where wife is from). I sent a couple of …
Apr 1, 2020: So far so good. First attempt. Back story, I was never a baker. I was a classic chef. Didn’t have the patience and being a non-conformist, I don’t …
Apr 1, 2020: So far so good. First attempt. Back story, I was never a baker. I was a classic chef. Didn’t have the patience and being a non-conformist, I don’t …
Apr 1, 2020: Hawaii posts the latest COVID-19 numbers daily between 12 and 12:30pm Still waiting…
Apr 1, 2020: Hawaii posts the latest COVID-19 numbers daily between 12 and 12:30pm Still waiting…
Apr 1, 2020: Seems as though Safari tabs open on other devises is no longer showing up on my IOS devices. Have taken to Airdropping the site. Hoping it's just a …
Apr 1, 2020: Seems as though Safari tabs open on other devises is no longer showing up on my IOS devices. Have taken to Airdropping the site. Hoping it’s just a …
Apr 1, 2020: I was both a Nextel and Sprint customer in the past (also Cingular). Been with T-Mobile for a while. For once, I’m with the company doing the …
Apr 1, 2020: I was both a Nextel and Sprint customer in the past (also Cingular). Been with T-Mobile for a while. For once, I’m with the company doing the …
Apr 1, 2020: Interesting dynamic, my wife has worked at home for the past 18 mos. and I have worked at resorts and out on the road. It's her fuse that is getting …
Apr 1, 2020: Interesting dynamic, my wife has worked at home for the past 18 mos. and I have worked at resorts and out on the road. It’s her fuse that is getting …
Apr 1, 2020: The major media outlets still defer to the office of the President as if we had a fully functioning human being serving in that position.
Apr 1, 2020: The major media outlets still defer to the office of the President as if we had a fully functioning human being serving in that position.
Mar 31, 2020: I don’t really trust Social Media Companies, but then I've had multiple BBS accts, Six Degrees, MySpace, Photobucket, Friendster, spent a lot of time …
Mar 31, 2020: I don’t really trust Social Media Companies, but then I’ve had multiple BBS accts, Six Degrees, MySpace, Photobucket, Friendster, spent a lot of time …
Mar 31, 2020: True
Mar 31, 2020: True
Mar 31, 2020: Societies war in leaves continues. Probably blowing the virus everywhere too.
Mar 31, 2020: Societies war in leaves continues. Probably blowing the virus everywhere too.
Mar 31, 2020: I guess apple engineers are more productive at home. Updates coming fast and furious.
Mar 31, 2020: I guess apple engineers are more productive at home. Updates coming fast and furious.
Mar 30, 2020: These egrets got the memo. #socialseperation.
Mar 30, 2020: These egrets got the memo. #socialseperation.
Mar 30, 2020: Over the past couple of years I have purchased everything that I need to get serious about iPhoneography. During this pause in life, I’m going to be …
Mar 30, 2020: Over the past couple of years I have purchased everything that I need to get serious about iPhoneography. During this pause in life, I’m going to be …
Mar 30, 2020: Day three
Mar 30, 2020: Day three
Mar 30, 2020: They all seem bad when you're in the middle I’m old enough to have been through a few crises. [1971 Dock strike]( - the mother of all toilet paper …
Mar 30, 2020: They all seem bad when you're in the middle I’m old enough to have been through a few crises. 1971 Dock strike - the mother of all toilet paper (and Spam) hoarding. Hawaii is a group of islands, …
Mar 30, 2020: Trump probably thinks only Democrats are going to die from COVID-19
Mar 30, 2020: Trump probably thinks only Democrats are going to die from COVID-19
Mar 30, 2020: True
Mar 30, 2020: True
Mar 29, 2020: First time. Irish Soda Bread. Yum
Mar 29, 2020: First time. Irish Soda Bread. Yum
Mar 29, 2020: I’m keeping a good attitude not letting things that I can't control overly bother me, then I accidentally come across a clip of Trump’s campaign …
Mar 29, 2020: I’m keeping a good attitude not letting things that I can’t control overly bother me, then I accidentally come across a clip of Trump’s campaign …
Mar 29, 2020: 175 cases in Hawaii now. But they tell us what Island but not what communities the cases are in.
Mar 29, 2020: 175 cases in Hawaii now. But they tell us what Island but not what communities the cases are in.
Mar 29, 2020: Get up and move. [](
Mar 29, 2020: Get up and move.…
Mar 29, 2020: Memories of youth. I remember going to the ‘71 and ‘72 and ‘74 Sunshine Crater Festivals as a young teen. We lived a couple of miles from Diamond Head. My friend Chuck …
Mar 29, 2020: Memories of youth. I remember going to the ‘71 and ‘72 and ‘74 Sunshine Crater Festivals as a young teen. We lived a couple of miles from Diamond Head. My friend Chuck …
Mar 29, 2020: I must be a very simple person, I judge a film for entertainment value. Did it help me escape for a couple of hours? Many average films are still …
Mar 29, 2020: I must be a very simple person, I judge a film for entertainment value. Did it help me escape for a couple of hours? Many average films are still …
Mar 28, 2020: Got my wild sourdough yeast starter going, in the meantime, gonna make Irish Soda Bread tomorrow. And so it begins.
Mar 28, 2020: Got my wild sourdough yeast starter going, in the meantime, gonna make Irish Soda Bread tomorrow. And so it begins.
Mar 28, 2020: Every store in Kona is out of baking yeast. Irish Soda bead it is.
Mar 28, 2020: Every store in Kona is out of baking yeast. Irish Soda bead it is.
Mar 28, 2020: It was so nice to get out, breathe in the salt air. Keauhou Bay was nice. Not a lot of people there. …
Mar 28, 2020: It was so nice to get out, breathe in the salt air. Keauhou Bay was nice. Not a lot of people there.
Mar 28, 2020: Outside getting some air at Keauhou bay
Mar 28, 2020: Outside getting some air at Keauhou bay
Mar 28, 2020: Uncertainty abounds. Consolidating finances, canceling many subscriptions, thinking seriously about others. Sure we’re no the only ones, there will be …
Mar 28, 2020: Uncertainty abounds. Consolidating finances, canceling many subscriptions, thinking seriously about others. Sure we're no the only ones, there will be …
Mar 27, 2020: I need to find tech podcasts with hosts that are regular middle class nerds. Most of them seem to be by people who worked for Apple or Google and are …
Mar 27, 2020: I need to find tech podcasts with hosts that are regular middle class nerds. Most of them seem to be by people who worked for Apple or Google and are …
Mar 27, 2020: Always look on the bright side of life.
Mar 27, 2020: Always look on the bright side of life.
Mar 27, 2020: What will be? Lots of early unknowns, ambiguities and anxiety about what will be when this winds down. -Who will get rehired at their job and who won’t? -Which …
Mar 27, 2020: What will be? Lots of early unknowns, ambiguities and anxiety about what will be when this winds down. -Who will get rehired at their job and who won’t? -Which …
Mar 26, 2020: Our internet speed is down by about 30-40% since stay at home started. This is the issue with cable internet, its daisy chained. I can't get DSL cable …
Mar 26, 2020: Our internet speed is down by about 30-40% since stay at home started. This is the issue with cable internet, its daisy chained. I can’t get DSL cable …
Mar 26, 2020: Hawaii COVID19 numbers are still suspect. There were 1500+ tests over last weekend, at pop up locations, but the number of cases have only scantly …
Mar 26, 2020: Hawaii COVID19 numbers are still suspect. There were 1500+ tests over last weekend, at pop up locations, but the number of cases have only scantly …
Mar 26, 2020: Day 4 is a wet one
Mar 26, 2020: Day 4 is a wet one
Mar 26, 2020: Watching Ken Burns Baseball and chillin’
Mar 26, 2020: Watching Ken Burns Baseball and chillin’
Mar 25, 2020: Everyone in the great state of California, hunker down and be safe. Sounds like it’s gonna get much worse, especially down South.
Mar 25, 2020: Everyone in the great state of California, hunker down and be safe. Sounds like it’s gonna get much worse, especially down South.
Mar 25, 2020: I think Hawaii is in for a major reboot of our tourism centric economy. I don't see people getting back to regular, full scale vacation travel for a …
Mar 25, 2020: I think Hawaii is in for a major reboot of our tourism centric economy. I don’t see people getting back to regular, full scale vacation travel for a …
Mar 25, 2020: Lots of website are crashing or freezing, but I was able to cancel all of my sports streaming service subscriptions. Will add them back when sports …
Mar 25, 2020: Lots of website are crashing or freezing, but I was able to cancel all of my sports streaming service subscriptions. Will add them back when sports …
Mar 25, 2020: Went out into the wild to get something notarized. Got a smoothie and my favorite place to support them, but found out they are closing tomorrow, the …
Mar 25, 2020: Went out into the wild to get something notarized. Got a smoothie and my favorite place to support them, but found out they are closing tomorrow, the …
Mar 25, 2020: The $75,000 income from 2 years ago is aribitrary. I made that much in 2018, but have since changed jobs, make less and are now laid off
Mar 25, 2020: The $75,000 income from 2 years ago is aribitrary. I made that much in 2018, but have since changed jobs, make less and are now laid off
Mar 24, 2020: Prelim 7.8 Earthquake E of Kuril Island Pacific wide Tsunami watch
Mar 24, 2020: Prelim 7.8 Earthquake E of Kuril Island Pacific wide Tsunami watch
Mar 24, 2020: I have a better Microphone than a lot of these people remoting in for TV stations. Come on guys, step up your game
Mar 24, 2020: I have a better Microphone than a lot of these people remoting in for TV stations. Come on guys, step up your game
Mar 24, 2020: Hawaii is closed for 5 weeks. Get this, the ocean is open, but the beaches are closed. Need to work on levitation or the long jump.
Mar 24, 2020: Hawaii is closed for 5 weeks. Get this, the ocean is open, but the beaches are closed. Need to work on levitation or the long jump.
Mar 24, 2020: Doing some hunkered down and home cleaning. I am always reticent to toss old chargers and cables. Since there aren't any computer stores left and the …
Mar 24, 2020: Doing some hunkered down and home cleaning. I am always reticent to toss old chargers and cables. Since there aren’t any computer stores left and the …
Mar 24, 2020: yep
Mar 24, 2020: yep
Mar 23, 2020: Hawaii Governor proclaimed stay at home until April 30. This will be a long 38 days. Sit on my lanai and look out at the beautiful Hawaiian weather.
Mar 23, 2020: Hawaii Governor proclaimed stay at home until April 30. This will be a long 38 days. Sit on my lanai and look out at the beautiful Hawaiian weather.
Mar 22, 2020: A hui hou
Mar 22, 2020: A hui hou
Mar 22, 2020: The #Dodger schedule is still in my calendar. At some point I’ll delete it.
Mar 22, 2020: The #Dodger schedule is still in my calendar. At some point I’ll delete it.
Mar 22, 2020: All of the talking heads on TV have an “abundance of caution" The new catch phrase
Mar 22, 2020: All of the talking heads on TV have an “abundance of caution" The new catch phrase
Mar 21, 2020: Well, there’s a 14 day quarantine for anyone entering Hawaii. Don’t come if you were considering it. See you on the back end.
Mar 21, 2020: Well, there’s a 14 day quarantine for anyone entering Hawaii. Don’t come if you were considering it. See you on the back end.
Mar 21, 2020: Growing up in Hawaii. I recall stories as a kid of the times post Pearl Harbor. Curfew, rations, stay inside, social upheaval. This feels like that …
Mar 21, 2020: Growing up in Hawaii. I recall stories as a kid of the times post Pearl Harbor. Curfew, rations, stay inside, social upheaval. This feels like that …
Mar 21, 2020: Working our way through the snaking line at Costco Kona, trying to keep distancing. If there are no community passes cases here this morning, maybe …
Mar 21, 2020: Working our way through the snaking line at Costco Kona, trying to keep distancing. If there are no community passes cases here this morning, maybe …
Mar 21, 2020: [Hokule`a Polynesian Sailing Canoe]([](ōkūleʻa)
Mar 21, 2020: Hokule`a Polynesian Sailing Canoe
Mar 21, 2020: Wasn't that long ago (Sept / Oct) when I was still managing at Marriott, we had a Flu mini epidemic. I had 6-8 of my 75 person staff out every day for …
Mar 21, 2020: Wasn’t that long ago (Sept / Oct) when I was still managing at Marriott, we had a Flu mini epidemic. I had 6-8 of my 75 person staff out every day for …
Mar 20, 2020: The last times I recall Alii Drive being this empty was in the early 90s and 2008-09. No visitors.
Mar 20, 2020: The last times I recall Alii Drive being this empty was in the early 90s and 2008-09. No visitors.
Mar 19, 2020: Hawaii still had only 16 COVID19 cases, but measures are being taken. The food court at a shopping area in a resort is coned off and a rental car …
Mar 19, 2020: Hawaii still had only 16 COVID19 cases, but measures are being taken. The food court at a shopping area in a resort is coned off and a rental car …
Mar 19, 2020: The new iPad Pro and Magic keyboard look amazing, but I need a couple of devices to die before I can justify anything new (Macbook 12 and and iPad). …
Mar 19, 2020: The new iPad Pro and Magic keyboard look amazing, but I need a couple of devices to die before I can justify anything new (Macbook 12 and and iPad). …
Mar 19, 2020: Current office. Had to get out. No quarantine here yet, but no one wants to talk until we see if COVID19 is going explode here or continue the dribble …
Mar 19, 2020: Current office. Had to get out. No quarantine here yet, but no one wants to talk until we see if COVID19 is going explode here or continue the dribble …
Mar 18, 2020: I’m in Media sales. I’ve been out talking with and emailing lots of local businesses about the current situation. My top observation being out and …
Mar 18, 2020: I’m in Media sales. I’ve been out talking with and emailing lots of local businesses about the current situation. My top observation being out and …
Mar 18, 2020: Don’t Panic…
Mar 18, 2020: Don't Panic [](
Mar 17, 2020: The Glencairn Glass
Mar 17, 2020: The Glencairn Glass
Mar 17, 2020: Sláinte
Mar 17, 2020: Sláinte
Mar 17, 2020: Well, we have our first COVID-19 case on Hawaii Island. Was bound to happen. They just started testing here yesterday. People can stop playing make …
Mar 17, 2020: Well, we have our first COVID-19 case on Hawaii Island. Was bound to happen. They just started testing here yesterday. People can stop playing make …
Mar 16, 2020: I needed this []( Thanks [@om](
Mar 16, 2020: I needed this… Thanks @om
Mar 16, 2020: The last economic crisis I was doing exactly what I am doing now, selling media. That crisis was a slow motion train wreck, it took months to …
Mar 16, 2020: The last economic crisis I was doing exactly what I am doing now, selling media. That crisis was a slow motion train wreck, it took months to …
Mar 16, 2020: Gonna be a lot of Irishmen drinking alone tomorrow.
Mar 16, 2020: Gonna be a lot of Irishmen drinking alone tomorrow.
Mar 16, 2020: This seems appropriate right now. #effinbirds
Mar 16, 2020: This seems appropriate right now. #effinbirds
Mar 16, 2020: If the numbers Hawaii State have released are to be believed, we’re monumentally screwed. 7 positive COVID-19 cases. 42 negative. So we’ve only tested …
Mar 16, 2020: If the numbers Hawaii State have released are to be believed, we’re monumentally screwed. 7 positive COVID-19 cases. 42 negative. So we’ve only tested …
Mar 15, 2020: Had a small web and media company 12 years ago. Closed it down when I went back into F&B. Being back in Media, I see there is still a need for web …
Mar 15, 2020: Had a small web and media company 12 years ago. Closed it down when I went back into F&B. Being back in Media, I see there is still a need for web …
Mar 15, 2020: Three websites that have stood the test of time and remain useful Wikipedia Craigslist The Wayback Machine
Mar 15, 2020: Three websites that have stood the test of time and remain useful Wikipedia Craigslist The Wayback Machine
Mar 14, 2020: One benefit on living in Hawaii, before going to bed, I see posts from people in UK just waking up, people on the US East Coast who can't sleep, …
Mar 14, 2020: One benefit on living in Hawaii, before going to bed, I see posts from people in UK just waking up, people on the US East Coast who can’t sleep, …
Mar 14, 2020: Early St Paddy’s Sláinte
Mar 14, 2020: Early St Paddy’s Sláinte
Mar 14, 2020: Not sure what to think, only 4 confirmed COVID-19 cases in Hawaii, but not much testing up until yesterday. Based on a population of almost 1 million …
Mar 14, 2020: Not sure what to think, only 4 confirmed COVID-19 cases in Hawaii, but not much testing up until yesterday. Based on a population of almost 1 million …
Mar 14, 2020: Because of the rain the pool and grilling area had some natural social distancing. I took the opportunity to grill out some chicken and burgers for …
Mar 14, 2020: Because of the rain the pool and grilling area had some natural social distancing. I took the opportunity to grill out some chicken and burgers for …
Mar 14, 2020: We’re getting some proper rain in Kailua Kona. Good day to stay in and avoid people.
Mar 14, 2020: We’re getting some proper rain in Kailua Kona. Good day to stay in and avoid people.
Mar 14, 2020: Sometimes it impossible to look up something on Google when every article seems to be behind a paywall. I can only afford to subscribe to so many.
Mar 14, 2020: Sometimes it impossible to look up something on Google when every article seems to be behind a paywall. I can only afford to subscribe to so many.
Mar 13, 2020: Aloha Friday Ola Brew Porter on this St Patrick’s weekend.
Mar 13, 2020: Aloha Friday Ola Brew Porter on this St Patrick’s weekend.
Mar 13, 2020: looking more and more like European football is going to get a massive reboot.
Mar 13, 2020: looking more and more like European football is going to get a massive reboot.
Mar 13, 2020: Inbox is filling up with sales to set up my home office. These companies don’t know me like Amazon does (though this may not be a good thing)
Mar 13, 2020: Inbox is filling up with sales to set up my home office. These companies don’t know me like Amazon does (though this may not be a good thing)
Mar 12, 2020: Well. No gatherings, no sports, no movie theaters, no group functions, all events canceled, no one flying that doesn’t have to, visitor counts …
Mar 12, 2020: Well. No gatherings, no sports, no movie theaters, no group functions, all events canceled, no one flying that doesn’t have to, visitor counts …
Mar 12, 2020: Mobile operators need to waive any fees or speed throttling for their hot spot feature.
Mar 12, 2020: Mobile operators need to waive any fees or speed throttling for their hot spot feature.
Mar 12, 2020: On another note, I miss the old PalmOS from the Palm Pre. #Cards
Mar 12, 2020: On another note, I miss the old PalmOS from the Palm Pre. #Cards
Mar 12, 2020: I guess no sports for the foreseeable time forward. Movie binge coming up. Gonna pull up some old classics to revisit.
Mar 12, 2020: I guess no sports for the foreseeable time forward. Movie binge coming up. Gonna pull up some old classics to revisit.
Mar 12, 2020: Took a side trip to see some businesses in North Kohala. Low cloud ceiling on the mauka (upper) road back to Waimea
Mar 12, 2020: Took a side trip to see some businesses in North Kohala. Low cloud ceiling on the mauka (upper) road back to Waimea
Mar 11, 2020: Red Breast … neat I’ll have my own St. Patrick’s parade from my chair to the liquor cabinet.
Mar 11, 2020: Red Breast ... neat I’ll have my own St. Patrick’s parade from my chair to the liquor cabinet.
Mar 11, 2020: My wife switched to a home based position with her company a year ago. It took her 6 months to get comfortable with working at home. When i had my own …
Mar 11, 2020: My wife switched to a home based position with her company a year ago. It took her 6 months to get comfortable with working at home. When i had my own …
Mar 11, 2020: Beam me up Scotty, this planet is doomed
Mar 11, 2020: Beam me up Scotty, this planet is doomed
Mar 10, 2020:…
Mar 10, 2020: [](
Mar 10, 2020: Guy just walked into Starbucks with a Dell tower in a Target bag. No outlets available so he’s just standing there with his coffee staring at …
Mar 10, 2020: Guy just walked into Starbucks with a Dell tower in a Target bag. No outlets available so he’s just standing there with his coffee staring at …
Mar 10, 2020: You know what no one says on his death bed? "If only I could have snarked more from the sidelines."
Mar 10, 2020: You know what no one says on his death bed? “If only I could have snarked more from the sidelines.”
Mar 9, 2020: My wife put some happiness in my bathroom. Literally
Mar 9, 2020: My wife put some happiness in my bathroom. Literally
Mar 9, 2020: Reading average aged of deceased due to the Virus is 80. The average human life span has been going up for decades, will CoronaVirus reverse that …
Mar 9, 2020: Reading average aged of deceased due to the Virus is 80. The average human life span has been going up for decades, will CoronaVirus reverse that …
Mar 9, 2020: Great story. I managed restaurants for 30 years. It’s a tough bussiness, especially for a manager when the owner doesn’t understand restaurant …
Mar 9, 2020: Great story. I managed restaurants for 30 years. It’s a tough bussiness, especially for a manager when the owner doesn’t understand restaurant …
Mar 9, 2020: My Wife and I don't have a lot of investment, but what we do have is important. Had a talk with our investment guy. He's done good for us. His …
Mar 9, 2020: My Wife and I don’t have a lot of investment, but what we do have is important. Had a talk with our investment guy. He’s done good for us. His …
Mar 8, 2020: Spent some focused time setting up Drafts workflows for work. I’m an Acct. Exec for a local media Co. (local direct and digital). I've used Filed …
Mar 8, 2020: Spent some focused time setting up Drafts workflows for work. I’m an Acct. Exec for a local media Co. (local direct and digital). I’ve used Filed …
Mar 7, 2020: The top was my desk 10 years ago. I has a web design and media company, ran an outrigger canoe racing association. The bottom now. I just work for …
Mar 7, 2020: The top was my desk 10 years ago. I has a web design and media company, ran an outrigger canoe racing association. The bottom now. I just work for …
Mar 7, 2020: As one should on a Saturday afternoon
Mar 7, 2020: As one should on a Saturday afternoon
Mar 7, 2020: We were supposed to go to Milan and Parma (from where my Italian family hails) this May, but in December we postponed the trip a year due to a family …
Mar 7, 2020: We were supposed to go to Milan and Parma (from where my Italian family hails) this May, but in December we postponed the trip a year due to a family …
Mar 7, 2020: Spent some time setting up some Drafts actions. I think it will work. I have also worked Tot into my workflow as an on the fly scratch pad. Using …
Mar 7, 2020: Spent some time setting up some Drafts actions. I think it will work. I have also worked Tot into my workflow as an on the fly scratch pad. Using …
Mar 7, 2020: I’ve had the drafts app for a while, but never have worked it into my workflow. It just sits there. Think I’m gonna take some time and figure if it …
Mar 7, 2020: I’ve had the drafts app for a while, but never have worked it into my workflow. It just sits there. Think I’m gonna take some time and figure if it …
Mar 7, 2020: The Wales rugby team are not guys that I’d fancy running into in a pub after a loss.
Mar 7, 2020: The Wales rugby team are not guys that I’d fancy running into in a pub after a loss.
Mar 7, 2020: A hedge on local supply shortages. It’s only 2 of us, but better safe. Being on an island, Local people will generally load up on paper supplies and …
Mar 7, 2020: A hedge on local supply shortages. It’s only 2 of us, but better safe. Being on an island, Local people will generally load up on paper supplies and …
Mar 7, 2020: Noted
Mar 7, 2020: Noted
Mar 6, 2020: My wife usually gets me a 6-pack of Guinness for St Paddy’s day. This year She got me a case. I must’ve been a good boy.
Mar 6, 2020: My wife usually gets me a 6-pack of Guinness for St Paddy’s day. This year She got me a case. I must’ve been a good boy.
Mar 6, 2020: I want to see one of these “Beautiful" tests.
Mar 6, 2020: I want to see one of these “Beautiful" tests.
Mar 6, 2020: This little #Arsenal branded mini phone charger is the perfect companion for my #LightPhone2 Extends it for days
Mar 6, 2020: This little #Arsenal branded mini phone charger is the perfect companion for my #LightPhone2 Extends it for days
Mar 6, 2020: My Twitter feed is getting more baseball everyday. Spring is upon us.
Mar 6, 2020: My Twitter feed is getting more baseball everyday. Spring is upon us.
Mar 4, 2020: Rewatching the first season of Fargo. It may have been the best so far. The cast was awesome.
Mar 4, 2020: Rewatching the first season of Fargo. It may have been the best so far. The cast was awesome.
Mar 4, 2020: Age is a question of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter. - Satchel Paige
Mar 4, 2020: Age is a question of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter. - Satchel Paige
Mar 3, 2020: A few years back when I owned a Cafe in Hilo, Hawaii, I remember reading a quote that roughly said “If your business closed today, would any of your …
Mar 3, 2020: A few years back when I owned a Cafe in Hilo, Hawaii, I remember reading a quote that roughly said “If your business closed today, would any of your …
Mar 3, 2020: This rooster lives in this parking fronting a Starbucks.
Mar 3, 2020: This rooster lives in this parking fronting a Starbucks.
Mar 2, 2020: Patron and Le Combier tonight
Mar 2, 2020: Patron and Le Combier tonight
Mar 2, 2020: I’m a moderate with liberal tendencies and Sanders makes me nervous. I imagine anyone to the right of me will feel even more so.
Mar 2, 2020: I’m a moderate with liberal tendencies and Sanders makes me nervous. I imagine anyone to the right of me will feel even more so.
Mar 1, 2020: The Coronavirus is kind of like the Trump presidency. It’s gonna get a lot worse before we get over it.
Mar 1, 2020: The Coronavirus is kind of like the Trump presidency. It’s gonna get a lot worse before we get over it.
Mar 1, 2020: Typically Don Julio 1942 is great on its own, but a splash of Combier with a lemon twist adds a little something different for a warm Hawaiian Sunday …
Mar 1, 2020: Typically Don Julio 1942 is great on its own, but a splash of Combier with a lemon twist adds a little something different for a warm Hawaiian Sunday …
Mar 1, 2020: My sense is a lot of the electorate is annoyed by the current political doings by Trump et al, but aren’t really pissed off enough to do something of …
Mar 1, 2020: My sense is a lot of the electorate is annoyed by the current political doings by Trump et al, but aren’t really pissed off enough to do something of …
Mar 1, 2020: Really thinking our democracy is going to have to get a lot more broken, before people get mad enough to force a change. So much apathy in the …
Mar 1, 2020: Really thinking our democracy is going to have to get a lot more broken, before people get mad enough to force a change. So much apathy in the …
Mar 1, 2020: My walk through a warehouse of lumber from locally sourced woods  …
Mar 1, 2020: My walk through a warehouse of lumber from locally sourced woods
Feb 29, 2020: It’s time for an app apocalypse on my phone. Must be ruthless.
Feb 29, 2020: It’s time for an app apocalypse on my phone. Must be ruthless.
Feb 29, 2020: Sadly this one went down last evening.
Feb 29, 2020: Sadly this one went down last evening.
Feb 29, 2020: Things are looking better. #ArsenalWomen have drawn level and #Watford have added insurance.
Feb 29, 2020: Things are looking better. #ArsenalWomen have drawn level and #Watford have added insurance.
Feb 28, 2020: "I don't think about what I think as much as you think about what I think."
Feb 28, 2020: “I don’t think about what I think as much as you think about what I think.”
Feb 28, 2020: Worn deck
Feb 28, 2020: Worn deck
Feb 27, 2020: Had a chance to stop by Kamuela Hardwoods on this windy Waimea day. All Hawaii Island sourced woods. Mango, Milo, Koa, O’hia and many more. Makes me …
Feb 27, 2020: Had a chance to stop by Kamuela Hardwoods on this windy Waimea day. All Hawaii Island sourced woods. Mango, Milo, Koa, O’hia and many more. Makes me …
Feb 25, 2020: Another one bites the dust. Due to Hawaii’s room temperature being in the 80s, I usually add one small ice cube, but having a little head cold, it …
Feb 25, 2020: Another one bites the dust. Due to Hawaii’s room temperature being in the 80s, I usually add one small ice cube, but having a little head cold, it …
Feb 24, 2020: Mauna Kea on a cloudless day. Gonna be a hot one.
Feb 24, 2020: Mauna Kea on a cloudless day. Gonna be a hot one.
Feb 23, 2020: I’m not thoroughly convinced any of the Democrats can beat Trump, considering the Republicans will pull out all of the stops, legal or otherwise …
Feb 23, 2020: I’m not thoroughly convinced any of the Democrats can beat Trump, considering the Republicans will pull out all of the stops, legal or otherwise …
Feb 23, 2020: Aloha shirts lined up for another work week.
Feb 23, 2020: Aloha shirts lined up for another work week.
Feb 23, 2020: Kitchen counter
Feb 23, 2020: Kitchen counter
Feb 23, 2020: 10:05 pm HST (Spring) Chicago Cubs @ Los Angeles Dodgers
Feb 23, 2020: 10:05 pm HST (Spring) Chicago Cubs @ Los Angeles Dodgers
Feb 23, 2020: Lying in bed listening to the rhythmic calls of the morning birds. Don’t want to get up.
Feb 23, 2020: Lying in bed listening to the rhythmic calls of the morning birds. Don’t want to get up.
Feb 22, 2020: Playing pool chaperone at the pool for the Grandsons and their friends. P
Feb 22, 2020: Playing pool chaperone at the pool for the Grandsons and their friends. P
Feb 22, 2020: Started the 2020 campaign on a good note. #Dodgers.
Feb 22, 2020: Started the 2020 campaign on a good note. #Dodgers.
Feb 22, 2020: Enjoying a Saturday afternoon watching the #Dodgers beat the Giants. First Spring Training game, but Opening day is only 32 days away.
Feb 22, 2020: Enjoying a Saturday afternoon watching the #Dodgers beat the Giants. First Spring Training game, but Opening day is only 32 days away.
Feb 22, 2020: Today
Feb 22, 2020: Today
Feb 21, 2020: On another note, the (D) debate has sunk in. Overriding thought; no one is talking about what they can/will do and how that can beat Trump, only …
Feb 21, 2020: On another note, the (D) debate has sunk in. Overriding thought; no one is talking about what they can/will do and how that can beat Trump, only …
Feb 21, 2020: Finishing up week 2 in my return to previous career selling media. Have met with over 100 businesses. Written a couple of orders. Most of my time had …
Feb 21, 2020: Finishing up week 2 in my return to previous career selling media. Have met with over 100 businesses. Written a couple of orders. Most of my time had …
Feb 18, 2020: Made it Hawaii
Feb 18, 2020: Made it Hawaii
Feb 18, 2020: Outside sales makes for some amazing office views. #Hawaii
Feb 18, 2020: Outside sales makes for some amazing office views. #Hawaii
Feb 17, 2020: Rules
Feb 17, 2020: Rules
Feb 17, 2020: The older I get the more I dislike pre-game sports shows and post-game analysis shows. I just want to watch match and see it for myself.
Feb 17, 2020: The older I get the more I dislike pre-game sports shows and post-game analysis shows. I just want to watch match and see it for myself.
Feb 17, 2020: Pier One filed today. The store in Kona store closed last month. My wife already misses it. Our decor is classic Pier One style. I liked going in and …
Feb 17, 2020: Pier One filed today. The store in Kona store closed last month. My wife already misses it. Our decor is classic Pier One style. I liked going in and …
Feb 16, 2020: Installed the Level Smart lock today. It look longer to clean up the paint build up on the door frame so it closes smoothly than it did to install the …
Feb 16, 2020: Installed the Level Smart lock today. It look longer to clean up the paint build up on the door frame so it closes smoothly than it did to install the …
Feb 16, 2020: With my recent job change, I’m cleaning up my contacts. I have 5 contact for people who have deceased that I just can’t delete.
Feb 16, 2020: With my recent job change, I’m cleaning up my contacts. I have 5 contact for people who have deceased that I just can’t delete.
Feb 16, 2020: Never really been a Chi-town sports fan, but seeing the Chicago basketball greats talking story on TNT was pretty amazing.
Feb 16, 2020: Never really been a Chi-town sports fan, but seeing the Chicago basketball greats talking story on TNT was pretty amazing.
Feb 16, 2020: I closed my Dropbox account a few years ago and moved everything to a local drive and server. Many of those files go back over 10 years. Had some fun …
Feb 16, 2020: I closed my Dropbox account a few years ago and moved everything to a local drive and server. Many of those files go back over 10 years. Had some fun …
Feb 16, 2020: All technology should be assumed guilty until proven innocent. David Brower
Feb 16, 2020: All technology should be assumed guilty until proven innocent. David Brower
Feb 15, 2020: After a morning flurry of a trip to Target and Costco, the rest of the day has been a lazy Saturday catching up on the stuff in the DVR.
Feb 15, 2020: After a morning flurry of a trip to Target and Costco, the rest of the day has been a lazy Saturday catching up on the stuff in the DVR.
Feb 15, 2020: iPhone screenshot 2012
Feb 15, 2020: iPhone screenshot 2012
Feb 15, 2020: How can a tech company offer lifetime anything when they don’t even know if they will be around after the next funding round.
Feb 15, 2020: How can a tech company offer lifetime anything when they don’t even know if they will be around after the next funding round.
Feb 15, 2020: I just found my exported archive. Lots of great conversations.
Feb 15, 2020: I just found my exported archive. Lots of great conversations.
Feb 14, 2020: I’m not a cat person, I can tolerate a few cats now and then in my feed, but I know when there are too many cats, it’s time to close the app. Now dogs …
Feb 14, 2020: I’m not a cat person, I can tolerate a few cats now and then in my feed, but I know when there are too many cats, it’s time to close the app. Now dogs …
Feb 14, 2020: Barr complaining about the situation they created is hilarious.
Feb 14, 2020: Barr complaining about the situation they created is hilarious.
Feb 10, 2020: Been like this for 2 days and will likely be around another day or two.
Feb 10, 2020: Been like this for 2 days and will likely be around another day or two.
Feb 10, 2020: I created this slide deck 10 years ago about Social Media to present to a local business group. At that time I was building websites and setting up …
Feb 10, 2020: I created this slide deck 10 years ago about Social Media to present to a local business group. At that time I was building websites and setting up …
Feb 9, 2020: The Academy Awards will not air in Hawaii for another 10 min, but all the results are posted everywhere, guess we'll just watch a movie.
Feb 9, 2020: The Academy Awards will not air in Hawaii for another 10 min, but all the results are posted everywhere, guess we’ll just watch a movie.
Feb 8, 2020: Not sure what this means, but OK.
Feb 8, 2020: Not sure what this means, but OK.
Feb 8, 2020: Venus chasing the sun down the horizon
Feb 8, 2020: Venus chasing the sun down the horizon
Feb 8, 2020: Post sunset
Feb 8, 2020: Post sunset
Feb 8, 2020: Been an Evernote user since early on - about 2008, but I’m not thrilled with where it's gone. The Mac app has issues. Was able to import all of the my …
Feb 8, 2020: Been an Evernote user since early on - about 2008, but I’m not thrilled with where it’s gone. The Mac app has issues. Was able to import all of the my …
Feb 8, 2020: We have guests staying over, so I’m using my wife’s bathroom. Looking at the bottles on the shelf, reminds me of this Richard Jeni (RIP) piece. …
Feb 8, 2020: We have guests staying over, so I’m using my wife’s bathroom. Looking at the bottles on the shelf, reminds me of this Richard Jeni (RIP) piece. …
Feb 8, 2020: Our kitchen counter - installed last May
Feb 8, 2020: Our kitchen counter - installed last May
Feb 8, 2020: Start my new job Monday; 8-5, Mon-Fri, Holidays off. I've avoided this most of my life working in hospitatlity. Worked nights (got home after …
Feb 8, 2020: Start my new job Monday; 8-5, Mon-Fri, Holidays off. I’ve avoided this most of my life working in hospitatlity. Worked nights (got home after …
Feb 7, 2020: Girl Power 3-Nil #USWNT
Feb 7, 2020: Girl Power 3-Nil #USWNT
Feb 7, 2020: A lot of nerds seem to be very critical of Apple at every turn. All of my stuff just works, and the few times it hasn’t, Apple Support was excellent. …
Feb 7, 2020: A lot of nerds seem to be very critical of Apple at every turn. All of my stuff just works, and the few times it hasn’t, Apple Support was excellent. …
Feb 7, 2020: Current status.
Feb 7, 2020: Current status.
Feb 7, 2020: Twitter is my firehose of information, is my curated garden hose that keeps the garden green
Feb 7, 2020: Twitter is my firehose of information, is my curated garden hose that keeps the garden green
Feb 7, 2020: Planes over Hawaii
Feb 7, 2020: Planes over Hawaii
Feb 5, 2020: Watched First Man. Fascinating insight. Reminds me of The Right Stuff, though that one was more theatrical [](
Feb 5, 2020: Watched First Man. Fascinating insight. Reminds me of The Right Stuff, though that one was more theatrical
Feb 5, 2020: New job secured. For the first time in many years, I’m not managing anyone, only me. Though that will likely change within a year. Back to regular …
Feb 5, 2020: New job secured. For the first time in many years, I’m not managing anyone, only me. Though that will likely change within a year. Back to regular …
Feb 5, 2020: Watching the Last Waltz - The Band One my all time favorites.
Feb 5, 2020: Watching the Last Waltz - The Band One my all time favorites.
Feb 5, 2020: I think everyone here knows that Iowa's problem wasn't that they had an app, it's that they didn't test it. A few years ago I changed from timing …
Feb 5, 2020: I think everyone here knows that Iowa’s problem wasn’t that they had an app, it’s that they didn’t test it. A few years ago I changed from timing …
Feb 4, 2020: Pleasant afternoon. Avoiding the SOTU address
Feb 4, 2020: Pleasant afternoon. Avoiding the SOTU address
Feb 4, 2020: Interstellar on FXX and Arrival on SYFY. Is something coming ... or going
Feb 4, 2020: Interstellar on FXX and Arrival on SYFY. Is something coming … or going
Feb 4, 2020: …
Feb 4, 2020: From my days managing an Apple reseller and service center. At least 20% of the population (all age groups) will have trouble with any app other than …
Feb 4, 2020: From my days managing an Apple reseller and service center. At least 20% of the population (all age groups) will have trouble with any app other than …
Feb 4, 2020: HO’OMAKAUKAU. To prepare or get ready.
Feb 4, 2020: HO’OMAKAUKAU. To prepare or get ready.
Feb 3, 2020: Looking back I've been job hunting for the past few weeks after getting out of a toxic sitiuation. Expecting an offer tommorow, if it's as discussed, I will accept …
Feb 3, 2020: Looking back I’ve been job hunting for the past few weeks after getting out of a toxic sitiuation. Expecting an offer tommorow, if it’s as discussed, I will accept …
Feb 3, 2020: Apple’s whimsical Apple Arcade marketing push. It would be nice if there was a way to try a game without downloading the entire game. …
Feb 3, 2020: Apple’s whimsical Apple Arcade marketing push. It would be nice if there was a way to try a game without downloading the entire game. …
Feb 3, 2020: The staccato of roofing staples will be with us the next couple of days.
Feb 3, 2020: The staccato of roofing staples will be with us the next couple of days.
Feb 3, 2020: Thinking it should be device based more than location based, like Apple does with music. Netflix Isn’t Cool With Password Sharing Anymore. …
Feb 3, 2020: Thinking it should be device based more than location based, like Apple does with music. Netflix Isn’t Cool With Password Sharing Anymore. …
Feb 3, 2020: I've been on Twitter for a decade, constantly curating my feed. Always a work in progress. Dropped FB a long time ago. Was an early adopter to …
Feb 3, 2020: I’ve been on Twitter for a decade, constantly curating my feed. Always a work in progress. Dropped FB a long time ago. Was an early adopter to …
Feb 2, 2020: #Baseball
Feb 2, 2020: #Baseball
Feb 2, 2020: Baseball is back Bring on Baseball. Pitchers and Catchers report in 12 days, full squad 5 days later. Opening Day March 26th. #Baseball
Feb 2, 2020: Baseball is back Bring on Baseball. Pitchers and Catchers report in 12 days, full squad 5 days later. Opening Day March 26th. #Baseball
Feb 2, 2020: Went outside as the game winds down. Nice day. Light breeze.
Feb 2, 2020: Went outside as the game winds down. Nice day. Light breeze.
Feb 2, 2020: Sorry Bay Area folks. Ha ha ha KC earned it.
Feb 2, 2020: Sorry Bay Area folks. Ha ha ha KC earned it.
Feb 2, 2020: Being pretty much a life long Cowboys fan, I have no love for the 49ers (think “The Catch”). Go Chiefs!
Feb 2, 2020: Being pretty much a life long Cowboys fan, I have no love for the 49ers (think “The Catch”). Go Chiefs!
Feb 2, 2020: Guess where my head is at?
Feb 2, 2020: Guess where my head is at?
Feb 2, 2020: Guessing we can't post panoramic photos.
Feb 2, 2020: Guessing we can’t post panoramic photos.
Feb 2, 2020: There were 2200 photos in my Instagram download. Will work on getting them all on my personal website
Feb 2, 2020: There were 2200 photos in my Instagram download. Will work on getting them all on my personal website
Feb 2, 2020: Exported my Instagram data and closed that account. Also deleted TikTok after a short spell. Ponied up the $10 for ++. The move from the …
Feb 2, 2020: Exported my Instagram data and closed that account. Also deleted TikTok after a short spell. Ponied up the $10 for ++. The move from the …
Feb 1, 2020: Apple TV+ Little America was excellent. I hope they make more.
Feb 1, 2020: Apple TV+ Little America was excellent. I hope they make more.
Feb 1, 2020: After all of the beautiful weather in Waimea, we came home to nice cooling rain as the sun sets. Perfect weather for an old fashioned.
Feb 1, 2020: After all of the beautiful weather in Waimea, we came home to nice cooling rain as the sun sets. Perfect weather for an old fashioned.
Feb 1, 2020: I have not had good brisket on Hawaii Island in years, this despite a number of BBQ food trucks popping up. Sonny Bryan’s in Dallas spoiled me for …
Feb 1, 2020: I have not had good brisket on Hawaii Island in years, this despite a number of BBQ food trucks popping up. Sonny Bryan’s in Dallas spoiled me for …
Feb 1, 2020: Cherry Blossoms
Feb 1, 2020: Cherry Blossoms
Feb 1, 2020: The new Fantastical update looks amazing, but a I’ve been using Mokeskin #Timepage on my phone for a while and like it a lot
Feb 1, 2020: The new Fantastical update looks amazing, but a I’ve been using Mokeskin #Timepage on my phone for a while and like it a lot
Feb 1, 2020: There’s still some snow up on Mauna Kea Beautiful Parker Ranch horses by the back road.
Feb 1, 2020: There’s still some snow up on Mauna Kea Beautiful Parker Ranch horses by the back road.
Feb 1, 2020: Had to post one looking the other way as we walk back to the car. Love it up in cool Waimea
Feb 1, 2020: Had to post one looking the other way as we walk back to the car. Love it up in cool Waimea
Feb 1, 2020: I moved to Hawaii island in ‘91. Lived Here in Waimea for 5 years before moving to Hilo for 15 years.
Feb 1, 2020: I moved to Hawaii island in ‘91. Lived Here in Waimea for 5 years before moving to Hilo for 15 years.
Feb 1, 2020: This is Waimea. A ranch town
Feb 1, 2020: This is Waimea. A ranch town
Feb 1, 2020: Waimea Cherry blossom festival. Beautiful day with enough trade winds to keep it cool.
Feb 1, 2020: Waimea Cherry blossom festival. Beautiful day with enough trade winds to keep it cool.
Feb 1, 2020: Buzz, we need you now.
Feb 1, 2020: Buzz, we need you now.
Jan 31, 2020: I'm reachng my limit of subscription apps and streaming services. Going forward, it will need to replace an existing one or solve a unique problem.
Jan 31, 2020: I’m reachng my limit of subscription apps and streaming services. Going forward, it will need to replace an existing one or solve a unique problem.
Jan 31, 2020: Every time I opened Instagram and was greeted by this message, It felt wrong. I can’t do it anymore. Between Mastadon,, Twitter and my own …
Jan 31, 2020: Every time I opened Instagram and was greeted by this message, It felt wrong. I can’t do it anymore. Between Mastadon,, Twitter and my own …
Jan 30, 2020: This weekend last, we took the Grandsons to the Kona Living Coffee farm. Demonstrating life on a coffee farm years 1920-45. Very cool
Jan 30, 2020: This weekend last, we took the Grandsons to the Kona Living Coffee farm. Demonstrating life on a coffee farm years 1920-45. Very cool
Jan 29, 2020: Job hunt I've been out of work for 5 weeks after having left a toxic situation. Though I've dropped resumes at select hotels and restaurants, I'm looking …
Jan 29, 2020: Job hunt I’ve been out of work for 5 weeks after having left a toxic situation. Though I’ve dropped resumes at select hotels and restaurants, I’m looking …
Jan 26, 2020: just wrote a blog post about Kobe’s passing and the broader view of death in general. Holding off on posting it, my thoughts might be a little …
Jan 26, 2020: just wrote a blog post about Kobe’s passing and the broader view of death in general. Holding off on posting it, my thoughts might be a little …
Jan 24, 2020: Three Amigos
Jan 24, 2020: Three Amigos
Jan 24, 2020: Getting ready to cut onions reminded me of the interview for my first cooks job at a proper restaurant (The Willows in Honolulu) when I was 19. After …
Jan 24, 2020: Getting ready to cut onions reminded me of the interview for my first cooks job at a proper restaurant (The Willows in Honolulu) when I was 19. After …
Jan 22, 2020: My wife and I had a nice forward looking talk last night. Going plan on moving to North Dakota in the Spring of ‘21. We want to see if we can keep the …
Jan 22, 2020: My wife and I had a nice forward looking talk last night. Going plan on moving to North Dakota in the Spring of ‘21. We want to see if we can keep the …
Jan 21, 2020: Guess not everyone knows that peanuts actually contain... “Peanuts”
Jan 21, 2020: Guess not everyone knows that peanuts actually contain… “Peanuts”
Jan 20, 2020: It’s come up again, this time more seriously. We may be moving the North Dakota where my wife is from. I've spent almost my entire life in Hawaii, but …
Jan 20, 2020: It’s come up again, this time more seriously. We may be moving the North Dakota where my wife is from. I’ve spent almost my entire life in Hawaii, but …
Jan 20, 2020: I bought the Panobook when it came out. love the concept, design and quality. I changed my situation and no longer have a desk For now it sits in a …
Jan 20, 2020: I bought the Panobook when it came out. love the concept, design and quality. I changed my situation and no longer have a desk For now it sits in a …
Jan 19, 2020: Well, looks like Tennessee needs a little defensive upgrades in the off season. Just need the offense to all return.
Jan 19, 2020: Well, looks like Tennessee needs a little defensive upgrades in the off season. Just need the offense to all return.
Jan 19, 2020: This is really good Whisky. The Walking Dead.
Jan 19, 2020: This is really good Whisky. The Walking Dead.
Jan 17, 2020: We can’t see that actual sunset into the ocean from our place, if we do get this.
Jan 17, 2020: We can’t see that actual sunset into the ocean from our place, if we do get this.
Jan 16, 2020: This job is in Hawaii, they wouldn’t find any intel intelligence in Washington
Jan 16, 2020: This job is in Hawaii, they wouldn’t find any intel intelligence in Washington
Jan 13, 2020: I am so over sports pre-game shows. Presenters talking for hours about something that hasn’t happened yet. I’d rather watch a Jason Bourne for the …
Jan 13, 2020: I am so over sports pre-game shows. Presenters talking for hours about something that hasn’t happened yet. I’d rather watch a Jason Bourne for the …
Jan 11, 2020: [](
Jan 11, 2020:
Jan 11, 2020: Finally saw the Joker. My wife had no interest, but then she’s never been a Batman fan. Quite a dark but very good movie. Loved the cinematography and …
Jan 11, 2020: Finally saw the Joker. My wife had no interest, but then she’s never been a Batman fan. Quite a dark but very good movie. Loved the cinematography and …
Jan 3, 2020: For context, I grew up in Hawaii. I love rock, jazz and classical, but Hawaiian music is in my heart. My favorite album is Gabby Pahinui’s 1973 Rabbit …
Jan 3, 2020: For context, I grew up in Hawaii. I love rock, jazz and classical, but Hawaiian music is in my heart. My favorite album is Gabby Pahinui’s 1973 Rabbit …
Dec 31, 2019: My car in college. 1980 65 Impala
Dec 31, 2019: My car in college. 1980 65 Impala
Dec 6, 2019: Rum Old Fashioned @ Kuleana Rum Shack
Dec 6, 2019: Rum Old Fashioned @ Kuleana Rum Shack
Nov 3, 2019: Choices
Nov 3, 2019: Choices
Nov 3, 2019: I really like this CD from 2004. Wasn’t available in US for many years. Still not a avail digitally.
Nov 3, 2019: I really like this CD from 2004. Wasn’t available in US for many years. Still not a avail digitally.
Oct 29, 2019: Aloha to the Apple networking era. At least until the 5G revolution begins in earnest. When we get it on Hawaii Island, then you know it’s arrived.
Oct 29, 2019: Aloha to the Apple networking era. At least until the 5G revolution begins in earnest. When we get it on Hawaii Island, then you know it’s arrived.
Oct 24, 2019: I’ve had the same mobile number for 25 years, but I get more spam calls and messages then ones intended for me. may have to finally give the number up …
Oct 24, 2019: I’ve had the same mobile number for 25 years, but I get more spam calls and messages then ones intended for me. may have to finally give the number up …
Oct 24, 2019: Day off beverage; Smoked Rum Old Fashioned with homemade vanilla syrup. Mahalo to Alex of Westside Wines in Kona for turning me on to Diplomatico Aged …
Oct 24, 2019: Day off beverage; Smoked Rum Old Fashioned with homemade vanilla syrup. Mahalo to Alex of Westside Wines in Kona for turning me on to Diplomatico Aged …
Oct 19, 2019: thought I had a bottle of Red Breast buried in the cabinet. Guess not. Off to my favorite spirits merchant. West Side Wines in Kona
Oct 19, 2019: thought I had a bottle of Red Breast buried in the cabinet. Guess not. Off to my favorite spirits merchant. West Side Wines in Kona
Oct 16, 2019: Educated Guess Merlot
Oct 16, 2019: Educated Guess Merlot
Oct 9, 2019: seeing lots of early snow pix. I’ll just leave this here
Oct 9, 2019: seeing lots of early snow pix. I’ll just leave this here
Jan 6, 2019: Great way to spend a Sunday afternoon
Jan 6, 2019: Great way to spend a Sunday afternoon
Jan 6, 2019: Current status.
Jan 6, 2019: Current status.
Jan 5, 2019: Old school. Very old school
Jan 5, 2019: Old school. Very old school
Jan 5, 2019: #Vector eyeing his overlord, the fan.
Jan 5, 2019: #Vector eyeing his overlord, the fan.
Jan 1, 2019: Truth is, when my wife and I have a bottle of wine, she about about 6 ounces and I drink the other 20.
Jan 1, 2019: Truth is, when my wife and I have a bottle of wine, she about about 6 ounces and I drink the other 20.
Jan 1, 2019: Well there it is. Day one 2019 is in the book.
Jan 1, 2019: Well there it is. Day one 2019 is in the book.
Jan 1, 2019: I always cook something spicy on New Years. Last year was Mexican. This year, some kick butt real N’Orleans jambalaya. Andouille, shrimp, scallops, …
Jan 1, 2019: I always cook something spicy on New Years. Last year was Mexican. This year, some kick butt real N’Orleans jambalaya. Andouille, shrimp, scallops, …
Jan 1, 2019: Happy New Year from the islands
Jan 1, 2019: Happy New Year from the islands
Jan 1, 2019: The midnight toast. First one with my love in a couple of years
Jan 1, 2019: The midnight toast. First one with my love in a couple of years
Dec 31, 2018: It’s kickin at the Marriott
Dec 31, 2018: It’s kickin at the Marriott
Dec 31, 2018: The first picture I took this year was of the Jan 1 Sunset.
Dec 31, 2018: The first picture I took this year was of the Jan 1 Sunset.
Dec 31, 2018: 2018 2019
Dec 31, 2018: 2018 »» 2019
Dec 30, 2018: We augmented the Christmas decorations. I work tomorrow, but still have Champagne at the ready
Dec 30, 2018: We augmented the Christmas decorations. I work tomorrow, but still have Champagne at the ready
Dec 30, 2018: Really liking this Beaujolais
Dec 30, 2018: Really liking this Beaujolais
Dec 26, 2018: As the holidays wind down. One final toast to the ole nutcracker for 2018 before he goes away till next year
Dec 26, 2018: As the holidays wind down. One final toast to the ole nutcracker for 2018 before he goes away till next year
Dec 24, 2018: I’m a restaurant manager. I work long hours (compared to most) and late nights. My days off are all over the map. But my wife just goes with the flow …
Dec 24, 2018: I’m a restaurant manager. I work long hours (compared to most) and late nights. My days off are all over the map. But my wife just goes with the flow …
Dec 23, 2018: Aloha ahi ahi
Dec 23, 2018: Aloha ahi ahi
Dec 23, 2018: Ho ho ho. I work on Christmas Eve and day. Today is our Christmas 🎄
Dec 23, 2018: Ho ho ho. I work on Christmas Eve and day. Today is our Christmas 🎄
Dec 23, 2018: Begin
Dec 23, 2018: Begin
Dec 18, 2018: Signed condo docs. Closes in 6 days.
Dec 18, 2018: Signed condo docs. Closes in 6 days.
Dec 16, 2018: I love the Holiday amber ales that come out this time of year
Dec 16, 2018: I love the Holiday amber ales that come out this time of year
Dec 16, 2018: Back at my old haunt for lunch and a a post renovation look see. I managed here through the reno, but left before if was finished
Dec 16, 2018: Back at my old haunt for lunch and a a post renovation look see. I managed here through the reno, but left before if was finished
Dec 15, 2018: We installed a large fan in our living room. To protect those large blades, It starts up gradually, But once she gets going, what a difference. It …
Dec 15, 2018: We installed a large fan in our living room. To protect those large blades, It starts up gradually, But once she gets going, what a difference. It …
Dec 15, 2018: Christmas in the islands.
Dec 15, 2018: Christmas in the islands.
Dec 13, 2018: #sempli IPA glass
Dec 13, 2018: #sempli IPA glass
Dec 13, 2018: Driving in County Wexford, wrong side of the road (for us). Good times. 5 years ago
Dec 13, 2018: Driving in County Wexford, wrong side of the road (for us). Good times. 5 years ago
Dec 11, 2018: Getting festive with #deschutesbrewery Jubelala winter ale.
Dec 11, 2018: Getting festive with #deschutesbrewery Jubelala winter ale.
Dec 11, 2018: My drive home on Alii Drive after a late lunch of Chili Relllenos st @Habaneros Keauhou
Dec 11, 2018: My drive home on Alii Drive after a late lunch of Chili Relllenos st @Habaneros Keauhou
Dec 9, 2018: Black Whole bourbon barrel aged stout. @bigislandbrewhaus Hawaiian Sunday afternoon
Dec 9, 2018: Black Whole bourbon barrel aged stout. @bigislandbrewhaus Hawaiian Sunday afternoon
Dec 6, 2018: Life often throws difficulties in our paths, but then other times, she throws us a reason to smile. #yellowspotwhiskey
Dec 6, 2018: Life often throws difficulties in our paths, but then other times, she throws us a reason to smile. #yellowspotwhiskey
Dec 4, 2018: I feel right at home.
Dec 4, 2018: I feel right at home.
Dec 4, 2018: Walked out on the lanai and see Venus and a sliver of a moon setting over Diamond Head.
Dec 4, 2018: Walked out on the lanai and see Venus and a sliver of a moon setting over Diamond Head.
Dec 3, 2018: Beer is a good thing
Dec 3, 2018: Beer is a good thing
Dec 3, 2018: An insane number of beers on tap.
Dec 3, 2018: An insane number of beers on tap.
Dec 3, 2018: Old hotel, small room, great view.
Dec 3, 2018: Old hotel, small room, great view.
Nov 27, 2018: Some holiday cheer. #ballastpoint
Nov 27, 2018: Some holiday cheer. #ballastpoint
Nov 26, 2018: Holiday pupus with #jwilkes Pinot Noir #weshagen. Made a tomato and roasted pepper soup. Yum 😋
Nov 26, 2018: Holiday pupus with #jwilkes Pinot Noir #weshagen. Made a tomato and roasted pepper soup. Yum 😋
Nov 26, 2018: Roasting peppers, Roma tomatoes and red onion. Making a tomato and pepper soup.
Nov 26, 2018: Roasting peppers, Roma tomatoes and red onion. Making a tomato and pepper soup.
Nov 25, 2018: We had an amazing early anniversary dinner last evening at #labourgogne Kona. I had the fresh catch on Bouillabaisse and Ann had the Tenderloin. We …
Nov 25, 2018: We had an amazing early anniversary dinner last evening at #labourgogne Kona. I had the fresh catch on Bouillabaisse and Ann had the Tenderloin. We …
Nov 25, 2018: ...and so it begins.
Nov 25, 2018: …and so it begins.
Nov 24, 2018: The home projects in the condo continue. We went with the dark door knobs on the newly painted doors throughout. Some things seem mundane, but in …
Nov 24, 2018: The home projects in the condo continue. We went with the dark door knobs on the newly painted doors throughout. Some things seem mundane, but in …
Nov 22, 2018: Sugar pie honey bunch
Nov 22, 2018: Sugar pie honey bunch
Nov 21, 2018: Nice
Nov 21, 2018: Nice
Nov 21, 2018: Some mid day caffeine aloha to help get me through the coming late night
Nov 21, 2018: Some mid day caffeine aloha to help get me through the coming late night
Nov 20, 2018: Sitting around, getting drunk and listening the some classic Hawaiian music. Remembering #cyrilpahinui
Nov 20, 2018: Sitting around, getting drunk and listening the some classic Hawaiian music. Remembering #cyrilpahinui
Nov 19, 2018: Pele, we love you and all, but feel free to stay on an extended break. #clearAir
Nov 19, 2018: Pele, we love you and all, but feel free to stay on an extended break. #clearAir
Nov 17, 2018: I had this pix made for Christmas cards when I was sales manager at a radio station. The caption was “always working for you...even when I’m not”
Nov 17, 2018: I had this pix made for Christmas cards when I was sales manager at a radio station. The caption was “always working for you…even when I’m not”
Nov 13, 2018: Our new sunset view, at least in the fall. Still beats our previous place. This one will be long term
Nov 13, 2018: Our new sunset view, at least in the fall. Still beats our previous place. This one will be long term
Nov 13, 2018: Vouvray Chenin Blanc in a whiskey glass, Because... why not?
Nov 13, 2018: Vouvray Chenin Blanc in a whiskey glass, Because… why not?
Nov 8, 2018: I’m glad there’s a few football matches on today #thearsenal
Nov 8, 2018: I’m glad there’s a few football matches on today #thearsenal
Nov 6, 2018: Black Sand Porter #ftw
Nov 6, 2018: Black Sand Porter #ftw
Nov 6, 2018: History #airportextreme
Nov 6, 2018: History #airportextreme
Nov 5, 2018: This guys must own the Lowe’s parking lot
Nov 5, 2018: This guys must own the Lowe’s parking lot
Nov 4, 2018: Pictures starting to go up. We’re settling in. #moving
Nov 4, 2018: Pictures starting to go up. We’re settling in. #moving
Nov 3, 2018: Looks like #vector found a friend.
Nov 3, 2018: Looks like #vector found a friend.
Nov 1, 2018: Hmm. 3rd Apple event in a row that I’m sitting out and not buying anything. Everything we have still works
Nov 1, 2018: Hmm. 3rd Apple event in a row that I’m sitting out and not buying anything. Everything we have still works
Oct 30, 2018: Hoping to replace all of these with the #neeo It’s not going very well
Oct 30, 2018: Hoping to replace all of these with the #neeo It’s not going very well
Oct 29, 2018: Well it’s done we’re just about all moved. Just s little cleaning in the old place
Oct 29, 2018: Well it’s done we’re just about all moved. Just s little cleaning in the old place
Oct 27, 2018: Had the extreme pleasure of seeing Henry Kapono, Jerry Santos and Kamuela Kimokeo at the Kahilu theater tonight. What a show. Lots of original C&K and …
Oct 27, 2018: Had the extreme pleasure of seeing Henry Kapono, Jerry Santos and Kamuela Kimokeo at the Kahilu theater tonight. What a show. Lots of original C&K and …
Oct 25, 2018: Whew. Wiped out. But at least we’re moved. Only a few things left. Gonna take a while to settle in.
Oct 22, 2018: I guess this is Kona after all. Having breakfast at Lanihau and this guy walks up
Oct 21, 2018: Moonrise
Oct 21, 2018: The #Dodgers will need to put that 1916 World Series loss to the Red Sox at the hands of Babe Ruth behind them. Can’t let that loss linger.
Oct 20, 2018: Checking the progress of the Sauvignon Blanc #unsplash #metrickwines
Oct 19, 2018: Home
Oct 19, 2018: Exit aisle. Lots of legs room, but no window. Well worth it.
Oct 19, 2018: Check out, airport shuttle, check in, drop bags, security, whew. We’re in. Now breakfast
Oct 19, 2018: Up and at em in LA. Travel day
Oct 18, 2018: My first In-n-out with animal fries
Oct 18, 2018: Then there’s this
Oct 18, 2018: Kanaloa Seafood in Santa Barbara
Oct 18, 2018: Fog rolling into Santa Barbara
Oct 18, 2018: Made it to Santa Barbara
Oct 18, 2018: This trip wasn’t only about wine. We had some really good tequilas, the best sherry ever ever had and even some great beer
Oct 18, 2018: Alex from Metrick Winery giving us a taste of some fresh Pinot Noir. Tasted very nouveau
Oct 17, 2018: We ended our day with some great J Wilkes wines. Wes made vegetarian Chili and grilled cheese sandwiches. Yum
Oct 17, 2018: The famous Bien Nacido Vineyards on the bench above the closer Cambria vineyard. Tasted about 6 wines from that vineyard today. Amazing
Oct 17, 2018: These Pinots at Foxen Winery were good, but the Chenin Blanc was to die for. Vines planted in 1963
Oct 17, 2018: Alex from Metrick Winery gave us look behind the curtain.
Oct 17, 2018: Great tasting at Chamisal winery. Amazing Chardonnay and Pinot
Oct 16, 2018: I thought the abundance of sea birds was cool
Oct 16, 2018: Of course we had to stop and see the Elephant seals. I didn’t know this was a thing.
Oct 16, 2018: Hearst Castle. We were going to head up to Monterey, but are running out of day. Heading back south
Oct 16, 2018: Holoholo day. Morro Bay
Oct 16, 2018: We’re alive. Got in to Wes’ house at 3:30 am. A cute little coffee shop in Arroyo Grande.
Oct 15, 2018: Hawaiian Air flight departed 45 min late. Arrived in LAX well after midnight. Flight was packed with triathletes
Oct 14, 2018: If you need a brace, put your phone down
Oct 9, 2018: A little moisture in Kona
Oct 9, 2018: Got Anki #Vector today. Quite the personality. Also keeps going under and behind furniture and getting stuck.
Oct 6, 2018: #nuiitalian at the Hilton. Amazing pizza and pasta. Not to mention the cannoli
Oct 6, 2018: Condiments and beverages
Oct 6, 2018: In that mood
Oct 6, 2018: Popcorn is always good
Oct 4, 2018: Save the last dance for me
Oct 3, 2018: Interesting finds while going through boxes in a closet prior to our upcoming move. #Palm #iSight
Oct 3, 2018: Power
Oct 2, 2018: What a start to the baseball playoffs. Hope the rest is equally as fun (except for Cubs fans)
Oct 2, 2018: Mac OS 10.5.6
Oct 2, 2018: Still have a few of these.
Oct 2, 2018: Found these old post cards while going through boxes prior to our move. Circa 1940s there’s one of the Willows Restaurant. I was a cook there in …
Oct 1, 2018: Smith Union - I’ve had beers there, many time through the years. I'd like be able to go back. “This is not a hipster bar,” he says. “This is real …
Sep 29, 2018: Lots of lightning just north of Kona
Sep 26, 2018: Way to go #ESPN #Arsenal on the left #parmacalcio1913 on the right
Sep 25, 2018: I love a good Beaujolais as the day winds down.
Sep 19, 2018: What madame Pele takes, she soon returns. One of many new black sand beaches in Puna. This one at Poho’iki
Sep 18, 2018: My drive home with a hard to make out early star in the upper portion.
Sep 17, 2018: This just happened
Sep 15, 2018: A nice central coast Rose for the warm muggy Kona afternoon. #malenewines And yes that’s an #Arsenal wine stopper
Sep 15, 2018: my phone survivied another IOS Beta. Always say it will be my last, but I can never resist a shiny new OS
Sep 14, 2018: Sticking with my iphone 7S, hopefully for another year. I love my home button and 3D touch. Will probably get a Watch 4 over the holidays. my 1 year …
Sep 13, 2018: Came across this old pic my Dad took of Kaimu Black sand beach in Kalapana prior to the 1990 lava flow
Sep 13, 2018: Hawaii's hurricane dance is winding down. till next time Mother Nature
Sep 10, 2018: :-)
Sep 10, 2018: I’m gonna be a happy idiot and struggle for the legal tender.
Sep 9, 2018: Mahalo #canoehouse for an amazing and romantic evening. From the pupu platter to the scallops, the curry shrimp, house made ice cream and finally the …
Sep 8, 2018: One last dinner at the Canoe House before the hotel closes for renovation
Sep 8, 2018: As Hurrinace #Olivia continues to drift more south and pick up forward momentum, it will become more of an issue for Hawaii Island, even and TS. Being …
Sep 8, 2018: Taste of Hawaii Island We (Sansei Seafood and Sushi) participated in the Taste of Hawaii Island, which is part of the Run for Hope weekend at the Four Seasons Hualālai. We …
Sep 7, 2018: Current status
Sep 5, 2018: Hard time believing that I actually stood in line and couldn’t wait to get this little phone.
Sep 4, 2018: Tempercraft vs Hydroflask in a hot Hawaiian mid day sun in a car. Multiple day tests. Tempercraft by a long shot.
Sep 3, 2018: Keto Chili in the oven. 5 types of chilis, lot's diverse kick.
Sep 2, 2018: The longer I have an Apple Watch, the less I want on the face. I want it for what it does in the background, heath moitoring and notifications are …
Sep 1, 2018: if #PARMA can play all season like the played today against Juve, it will be a good campaign
Aug 31, 2018: RJ and Randy at the Luxury Cinema. [@clay](
Aug 31, 2018: Perfect #keto
Aug 30, 2018: then there’s the Kohalas
Aug 30, 2018: And to think, a week ago we were in the throes of Hurricane Lane. Love the tropics.
Aug 30, 2018: A fixer upper, great neighborhood though (Ahualoa mauka)
Aug 28, 2018: There’s no VOG and the hurricane has moved on so it must just be Mother Nature.
Aug 28, 2018: Looking at my Social Security statement, it's amazing how little i made when I was younger and I seemed to be just fine financially.
Aug 28, 2018: I have found that since eliminating carbs and sugar how little I need to eat to be totally funtional.
Aug 27, 2018: Couldn't pull the trigger on a homepod, I've had Bose soundtouch for years, but got a Sonos speaker. Will move in that directions throughout the …
Aug 27, 2018: IOS Betas are coming hot and fast. GM must be close
Aug 26, 2018: Just deleted my Twitter history except the past 2 months. Twitter is still relevant for info (if following correct accounts), but no longer good for …
Aug 25, 2018: We’ve done it. Full estate planning; health directives, living trust, power of attorney, will and much more. Now I can live with reckless abandon …
Aug 24, 2018: It took a couple of days, but looks like we’re getting our’s
Aug 22, 2018: Colorful pre hurricane sunset
Aug 21, 2018: On a lighter note, my new Traveler Notebook showed up today. Love it
Aug 21, 2018: I’m ready for #hurricanelane
Aug 18, 2018: Venus over Mauna Lani bay
Aug 18, 2018: Nice day at the pool
Aug 18, 2018: Current status #relaxed
Aug 17, 2018: And then there’s population density
Aug 17, 2018: Numbers only a nerd could love. The annual Hawaii Data book. I couldn’t live on Oahu.
Aug 14, 2018: Great evening. My wife and I just got drunk drinking wine and singing with The Rolling Stones
Aug 14, 2018: A young French Rose from Provenance and a 10yo California Pinot. Yin and Yang ☯️
Aug 8, 2018: Wine glasses
Aug 4, 2018: It’s very clear even with all of the lava flows and. brush fires
Aug 4, 2018: It’s very clear even with all of the lava flows and. brush fires
Jul 31, 2018: Morning jumbo java
Jul 28, 2018: Quite the crowd assembling at Twilight at Kalahuipua’a
Jul 28, 2018: Date night. Early dinner at #Napua. Then Twilight at Kalahuipua’a
Jul 28, 2018: Towels
Jul 24, 2018: Ode to Poho’iki. I really think she’ll be gone by morning. So many memories. And Uncle Ula (the unofficial mayor) who drowned at Poho’iki trying to …
Jul 21, 2018: Koi
Jul 16, 2018: I have a hard time with authority
Jul 16, 2018: My travel over the last couple of years.
Jul 12, 2018: We held the Poho’iki Challenge for many years. The race went to Kehena. Hopefully Pele spares Poho’iki. These pix are from 2006. Mahalo …
Jul 12, 2018: The volcanic haze is so bad today, you can only see a little wisp of Hualalai at the bottom. #hawaiinewsnow
Jul 11, 2018: Old school. Local style
Jul 11, 2018: Aloha shirts. It’s what I wear to work
Jul 10, 2018: Hazy sunset. Thinking this volcanic haze will be around for quite a while.
Jul 7, 2018: #sciencefriday at the Kahilu Theater in Waimea. #HPR
Jul 4, 2018: In case you missed them, a short clip of the Waikoloa Fireworks... in slow mo
Jul 4, 2018: Firecracker Roll and Cajun Opakapaka Tonight’s specials
Jun 30, 2018: Birthday present from my baby
Jun 30, 2018: Keokea. Paddled out of here many times
Jun 30, 2018: the North Kohala Coast and the Alanuihaha channel
Jun 23, 2018: South Kohala is stunning on this (vogless) day of gusty trade winds. Please hang around for a few days trades
Jun 23, 2018: with all of the volcanic haze in West Hawaii. Almost forgot what clear blue skies look like.
Jun 17, 2018: Battling the thick volcanic haze. Small air purifier to an in room air conditioner to a fan to push it to the rest of the condo to a monster air …
Jun 17, 2018: My Dad passed last year. Richard Botti. High profile Hawaii lobbyists and political peace maker. Hawaii could sure use his sensibility now. Happy …
Jun 14, 2018: #Volcano. #Kapoho #momentlens
Jun 13, 2018: dry aged
Jun 12, 2018: everywhere the flow is used to be homes
Jun 12, 2018: Had a chance to fly over the volcano areas this morning. Sad and amazing all at once.
Jun 12, 2018: wiped off the earth. This overlay shows what the lava has covered in lower Puna. It also shows how far offshore the flow is so far
Jun 9, 2018: Patiently waiting for the World Cup
Jun 5, 2018: Kapoho Bay. A few weeks ago, and today filled with lava.
Jun 4, 2018: Vogs end. Nice clear to the north (left) thick vog to the south
Jun 3, 2018: The top is Honolulu (very clear). The bottom is coming into Kona (into the volcanic haze). Striking.
Jun 3, 2018: Great story about Max in the Hawaiian Air Hana Hou magazine. I’m proud to say I’ve known Max for 30+ years.
Jun 3, 2018: Sugar cane was once a pillar of Hawaii’s economy. Now it’s used in Landscaping
Jun 2, 2018: Perfect late night combination
Jun 2, 2018: Five Guys Burgers. #ftw
May 30, 2018: Let the dry aging begin
May 28, 2018: The road to nowhere. [](
May 28, 2018: Contrary to popular belief outside of Hawaii, only a very small part of the state is in danger (0.063%)
May 27, 2018: Ok. This sets the bar rather low
May 27, 2018: Brought the family bowling in this volcanic hazy day
May 23, 2018: Thank you media for creating this perception.
May 22, 2018: Family sized and single serve
May 19, 2018: Sunset fishing
May 17, 2018: Closed for the night. Tomorrow is Aloha Friday. Late night karaoke
May 17, 2018: We may not have Lava or ash in West Hawaii, but the volcanic haze is thick as soup
May 15, 2018: Large sections of the highway widening are ready to go
May 14, 2018: Pele is upset about something [](
May 13, 2018: This is an amazing shot from late yesterday that shows the newest outbreak in the lower right and the geothermal plant just above and right of center. …
May 10, 2018: Feel like is a fresh start
May 8, 2018: The Strawberry Mules were top notch
May 8, 2018: The tools at the ready for afternoon strawberry mules.
May 8, 2018: Was wondering what all of the commotion was outside. A young buck was getting frisky with a doe and another buck took exception. This ruckus carried …
May 6, 2018: My favorite knife
May 3, 2018: #lanikaibrewingcompany Pillbox Porter in my favorite #Annabelle’s glass from my Alaska fishing trip a few years ago
May 3, 2018: #lanikaibrewingcompany Pillbox Porter in my favorite #Annabelle’s glass from my Alaska fishing trip a few years ago
May 1, 2018: Pint and a shot #guinness #tullamoredew
May 1, 2018: Pint and a shot #guinness #tullamoredew
Apr 30, 2018: Spirits
Apr 30, 2018: Spirits
Apr 27, 2018: A pick me up before the dinner rush
Apr 27, 2018: A pick me up before the dinner rush
Apr 24, 2018: White Mountain porter
Apr 24, 2018: White Mountain porter
Apr 20, 2018: 🍀
Apr 20, 2018: 🍀
Apr 16, 2018: The waiting
Apr 16, 2018: The waiting
Apr 15, 2018: Wireless I like #Airpods for simplicity and small size, #Bose for sound quality, #Bragi for geekiness and the #Bose sleep buds are a special use case …
Apr 15, 2018: Wireless I like #Airpods for simplicity and small size, #Bose for sound quality, #Bragi for geekiness and the #Bose sleep buds are a special use case …
Apr 14, 2018: Leaning trees
Apr 14, 2018: Irish Irie Stout #bigislandbrewhaus
Apr 14, 2018: Leaning trees
Apr 14, 2018: Irish Irie Stout #bigislandbrewhaus
Apr 12, 2018: Currently in my whisky cabinet.
Apr 11, 2018: This is my last day managing at the beautiful Hapuna Beach Resort. Going back to stand alone restaurant life.
Apr 6, 2018: Tools
Apr 6, 2018: Sunset with a rain squall sneaking in behind it.
Apr 2, 2018: The friends
Apr 1, 2018: Fisherman
Apr 1, 2018: Put a lovin in your heart.
Apr 1, 2018: New job (in two weeks) requires new shirts.
Mar 31, 2018: Post sunset
Mar 31, 2018: Yum.
Mar 30, 2018: A couple of more weeks of these sunsets before I go work at an indoor restaurant.
Mar 27, 2018: I love a good steel sauté pan. #versatility
Mar 25, 2018: Sunset at home vs sunset at work (at least for now)
Mar 24, 2018: Wet spring day. Not everyone can see the sunshine when it’s ☔️
Mar 21, 2018: Wait for it, wait for it, wait for it...
Mar 20, 2018: Hawaiian Beer
Mar 19, 2018: Homeward bound. Much St Patrick’s weekend Inebriation.
Mar 19, 2018: Nothing says Hawaii like artificial grass at a shopping center
Mar 18, 2018: Pleasant day in Honolulu
Mar 15, 2018: Weather
Mar 14, 2018: C:\DOS
Mar 9, 2018: Current status
Mar 6, 2018: Another one bites the dust #tullamoredewirishwhiskey
Mar 5, 2018: I’ve never noticed all of that text on the back of my watch. Cool
Feb 24, 2018: My knives
Feb 23, 2018: His and hers. Porter and Cabernet
Feb 17, 2018: My wife @anniebodyhere is quite the barista.
Feb 14, 2018: Little birdie on my window ledge.
Feb 13, 2018: Tonight’s libations. Because. Why not
Feb 11, 2018: That brush fire is throwing up a lot of smoke
Feb 10, 2018: Brush fire north of Pu’uanahulu #hawaiinewsnow
Feb 7, 2018: Have a seat
Feb 7, 2018: Don’t like the weather, wait an hour
Feb 7, 2018: No need to remember to charge
Feb 6, 2018: Always liked this album. Sound track for the islands. #Sashamom
Feb 6, 2018: Kona Ola brewery Pale Ale
Feb 6, 2018: I love my #Sempli beer glasses. Works of art
Feb 6, 2018: Baked French toast how I love thee
Feb 2, 2018: Damn good coffee...and hot. #twinpeaks
Feb 1, 2018: Red red wine
Jan 31, 2018: Vent stack. That’s a lot of gas.
Jan 31, 2018: One for the road
Jan 30, 2018: Goodnight moon
Jan 29, 2018: We don’t have much of a view from our home back lanai, but it’s more than made up for with the view I have at work.
Jan 29, 2018: The baton has been passed
Jan 26, 2018: Three guys work, three guys watch. Thought they were county workers as first.
Jan 26, 2018: Poor old sod
Jan 25, 2018: We may be under renovation, but we still have this
Jan 25, 2018: When you have a big enough cup, it all fits at once. Kind of like life.
Jan 24, 2018: New snow on Mauna Kea today
Jan 22, 2018: Day off
Jan 22, 2018: Yay. We’re going to Italy in May. Milan - Piacenza - Balogna - Venice 7,838 miles from Kona
Jan 21, 2018: Playoff football. My team is long gone, but’s quite the American spectacle.
Jan 21, 2018: Cona vacuum coffee brewer
Jan 19, 2018: Pipes
Jan 17, 2018: Lining up the juicers. All fresh drinks baby
Jan 15, 2018: Late morning cup of decapitated coffee ☕️
Jan 15, 2018: I have found the Beats OE headphones to be not that comfortable at all.
Jan 14, 2018: Looks more like dessert than body lotion
Jan 14, 2018: Do what you will #Arsenal #Dodgers return soon enough.
Jan 14, 2018: We bought a dining set at Costco and unpacked it in the parking lot to fit it in my Hyundai Accent.
Jan 14, 2018: Visitors in the ‘hood
Jan 14, 2018: 14 weeks. Kind of like when you have a baby. You count their age by weeks for an indeterminate amount of time.
Jan 12, 2018: We’re back
Jan 10, 2018: Now this is cool. A portable crane. Operated by remote
Jan 8, 2018: Today I will be playing with food. The pork loin chops are currently in the brine. This evening we will have smoked pork loins.
Jan 8, 2018: My office view
Jan 6, 2018: Someone gave me these for Christmas. Not quite sure what to do with them. I’m kind of a coffee cup nerd and have my favorites. It will sit here for a …
Jan 4, 2018: His and hers Christmas gifts. Mine is the Whiskey (in case you were wondering)
Jan 4, 2018: Kickstarter rarely delivers on time. But when it does deliver. Wow
Jan 4, 2018: First day off in 17 days. Glad the holiday season is over. @bigislandbrewhaus #whitemountainporter #fosterskitchen
Jan 2, 2018: My goal in 2018 is to not go to the Hospital, at all.
Jan 2, 2018: Mochi Happy New Years
Jan 1, 2018: Well, there we go, 2018 is off to a great start. Let’s make it a good one ☝️
Dec 31, 2017: We open soon. 3 day count down. #NaupakaBeachGrille
Dec 28, 2017: We’re back
Dec 26, 2017: Starting a new list
Dec 26, 2017: Murders row of coffee equipment
Dec 26, 2017: Hazy, but not a cloud in the sky
Dec 25, 2017: The First Christmas in my life without my Dad. I miss his wit and wisdom.
Dec 25, 2017: Santa was good to me. One helps me feel better, one helps me look better.
Dec 24, 2017: We’ll have snow on Mauna Kea for Christmas
Dec 23, 2017: Here’s the stuff
Dec 23, 2017: Got this at work today
Dec 21, 2017: Lots of snow on Mauna Kea today
Dec 19, 2017: Valves
Dec 19, 2017: Waiting on queue in this moist West Hawaii morning
Dec 18, 2017: Cafe Au Lait. At home #FTW
Dec 14, 2017: Dawn is breaking
Dec 13, 2017: A sea of rental cars
Dec 12, 2017: Sunrise over the shoulder of Mauna Kea
Dec 11, 2017: Sunrise on a hazy, voggy morning.
Dec 9, 2017: Then there’s this. #LongboardLager
Dec 9, 2017: Espresso Doppio. Need to be awake to pick up my wife at the airport later tonight.
Dec 8, 2017: Settle in
Dec 8, 2017: A strip of pre sunrise sunlight on Mauna Kea
Dec 7, 2017: What’s this world coming too, Who would stab a poor helpless beer?
Dec 6, 2017: High clouds
Dec 4, 2017: Day has broken. Sun rises over the shoulder of Hualalai on a hazy day
Dec 3, 2017: Reuben’s Mexican #tasty
Dec 3, 2017: Still snow on Mauna Loa
Dec 3, 2017: Moon set
Dec 2, 2017: We have weather.
Dec 1, 2017: Who remembers these
Dec 1, 2017: No more rain but very windy
Dec 1, 2017: Morning blend
Nov 29, 2017: Ten weeks post-op. Outside healing well. Inside still a ways to go. Months I’m told.
Nov 27, 2017: Wai Aqua water 💦
Nov 27, 2017: That must be one tasty burger...
Nov 27, 2017: First snow of the season on Mauna Kea
Nov 27, 2017: The land of no Aloha
Nov 27, 2017: Very cool overcast day off in Kona #uncommon #hawaiinewsnowphoto
Nov 26, 2017: Put an SSD in this old beast to give it a new life for my 8 yo grandson.
Nov 25, 2017: This real, unedited
Nov 24, 2017: Working at a desk in the main kitchen. At least it smells good
Nov 23, 2017: Looks like a rather moist Thanksgiving in Waimea
Nov 21, 2017: The moon chasing the sun into the ocean
Nov 21, 2017: Framing
Nov 20, 2017: Afternoon delight
Nov 19, 2017: Power adapters
Nov 19, 2017: Gift cards
Nov 19, 2017: The motley crew
Nov 19, 2017: That was a fun trip. Hit the limit in Salmon and Halibut every day. #Alaska #2008
Nov 17, 2017: Big empty room
Nov 17, 2017: There’s a lot of construction going on, then there’s this
Nov 16, 2017: There is beauty all over the world, but my parents moved here when I was wee lad.
Nov 13, 2017: This past weekend. #hdr @yourtake
Nov 13, 2017: I picked up the iPhone one I had in a drawer today. It felt so small
Nov 13, 2017: I’m almost due for a new Mac
Nov 11, 2017: Data cables
Nov 10, 2017: Giving the French press a break today. #aeropress #konacoffee
Nov 9, 2017: Bye bye Thursday
Nov 8, 2017: Pipes
Nov 7, 2017: Where are these stairs supposed to go?
Nov 6, 2017: Life was good, but it just got a little better #GreenSpot
Nov 5, 2017: The iPhone is an amazing camera.
Nov 3, 2017: Aloha Friday
Nov 2, 2017: Heaven. for celebrating rehab milestones.
Nov 2, 2017: 100% Kona. Estate grown. Yum!
Nov 1, 2017: Today I got up, went to physical therapy, came to work, went to some meetings, talked to some guests, answered some emails, then this happened.
Oct 31, 2017: Don’t usually see this in the morning.
Oct 29, 2017: Aloha weekend
Oct 29, 2017: 39 days post opp. Back at work. My knee still has a long way to go, but it’s great being among good friends.
Oct 28, 2017: Shut in. Sports Saturday
Oct 27, 2017: After many years of knee pain, I accumulated quite collection of knee braces. Boxing them up, hopefully for s long time.
Oct 27, 2017: 37 days post total knee replacement. My Dr was very pleased. Way ahead of schedule. Walking mostly unaided, albeit slowly. Good range of motion. …
Oct 22, 2017: Mis en place
Oct 20, 2017: Dropped some coin for this collection of boxes.
Oct 20, 2017: Start back to work in 9 days. Very nervous. My knee feels so fragile. My Dr. made a point to tell me that TKR is a very traumatic procedure BUT I now …
Oct 19, 2017: Bougainvillea
Oct 19, 2017: Really bummed out. Finally unpacked the last box from our move and still can’t find my favorite wireless ear buds (Hear One) they were on my desk …
Oct 15, 2017: Stairs to nowhere
Oct 15, 2017: Having major surgery like a knee replacement (or any other major medical problem) makes ones world very small. Anytime I try to reach beyond that …
Oct 14, 2017: Here comes the sun
Oct 14, 2017: Blinds
Oct 14, 2017: There she is
Oct 14, 2017: Sunset / Sunrise
Oct 13, 2017: Honu
Oct 12, 2017: Irish
Oct 11, 2017: iPod evolution
Oct 10, 2017: 100% Kona
Oct 9, 2017: 18 days post knee replacement. Walking around the with no walking aids (cane, crutches or walker) for the first time #milestone
Oct 8, 2017: After of political BS, Mother Nature steps up.
Oct 7, 2017: Scrum
Oct 6, 2017: Bye Friday
Oct 6, 2017: Goodnight moon
Oct 4, 2017: 2 weeks post opp. Been pushing my knee hard the past few days. Giving it the rest of the day off.
Oct 1, 2017: ... this was my quiver earlier this week after I got new Watch & IPhone, before I started selling things.
Oct 1, 2017: Another era
Sep 30, 2017: Be careful with those orthopedic surgeons @searambo I went to see one about my knee and cane home with this.
Sep 25, 2017: A blast from the past. Found while going through some boxes of old tech stuff
Sep 23, 2017: Cryo therapy
Sep 18, 2017: My old club and coach on #hawaiinewsnowsunrise #kaiehitu
Sep 18, 2017: Our VP and GM on #hawaiinewsnowsunrise
Sep 17, 2017: Current status
Sep 16, 2017: Ahhhh
Sep 12, 2017: For all of the Cat lovers
Sep 9, 2017: Kinamona Stout
Sep 8, 2017: My post surgical treat
Sep 8, 2017: Damn good coffee, and hot #visittwinpeaks
Sep 8, 2017: Current status
Sep 5, 2017: Looks like a painting.
Sep 5, 2017: Flowers in a lava field
Sep 1, 2017: A true work of art. Arrived in Hawaii in perfect shape. @glenningstagram
Sep 1, 2017: West Hawai‘i traffic. #miniHonolulu
Aug 29, 2017: What will Beta 8 kill on this phone?
Aug 26, 2017: Hawai‘i is really really small when you look at it like this
Aug 26, 2017: A true masterpiece of music
Aug 26, 2017: A masterpiece
Aug 20, 2017: Today it does this, tomorrow it gets eclipsed by the moon
Aug 20, 2017: This was my idea
Aug 20, 2017: A final few minutes of chill before the weekend getaway ends, then off to work.
Aug 19, 2017: Current status
Aug 18, 2017: Weekend staycation
Aug 18, 2017: Oops. Let it run down a bit too much
Aug 16, 2017: Pink Plumeria
Aug 15, 2017: Current status
Aug 15, 2017: Current status
Aug 12, 2017: Sunset from the new place. No ocean view, but at a slightly cooler elevation
Aug 12, 2017: Nothing says 1980s like Sade
Aug 11, 2017: Ok
Aug 11, 2017: Moonrise over Mauna Kea
Aug 10, 2017: Current view
Jul 28, 2017: Home
Jul 27, 2017: Misty rainy day up in Waimea
Jul 23, 2017: Home sweet home
Jul 23, 2017: Hotel managing expectations
Jul 23, 2017: Yum
Jul 23, 2017: Shadows
Jul 22, 2017: Tourists can do it, why can't locals? Chillin on the beach at Waikiki
Jul 22, 2017: Dozens of surfers at Waikiki
Jul 21, 2017: Sugar cane being used as an ornamental plant. Strange.
Jul 21, 2017: Holo holo weekend
Jul 20, 2017: The sun is the same in a relative way, but you’re older. Racing around to come up behind you again.
Jul 20, 2017: South Kohala awakens
Jul 18, 2017: Sunset pau. Ready for some dinner
Jul 16, 2017: This is happening right now
Jul 15, 2017: Ok. One more
Jul 15, 2017: A stop on the way home from Hilo. Fun day
Jul 15, 2017: Beautiful day at the Panaewa Zoo
Jul 12, 2017: A dinner shift worth of food checks
Jul 10, 2017: Homeward bound
Jul 3, 2017: Large equipment on the road. Try 35 mph
Jul 1, 2017: #chillaxin
Jun 30, 2017: Yum. Worth the wait
Jun 26, 2017: The moon chasing the sun into the sea
Jun 25, 2017: It’s my Monday, but it’s the end of s great Hawaiian weekend for most.
Jun 24, 2017: South Kohala how I love thee
Jun 24, 2017: Wide open road
Jun 19, 2017: Yum
Jun 12, 2017: Fill ‘er up. Can you also check the washer fluid?
Jun 5, 2017: My office view
Jun 1, 2017: Proliferation of devices
May 30, 2017: Top was last Thursday. Bottom is today. Just a little voggy
May 29, 2017: Aloha weekend
May 29, 2017: Day off
May 29, 2017: 60k + and I still love this Hyundai Accent car
May 28, 2017: It's was a nice day
May 27, 2017: King tide
May 27, 2017: Bacon
May 26, 2017: There's no 13th floor... but
May 21, 2017: South Kohala, you are looking absolute delicious this morning
May 20, 2017: 🤠
May 17, 2017: One tree trying to kick start Spring in its own
May 17, 2017: Pu'uanahulu
May 17, 2017: Just sitting in traffic on Mamalahoa Hwy due to a bad accident on Queen K. At least there's a view.
May 15, 2017: Thrill thrill.
May 14, 2017: Weekend pau. Hana hou for most
May 14, 2017: Oops
May 12, 2017: The home office
May 12, 2017: Nuff said
May 10, 2017: Clouds
May 3, 2017: Mauna Kea looking very majestic after days of stormy weather. Still a little snow up there.
May 1, 2017: (-:
Apr 30, 2017: A little moist
Apr 24, 2017: Atmospheric moisture
Apr 22, 2017: Orange
Apr 20, 2017: Stuck in the middle of the Waiakea forest reserve
Apr 20, 2017: Until you break it
Apr 20, 2017: Hello Hilo
Apr 20, 2017: Sunrise on saddle road
Apr 17, 2017: Equipment needed for Easter Brunch at a hotel
Apr 15, 2017: A hazy Mauna Kea in the distance
Apr 14, 2017: Sitting in Kona Brew Pub having a fresh IPA with a bar full of good ol boys enjoying each other's company. Pretty cool
Apr 14, 2017: Black Sand Porter
Apr 13, 2017: Crema
Apr 10, 2017: Home
Apr 10, 2017: Finally back in voggy after a long day of travel. All of my devices have reset back to Hawaii time
Apr 10, 2017: Sunrise over the east bay as we wait to fly home. The medical staff at Sequoia Hospital were amazing
Apr 9, 2017: Dog friendly shopping center
Apr 9, 2017: After days of rain. Beautiful Sunday afternoon in Palo Alto
Apr 9, 2017: In the eye of the Apple
Apr 6, 2017: Java
Apr 6, 2017: Sausage
Apr 5, 2017: Up up and away
Apr 5, 2017: Off we go
Apr 4, 2017: Did you just hear the hissing sound when the sun hit the water.
Mar 30, 2017: Oh. Then there's this
Mar 30, 2017: The first CD I've purchased in many years. #nahenahe
Mar 28, 2017: Cup o Joe
Mar 28, 2017: School's back in session.
Mar 23, 2017: Finally got my light phone today. Can't wait to use it at work and leave my iPhone in my office.
Mar 23, 2017: 11am. WTF
Mar 22, 2017: What a difference a couple of days makes
Mar 18, 2017: Still a little snow up there
Mar 18, 2017: Couldn't resist stopping on the way home after work. I've been Irish (and Italian) longer than anything in my life
Mar 17, 2017: Erin go Bragh
Mar 13, 2017: Venus setting just above the left edge of the Keawe tree
Mar 12, 2017: Complimentary
Mar 9, 2017: This is nuts.
Mar 9, 2017: Complete white out in South Kohala
Mar 7, 2017: We need change
Mar 6, 2017: Getting off early isn't always a benefit.
Mar 3, 2017: A little muggy, a beautiful day in Kona otherwise
Mar 2, 2017: Hualalai is amazingly clear today
Mar 1, 2017: Lots of new snow on Mauna Kea
Feb 25, 2017: White out... and not the snow kind
Feb 24, 2017: My reward. Vanilla Thrilla Imperial stout
Feb 24, 2017: One reasons I like working nights is that it doesn't take two hours to get home
Feb 23, 2017: Though I was home from Honolulu
Feb 23, 2017: Holoholo
Feb 23, 2017: I love sunsets. Each day is a new opportunity. Sunset is a good time to evaluate how it's going.
Feb 22, 2017: ...and she was yellow
Feb 19, 2017: Cold ones
Feb 18, 2017: Sunset with my baby
Feb 15, 2017: Current status
Feb 13, 2017: Early Valentines. I work tomorrow night.
Feb 12, 2017: Great weather after yesterday's storm
Feb 11, 2017: Rain squall up mauka earlier today
Feb 8, 2017: Moonrise
Feb 8, 2017: any questions?
Feb 8, 2017: Epic day at Kailua bay
Feb 7, 2017: Something fishy
Feb 5, 2017: 40th Anniversary of Rumours. I had the 8-track, cassette, CD and now iTunes version
Feb 4, 2017: We're on a road to nowhere Come on inside Taking that ride to nowhere We'll take that ride
Jan 31, 2017: Grove
Jan 30, 2017: Choices
Jan 29, 2017: It's a postcard day
Jan 29, 2017: The long and winding road
Jan 25, 2017: Clarity
Jan 24, 2017: Rat's nest
Jan 23, 2017: Hapuna sunset
Jan 20, 2017: My kind of protester.
Jan 20, 2017: At least there's football on
Jan 20, 2017: Pipes
Jan 19, 2017: This was a very good retropetive of the Old men. This was a very good retropetive of the Old men. I really like the movie and love the view of Anton and Llewelyn as the the Yin and Yan of movie
Jan 14, 2017: The sweeps are lining up at Hapuna.
Jan 13, 2017: Bacon wrapped Rib Eye
Jan 12, 2017: Same place. 3 days apart. The volcanic haze is brutal today
Jan 10, 2017: Mauna Kea snow through the vog
Jan 5, 2017: It's comic'
Jan 4, 2017: Wavy wall
Jan 1, 2017: First sunset of the year. Let's get on with it 2017
Dec 29, 2016: How I feel today vs how I need to act today
Dec 28, 2016: Rainy Waimea
Dec 23, 2016: Playing around.
Dec 23, 2016: I know there's taco Tuesday. What about enchilada Friday?
Dec 20, 2016: High clouds
Dec 19, 2016: This is much better
Dec 19, 2016: Walking in a winter wonderland
Dec 19, 2016: If you have to ask why I love here.
Dec 18, 2016: So much for going up the coast for a cruise.
Dec 16, 2016: Well I'm ready for the brisk match day weather, unfortunately I'm 7300 miles away. #arsenal
Dec 15, 2016: And construction is delayed a year while thousands of people waste hundreds of hours sitting in this.
Dec 14, 2016: Mauna Kea. #momentlens
Dec 14, 2016: Fresh ramen noodles and the soup wasn't added in advance so the noodles didn't get soggy. Yum
Dec 12, 2016: There's an app for that
Dec 11, 2016: Dawn is breaking... and no rain
Dec 8, 2016: Things you see in the tunnels of a hotel
Dec 8, 2016: Wet morning up the Kohala Coast #hawaiinewsnow
Dec 6, 2016: Home
Dec 6, 2016: My wife uses office supplies to seal up food containers.
Dec 5, 2016: The weather is here, wish you were beautiful - Jimmy Buffett
Dec 5, 2016: Kohala Mountains. Amazing clarity after two days of rain
Dec 5, 2016: Lawae in the rain
Dec 3, 2016: There's tons of snow on Mauna Kea ... behind these clouds, so I'm told
Dec 2, 2016: Fried Tempura Ice Cream Yum
Dec 1, 2016: Tis the season
Nov 30, 2016: Pipeline Sequence
Nov 29, 2016: 5 mph
Nov 29, 2016: Hualalai
Nov 25, 2016: Then this happened
Nov 25, 2016: "I'm gonna be a happy idiot and struggle for the legal tender" Jackson Browne
Nov 22, 2016: Think you're having a bad day? This wedding party is try to take their beach wedding pics in a sand storm
Nov 22, 2016: Let's do this
Nov 17, 2016: Day off music #pinkfloyd
Nov 15, 2016: Now what were you saying about Hawaii's cost of living? This is free
Nov 14, 2016: Stuff you see in the back hallways of a hotel
Nov 12, 2016: Voggy sunset
Nov 11, 2016: A slice of heaven
Nov 10, 2016: Soon to be Ginger houses.
Nov 5, 2016: Hapuna
Oct 31, 2016: As a matter of fact, this IS my wall
Oct 30, 2016: Current status
Oct 28, 2016: The race track is out
Oct 26, 2016: Blue
Oct 26, 2016: The Kohalas and blue skies
Oct 26, 2016: Resort
Oct 25, 2016: Mauna Kea
Oct 24, 2016: Lots of scratches around lightning port on my phone. Trying to plug in cable in the dark or in the car.
Oct 18, 2016: #BigIslandLife. Utility pole down in Honalo, so we sit on the bypass road. At least the view is nice #hawaiinewsnow.
Oct 15, 2016: I went out side for some fresh air and a break from the ball game and saw this.
Oct 15, 2016: A red Lotus in Kona
Oct 12, 2016: Overcast and voggy in Kona.
Oct 9, 2016: My current home office desk. Reclaimed lumber desk top. 'Ohia wood legs. Photo of Waikiki 1926 on the wall
Oct 8, 2016: Quite the spectacle. The leaders of the Ironman.
Oct 8, 2016: Ironman day. I'm home watching football
Oct 6, 2016: Spent many days here
Oct 6, 2016: Wassup Hilo. Long time no see. What da scoops li dat?
Oct 5, 2016: Sometimes too many choices is a really good thing.
Oct 4, 2016: No flood warning here.
Oct 4, 2016: #national🌮taco🌮day
Oct 2, 2016: Fresh onshore winds at Hapuna. Beats staying at home any day
Sep 28, 2016: Fall is here.
Sep 27, 2016: Cleaning out a closet and came across this blast from the past #Lucid
Sep 26, 2016: Mauna Kea very clear today
Sep 22, 2016: Clear day, and the moon is still out
Sep 20, 2016: Grand Funk Railroad
Sep 20, 2016: Life's choices
Sep 18, 2016: Paniau.
Sep 17, 2016: First time just sitting by the ocean in a long time. I miss this
Sep 9, 2016: This happened yesterday. Love the colors nature can display. #fshualalai
Sep 6, 2016: The Doctor is explaining what's wrong with my knee
Sep 6, 2016: This isn't an Italian restaurant
Sep 6, 2016: Shadows
Sep 6, 2016: Chairs
Sep 5, 2016: Mahalo to whoever returned the Kohala Mountains
Sep 4, 2016: Missing: The Kohala Mountains. They were last seen (top photo) prior to Hurricane Lester. If you find them, please return
Sep 3, 2016: Rainbow. Usually means rain
Sep 2, 2016: Once Lester moves on, it's clear sailing for the near future
Aug 31, 2016: Kona people are all smitten. Just wait.
Aug 30, 2016: The night before hurricane day. Be safe
Aug 27, 2016: Peek a boo
Aug 26, 2016: Just secured the last bottle on the island. #greenspotwhiskey
Aug 26, 2016: The wall above the desk in my home office
Aug 26, 2016: Finished off the growler of Pedaler's Pilsner #konabrewery
Aug 25, 2016: Don't catch many sunsets at home these days
Aug 24, 2016: The beef is here #fshualalai
Aug 21, 2016: Palms
Aug 20, 2016: Plumeria
Aug 19, 2016: The Kohalas
Aug 19, 2016: USA Men's Volleyball rolling
Aug 18, 2016: How could you not fall in love with a product where the company took so much care in packing it to insure that I received it as they intended. #lodge
Aug 18, 2016: The last beer in the fridge. "We will leave no man behind"
Aug 18, 2016: A tall beer needs a tall glass #deschutes #Sempli
Aug 14, 2016: Orange. I guess the sky listened
Aug 14, 2016: Threatening skies. I went out and waved my fist at the sky and threatened back. You don't scare me.
Aug 13, 2016: Get the Led out
Aug 11, 2016: Shadows
Aug 7, 2016: Palms
Aug 6, 2016: Summer Bash 20. Celebrating 20 years at Hualalai #fshualalai
Aug 4, 2016: My monthly trip to West Side Wines
Aug 4, 2016: I've been wondering
Aug 2, 2016: True
Aug 1, 2016: Reflection
Jul 31, 2016: Silhouettes on the shade
Jul 31, 2016: Ann brought me to Costco on a Sunday. Is that killer asteroid close?
Jul 30, 2016: Guests sitting in a restaurant through a thermal camera #seekthermal
Jul 29, 2016: Current status
Jul 27, 2016: Found this in a box in the closet. Still works. It's been replaced many times over
Jul 26, 2016: No storm today #fshualalai
Jul 24, 2016: The key
Jul 24, 2016: A sunny day before Darby
Jul 22, 2016: Beautiful Friday afternoon, but then there's this storm on the way.
Jul 19, 2016: Current status #fshualalai
Jul 19, 2016: It's a hot one today.
Jul 18, 2016: Saw the cranes everywhere in Honolulu. I'm sure there's no real estate bubble coming. Really
Jul 17, 2016: My first glimpse of The Oahu Rail boondoggle in the wild
Jul 17, 2016: Checking out our sister property#fskoolina
Jul 17, 2016: A great way to taste a lot of great wines
Jul 16, 2016: At my old stomping ground, remembering Liberty House, JC Penny, Woolworth's, Farrell's Ice Cream.
Jul 15, 2016: Quite the view. Typical Honolulu afternoon.
Jul 15, 2016: Don't see that in Kona
Jul 15, 2016: A'ole Holoholo #honolulutraffic
Jul 15, 2016: Holoholo
Jul 14, 2016: Sunset and a steak at Hualalai Grille #fshualalai
Jul 11, 2016: Monday afternoon
Jul 10, 2016: Saw this beauty parked in the Porte Corte last week.
Jul 10, 2016: Slight Miscalculation I guess
Jul 9, 2016: The moon is chasing the sunset
Jul 6, 2016: Overcast morning. Welcome break from the heat
Jul 5, 2016: Chateaubriand at #hualalaigrille #fshualalai The beef is here
Jul 2, 2016: Summer Sunset Cocktails #fshualalai
Jul 1, 2016: A gem
Jul 1, 2016: Be nice
Jul 1, 2016: I want one of these
Jun 29, 2016: Island Garden #fshualalai
Jun 24, 2016: Back at work. #fshualalai
Jun 22, 2016: Sunset at Resident's Beach House. #fshualalai
Jun 22, 2016: Aloha Kalahiaka Maui
Jun 19, 2016: Ready for another great evening at Hualalai Grille #fshualalai
Jun 18, 2016: Flora Springs wine dinner #LaBourgnone
Jun 18, 2016: Kalapana. My Dad painted this 40 years ago
Jun 17, 2016: The set for last evening's #Roederer Champagne dinner. It was exquisite. They'll be at Beach Tree tonight
Jun 13, 2016: Flutes
Jun 12, 2016: Last evening and today. Supposed to be rain coming our way. Go out and play now
Jun 11, 2016: Mis en place
Jun 10, 2016: Good night Maui
Jun 10, 2016: Good bye my dear friend, we've been on some amazing adventures these past few hours. I so look forward to our next encounter.
Jun 9, 2016: That's one big loaf of Sourdough
Jun 6, 2016: Sunset amongst the rain squalls
Jun 5, 2016: Orchid
Jun 5, 2016: Looks like Barbie had a rough night
Jun 4, 2016: Hibiscus
Jun 3, 2016: Earned this one this morning. Hapa Brown Ale
Jun 3, 2016: Glassware
Jun 1, 2016: Rain squall
May 31, 2016: Where I live... There are Rainbows
May 31, 2016: Green
May 29, 2016: Ahhhhhh
May 29, 2016: Hi Maui. Across the channel As the sun sets
May 28, 2016: Ball of fire
May 26, 2016: Orange
May 25, 2016: Proud
May 25, 2016: Rained hard this morning. Dry all afternoon, but there's a mighty rain squall out there to the right. Time will tell.
May 25, 2016: Umikoa
May 23, 2016: Canoes on their way back to Kailua as the sun sets
May 21, 2016: There's a big moon out tonight
May 20, 2016: Hi Maui
May 17, 2016: It's a thing of beauty. Black sand Porter. @konabrewingco #lust
May 17, 2016: Patch kits
May 14, 2016: Where I work
May 13, 2016: Threatening
May 11, 2016: Sunset redux Playing with #Polarr and the #unsplash filters.
May 11, 2016: Desert. Pipeline Porter.
May 9, 2016: Big shoes to fill
May 9, 2016: Wet morning in Kona
May 8, 2016: There was a sunset somewhere behind those clouds
May 7, 2016: The sky is threatening, but it doesn't scare me
May 7, 2016: Wall
May 7, 2016: Overcast in Kona
May 7, 2016: A long day of work. Greenore 8 Irish
May 6, 2016: Reflection
May 5, 2016: Glow
May 4, 2016: Morning traffic in paradise
May 2, 2016: Looking south and north.
May 1, 2016: You had to know this was coming
May 1, 2016: The Kohala Mountains
Apr 30, 2016: Paradise AKA. Home
Apr 29, 2016: Even though it's my Monday. It's Aloha Friday for most
Apr 28, 2016: I have a boo boo
Apr 25, 2016: Aloha Monday
Apr 24, 2016: Last evening
Apr 23, 2016: Almost
Apr 20, 2016: My aloha Friday
Apr 20, 2016: Good morning Maui
Apr 19, 2016: Stripes
Apr 18, 2016: Ready
Apr 17, 2016: Mise en place for dinner
Apr 17, 2016: Aloha Sunday
Apr 16, 2016: Lawae
Apr 16, 2016: Glimmer
Apr 16, 2016: Condiments
Apr 16, 2016: Into the black
Apr 15, 2016: Palm
Apr 15, 2016: Road to nowhere
Apr 14, 2016: After zen
Apr 13, 2016: Yep
Apr 13, 2016: Cloudy
Apr 13, 2016: I’m in too, a little to far to the meet up, I’m an Asst. I’m in too, a little to far to the meet up, I’m an Asst. Food and Beverage Manager at a resort, but I can do 2 chapters a month
Apr 10, 2016: Can barely see the sunset for the trees
Apr 9, 2016: Carp
Apr 7, 2016: A cup o joe before the night gets rolling
Apr 4, 2016: Mochi. From the source
Apr 3, 2016: Weekend end
Mar 30, 2016: Siren
Mar 30, 2016: Old truck
Mar 29, 2016: Nice
Mar 26, 2016: A few new water hazards after last night's heavy rain.
Mar 24, 2016: Decisions, decisions, decisions.
Mar 19, 2016: It was just raining 20 min ago
Mar 16, 2016: Not too early
Mar 16, 2016: Bar fruit
Mar 15, 2016: House of the sun
Mar 13, 2016: Another one
Mar 12, 2016: Ready, set ....
Mar 12, 2016: I guess we're not watching Basketball
Mar 11, 2016: Right now
Mar 9, 2016: Small surf @ Kona #hnnsunrise
Mar 9, 2016: La'aloa
Mar 9, 2016: Day off
Mar 8, 2016: Palms
Mar 7, 2016: Memory
Mar 6, 2016: 71 GTO
Mar 4, 2016: Peeking through
Feb 29, 2016: Checking out soon. Been an amazing experience at one of the top reports in the world
Feb 29, 2016: Living in a postcard for a weekend
Feb 29, 2016: Breakfast on the beach at Ka'upulehu
Feb 28, 2016: Ok. I'm over #TheArsenal stupid loss.
Feb 27, 2016: Here's the wide view
Feb 27, 2016: These two Mynah birds strutting around the beach like they own it. They probably do
Feb 22, 2016: This just happened
Feb 21, 2016: Sunset, Moonrise
Feb 19, 2016: Low mileage, Needs a little work
Feb 16, 2016: Post sunset
Jan 27, 2016: Colors
Jan 18, 2016: Sunset
Jan 12, 2016: Lots of haze in the air. Good for nice sunsets
Jan 6, 2016: Residents' Beach House
Jan 6, 2016: Finally got around to looking at my NY pics. This was the final sunset of 2015 as we prepared for the NY eve event.
Jan 6, 2016: Digital to Analog shift Digital to Analog shift I recently took a job as a Retaurant outlet manager at a major resort here on Hawaii island. I have spent many years in the …
Dec 31, 2015: Big boy toys
Dec 28, 2015: Sunset family portraits are common here
Dec 28, 2015: Glowing tree at Sunset
Dec 25, 2015: I win
Dec 24, 2015: True
Dec 21, 2015: Residents' Beach House
Dec 20, 2015: Maui looking good across the channel
Dec 14, 2015: Looking towards the lagoon and ocean at the #hiltonwaikoloaresort
Dec 13, 2015: #hiltonwaikoloaresort pools with 1 pool closed and the slide waterfall not working in the other has been less than optimal experience. The service and …
Dec 12, 2015: Old working place New working place Any questions? 😎
Dec 12, 2015: Hilton Waikoloa
Dec 10, 2015: Not bad for a quick stairs job. Now they just need to add the fancy bits.
Dec 9, 2015: Two more days
Dec 9, 2015: Stair replacement today. Glad we live downstairs.
Dec 9, 2015: The bending of light
Dec 8, 2015: Three days to go
Dec 7, 2015: Aloha Monday
Dec 5, 2015: Bad parking 101
Dec 2, 2015: Evolution
Nov 29, 2015: Sunrise and dusk
Nov 29, 2015: We used to say “hire good people, train them well and get the fuck out of their way” We used to say “hire good people, train them well and get the fuck out of their way”
Nov 28, 2015: Sunset through the trees
Nov 28, 2015: Kohala Mountain Rain
Nov 24, 2015: Here comes the sun
Nov 23, 2015: From the pool at #hiltonwaikoloaresort #staycation
Nov 22, 2015: Woman on bench with Cellular phone. Common sight
Nov 22, 2015: Current status
Nov 22, 2015: Sunrise #hiltonwaikoloavillage #staycation
Nov 18, 2015: Wait...give me a break... I'm thinking.
Nov 18, 2015: I've divested of most of my printed books. Only a few essentials. #JamesJoyce #TheArsenal #Thoreau
Nov 11, 2015: Cruel and unusual punishment
Nov 7, 2015: Digital natives.
Nov 6, 2015: Good week coming to a close
Nov 5, 2015: i i i i
Nov 5, 2015: No words
Nov 4, 2015: Pro tip guys. Get a candle subscription for your woman. 2 new candles and s nice note every month. Got this for my wife 1 1/2 years ago. She loves it …
Nov 2, 2015: Not a cloud in the sky
Oct 30, 2015: I work next door to a Starbucks. But get my morning coffee here whenever I can.
Oct 29, 2015: Lots of volcano haze
Oct 29, 2015: The drive home Even in paradise we have traffic and silly pedestrians. #photoclutter
Oct 28, 2015: Torch Ginger
Oct 27, 2015: Wash me
Oct 25, 2015: Driving into the Abyss (Hilo)
Oct 25, 2015: Stopped to let the grandsons run around.
Oct 25, 2015: The Kohala Mountains, Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa peeking over Pu'uanahulu
Oct 24, 2015: Looking east and west.
Oct 24, 2015: Current status
Oct 22, 2015: Some rain squalls out there
Oct 21, 2015: I got out late and missed sunset. But then there's this
Oct 19, 2015: Love those colors
Oct 18, 2015: I love the Kohala Mountains. My favorite of the 5 on Hawaii Island
Oct 18, 2015: Waikoloa sunset
Oct 17, 2015: This just happened
Oct 15, 2015: Me trying to get through the week
Oct 14, 2015: This one really is sailing off into the sunset
Oct 14, 2015: Kona Brew had to hire a crane to haul away the rest of that tree that fell last week
Oct 11, 2015: I guess I was the last one on the plane
Oct 11, 2015: 😏
Oct 11, 2015: Stinger Rays. The calm before the storm. In a couple of hours there will be hundreds of paddlers here looking to get drunk
Oct 10, 2015: Aloha Friday The big race is tomorrow
Oct 8, 2015: This was interesting in the way to work. So basically, when you ride a bike, you can wear anything you want. Noted
Oct 7, 2015: The cruise ship just starting to sail off into the sunset and its next port. Aloha Oe
Oct 6, 2015: Ironman expo and a very windy, but clear day
Oct 5, 2015: My sign
Oct 4, 2015: Not son enough
Oct 3, 2015: Sunset at the park.
Oct 2, 2015: Never tire of this, though my better half is not impressed.
Sep 30, 2015: Love those shades of Blue.
Sep 29, 2015: The cruise ship in Kailua Bay is bigger than most of the buildings.
Sep 28, 2015: Winter coming. Still in the store as the sun sets
Sep 28, 2015: Hawaii was on the wrong side of the world for the red moon, we"re left with a cloudy moon set
Sep 26, 2015: Saturday afternoon in Kailua town
Sep 24, 2015: It rained overnight, but another nice sunset
Sep 23, 2015: It rained overnight, but another nice sunset
Sep 22, 2015: Cruise ship sailing off Into the sunset
Sep 22, 2015: I didn't get a chance to ask it
Sep 17, 2015: Nice sunset coming on this rainy day
Sep 17, 2015: Liquid sunshine
Sep 16, 2015: Nice clouds
Aug 30, 2015: A picture of a picture of a picture of a picture. #unsplash
Aug 30, 2015: The iPhone 6 takes much better moon pix. The bottom one is using the Moment Lens
Aug 29, 2015: Hello Maui across the channel
Aug 28, 2015: Well. Look towards the mountain (mauka) and it looks stormy, but then there's a sunset the other way
Aug 24, 2015: There's usually a sunset in this shot. Not today. Lots of rain today
Aug 20, 2015: Implements of health
Aug 20, 2015: 7:15 am. Gonna be a hot one
Aug 19, 2015: Massive public works project right out our front door
Aug 18, 2015: My view for 40 miles
Aug 14, 2015: Finally some rain in Kona. Lots of storm warning but this is the first rain shower and it came with s single thunder strike
Aug 14, 2015: Not much of a storm here. Humidity doesn't show up in a photo though
Aug 12, 2015: Homebound
Aug 12, 2015: Pave paradise and put up a new condo
Aug 12, 2015: No baggage
Aug 12, 2015: Hele on to O'ahu
Aug 11, 2015: 1990 Macintosh vs 2015 MacBook
Aug 11, 2015: Wall
Aug 11, 2015: Storm coming, winds die, volcanic haze returns
Aug 10, 2015: I repurposed a Moment lens mount from an iPhone 6 for a new iPod with the better camera. I have a moment case for the phone #makemoments
Aug 9, 2015: Hilo is beautiful today
Aug 6, 2015: No tropical storm, but there rain coming
Aug 5, 2015: No tropical storm here
Aug 3, 2015: Sunset on the way home from Hilo
Aug 1, 2015: Games
Aug 1, 2015: A single crew can paddle a canoe, but it takes the entire club to care for the Wa'a
Aug 1, 2015: Older Canoes on a wet State Championship Race day in Hilo
Aug 1, 2015: Hawaii State Canoe paddling championships in Hilo
Jul 31, 2015: At about the same time. The sun rising over Hualalai and the moon setting over the ocean
Jul 30, 2015: This was last evening. Preparing to fly off into the sunset.
Jul 27, 2015: Ok it's Monday. Here we go
Jul 25, 2015: Hi tech task manager
Jul 24, 2015: High clouds, no wind, high humidity. That'll be our weekend. At least we're in Hawaii
Jul 21, 2015: Work day over
Jul 18, 2015: Just
Jul 3, 2015: Same here, I’m done!!!!! Same here, I’m done!!!!!
Jul 1, 2015: The Palace Tower. Amazing weekend. #sharemyhiltonpic
Jul 1, 2015: High tide and low tide. Same spot different angle #sharemyhiltonpic
Jun 28, 2015: Low tide high tide. Same spot. Different angle.
Jun 28, 2015: Sunset and Sunrise
Jun 1, 2015: Apple History
May 31, 2015: Ka'upulehu
May 16, 2015: It's downhill from here.
May 16, 2015: Weathered 'Ohia tree
May 16, 2015: Aloha Friday
May 11, 2015: Coconut grove
May 5, 2015: That a bucket of ...
May 2, 2015: iMacs
Apr 27, 2015: All cracked up
Apr 25, 2015: Yellow bird. This little guy graced our back lanai this morning.
Apr 24, 2015: Aloha Friday
Apr 19, 2015: Lave rock. Big one
Apr 19, 2015: Rustic bench in Keauhou
Apr 17, 2015: Implements.
Apr 15, 2015: Kona gets a cleaning
Apr 11, 2015: Morning noon and night.
Apr 11, 2015: North Dakota sunset.
Apr 11, 2015: Salt Lake
Apr 11, 2015: Sunset over the Pacific
Apr 11, 2015: Sunrise over Minnesota
Apr 11, 2015: My brother in law's spread.
Apr 11, 2015: The prairie
Apr 11, 2015: Our first morning in Mandan
Apr 11, 2015: Raising Arizona
Apr 11, 2015: Our early morning arrival in LA
Apr 5, 2015: Water
Apr 1, 2015: Cruisers
Mar 29, 2015: 3 different day. Love this island
Mar 11, 2015: Rainy Kona Morning @hawaiinewsnow
Mar 8, 2015: Smithwick's brought some color to a rainy Sunday afternoon.
Mar 8, 2015: Saturday at the park. Painted in #Waterlogue
Mar 7, 2015: The park on a Saturday afternoon.
Mar 1, 2015: Painted in #Waterlogue
Mar 1, 2015: It was a lazy Sunday
Feb 27, 2015: #FTW
Feb 27, 2015: Torch Ginger pre dawn
Feb 23, 2015: Waikoloa makai
Feb 21, 2015: Pohoiki Challenge 2004. Memories.
Feb 20, 2015: The tree
Feb 20, 2015: Beautiful clear day
Feb 20, 2015: Venus
Feb 5, 2015: Rainy morning in Kona
Oct 8, 2014: I might need it someday…..Not! I might need it someday…..Not! I have a similar story. I went to culinary school and was a chef. I had accumalated a wall of cook books. My passions …
Jun 24, 2013: Simple, but not easy Post note: I had a short tenure with this restaurant. I was hired to turn the restaurant around and grow volume. The absentee owner comes from a Fast …
Jun 21, 2013: Our ultimate road trip The view from the Eiffel towerOur ultimate road trip so far… Last summer, my wife and I went on the trip of our lives - to date. We went to London, …
Jun 15, 2013: Of the people, by the people… Of the people, by the people… for the people. The recent release of those NSA documents sure has opened a pandora’s box. I have not been able to get …
Jun 7, 2013: Why I switched to Football Why I switched to Football The other Football, the one the rest of the world watches. I grew up in Hawaii where Football is huge. the University of …
Apr 5, 2012: The iPad, MLBtv and Hover bar allow me to enjoy games at the office #winner
Apr 4, 2012: Afternoon tea in my honu cup
Mar 14, 2012: Threatening clouds
Mar 8, 2012: Have not seen the sun all day in Kona. Very hazy
Feb 22, 2012: Pretty nice outside my home office window
Feb 17, 2012: Another hazy sunset in Kona
Feb 16, 2012: We can usually sit on those rocks out there, but they belong to the surf today
Feb 12, 2012: Sunday afternoon snack. Yum
Feb 11, 2012: Waiting for the paddlers to come in, the view sucks
Feb 11, 2012: Race reg is in full swing
Feb 10, 2012: Oh now he's really settled in
Feb 10, 2012: The little guy is making himself at home
Feb 8, 2012: Was kind of an overcast drizzly morning, but it's lookin pretty good now
Feb 2, 2012: Grilled pork loin tacos for dinner. Yum
Jan 28, 2012: Current status (and for the next couple of hours)
Jan 22, 2012: Look what I found while cleaning, a stack of 45s
Dec 31, 2011: Fresh apple tart, just out of the oven
Dec 30, 2011: Current status. #ncaacfb
Dec 24, 2011: My baby is a very good shopper. It's a very merry Christmas
Dec 24, 2011: No tree this year, the presents are under the Christmas bear
Dec 24, 2011: Our hosts tonight
Dec 24, 2011: I played on that field ... In 1976 #hawaiibowl
Dec 16, 2011: The start of a great Hawaiian weekend
Dec 16, 2011: Everyone's here
Dec 16, 2011: I'm not late
Dec 14, 2011: Beautiful day for a chamber after hours mixer
Dec 11, 2011: Ready for kick off #Cowboys
Dec 3, 2011: I got a cache of #build goodies in the mail today all the here Hawaii
Dec 3, 2011: Current status. #LSU #UGA
Dec 1, 2011: The joys of mornings in Kona
Nov 25, 2011: Current status: friday night #pac12 football
Nov 25, 2011: Thanksgiving dinner is ready... Hawaiian time
Nov 24, 2011: The turkey is sliced and ready
Nov 21, 2011: Current status: beef
Nov 20, 2011: Fourth Quarter longboard Ale at Lulu's
Nov 19, 2011: Current status. The truck will arrive shortly
Nov 17, 2011: This is last time this will look like this for a while
Nov 16, 2011: Home. To be
Nov 16, 2011: Current status. Moving day 1
Nov 13, 2011: Current status. Choosing paint for condo
Nov 12, 2011: Current status: pox down, holes patched, painting will commence momentarily
Nov 11, 2011: Current status
Nov 6, 2011: Samples are ready
Nov 6, 2011: Awards are being given at the Kona Coffee recipe contest
Nov 6, 2011: The Chefs are setting up for the Kona coffee recipe contest
Nov 6, 2011: Keauhou Bay is always beautiful.
Nov 5, 2011: Current status. Poke and beer.
Nov 3, 2011: Starbucks Henry st is busy this Thurs evening
Nov 3, 2011: A beer and a shot in memory of Beanie
Nov 3, 2011: Hualalai Academy Gala kick off breakfast
Oct 30, 2011: The Viking nation at Lulu's. The Cowboys play later
Oct 29, 2011: Rugby match at Hapuna on a beautiful, but windy (on shore) Saturday
Oct 26, 2011: Hazy sunrise over Mauna Kea
Oct 25, 2011: This feast made out of clay greeted me at the school today me
Oct 24, 2011: Fresh homemade Calzone for lunch
Oct 23, 2011: Feel like I'm at a bar football, pizza, wings and beer at home
Oct 22, 2011: Sam Choy's Keauhou. Yum
Oct 21, 2011: Currently doing ...
Oct 18, 2011: Dinner. Yum
Oct 18, 2011: My desk setup at Hualalai Academy
Apr 12, 2011: apple-touch-icon.png
Apr 12, 2011: apple-touch-icon.png
Jan 12, 2011: Lots of weather and lots of surf
Jan 11, 2011: My office set up