My teen Gandson is rather ignorant on politics, so on the drive home from Kawaihae today we did a 40 min PoliSci class for him. One point we covered was one’s needs to know one’s own personal beliefs before choosing a party or elected official to talk to. It all starts with each individual. Politics shouldn’t be a popularity contest

Beliefs on Equality, Social programs, Goverment’s role, Enviroment/Science, fair taxation, importance of culture and arts. Religion is an entirely differnt conversation but shouldn’t be part of this on a basic level, but beliefs on speration of church and state can be someting to think about. If you know your personal road map, the party and politiians that you align with should become obvious.

If this past election is an indication, much of America has no clue what they believe, just ignored it or the divisions truly run very deep.