Apple Care
I stay pretty loyal to Apple, hearing other stories I guess I’ve been very lucky with Apple Care. Many moons ago I had a 13" MB Pro and Cinema display. I typically ran the MBP in clamshell mode. I still had my website business then. I had an issue with the screen going blank on the Cinema Display for no particular reason. After a few panicky minutes thinking I lost my work, it would come back on, other the the effects of all of the keys I was punching to try to revive it, it was right were it was when it went blank. After this happened a few times, I called Apple (no Apple Store on Hawaii Island), we had about 1/2 doz calls back and forth. Finally they said they would send me (in Hawaii) a replacement MBP and Cinema display. When I get it, back up and log out of everything on my MBP and send it and the display back to them in the same boxes, shipping pre-paid. I had no issues with the new set up. FYI - On the stand up desk in the photo, I routed out a slot for the trackpad.
Funny thing, a few weeks later I saw a firmware update go out for systems using a MBP in clamshell mode with a Cinema Display.