What will be?
Lots of early unknowns, ambiguities and anxiety about what will be when this winds down. -Who will get rehired at their job and who won’t? -Which restaurants and other businesses won’t reopen? -What public attractions and distractions will stay closed? -How long before we can feel safe in a pub? -Will we ever be able to shake hands and hug again? -How many sports franchises will shut down? -What will the new normal be for vacation travel? -Will any airlines tank and airfares go up do to less capacity when people are ready to travel? -What effect will this all have on the real-estate market? -Will mortgage defaults tank that market like in 2008? On a personal level, can we afford to stay in Hawaii? We'll likely make a quick decision, as early as the end May, if this drags on. Worry about On a #StayatHome diversion note, just got Out of the Park Baseball 21 for Steam. Wanted to do some bread baking, guess everyone else had the same idea. Stores out of flour, yeast and buttermilk (for Irish soda bread). oh well, try again next week, there's plenty of time.