Arguing with MAGA
My wife and her oldest son (very MAGA) had a Donnybrook. They avoid talking politics for this reason. Listening to his postulations was difficult. It’s the same talking points as on FOX. 1. Give it time 2. He’ll make American great again.
My rebuttal, I asked him if he took any economics in college? Because I did and there will be a tipping point where the economy will slide too far down a slippery slope to just bounce back. Plus the broken relationships with trade partners will need more than a simple sorry. I then asked when was this supposed great time in America? Based on the history I know of America and the world before, there was never a magical time. Every period of time has had challenges.
Maybe a lot of people are just trying to blame society for poor decisions they made in their own lives. There was no magical Shanghai-la time when everyone had it easy. Quite the contrary
It ended up with my wife finally hanging up.
The quote below comes to mind.
period of time in the past.