There’s a few apps (services) that I’ve been using pretty continuously for a number of years. If I reset my phone, these are the first app I install

  • Evernote - early adapter and have fallen in and out of love with it a few times. 26,000 some odd notes, it’s our primary digital storage place.
  • Instapaper - another app that I was an early Marco adapter and have also fallen in and out of love with it too. It still pretty much does what it’s supposed to. It fun to look back and an article i added years ago and to look into my mindset when I added it.
  • Twitter (via Twitterrific) - I was also early on this one. Had to close my early account, it got hacked (I think) and started a new account in 2010
  • > - still here
  • Readdle apps - I’ve used Spark, PDF Expert, Scanner Pro and Calendars since they’ve come out. Love their apps. The founders are from the Ukraine, hope the current situation works out.
  • Forza Football - My favorite football (soccer) schedule, table and score app.
  • ESPN - nuff said - since before they had an app.
  • New News Wire - all things RSS
  • OverCast - Been with it for a while now
  • Notes App - drifted out to others a number of times, but it does what it’s suppose to do. Apple has added features at the normal glacial Apple pace.

The app that is gone that I miss the most is Couple. My wife and I were using since we met and then one day it stopped working. We could still see old messages until we got new phones and couldn’t download the app.

Also miss the reader app Zite, Flipboard bought it a few years ago. Recently deleted Flipboard after years of use. It’s gotten too spammy