My wife and I had an interesting talk last evening. We’ve always been bullish about the future, but after watching a little CNN last night and thinking about the past few years, we’ve both given pause. We’re in our 60s, very positive, pragmatic people, and have seen the world bounce back from some nasty shit in our short lifetimes. The current trifecta of the environment (global warming), COVID (and what may come next) and the political environment in many countries including the erosion of democracy are big worries

Could be our parents had similar concerns about Viet Nam or the cold war? We pulled through those ok, but not feeling good about our current challenges.

We feel lucky being Hawaii, we will definitely have weather concerns (storms and rising seas), we’ve shown we can manage a pandemic, though the state lost their way recently by reopening travel too soon. Hawaii is more liberal politically and geographically protected.

Maybe, just maybe COVID will start to peter out and science will prevail, and maybe a slightly more progressive populace will rise up and restore some balance to politics and maybe then we can pull back from the precipice on the environment. Lots of maybes there.

Guess we can continue to think globally and act locally and stay positive. It’s not looking too good for our kids though.