I’ve rediscovered the magazines and newspapers in Apple News+. I used to love magazines. Had a number of subscriptions through the years. I had Rolling Stone the longest. I happy it’s in News+. Only wish there was a Hawaii newspaper.
I’ve rediscovered the magazines and newspapers in Apple News+. I used to love magazines. Had a number of subscriptions through the years. I had Rolling Stone the longest. I happy it’s in News+. Only wish there was a Hawaii newspaper.
If they would a) abandon their stupid link envelopes and b) support RSS in an obvious and inviting way, then I would be happy.
If they would just stop screwing around with old school big stack of glossy economics and just implement instant temporary sub-subscriptions I would be happier. Imagine if apple would subscribe one to a pubs free limited time access, then show one the articles one wants, then cancels one’s sub at end of trial, all invisible.