The IVF World Sprints are in Hilo this week. The Olympics of outrigger canoe sprint racing.…

This HAMAS hostage stand off vaguely reminds me of the Iran Hostage standoff in 1979. I know there’s a lot of differences, but the Iranians didn’t like Pres Carter and didn’t release the hostages until Reagan’s inauguration. Wonder if HAMAS is waiting for the election. More likely just better terms

I remember when Mid-Pacific airlines came and went, then Mahalo Air. Aloha Airline went under, then Southwest came into the market. Alaska has been here a while, not an inter-island carrier, locals love them to get to the mainland. This purchase should be good for Hawaii.

Sorry. I use it quite a bit…

Fun weekend ahead. 2 tropical disturbances headed our way. Expected to affect our weather Saturday/ Sunday.

Glad we had a staycation this past weekend.

I’d really like to teleport into next week and skip all of the DNC convention stuff and just read what happened.

Thinking the Dodgers will crash and burn. They will likely still make the playoffs, but the strong hitting can’t keep up with the weak pitching. Too many holes.

Last nights sunset with the Hilton Buddah point statue

Prevalence of Apple products

One observation while at the Hilton Waikoloa this weekend. We saw people (actually heard languages and accents) from all over the world. Europe, N & S America, Far East, SE Asian, even a family from Morocco (had to ask after hearing the language). The vast majority had iPhones and AirPods. My guess is they aren’t all nerds and/or Apple fanboys and girls. My guess is they have them because they work.

Last minute brew in the lanai before we check out and drive back down the coast home.

The ocean is a constant and relentless force. Growing up on an island, it the one ever present force in one’s life. Always there to comfort and heal and a source of relaxation

Dolphins looking for snack

That being said. For a family from middle America with Hilton Honors coming to Hawaii. This resort would be epic. I just know what it WAS, and other resorts on the coast are doing it better

Short staycation at the Hilton Waikoloa. Likely last time here. Room rates are getting out of our range. The restaurants have gone downhill and their classic pools are not as good as they were. The property needs some love.

Fred Flintstone would be happy

That was a fun night. A former tropical storm that is now just a disturbance. Blocked tradewinds and sucked moist humid (70%) weather up from the southwest. No wind. Dead still. Very uncomfortable to say the least

When some is standing on the side of the road waiting for the Uber in front of a crosswalk. C’mon

Before and after I lost net 60#. I lost 75#, then over 2 years gave back 15. Sustained the new weight for 3 years now. Dr says likely I went a bit too low. Didn’t know that too low was a thing

I’ve never been a proper writer, did operate a blog and provider content for websites much earlier in the web era. But my wife who works for a larger health insurance company, regularly calls me over to her desk to “wordsmith” work emails and letters for her.

When I was a competitive athlete, we always said to learn what you can about your competition before the event/game/match. But once it’s game time, take the focus off of them and focus on your own game. It’s about time the Dems start focusing on their own game