This Ok St (16) v Arkansas game is going to double OT. Oklahoma St is showing glimpses of quality, but not dominant at all
Seeing NFL fans upset about games being on streaming services. I’m laughing. I’m an English Premier League, Italian Series A and German Bundesliga fan. I subscribe to 3 services to watch matches.
Can’t wait to watch this
Don’t we enough crap in orbit already?
Starlink competitor AST SpaceMobile plans orbital launch for next week
My 13 yo grandson informed us that he wants to make cream puffs this weekend. He sure is aiming high. We’ll get it done. Luckily I have all of the cooking toys we’ll need
Watching Ken Burns Thomas Jefferson. In this time of nasty politics and those who question the constitution I feel a need to go back and reconnect with those who had the vision to create this nation.
Side note; politics got pretty nasty back then too.
Watching “Hawaiian - The Legend of Eddie Aikau” on History Channel via Disney. I knew the basics of his story, we all knew it growing up, but documentary fills in the rest. He was a legend in the watersports world.
Next year I will have been using Microsoft Excel for 40 years. Used Lotus123 side by side with Excel until Excel 2.0 which added spreadsheet publishing. This was all in mid-late 80’s moving from 13 column pads to digital for P&Ls and sales tracking in a restaurant. Quite the leap.
I recall an era way back when, before the internet when the NYT and the WSJ were real and trusted journalism. Journalism is in a dystopian era
Why are we backing this guy?
Netanyahu refuses to budge on war in Gaza despite protests over hostages - Bloomberg
My wife has a massive aversion to heat and humidity. She’s from N. Dakota and a decade Minn., plus an age factor. I have a greater tolerance, I grew up in Hawaii and was an athlete for years in this weather. But this last 2-3 weeks has been xtra hot & humid. Lots of days inside with A/C
This is a photo I took of the Holulea sailing canoe on June 15, 1999 shortly after departing from Hilo Bay on the voyage to Rapa Nui. Their first stop was the Mangareva

I never did get what a Labor Day sale is. Maybe if you’re selling tools for labor If it’s an end of summer sales for a summer brand and you want it clear out seasonal stock, then say that.
Trump’s camp just wants to muddy the waters so much that voters just get frustrated and sit out the election.
You just lived through the most humid summer on record
We purchased a stand alone dehumidifier this spring to augment our 3 window A/Cs & to not have to run them as often. It helped on most days, some days not so much. Getting a quote on a split A/C system this week. Need to up our A/C game