Mac Mini M4 ordered. Merry Christmas me. 256gb

Amazon out of the 256 M4 Mac mini too. The Costco deal expires 12/3. Maybe the Amazon deal goes longer

And so it begins…

Was going to pull the trigger on a $500 M4 Mac mini at Costco. Out of stock.

My Dad played a lot of classical music and my uncle played mostly Jazz, he even game me a a couple of albums. I was mostly into Hawaiian and Rock (and Blues). Didn’t reslly have a great appreciation for jazz until my 40s and for symphony until recentlly. Mostly what I listen to now.

Looking makai (toward the ocean) at Pāhoehoe beach park in Kona

Dave Brubeck was the epitome of cool.…

Had a chance to taste yesterday’s food in a more relaxed state. The turkey is really moist, even the breast. I brined it breast side down. The Italian sausage stuffing is excellent. The fresh smashed potatos are kind of the rice of the dish to balance out the other flavors. The gravy is the bridge

My wife went shopping, I didn’t. I think we’re both in a better place.

With 8 days left till I am eligible to return to work I’ve stepped up my pace on my walk. Have knocked 5 min a mile off my pace 3 weeks ago. There’s my shoulder, but also my fitness I need to get back to run around kitchen for 8 hours

I love it try Turkish coffee. I’m never going to Turkey. So will have of stumble upon someplace that makes it at some point. Turkish coffee - Wikipedia

Funny seeing people lining up at stores on the news this morning. Haven’t done that since the internet. I remember getting a killer deal on a camcorder once. Generally, I didn’t have the patience to stand in queue.

Butcher’s style slice

Haven’t listened to Brady on Fox. He hasn’t been on our regional games this year. He’s on today. He really sucks.

Resting before the butcher style slicing.

My daughter is in Colorado. Wintery

Wow. Detroit had it in hand, but the Bears made interesting but lost a chance on poor clock management.

Fascinating article in Xerox PARC in the 80s. A much studied corporation

What we can learn about resilience from the Pantheon

The brined turkey safely out of the brine, rinsed, air dried, seasoned and in the oven. See ya in 165°, save for a couple of bastings.

Would love to see Detroit win the Super Bowl. It would be amazing for the city.

My wife’s family in North Dakota are “drunk on oil money “MAGA. They don’t really care about politics other than the top MAGA talking points to sound authentic. My wife tests them now and then - crickets

Dawn is breaking

My Dad lived in Waikoloa village on Francolin place. We were preparing Thanksgiving one year at his place and looked out back on the golf course and saw these Turkeys. We said they must be snickering, but likely had no clue what was going on.

We’re dining at my Step-son’s house tomorrow. He thinks Trump is the man and believes all of the conspiracy theories. The micro-chips n the vaccine, etc. He does not dare mention any of it when my Wife is there. Not a word.

Listening to Hans Zimmer’s movie sound tracks is trippy. Takes me back to the movies…