I may be the odd one, all of my Apple stuff works as intended. I’ve only had one issue in 20 years and Apple replaced the MBP and the Cinema display that I used with it. The 3 M1 Macs, 2 iPads, 3 iPhones, 2 Apple Watches and 2 AppleTV in our household all do their jobs.

The VOG is really bad today. Reminds me of 2020

Cruise ship in today. The tenders look tiny. They shuttle passengers to and fro. Traffic in Kona is a mess with ship passengers walking around town and ignoring crosswalks and other small details. They also cross in a long line rather than in a group holding cars hostage.

It’s sad that a company has to send out an email about continuing diversity. My wife’s company just did this.

Getting a series of errors, this is a partial list @help

This would a blast if I was younger

Shipboard Head Chef www.indeed.com/viewjob

Re-watching"Don’t Look up" "

They’re gonna let it hit the planet to make a bunch of rich people more disgustingly rich"

Texas style chili. No beans.

This is the way

MAGA’s denial of science will hasten the demise of a whole slice of life on earth. All living things and the actual environment itself are interdependent. As has happened in the past, earth and life can start over. It has before, but the world we know will be gone. The tipping point is coming.

Can we put Elon in the box with Schrödinger’s cat? At least we have a 50/50 chance.

Conversation with a MAGA believer

We’re going to N Dakota where my wife is from for a family reunion this summer. She asked me what I would say if/when politics come up. (They are drunk on oil money). I would simply say I believe in equality for all (race, orientation, geographic location, etc), everyone gets a chance. I believe in science, balancing the needs of man and nature, it’s not about all one way or all the other. I know we can’t just tune off oil, but can’t go the other way too. I believe social programs should pick people up when they fall, but not carry them indefinitely. There should be programs to pull them out. We are a migrant society. Excluding the white, Anglo, Saxon, Protestant, we were all the bottoms of the rung at one time. We need to tax the rich at least the same rate the middle class is paying, period. I’ll listen to what they say, but I don’t believe that they have arguments to match their statements.

This is over #Arsenal

Thinking the Hawaii Legislature should pass some laws that just piss Trump off. We’re headed that way with new environmental initiatives.

VOG is bad today. Just got this IAQ. It was a long overdue Kicksterter project. It works.

We have eggs. Things are looking up.

There will be a war the way Trump is headed.

A model of what not to do

English refereeing standards ‘a model’ for the world, says Premier League chief

Sunrise / Sunset Kona

Impending Kona sunset

My just 14 yo grandson has created his crib. He’s a gamer and a serious drone flyer. Tinkers with everything and installed a new graphics card in his PC tower.