Marshmallows are for team players. Good to know

Polical Science lesson

My teen Gandson is rather ignorant on politics, so on the drive home from Kawaihae today we did a 40 min PoliSci class for him. One point we covered was one’s needs to know one’s own personal beliefs before choosing a party or elected official to talk to. It all starts with each individual. Politics shouldn’t be a popularity contest

Beliefs on Equality, Social programs, Goverment’s role, Enviroment/Science, fair taxation, importance of culture and arts. Religion is an entirely differnt conversation but shouldn’t be part of this on a basic level, but beliefs on speration of church and state can be someting to think about. If you know your personal road map, the party and politiians that you align with should become obvious.

If this past election is an indication, much of America has no clue what they believe, just ignored it or the divisions truly run very deep.

Costco Kona was crushed today. The parking lot looked like a bumper car derby. No sense of order in any way.

Cloudy rainy Kona. Wait, that’s not right. But I guess we’ll take it

Coming to the Queens Marketplace Waikoloa. This space has been empty since the center was opened

It was also great connecting with Gavin from the Friends of Hokule’a. Long walaau , many mutual friends.

We had a great time at the Makali’i 30th year celebration. Lots of people. Great seeing Chad Paison and Pomai Bertleman. Lots of others too. Na Kala’i Wa’i.

Heard a lot of Hawaiians before the election say that Trump would be their best chance to gain sovereignty. I think they were sold a bill of goods.

He only cares about himself. Keeps people in his circle that keep him in power.

Just heard on the news that 1/3 of drownings in Hawaii in 2024 were of Hawaiian ancestry. I’ve known so many adults in Hawaii who can’t swim. I really don’t get it. Maybe they took “Jaws” too seriously.

Also leading cause of under 15yo deaths is drowning.

I would have loved this job if I was younger.

Regional Program Specialist - Worldwide Deployment - SAF/IS

My 5th G Grandfather. Andrew Kimbley, Buried in Paradise, Muhlenberg County, Kentucky. Revolutionary war veteran and one of the founding fathers of Louisville, KY.

Wanted to Honor Andrew, as the country he fought to create is being destroyed

We’re going to the Makali`i 30th Anniversary Celebration tomorrow at Kawaihae. Will be a blast. Our grandsons can go swimming and we can chill.

Hokule’a by Roland Cazimero

Had forgotten about this album from 1977. I had the CD and played in my truck for a long time. I still know all the songs.…

A proper homemade chili dog with Irish white cheddar.

Well there we go. Gonna replace my 13 Pro. It will have good trade in value and get a zippier device.

New iPhone SE coming next week, here are five things to expect

Not a good day for those of us who actually breathe the air. VOG

AI has uses, but I am trying to think, keep my brain active and healthy, learn new things. I’m trying to take the long way around rather than go straight to the answer.

Tax the part time residents in those multi million dollar homes on Hawaii’s prime real estate all over the islands.

[No Income Tax For Working Class? Unions Float Radical Proposal - Honolulu Civil Beat](…

I used to be so anal about so many small details in things that I really don’t care about anymore. I just want things to just work at a most basic level. Tech, apps, appliances, cars, pretty much everything.