@crossingthethreshold Interesting. I'll post a photo shorty of a wall in their condo in Kailua O`ahu in the last 80's before the moved to Hawaii Island permanently in '95
@crossingthethreshold Interesting. I'll post a photo shorty of a wall in their condo in Kailua O`ahu in the last 80's before the moved to Hawaii Island permanently in '95
@mitchw @starrwulfe Cool auto history here. I had a standard shift '85 Isuzu P'up that I put 200K miles on here on Hawaii Island. I had bought it at the dealer for $5,999. It had no A/C or power windows, but had the bigger engine. Sold it for $1000 in 2000. Wish I still had it
@crossingthethreshold when my Dad was diagnosed with dementia (he passed 6 years ago) we found boxes of photos from going back to the late 60s. Many of them were business as well as family. Be was a lobbyist in Hawaii support small business
@crossingthethreshold the challenge will be the photos from my Dad had a few hundred that I used a high speed scanner to scan, so they don’t have meta data. I started looking. Found quite a few other interesting ones from that era
@aaronpk 😳
@Supremus must say I agree. Change up the playbook.
@ChrisJWilson I used to people bring me stuff from the west coast, but not many go between UK and Hawaii
@antonzuiker @crossingthethreshold Great stories. My Dad took us on the road to Hana around 1968-69 I have photos of of it somewhere from his collection. I'll post if I find
My wife works for HMSA. different company now
@Hawaii My primary source is The Guardian.
@brianvastag yep
@dave I’ll see if I can get that to work.
@darby3 I don’t doubt it’s an amazing book, I just don’t have the mental room to commit.
@ayjay I found the 99 Invisible podcast about it an amazing story. I’ve only but the NY when I was a small kid, it’s a great story, but think I would invest in the time to read the whole book.
@larand No worries braddah, I goin' take 'em togo
@larand most of the rain in Kona is at night. Had a good dumping last night
@eurobubba thought that very same thing, maybe that was thrown in to keep it a fantasy.
@dejus in your case. True
@larand yep. That’s what I said
@bennomatic I used to manage a Bose retailer. We sold a lot of those ear pads. Even swapped them out for people. If you put a moisture absorbing packet in the case, they last longer.
@ctt we’re in the lee os Hualalai and don’t get the benefit of trades. UK weather is so dynamic. It seems to turn bad quickly.
@Hawaii I do that every day. That is muscle memory
@help that error is still there and I don’t get an invite in threads. Guess I’ll wait until it’s out of beta
@help there are no active requests in there. One expired from 2020 and none removed ??
@help still stuck on the error for Threads cross posting. Guessing still in Beta. "errormessage": "Invalid Request: The user has not accepted the invite to test the app", "errorcode": 1349245
@starrwulfe I’ve read a lot about the revolution and the constitution. They really didn’t know what they were doing at the start until Thomas Jefferson laid it out in the Declaration of Independence. Even though basic freedoms are well laid out, It truly is a work in progress on the fringes.