The rich buy their way out of legal trouble, criminal and otherwise. It’s always been that way. Only with Trump, it’s on full display. We’re seeing him escape accountability in a exceeding methodical way that only money and influence can buy.

Would like to see the Jyn Eros character reprised somewhere

Every time I go back and rewatch one of the movies in the Star Wars realm (Rogue One this time). I see something new.

The #Inter performance more annoying than devastating. TBF Sassuolo had more to play for, but still need to stay in the match.

The Dodgers in 11 - Walk off FTW


Day off today. Haven’t felt much like doing anything. Really don’t want to deal with people or driving or much else. Not sick, just lazy. I’m sure my “get up and go” will kick in just in time for work tomorrow.

I’m goin’ with the sporty hardtop.

Regarding Gaza

Both sides were/are wrong to much differing degrees. Hamas shouldn’t have sent missiles into Israel. Maybe they felt hopeless and thought it would break the log-jam, maybe they just wanted to kill Israelis, don’t think we’ll ever know. Israel has a right to retaliate, but it’s gone way, way past retaliation to Annihilation.

The Palestinians will have a long memory and won’t be snuffed out by continuing to attack. They will be even more bitter than they were before and continue to fight for the home they were given in Balfour Declaration in 1917. The world needs to back the Palestinians right to independence.…

This only means one thing. Day off

I got an email about this, but closed my Dropbox account years ago. Must still be in their system…

AI 2

I can ask AI how I can use 2 day old watermelon radishes. It can give me great recipes. If I spend enough time I may be able to nail down something that I can use. What I need is context. Of the last 20 times I’ve used them, what sold well and with what main dish using ingredients in my kitchen, keeping in mind our restaurant is Pacific Rim cuisine. Also, Taking into account the Executive Chef’s particular ideas on style. I can do that in mere seconds. I’m confident AI will solve massive issues in medical industry relational databases and may be able to create algorithms without emotion and unconscious bias. That all remains to be seen. BS in BS out

AI pt.1

Where AI trips is nuance and context. When I’m talking to someone, it’s not just facts. It’s past conversations we’ve had, it’s the context of the current conversation, it’s info we may have exchanged. It’s not just a naked question that needs answering. When my wife and I talk politics, it’s the continuation of hundreds of smaller discussions over decades and things we’ve both seen separately coming up in the conversation. It’s not a question and answer period. This is true for the dozens of people I interact with.

The one request of NBC. Stream the USA network.…

We have a number of WiFi enabled made in China devices in our home. I don’t use TilTok, but should we be more worried about all of these other devices?

He hates the cans…

My Wife saw an Audiologist yesterday and was told to stop using AirPods. Her slight hearing loss is more attributed to that than her age. The Dr said a whole generation is going have hearing issues with the widespread use of ear pods. The sound is too close to the inner ear. Often too loud too

The line

Just finished the Fallout series. Not a gamer, never played the game, throughly enjoyed the show

Found this promo 45rpm record in a box of 50 and 60s 45s in my Step-Mom’s closet. She grew up in Palo Alto. A treasure trove.