One way to get the old Sonos app is to use an old iPod


Sonos Help Desk: “your expected wait time is 70 minutes” WTF

Did some 1 1/4 arm plumbing to day. My injured shoulder allows minimal assistance for the task. Was able to change 1 bathroom vanity drain pipe and 1 fitting under the kitchen sink. It just took longer than normal.

RIP. One of the first jazz CDs I purchased…

Simpler time

Nice day for a walk by the ocean. Since I’m out on Workers Comp (shoulder) and not working. I need to get out and walk as much as I can.

Blade Runner 2049 is such an epic film. Visuals. Soundtrack

Happy Mother’s Day to my wife. TBH. We were going to get it anyway. Just waiting for the model and color that she wanted to come in, the timing just worked out.

The aforementioned beach with lonely BBQ

No aurora in Hawaii last night, but there was this down by the beach

The thing that sucks about Worker’s comp claims is the glacially slow process, as they spend an exorbitant amount of time looking for a reason to deny the claim. Likely due to the amount of WC fraud they encounter. It sucks for honest claims.

I saw the Talking Heads at the Long Beach arena in 1983. What a show.
It’s was among the many shows my ex and I went to while living in Redondo Beach, until my daughter was born in ‘85, which prompted us to move back home to Hawaii

Stop making sense, making sense

Watching “Stop Making Sense” because that’s how I feel. The Talking Heads sure were good.

Starting to come to grips with my forced sabbatical (torn rotator cuff). Will likely be 8-10 weeks if surgery required. Need a project. Likely another run at data consolidation and cleaning up the tech in our little condo. Scanning photos will be another one


Playing with Pi, conversational AI app. It’s kind of fun. It expands on a conversation. Liking it so far.

Work injury, feels like torn rotator cuff (it was repaired in 2010), off for min. of 30 days (likely much longer if surgery is needed). I’ve been working for 48 years, this is my first time off for an injury. Not saying I’ve never been hurt at work, but it is the first time that I can’t work.

The rich buy their way out of legal trouble, criminal and otherwise. It’s always been that way. Only with Trump, it’s on full display. We’re seeing him escape accountability in a exceeding methodical way that only money and influence can buy.