Back in the day I could find a live MLB baseball game on any day on either WGN or TNT or ESPN or somewhere else. Now it’s nearly impossible. All about subscriptions and money. Even then, without a cable contract, it’s virtually impossible.

Lots of AI comments and opinions. I posted mine yesterday. Jury is still out on trust for the entire technology. I’m playing with a couple of AI apps. Pi and Claude to be specific. I trust them about as much as Google, bit they seem to have better result.

The only thing they missed is to watch out for AHole people.

Shoulder MRI delayed 2 weeks due to MRI machine being down. The challenges of living on a rock in the middle of the ocean. I’m anxious (worried and eager) to get a diagnosis on my right shoulder that’s keeping me out of work.

Just opened up my 12” MacBook. It’s been in a drawer for months. To my surprise, it started up and works. I miss this machine. I used it daily for a couple of years, but its battery is shot.

I don’t believe what the AI companies are saying. We’ve been through (and still going through) the social media company promises of doing no evil.

I don’t believe the AI companies can self police. The social media companies never did.

Stopped at Mauna Kea park on our way over the island on saddle road from Hilo back to Kona. I love the sound of the wind blowing through the ironwood trees. That’s Mauna Loa in the distance.

Great article about the resort where I work (or rather where I’ll go back to after my shoulder is fixed)…

Gonna be a Sunday party in the country…

still have vinyl @xxxx

This album came out in my sophomore year at Kalani High School. Still sounds great. The lead singer Mackey Feary went to our school…

Still works and sounds good too.

The scene of the crime. 18 years ago we got married ❤️on that grassy knoll (Hilton Waikoloa Resort). There’s a chapel to the right, we go married outside.

I’m a former conservative, now more of a centrist. Been watching interviews with old conservatives. They bring back some great points, but are generally bothered by the shift to focusing on the greater good at the expense of individual gain. I believe there’s a balance. This could be a long convo

Pretty boring weather.

In Kona, we’re in the lee of mount Hualalai, which keeps our weather in a specific zone 90% of the time

With the MLB archaic blackout policy, this is the only way I get to watch the Dodgers.

Older tech.

Echo 3 was entertaining but 10 episodes was too many. I skipped ahead and don’t feel like I missed anything

Feel like I need to go back to school and get a degree in Medicare. It’s a fckn quagmire.