I’ve been off dealing with shoulder surgery all summer. Unintended benefit, I’ve been able to enjoy the COPA & EURO football tournaments, Tour De France, Paris Olympics, lots of Baseball. The European football season starts in a week with EFL matches now on Paramount+. Good summer to be out.
Big congratulations to every athlete from every country who, win or lose, showed up!!!!
Got off the reservation and took our Grandsons to the Mauna Lani resort. I also got in a 2.5 mi walk along the shore. My longest effort since surgery. Whew.
Is it strange to immediately think that the Trump organization hacked themselves to get back in the news cycle?
During the 1984 games, all delivery trucks ran at night. Most companies alter their work hours to eliminate rush bours.
[LA’s mayor says 2028 will be ‘no-car Games’ despite city’s notorious traffic ](www.theguardian.com/sport/art…
Many of the Chinese athlete have been celebrating and jumping around and hugging other athletes. In the past they seemed so stoic and stiff.
Maybe it’s the new generation.
Any further debate would be simply wasting our breath. And if there’s one thing I can’t abide, it’s waste.- Varga in Fargo
Bought Airpod Pro v2. Was waiting for v3 to come out, but looking more like next year. Didn’t realize how long in the tooth my Pro V1 were getting untill I used the new ones.
Putin has to be beside himself. His investment is paying off in spades. > The Truth About Trump’s Press Conference
The USA v ITALY Men’s Olympic volleyball match was a cracker. That should’ve been the Gold Medal match.
With the Olympics winding down I was recalling the 1984 LA Olympics. Lived in Redondo Beach. Preorded tix in late ‘83. We got what we ordered for rowing, volleyball and track and field. We were very lucky to get closing ceremony tix in the lottery. www.csmonitor.com/1983/0622…
It’s was a very entertaining Olympic sailing regatta. Showing the World Feed meant longer waits between races and for wind, but also no commercials and more history and background on the sailors. Typical Sailing races on TV are cut for time.
Out for my walk. Came across yellow, white, pink and variegated (pink and white) plumeria trees. We had all 4 of these in our yard when I was a kid. I remember we would get out the lei needles and make fresh flowers lei as a family whenever we had family come to town or for a birthday or other special occasion.
Not sure what the growers are doing different, but we’ve have great white peaches at Costco for 6 weeks now in Hawaii. Normally only one or two shipments a season. Love fresh white peaches with my oatmeal in the morning or with ice cream.
Looks like it’s Spain’s Gold. France are full of holes in the back. Big hill to climb. Spain 3-1 France in 1st half