Should have an update coming.

Road closed 1/4 mile ahead

In Hawaii we’ve had women for County Councils, Mayors, Governor as well as many many other top government posts. A woman has turned around the Honolulu rail project, a local girl at that (Lori Kahekina). A woman President is the next logical step.

There’s a cat 4 Hurricane in the Pacific that apparently is just going fizzle away to a cluster of rain by the time it’s in our neighborhood

Next week we’re going to Santa Rosa for a short trip to see family. We have 1 3/4 days to play. My wife really wants to go to Sausalito, I’m leaning for a short trip Muir Wood after.

We have reservations at the St. Francis winery. Then maybe Sebastopol or up to Healdsburg. Any suggestions?

Got $5 Starbucks cards for the flight attendants on our trip to America (Sonoma) next week

Is there an algorithm to block all political ads that are shown to me once my ballot is sent in?

I hope Hawaii island does something about this. It’s danger for everyone. I see them regularly blow stop signs and I have to dodge them on my regular walks on Alii Drive.

Alarming rate of e-bike crashes prompts city leaders to brainstorm new rules…

Ironman week. Here a load bussing downtown for the parade. Lots of cyclists zooming by.

Lots surfers out at Banyans for the meager choice of waves.

Still holding out for the new Mac Mini. If it’s truly that small, it can go anywhere.

Did update and tried the hearing test. Had change the tip. Sound was leaking. Took about 10 min. I little no loss. My wife might disagree.

Not bad for a 65 that went to a lot concerts. I won’t need to assist to hearing. Nice feature though.

We had about 6 month of fresh white peaches at Kona Costco. That season is officially over. Back to fresh Apples with my breakfast. Winter cold storage fruit.

4 more wins. #Dodgers.


Any further debate would be simply wasting our breath. And if there’s one thing I can’t abide, it’s waste.- Varga

It’s not an excuse and we’re catching up. But in my early career (1st 20 years) in the restaurant business, there was no such thing as a retirement plan. Benefits weren’t a thing. Being young and poor, free food was a benefit. My wife has been in healthcare. She says retirement was always offered.

My Dad always said this is a right and a responsibility. He used to say of you enjoy the freedoms, then exorcise your right. When we were kids, he would take us in the voting booth to see the process. Never been an option in my mind.

Took my car into the dealer for service. Stopped for a cup of coffee Joe before walking home.

Pele is getting restless again