This is rough. Kona is mostly in the 80s

Beautiful drive this morning heading west down Bohemian Highway then along the Russian River to the sea. Didn’t get pix through the redwood forest or down the coast, I was busy driving and not many places to stop.

Had a blast at a Halloween event in Sonoma with step son and his family. My wife and Granddaughter (Raggedy Ann)

Don’t see trees changing colors in Hawaii

Tri-Tip Trolley. Sonoma Halloween

We went down to see where the Russian Rover meets the sea. There was a Halloween paddle out at Jenner. Amazing views. The air was crisp and clear.

We made it Sausalito. My wife is happy. Made good on a screw up by her ex 25 years ago @JohnPhilpin

Got out of Santa Rosa early. 48 degrees (was 84 when we left Kona). Went through Sebastapol then stopped at Howard’s cafe in Occidental. Foggy morning.

My wife is from North Dakota. I assumed she would know what to pack for weather in the 40s and 50s. She did not. Must have forgot. I’m from Hawaii and was totally prepared. That Irish wool sweater I bought is perfect

N California showed is other side. Traffic coming North from Oakland Airport was brutal. It was gridlock through Berkeley

How apropos. I watched the Dodgers win the World Series sitting in an In-N-Out burger in Santa Rosa California

Many triathletes at the airport this morning. Lots of bikes at baggage check

Up an hour + early. Packing for N California is more stuff than packing for O’ahu. Long pants, not shorts. More layers. This is the first trip in a year that’s not for some kind of surgery.

Now come all of the complaints about what the new Mac Mini ISN’T.

If you don’t like it, don’t buy it. My first “home” Mac was a Mac Mini in 2006 and we’ve had at least one in our house ever since

Hope the Dodgers close it out today. We land just after game time tomorrow, so if they play tomorrow, I’ll need to find it on the radio on the drive to Santa Rosa

Army men in the concrete

The new Mac Mini looks hot. Will likey wait until after the new year. This setup won’t work anymore…

One to go

The Dodger cups are out this morning

A little late drama, but Dodgers up 3-nil. Bullpen game tomorrow