Wish we had a Peet’s coffee in Kona

Seems more plausible.

Keep hearing people nationwide upset about housing, blaming Biden. I think they have misdirected anger.

The Feds messed up the housing market with Sallie Mae, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. These programs were in the middle of the 2007 crisis.

Housing is a local issue. Zoning and building codes.

Our new Mayor, Kimo Almeida, came out of social Services. Sounds a lot like former mayor (and the late) Billy Kenoi. Very similar talking points. The outgoing Mayor is more of an administrator.

Looking through current numbers, this one surprised me, white Women. Down 1% from Biden. If you look at white Women no college degree it’s worse.

I guess the core of those big states aren’t ready for a women in charge. It’s happened twice now. I’m a nerd and was a PoliSci minor in Uni. The voter breakdown will show a lot

Russian will be so happy.

Not feeling good. Future looking like Lots of people getting deported. Lots of small businesses closing. Lots of people in government getting fired. If you think prices are high now, just wait. The department of education and Social Security on the block. This is what all of those red states wanted.

I can’t

My warm set up in California.

Warm. Very warm

I remember back when we had 3 or 4 TV stations and every one of them was election coverage. The only way to get away was to go to bed and wait for the Honolulu Advertiser in the morning.

Anybody get the new Mac mini? how is it?

Boy did we dodge it. It was over 100 degrees the week before we were in Sonoma. This week there will be high winds, red flags and possibly power shut offs.

Well The Diplomat ended like that. WTF. Now we need to wait a year, if season 3 comes at all

I voted as soon as we got our ballots a couple of weeks ago. The handful of people I know who are planning on voting for Trump will not likely be swayed.

I’ve been avoiding political news since I voted and will avoid it until later today. We’ll know the broad strokes about dinner time in Hawaii.

Schools are closed on Election Day because polling places were alway at schools. With Hawaii being a vote by mail state, not a single school is being used in Hawaii island. Polling places are the county buildings with drop boxes at every police station.

I pretty much got it right with what I packed for the weather on our trip. I haven’t gone to a cooler climate in over 15 years, so there were some assumptions, but it worked out. I was mostly comfortable.

Washing our cool weather clothes from the trip. Sweaters, jeans, etc, It is so humid (extra humid from a storm) everything feels damp

May your Election day not have any hanging chads