My future Daughter in-law floated the idea of starting an Island food plate food truck in Sonoma / Petaluma, if/when we move there. Sounds intriguing. Hawaiian Beef Stew plate, Kiawe Grilled Chicken, Korean chicken. A solid mac salad and proper sticky rice. Spam and teriyaki chicken musubi. It wouldn’t be hard.
It’s alway humorous when people don’t realize their car isn’t soundproof when they are having an argument over the phone on the car speakers. So glad you are sharing that.
I guess we’ll find out soon enough if these counties with high immigrant populations who voted red were right
These California counties flipped from blue to Trump this year
Been a crappy news week, but we had a lot great pix from our trip, then there’s this. MAGA can’t take these away.
Before we went on our trip I was told a number of times that I’ll get to have some real Mexican food. We went to a couple of places that people said were amazing. Other than ambience not sure they were better than my favorite small place in Kona, owned by a Mexican family.
We did our bi-annual review of our car and condo insurance policies. Changing both this year. The insurance market is volatile, but we have a good history of no claims. Thought Liberty Mutual would like to keep us, but they never tried.
I didn’t do any shopping while in California (my wife did a lot). But I did get this cool shirt at the Charles Shultz museum.

We basically have 2 months to consolidate and get our affairs in order. Then we just sit and wait to see what they actually plan to due (or cancel), how they plan to implement it and how it affects us and our friends and family. Kind of in reactive mode
Slept on it. We consolidated our finances during the pandemic. We are more or less 5 years from at least partial retirement. If Social Security is messed with it will affect us. Our focus is to provided leadership for our children and grandchildren.…
My 2 Step sons voted for Trump. My Wife told them both, we’ll talk about this in 4 years and see if they made your life better and what you got out of it.
Interesting. Hawaii island results. 36% voted Trump. In 1996 27% voted for Bob Dole. Also looking down the ticket, 30% was pretty average for all Republican candidates on Hawaii island. Not all races had an R candidate. Feels about right. A lot of sovereignty leaning Hawaiians are pro Trump.

I’m a white male, with subtext. My family is Italian and Irish immigrants. We were the garbage of the pervious century. I grew up in Hawaii, where I was a minority growing up in a diverse community. I’ve lived much closer to the bottom than the top.
If you’re a recent immigrant, you have about 2 months to insure your paperwork is in order. Since their actions are totally unpredictable, I’m glad we renewed our passports a couple of years ago.
As this sinks in, I’m less worried about Trump (losing his mind, literally) than I am about Vance and JFKjr. They are just idiots who have no concept of consequences (ooops, did I do that?) also the Religious right, they are beholden only to a ghost, also no concern for consequences.