Double standard. When we went on our recent trip to N Cal., my wife’s boss insisted she be available and had to take her work phone. Her boss is now on a family trip to Disneyland and the 49ers game and has been incommunicado for the duration. Boomer (my wife) vs GenX
My wife said to just watch. When Musk starts getting more attention than Trump. Trump will snap, he has to be top fiddle
Officially created a Sonoma/Petaluma bookmarks folder. My wife has been going through neighborhoods on Google maps. It’s likey still 2+ years away. It’s more of an uproot than a move. We stilll have her oldest and 2 grandsons in Kona, whose fate is to be determined (will they want to also move?)
I remember when politics was more of a fringe subject. Everyone pretty much played fair and politicians more or less behaved. Those that didn’t were the outliers, not the mainstream.
I’ve always loved this album. Na Kai ‘Ewalu - the ocean that separates us also ties us together. I had the cassette when it came out and wore it out in my little Isuzu truck circling Hawaii island

I had read that the critics slammed this album said Charlie Parker had sold out. The Public loved it. Brought a whole new audience into jazz.

Great news from the WC insurance adjuster. They’re fine with me going back to work 2 non-successive days for the first week, then see how my shoulder reacts. 2nd week of December
Windy everywhere else on Hawaii Island. But a little too much SES in the direction it’s coming from to clear Hualalai. It did blow out all of the clouds, so it’s hot


Zillow’s algorithm is non existent. It keeps showing me $1.2+ million dollar homes. I have never tapped on a home that high and my search is under $400k. It also shows me homes in places I’ve never looked.
Think I’m going logout and create a new login.