Happy New Year from Hawaii island.

Great parking

A big block of Ahi calls for the big knife

Yoshihiro Inox Stain-resistant Aus-10 Steel Ice Hardened Santoku

I posted about my tools because I see photographers and others posting about their tools. I am just as geeky about knives as other are about their apps or lenses.

Most of my knives are Yoshihiro Japanese blades. The blade is made in Japan, the knives are assembled in California. I like AUS-10 steel for its hardness. Harder to sharpener, but hold the sharpeners longer. I’m about to pull the trigger on a Yoshihiro French style knife. Hubba Hubba

They’re increasing DUi check points. How about check point for aggressive locals in jack up Tacoma trucks.

New report shows Hawaii Island traffic fatalities are up over 100% from last year

I’m very comfortable with a knife in my hand cutting. I have 5 daily use knives. A long knife for large fish fillets, a vegetable knife, a boning knife, a small general purpose knife (bigger than a paring) a cleaver & my workhorse, a Forschner French knife. Most of my blades are Japanese blades

The free AppleTV weekend reminds me of the old free HBO and Showtime weekend in cables earlier years. Used to take an extra day off and binge on movies.

Roast pig before and after.

Got this today

The band at the luau is playing the old Hawaiian standard. I think I know every single song by heart.

Sometimes I miss driving during the pandemic. Empty roads, sun goes down alone. Lyric courtesy of Don Henley. Boys of Summer.


I did more steps in 2024 than 2023 and I was off work for 7 months this year. Hmm.

Going in very early today. Need to take a couple of hours off in the middle of the day to take my wife to a “driver needed” Doctor appointment. Then have to get back to set up a luau for 200+

I’m so happy we have a coffee machine in our employee cafeteria. Punch in the drink I want and presto. ☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️

That’s us. We’re comfortable financially, but retirement is on the horizon amid an abundance of uncertainty. We’re pulling in the reins.

Post-Christmas sales show shoppers are scared to spend as inflation bites - The Times of London

Someone said it early on, Pele was jealous of Kamaloa getting all of the attention with the big surf and all.

It’s still pumping out lava.


This Arizona v LA NFL game is pathetic. These are professionals?