The article is behind a paywall, but I managed at TGI Friday in the 80s. It was a leading player in Hospitality. I went to one in Corona CA in 2022. They’ve really lost their way. Couldn’t tell what they were.…

My wife caught these of the moon and breaking dawn on her morning walk

We’re going to a criminal President and it seems to be fine by half the country. I’m sick

Another boring Hawaiian Sunset. Ho hum.

Me and my dogs at our house in Waimea 2005. Pre Mortgage crash

Halema’uma’u in 2019.

Came across this classic. I remember seeing Palani Vaughn in concert at the Kulilima Resort on the North Shore. Late 70s. We spent the weekend. Also remember we happened upon a renaissance fair at Mokule’a that same weekend…

The last of the pancetta that I found in Sonoma last October. Crisping it up to use in a recipe.

I made life choices early on they insured that I won’t be rich. There were also circumstances that contributed. My Dad had an illness plus a little malfeasance by others consumed his estate. He had planned trickle down. We will be be comfortable enough and are content.

Don’t use TikTok, never did. I see TikTok videos linked and embedded on other platforms, but don’t really care if it stays or goes away. I realize there are people who make a living there, just like they did on Twitter. It’s all a game for keeping people in their site.

Old car thinks it’s an iPod.

Kind of thinking Mike Tomlin’s days are now numbered. Playoff wins matter.

Could help but think about this documentary. Special kind of people.

Was taking to my shoulder surgeon yesterday. Told him, I’m not alone, but I come from an era that until your arm is dangling from you shoulder, you keep pitching. Pain is just another feeling. Go back out for another inning. We didn’t have inning limits or pitch count.

SS Calvin Coolidge En Route Manila, Monday, December 16, 1940

The Chargers haven’t had an answer to this defense all day.

I was there, Diamond Head Crater. Chuck Jackson and I were to young teengers and had our eyes opened up to the world. Saw a lot we’d never seen before.

Found this in a drive pulled out of an old MacBook

That works

Cahrger’s Defense - so far